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Metroid darkness test demo

Started by stat!k, June 24, 2010, 07:52:43 AM

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hey everyone at metorid construction, I'm in need of beta testers for my hack I have been working on recently
well, any help really would be appreciated, below is a  .rar file of the .ips patch and a .txt
doc with all the stuff you need to know in it (plus pictures). i would like to add some screen shots to this post but im not quite sure how, but im willing to learn if you point me in the right direction. even if you dont wanna help out you can still just have a look
at the mod if ya want, i really dont mind  :grin: -stat!k

[spoiler] [/spoiler]


For screenshots, there're generally two options:

1, Upload them to somethere like imageshack / photobucket, and then go to their location, copy the address at the top.  Next, click 'modify' on your above post, and type:


2, Attach the pictures to your post, and then right-click it, and select 'copy location', and do the same as above with the img tags.



thanks for the help! ill get onto it right away  :grin:
EDIT. i am currently adding proper scenery to the first and second rooms, more to come tomorrow


Here is the screenshots......

Uploaded with

Thats not bad, but you need a bit more variety.
i like the screenshot 3

and i think you need edit the graphics, if ydk how, download the program TLP, and... aah, anyone here explain?


Quote from: Fenix on June 24, 2010, 09:59:17 AMand i think you need edit the graphics, if ydk how, download the program TLP, and... aah, anyone here explain?

Quick 'n' dirty version:

Select your graphic set within SMILE.
Tools > Graphics Editor
GFX > SCENERY > Export
Palette > Export
Open TLP, followed by the .gfx file you just exported
View > Format > SNES
Palette > Load... and select the .tpl file you just exported
Edit tiles
In SMILE: Tools > Graphics Editor
GFX > SCENERY > Import
Select a tile in the bottom left-hand corner that you wish to replace
Drag tiles from the tile table on the right to the 'Tile Table Editor', flipping as needed
Save 16x16 tile to ROM
Use new tiles

That should do for now...


I like screenshot 3 too, it has alot of potential. On screenshot 1 though, it looks odd having the grass underwater like that. Even if it has the tide fx1 on, it'll still look odd.


Look alright currently. I'd say learn to work with your tilesets a little more to produce better results. ;)

And Qieutus, you're so good with those quick lists. :P




Holy bit**!

Beta Testers?

Well, if Cpadolf and Saturn isn't in this forum, i'm the best TASer. I'll ambedd a video of the testrun!

You can count on me guy! Thanks for that chance.


Quote from: GF_Kennon on June 24, 2010, 02:03:21 PM
Quote from: Quietus on June 24, 2010, 08:06:40 AM
2, Attach the pictures to your post, and then right-click it, and select 'copy location', and do the same as above with the img tags.
* GF_Kennon resists stabbing Quietus
If this is something you'd prefer us not to do, that's cool.  You's the power roun' these 'ere parts.  Just say the word. :oh:


I don't mind. He does. <____<

I fixed the images in the first post without realizing Fenix reposted them. Protip for next time? Copy the "Direct Link" from Imageshack. :heheh:


Quote from: gunnargumpert on June 24, 2010, 02:23:07 PM
isn't in this forum, i'm the best TASer. I'll ambedd a video of the testrun!

idk... zozo says he's pretty good too....


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on June 24, 2010, 03:31:35 PM
Quote from: gunnargumpert on June 24, 2010, 02:23:07 PM
isn't in this forum, i'm the best TASer. I'll ambedd a video of the testrun!

idk... zozo says he's pretty good too....

Who's zozo again?


WOW! thanks for the help guys! I really appreciate it, ill take everything you said into consideration
oh and gunnargumpert, was that  you saying youd like to test run it? i didnt quite understand
thanks again everyone  :grin: ill be back online at about 4:00 Australian time

EDIT. hey person701 what did you mean by work with tilesets? like add more variety? slopes etc. or use a new one? thanks  :wink:


What I meant was take some time to learn and get familiar with the tilesets. Once you have, you'll notice how certain tiles can be used for detail . For example, using the Crateria tileset, it's obvious that grass is a good detail but when you get to learn it, the faded "in wall" tiles are great for making it look like the insides of walls fade away.


ok i get it, ill try apply that to my work from now on  :grin:


Quote from: stat!k on June 25, 2010, 04:24:44 AM
ok i get it, ill try apply that to my work from now on  :grin:
Ah, if even one in ten hackers new to the forum would say something like this, MetConst, and the hacking world, would be a better place.  Thank you, stat!k. :^_^:


