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Started by Digital_Mantra, May 24, 2010, 12:55:54 AM

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   Over 100 million years ago the great Daehtihs made an error and accidentally created another universe parallel to our own. The universe was pretty much the same as our universe, but instead of humans there were Yees. The Yees were much like humans, five fingers, five toes, 2 arms, 2 legs, and so forth. They had religions, governments, media, houses, even vehicles. However they lived a lot longer, in fact the legal drinking age for a Yee is 500.

   The Yees personified a god and abandoned him to the metaphysical forgotten realm where he became Skullface. Skullface found himself amongst a land of narcissistic turtle demigods.

   Then an old man on earth does a combination of psychotropic drugs and enters the state of Montrique (a reality that can attune with the turtle gods). The old man went through a portal hoping it would leave Montrique and he could end the madness, instead it went into a Yees brain and the Yee ended up committing suicide.

   That's when the old man realized his purpose, to enter the Yees, so Skullface could feast on the soul of a Yee, his most hated enemy, the race that created and banished him to an eternity of skull and bones.

   Skullface made a deal with a turtle god and asked him to infilrate the Montrique atom, a mere spec in their world so he could coax the old man into an endless scenerio where he would become Skullface's pawn for Yee soul flesh.

   The Montrique atom was a piece of matter during the miscalculation of the great Daehtihs that couldn't exist in either universe/reality. So it ended up being this atom that floated around the air of the turtle god's metaphysical reality.

   But you see, the old man's intention was just to get really fuckin high. Instead he ended up entering a state of reality where he shouldn't be. Once there, he wasn't free to traverse, he had to break through his psychotic barriers and delusions just to get into Montrique, and once there, demigods started to toy with their new guest. It was just the right place at the right time for Skullface to seek revenge.

   Now that skullface has absorbed the soul and flesh of a Yee, he could materialize into the Yeeniverse. I guess the old man no longer serves a purpose other than his own will to get home, which is impossible unless the turtle gods grant him a portal. But time has long ran out and he's probably rotted away in his decrepit apartment.

   Oh, and the Yees can rotate their heads 360 degrees. Just tying up lose ends.


Epic. Can I ask how this is related to Montrique Viral Session? quadraclip and ambolia are good songs.


It's not all that related. The word 'Montrique' just came to me one day, like an alien transmission. I knew right then that it was definitely a place beyond comprehension. A word for a place beyond comprehension. It was around that time when I was doing the viral sessions. There is no correlation aside from that.

But more importantly, the divine she-male. Yes, she hops from building to building, pondering the answers to questions which don't exist. She came to a realization last night. The ultimate realization. I can't write it down, that would be impossible. But the glimpse was enough to make me content. She later had tantric sex with an attractive anime woman that night.

I hear the pineal gland is the seat of the soul. The divine she-male is also a seat. Line up in an orderly fashion. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.