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New rules. Have fun.

Started by Zhs2, June 29, 2010, 03:27:12 PM

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With an influx of morons comes an influx of new rules. Most notably that people should pay attention to is Hacks Board Specific Misdemeanor #14:

Quote from: Zhs214. No begging - Seriously, guys. Stop begging for hacks/mods/demos/betas/screenshots/videos/GFX/ASM/other content. The creators will release content on their own time, and begging for content only serves to annoy and hinder progress even further. Don't do it.

I would also like to point out that people could stand to use a bit more common sense when it comes to behaving on the forum, such as making absolutely sure that someone has not already done what you did first. You know who you are.

Peace out, Metconst. Grow some brains, too.


No, I actually don't think they know who they are.


And if they can't figure it out, then they're banned.


Thank you Zeke, glad to have a new rule to enforce! >:D


I think this is a good idea, but...

Can I please, please add some of my own? :oh:


Feel free to PM them to me. I'm all ears.


I was kiddin', and I was beggin'. :heheh:


About time to make a fix for all those beggars.  Don't need another M2K2 here.


lol, stop begging for stuff - that's actualy, what i belive is correct.

it would be annoying, if all guys are begging


I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Gunnar. You and DarkSamus tried to kill my topic with "Can I be beta tester plz I'm good at TASing!!!!!1!1!!!1111one"


"Can't we all just get along?" :^_^:



Oh, you big meanie, you!  I'm tellin' on you! :sad:


Shadox: I don''t TAS or do videos, I play the game and have fun with it. Also I don't go  :rfk:  yay kitten!111!!!!111!!!!!11!!!1!11one

No, thats not me. Anyhow, I''m off to my topic


* squishy_ichigo smacks gunnargumpert for bumping a topic
Don't bump topics if you don't have anything worth saying....
* squishy_ichigo smacks Shadox for being "a big meanie"
Get along damn it!
* squishy_ichigo smacks Quietus for tattling
What have we learned?
* squishy_ichigo smacks DarkSamus for not learning lessons

Alrighty!  This topic no longer has a purpose, and is justly a great opportunity for me to drop another one of THOSE!



Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 19, 2010, 11:48:06 AM
* squishy_ichigo smacks gunnargumpert for bumping a topic
Don't bump topics if you don't have anything worth saying....

do you mean this topic ore shadox's?

Quote from: Shadox on July 19, 2010, 10:41:25 AM
I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Gunnar.

hey, the last post i made in your topic was something like this:

"He's right, let's all stop begging for stuf"
and now you want to say, i didn't stop it, untill i was warned? i've been warned, AFTER i stopped bagging.

Now it's my turn:
*Gunnargumpert smacks Shadox for telling me, I'm an idiot
Now stop it!

better lock this topic, bevore this is getting a discusionthreat!


Oh please.  I thought this thread died quite a while ago.