Scheduled and unscheduled downtime you should all know about.

Started by Zhs2, May 26, 2010, 01:56:01 PM

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Dear entity-that-may-or-may-not-be, it's been a while since the last announcement post. Remember the downtime on Sunday? Fazewire sent our esteemed letter about why, quoted here as follows:
QuoteHello James Kennon,

You probably noticed the unplanned downtime we had yesterday, May 23, 2010. At 1AM PST, our monitoring system alerted us of a problem with our main network. We alerted our network provider, who sent technicians to the site to begin troubleshooting. We were able to confirm fairly quickly that it was not a power issue, but rather a larger network outage. Until about 9AM, our network provider was on site, checking every wire, and every setting on the routers/switches. This problem was not a normal one, and not an easy one to find. At about 9:30AM, it was determined that there was a cut in the fiber optic lines that connect the data center to the main router. The provider with the cut fiber was immediately notified, and a technician dispatched. That tech arrived on scene at about 11AM, and the fiber repair was done by 1PM. Network engineers spent the next 3 hours resetting and checking router settings, and verifying each machine's integrity. From 2PM to 5:42PM we had spotty network coverage. It was up in areas and down in others as we brought all carriers back online. The outage officially ended at 5:42PM PST.
In reflection, this length of downtime was completely inexcusable for a premium provider like FazeWire. We hold to our strong morals of premium service and top notch communication. We did keep our Twitter feed updated with new information as it was made available to us, and will do so in all outages. Please do follow us if you use twitter, otherwise, just keep the URL handy.
In reflection of this event, which also took our main site offline, we have moved our main website, support, billing, and email, off our network, so it will remain available in the event of another outage like this.
As you recall, we have a scheduled downtime this weekend to migrate our equipment to a new facility, and this outage is a prime example why. Our current upstream provider has been great with us, and has grown with us for years. However, within the last 6-9 months, things have started to degrade with them, and we are having network downtime more frequently than we at FazeWire find acceptable. This move to a new facility is designed to bring us increased capacity and improved stability moving forward.
We really appreciate your patience with us in this situation, and are committed to the excellence you expect. We can't thank you enough for your understanding and continued business with us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email us any time by simply replying to this email.

Best regards,
FazeWire Web Services, LLC
Prepare to bring your best sadfaces to IRC when the site and forums are inaccessible at the end of this week due to planned downtime and such. Keep on keepin' on, Metconst.

Your friendly forum admin,


* squishy_ichigo is the first to complain

RotW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo.........

* squishy_ichigo stars blankly for a few moments then walks away



Just have RotW on the same schedule it's on now, shouldnt be a problem. In about two weeks time we can put it back on the normal one.

Atleast we know what's going on this time and can prepare for HELL ON EARTH



What the hey, Fay(zewire)? I thought we were supposed to get some DOWNTIME here! :FURY:

Silver Skree

Hey, I'm not complaining if there's no downtime.

Although, on the other hand, this means that the downtime they had planned may have just become unscheduled, so we may get hit with downtime right out of the blue.

Pah, big surprise there...  :<_<:



What was that? Error 500 message displayed for the last day when I tried to open site or forum



We are sorry about the 500 error today, that was due to a cPanel bug that our support team could not figure out. We had to escalate to the cPanel developer team to troubleshoot and resolve. The complexity was the cause of the long delay.

We apologize, let us know if you have any questions.

Kyle Davies
Lasted about 24 hours, but we're back up now!