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Super Metroid SNES Custom Box Art

Started by Riffman81, July 13, 2010, 07:40:24 PM

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Thanks guys.
Riffman, looking forward to your Phazon design. That's on my list to do too, after Project Base.

super nintendo hacker

sopa is blocking megaupload please update the link to MEDIAFIRE or some ACTUALLY good site that doesent make you wait and isnt down


1. Lol, SOPA.

2. What you could do instead of what you just did is ask politely and wait for a response. Calm down and think out your posts before you make them.


The "SUPER" for the Super ZeroMission boxart came from Super Street Fighter II's logo, awww yeah.

I'm gonna wanna see boxart like this for Project Base someday, you know that right.

Black Soldier

Quote from: super nintendo hacker on January 29, 2012, 05:41:15 PM
sopa is blocking megaupload please update the link to MEDIAFIRE or some ACTUALLY good site that doesent make you wait and isnt down
Actually, the FBI shut down Megaupload. SOPA had nothing to do with it (it is shelved at the moment).


Actually the "Super" came from Super Star Wars. I'm working on Project Base at the moment. No specific date on when it will be done, but definitely sooner rather than later.


Quote from: super nintendo hacker on January 29, 2012, 05:41:15 PM
sopa is blocking megaupload please update the link to MEDIAFIRE or some ACTUALLY good site that doesent make you wait and isnt down

:whoa: SOPA... anyways, link is now fixed!! Megaupload being seized by the FBI just goes to show SOPA was nothing more then a smoke screen for power that our government already has.

@advancedpillow, I added your Eris cover in the .zip file as well. With credit of course. Hope to get some time to work on my covers as well... there's just  not enough hours in the day. :cry:


@Riffman81 hey man your links broken again i would really like to get these covers off of you they look amazing if you have a chance can you update your link for me thanks man


@Dump - I sent you a PM about the cover art. I've been Super busy due to the holidays. I'll dig up those covers and re-upload as soon as I get a chance, I know their on a HDD somewhere around here :razz:

Also, advancedpillow, has made some kick ass covers as well. Might want to see about getting those as well.

EDIT: Link updated in first post.


Hey everybody i shared all of Riffman81 and advancedpillow's covers with the gbatemps community that was in op, everybody ive shared your guys work loves them.  I made a few request over there to ToddofWar420 to make a few horizontal covers from the ones with vertical spines in the op download link he also made a super metroid zero mission cover all credit goes to him and those who created the original images to design the covers

Super Metroid Zero Mission


Super Metroid - Ice Metal


Super Metroid - Stardust


Super Metroid Redesign


Download to all of these covers

@Riffman81 can i get that Super Metroid - Eris cover you got a preview of from the op it was not in the download pack also just a heads up the links broke again


Now, if we can just get Nintendo to look at Grime's 'Legitimate Hack Proposition', along with these images, we may be onto a winner!!  :grin:

Those pics look daaayuuum good.


@Dump, I'll see if I can locate that cover... thought for sure it was in there. Links are broken again?!? Rapidshare is starting to piss me off! I'll see about fixing the link. I'll PM you if/when I find that cover.

Nice work on the horizontal versions as well. I never got around to doing those.


@Riffman81 Yeah ToddofWar420 has made some really great covers over the past year or so thats why i directed them his way if i was to have tried to make those it prob would have been laughable

when you get a chance to look around for that eris cover can you see if you got these as well?
Quote from: Riffman81 on July 23, 2010, 06:55:50 PM
Sorry for the double post. Here is an alternate cover for the original Super Metroid for you guys to checkout.




I have to admit I am a little jealous of that.


Quote from: MetroidMst on January 09, 2014, 02:18:42 PM
I have to admit I am a little jealous of that.
A little? I am made of jelly! D:


Nice work.  This is the sort of thing that people wouldn't mind paying the bucks for.  It puts others to shame when they're just churning out a rom on a cart in a case.


My pleasure, dman! The least most i could do to thank you for making one of my favorite games of all time.  :^_^:


I just saw this today and my god I am so jealous.

So if there were seven copies made, where did the other 6 go?  Friends of yours advancedpillow?


Goddamn, that deluxe edition looks so goddamn sweet man. As if Dman stuff isn't enough of an experience on its own, this happened. Fuck yeah.


Thanks guys. I worked closely with Dman throughout all of 2013 on it. This started as me basically making him a thank you gift for creating Eris. I've said it many times before, but what's one more time!... Eris is one of my fave games of all time. I wanted to do something for the creator. It took forever (sorry Dman!), and was expensive as hell for me to make, but it was worth it in the end, as I knew it would be. I didn't expect to make so many copies. I originally intended to make 2 or 3. I'd probably do something like this again at some point if I was inspired, because it's a satisfying feeling to have it all done, being able to hold it, you know?, and shared with some people. I'll try to find some time to take a few more pics of my copy. As far as who has the 7 copies, none of my friends have a copy -- one friend in particular keeps giving me shite about that fact. Haha. Oops. Oh well. I have two, one of which I may end up indefinitely "loaning" to my good buddy. Dman has a couple. A nice guy who manufactured the boxes has a copy. Not sure where the others have ended up. I don't plan on selling mine though. I'm too attached to them.


now i feel like i have been scammed.
Watch out, the copies from ebay aren't half as nice


Hehe, it doesn't quite give the same first impression, does it?

Quote from: advancedpillow on January 21, 2014, 04:30:28 PMI don't plan on selling mine though. I'm too attached to them.
"If you build it, they will come." :heheh:


Quote from: Daltone on January 21, 2014, 05:57:37 PM
now i feel like i have been scammed.
Watch out, the copies from ebay aren't half as nice

Oh, that? That's actually the Super Deluxe Ultra Special Wow Sexual Edition of Eris. VERY rare!


Oh right, that's the version that has some nude polaroids of me in a kraft dinner box. A real collectors item.