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Zhs2's little mods (For DooM!)

Started by Zhs2, June 14, 2010, 11:30:20 PM

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Well, for anyone who is familiar with my modus operandi, I don't hack Metroid games. Instead, I mod doom about, and here I will post my modifications for anyone who wants to take a look at them. Some things will be highly unfinished, because I am lazy. Others are free to look through these and learn things for themselves if they wish. Fun fact: This post took about 5 hours to write. God I'm slow.

Finished stuff (i.e. stuff I'll never touch again):

HAAAAAX - A mod for any ZDoom engine. Those monsters are cheating! Bash them with monitors and reinforce fear amongst the non-cheating denizens of Doom! (Hint: Type 'give haxweapon' in the console to receive the weapon. 8th slot.)

Perfection - A mod for Skulltag use. Can you survive with only one health and a BFG10k? For use in existing maps.

Pistol replacement - A mod for any ZDoom engine. Replaces the Doom pistol with a handgun with more flavor, complete with reloading and etcetera. May be a bit stronger than the usual Doom pistol, but highly untested.

Tesselation Barrel Attack! - A mod for any ZDoom engine. How fast can you destroy all of the barrels? Map kindly provided by Skwirl.

Three by 3 - A mod for Skulltag use, although perfectly playable minus Skulltag weapons in any ZDoom engine. A collaborative deathmatch map created between Kom, Skwirl, and I. Can you dominate the arena?

LolBleed - Any ZDoom engine. Zombies bleed barrels! Shotgun guys bleed chaingunners! Try to figure out what silly things all of the other tiny enemies bleed.


Inheritance, Release Candidate 2 - Doesn't work with Skulltag due to newer features. A collaboration between fellow Doomer Naniyue and I, and the most in-depth mod I've worked on to date. Has RPG stylings and the ability to learn your enemies abilities to use against them. Read notes.txt for more details.

Armcannon - A mod for any ZDoom engine. Simple weapons replacement that is Metroid-themed. Only accessible items without cheating would be the Power Beam and about five missiles, but other things that have been implemented are energy items, Super Missiles, expansions, Wave Beam, and more...
A demonstration vid of this mod can be found here.

Metro - A mod for any ZDoom engine. Destroy your foes with a Metro newspaper! Created by James Kennon.

Learning purposes:

Walls - Simple, very small one map tech demo about walls that disappear when you walk through them, as well as play a noise. Is devoid of monsters, so it's for learning purposes only.

No Weapon - Just a simple demonstration of how to define a playerclass with only his fist. Nothing more.


That armcannon looks like it'd be a great starting place to make a Doom based Metroid hack/fangame.  Actually makes me interested in trying to make a Doom mod...   

Any tips or such for someone new to Doom?  (played it about 10 years ago or so, but haven't touched it since...)


Quote from: Crashtour99 on June 15, 2010, 07:05:26 AM(played it about 10 years ago or so, but haven't touched it since...)

Thou shalt play Doom regularly.
Thou shalt worship the annoying Cacodemon hitbox, which makes you think you can run past it, but ends up getting you chewed once you get caught.
Thou shalt self-harm while playing another level where some creative genius yet again has a drop floor leading to nothing but four chaingun soldiers.
Thou shalt laugh maniacally when strafing between the Cyberdemon's missiles.
Thou shalt restrict one's weapons to the chainsaw, super shotgun, and fist (with berserk).
Thou shalt marry a revenant, for the love one will feel for him is absolute.
Thou shalt argue into eternity with one's fellow Doomers over the pronunciation of Mancubuss Mancubuses Mancubii the really fat, fire-throwing things.


Bump. Added James' Metro.pk3, which I asked permission to post but got lazy and forgot about.

Quote from: QuietusThou shalt marry a revenant, for the love one will feel for him is absolute.
I sincerely hope this is pure sarcasm. :>_>:


Your hope is well placed.  I can't begin to recall the number of times I've had one 'jump' me in the middle of some precision running / 'jumping', leading me to fall into the ooze / lava... :mad:


Inh is not here. :FURY:

My favorite thing about revs is when you are in a large room with a bunch of them and you keep running around while shooting them and then once you are done killing them you stop running around and suddenly you get hit by five hundred fireballs simultaneously. :portal:


Quote from: uNsane on June 20, 2010, 10:58:36 PM
My favorite thing about revs is when you are in a large room with a bunch of them and you keep running around while shooting them and then once you are done killing them you stop running around and suddenly you get hit by five hundred fireballs simultaneously. :portal:
... and then you go boom.


Bump. Updated my list of links and fixed all of them for anyone who cares. I finally linked Inheritance because I'm not sure at all when the fuck I'm going to work on it again ):


Oh boy they're already 404'ing again