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The Gunnar Factor

Started by Cadarot, May 07, 2010, 07:50:49 AM

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hijack by squishy: this is split from this topic after it got offtopic.

Alright man, I've has enough of this shit.
First thing is first.
Redesign, get the frak away from it. No one is asking for you to remake it.

Let me let you in on a little secret.
NORMAL people, yes normal people, believe it or not, take an idea, become inspired from it, build off that idea, make it their own, add to it, change it, mold it, (etc.) until that idea and inspiration is something completely new, innovative, and original.

We call this, 'ideas and imagination'.

But you. Yes fraking you! You are obsessed with fraking redesign.
Seriously, think of something original, and fraking work with it.
I don't give a shit if you love redesign, I don't give a if you fraking married, birthed, and/or sodomized redesign.





Let me tell you how much you make me rage.

I would rather watch Child porn in front of Chris Hanson, while aiming a gun at the president, while playing keep away with honey from a bear juggling flaming chainsaws riding a fraking unicycle, then rather read another one of your post.

This is what every single one of your post essentially translates into

Quote from: gunnargumpertDEEERP SOME1 MAK REDESIGN 4 ME

Read this[spoiler][/spoiler]

Eat this[spoiler][/spoiler]

and go die in a fire.


Good God. I hardly see how THAT's going to do anything but make more rage.


i have don't neen evere in my life stop trying to copy redesign ...

Offtopic: Am I the only one that still finds !zozo funny?  I don't see to many peeps quoting him anymore... it makes me a sad panda.


I think Flamestar has pretty much said what everbody else has been wanting to say, but have been biting their tongues over for the sake of civility. gunnar: Stop being an obnoxious blight to this community and do what you know how to do until you pick up on other things naturally. You don't need to ask question after question after... oh, hey, another question about something in Redesign or mention of Drewseph's name. Quit sucking his dick and do something that makes you unique. Let his hack inspire you. NOT guide you.

Why not do what every other hacker pretty much does when they're not trying to farm ideas from another hack: WORK ON YOUR HACK. And work on conceiving ideas that nobody else has thought of. You've got a willingness to learn, and seem to have marginally picked up on details that a n00b0id hacker wouldn't right away. Put this towards creating elements for a hack that we've never seen before.

Seriously. Build rooms for awhile and quit bothering everyone for details on how to copy the latest Redesign detail. Ask questions that pertain to what you're doing - not what you want to. Can't figure out how to this or that? If it's a cool new idea, bring it to the table and lots of people would be willing to help you make it happen. But don't suddenly think "Oh, I really want X from Redesign. How do I do it!?" is going to get you much further than it has.

Honestly, I would have just removed you within weeks after you joined because how you act, but I held back on the account of a few others (who for whatever reason) who didn't want to see you gone from here. I'm not going to honor that consideration anymore if you don't change some things. Capische?

Redesign was a great hack, but so many new things have been discovered in the last year that it's quite possible to make an even longer game with more new ideas that don't have a thing in common with it. Do it.


split this topic as it was gumming up the engine works board


Okay, so gunnargumpert isn't all that creative. So, he can't come up with his own ideas and inspiration and wants to rip them off of someone else. Was it really worth it to get angry at him just because you don't like what he does? A simple 'no go do it yourself' response would have sufficed and probably been most appropriate due to his most recent help begging.

I had a good laugh, and you made a valid point (in excess, no doubt,) but I still have to be the bad guy. Consider yourself warned, Flamestar666.


Good points.

... if only the numerous times he's already been told to do it himself in more detailed and polite ways didn't fall upon blind eyes. Stop sucking.


hijack by squishy:
once again, the engine works board gets off topic: split from this topic
unlocking this topic for the time being

Quote from: gunnargumpertI'm tha new Jampion of the day (why didn't somebody els answer him???)

Probably because he was a moron and did not post this as a brand new topic, instead completely ignoring the purpose of the entire Engine Works board and posting in the Common Q&A thread (which I don't understand how it managed to be an unlocked topic in the first place.)

Quote from: gunnargumpertNow tell me guys, who is the Hacker of the day?
Don't get a big DIACK.


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 02, 2010, 05:48:04 AM
Quote from: gunnargumpertI'm tha new Jampion of the day (why didn't somebody els answer him???)

Probably because he was a moron and did not post this as a brand new topic, instead completely ignoring the purpose of the entire Engine Works board and posting in the Common Q&A thread (which I don't understand how it managed to be an unlocked topic in the first place.)

Quote from: gunnargumpertNow tell me guys, who is the Hacker of the day?
Don't get a big DIACK.
It might be possible, that he already found it out, but i can post it.

Just a bit "off topic":
Nobody tells you, to like me. But i can expect that YOU are nice to me.

Frak, i can't hold it anymore. Just because of this small Redesign 2 attempt? What the bloody hell? I say it 1'000 Times: "I'm never stealing things of other hacks"

And now stop telling me this again.

To the webpage: Why di you remove the link? It's definitely my mission, to delete it, i was going to, but you already did it. If you are doing such a thing, could you please tell me? I was wasting many minutes, to find the entry "Webpages" - When i found it, it already has gone.

Ore there is another way: I could make a new account, just for you to forget what i did (more than 1 year ago, if I can remember.) - you wouldn't hear "Gunnargumpert again"

Just remember: Be fair :mad:

This also to person701 and all other guys, thinking i didn't change.