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on June 24, 2010, 03:31:35 PM
Quote from: gunnargumpert on June 24, 2010, 02:23:07 PM
isn't in this forum, i'm the best TASer. I'll ambedd a video of the testrun!

idk... zozo says he's pretty good too....

does he TAS? but i'm the best german TASer of super metroid. so way, nobody is better in my country.


gunnar: there's no way to tell who's the best or not without applying the obvious point of who holds the current records.  Country is irrelevant.  Anyway, why are we even discussing TAS's?  stat!k asked for people to play his hack, and provide feedback, particularly bugs / glitches / permastucks.  Where did TAS's come from? :O_o:


Quote from: Quietus on June 25, 2010, 08:52:39 AM
gunnar: there's no way to tell who's the best or not without applying the obvious point of who holds the current records.  Country is irrelevant.  Anyway, why are we even discussing TAS's?  stat!k asked for people to play his hack, and provide feedback, particularly bugs / glitches / permastucks.  Where did TAS's come from? :O_o:
Oh god I have a brilliant response but I'll surely be banned for it this time.


Super Metroid Darkness Test - TAS

You can see Bug's with Slopes, and (sorry) many graphical problems.



I played a little bit and hope my tips will help you

We both have still much to learn about SMILE, ASM,....

My tips [lurk at the MetDar.jpg]
A Permastuck: Grey door open at two enemies killed, but I managed to get past the Metroid (as you can see I have no PB or Missiles to defeat it)
B Ugly iced Metroid (don't know how to fix it)
C Fucked up door 1  (Wrong BTS Values)
D Fucked up door 2   --------//-------
E Fucked up door 3  --------//-------
F*red areas => Samus can enter red scroll areas (this fucks up scrolling) (rebuild these areas to Solids)
*blue arrows => Not needed slopes
*Brown area => I do not like this Door PLM should be covered
G,H Both Item have the same Low Value, change it or one of those will vanish
I*16 Missiles at once? In smile nearly all numbers are "hexadecimal"
*There are two Missile Packs with LOW Value of 00 (Move one near offscreen and give them UNIQE LOW values) (also one of them has a HIGH value of 0C i think make it to a 00)
J Remap this Part
K*red areas => Samus can enter the bottom two Lines of Blue Scroll-> ugly scrolling (Scroll editor: I would Make 012>Green, 345>Blue and 678>red)
*Pink areas => Avoid this, x and y maybe Permastuck, y also Sort of Ceiling Glitch (Video 5:41), z you should learn how slopes interact with Samus and you will know what I mean
*blue arrows => Not needed slopes
*brown areas => Permastuck possible, imagine Gray always closed every enemy dead and no PB anymore => Permastuck
L lurk at H => two Gravity Suits? also IBJ to reach Gravity Suit early
M*blue arrows => Not needed slopes
*red arrow => lurk at these tiles note the differences and start using them correctly
*brown area => I do not like that there are two items at the same point
*red arrow => because of this tile you can Permastuck (and it is graphically the wrong one)

Remove those Numbers (BTS values) sometimes they can cause unwanted effects, go with your mouse over it and type "00"

Ich finde du bist ein sehr guter TASer, aber nichts schlägt SaturnTAS der Typ ist immer schneller egal was man versucht  [<= language German]

[attachment deleted by admin]


Gunnar... I don't think he's gotten as far as changing the wrecked ship yet. o.o In other news, I'm may do a play through of this once it's finished. Seems fun.


Be careful when you start editing the large wrecked ship room. That level data is for both states so divide it by 2 and leave a little extra.
Or maybe you already knew that.


Quote from: uzqap on June 25, 2010, 01:52:04 PM

Ich finde du bist ein sehr guter TASer, aber nichts schlägt SaturnTAS der Typ ist immer schneller egal was man versucht  [<= language German]

Holy shit! do you speak german? ore did you use a translator?

well, is saturnTAS on matconst? i just sayd, i'm the best of this forum, not the best from the internet.

well, if saturn is still here, he OF CORSE is the REALY BEST (i love saturn TASes)

To our Hacker:

I'll show you some glues, what you did REALY wrong.

but it's easy to fix!

[spoiler=Many things, they should be Changed!!!]


If you need help, i'm there for you!