I want to say it fair: I'm trying to help many guys - what's the reaction: "Don't do it again, ore you'll fear the consequences."
you don't even see, what you are doing. There 2 kinds of crimes: "Violence" and "Bullying"

what do you think, you are?

Please, stop it.

@ Guys like Jam: you're nice, don't think I dislike guys like you.


Gunnar: You're both right and wrong at the same time.

You're right in that you should be treated fairly, but you're wrong because you refuse to listen, which results in you being treated that way.

You originally started to copy Redesign.  People told you it was wrong, and you reacted in the correct way (eventually).  You went away, did some work, and proved us wrong by showing us some decent work.  That was considered the end of the matter by most people, and we were again willing to give you a chance.

But now all you seem to be doing is dodging all of the rules you can, even after the admin team have added new ones within the last few days because of it.  Telling people to ask you stuff because you know it is against the rules.  Begging for betas and stuff is against the rules.  Saying things like 'I'm the best TASer' or 'I'm the best hacker' just make you seem like a bit of an arse, and makes people dislike you again.

If you read back through some of your posts like the one above, I think you'll see the sort of thing I mean.  In the above example, you're telling one of the administrators of this site what to do, which is never good.

I've ranted enough.  I will end by saying: Gunnar, all you need to do to get on fine here is calm down, take a breath before posting, and try to be helpful if you can and where you can, without making it out to be a competition.

Thus ends today's rant...

My apologies for adding to Gunnar's hijack :blush:


Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AM
You went away, did some work, and proved us wrong by showing us some decent work.  That was considered the end of the matter by most people, and we were again willing to give you a chance.

so this all is my fault? you should see me now. :sad:
i'm an idiot. i'm always trying to be fair - more than any people in the world - but i'm going the wrong way. than i'm suffering

Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AMBut now all you seem to be doing is dodging all of the rules you can, even after the admin team have added new ones within the last few days because of it.  Telling people to ask you stuff because you know it is against the rules.

about the rules: can i make a hack, thant includes many ideas of another hack and more? you know - i like redesign's physics, so i'd like to have similar physics from redesign. i sayd already sayd sorry to drewseph - there is peace now.
i've a good idea: if i make a good level design, can somebody else programm a few things for me? i don't want to use the torizios. no, i will use the original story of metroid, with beating the bosses, to enter tourain. but my plan is, to get a different room like the statue room, which also checks for the minibosses. that seems to be much different, but still giving new ideas.

Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AM
Begging for betas and stuff is against the rules.

ok, that was just for "I just want to help you, to put right the Redesign thing to MetConst". But i was wrong about begging for this stuff.

Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AMSaying things like 'I'm the best TASer' or 'I'm the best hacker' just make you seem like a bit of an arse, and makes people dislike you again.

definitely my mistake. even it maybe is so - it is incorrect to say that. "Nobody is Perfect"

Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AM
If you read back through some of your posts like the one above, I think you'll see the sort of thing I mean.  In the above example, you're telling one of the administrators of this site what to do, which is never good.

yeah, you're right. sorry Zhs2!

Quote from: Quietus on July 02, 2010, 10:50:41 AM
I've ranted enough.  I will end by saying: Gunnar, all you need to do to get on fine here is calm down, take a breath before posting

i'm totaly angry, but not realy of you guys: i'm angry of myself - because i'm confused, because i don't know what is right and what's wrong, at the moment.

my problem is, to scream to other guys, and act, like i'm better. but just like i sayd: "Nobody is perfect"

Thank you Quietus: that realy helped me, to understand.

And to all other guys: I'll try to give my best. I just want some fairnes - nothing else. Please make it happen.

:wink: Realy, Realy.


Quote from: gunnargumpert on July 02, 2010, 10:17:25 AM
This also to person701 and all other guys, thinking i didn't change.
Whoa whoa. I never said you didn't change. Your work did improve but I kept getting fed up with the fact that every time you asked for help or someone offered help you'd eventually ended up not fully listening. I can definitely see the change in you but you've just left the impression of full blown independence. You'll meet plenty of independent people in life but it still doesn't matter who you are, you're eventually going to need help, so take it.

Quote from: gunnargumpert on July 02, 2010, 10:17:25 AM
Frak, i can't hold it anymore. Just because of this small Redesign 2 attempt? What the bloody hell? I say it 1'000 Times: "I'm never stealing things of other hacks"
Also, I don't recall anyone bringing this matter up and making a big mess about it since you've been back. :neutral: So, since we've pretty much forgot it, don't bring it back up, k? :wink:


Split this AGAIN from the engine works board, please keep it in this topic, its unlocked for the time being.



guys, why did you writ things like the following?

Quote from: Flamestar666 on May 07, 2010, 07:50:49 AM

Read this[spoiler][/spoiler]

Eat this[spoiler][/spoiler]

and go die in a fire.

Please don't think so, you should read my post bevore - that says enough. I'm trying everything to give peace to the world now, so please also try to talk at me with peace.  Thanks

Edit: 1 Beer for everybody today, because Quietus helped me so much today!

Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 02, 2010, 11:45:42 AM
That quote is from months ago btw, just thought I should point that out.  May 7th.

i just wanted, to delet it, but i think it is fair. (But no more!! :^_^:)


That quote is from months ago btw, just thought I should point that out.  May 7th.


And just when I thought this topic was nothing more than a dead thread to read for laughs....


QuoteI'm trying everything to give peace to the world now, so please also try to talk at me with peace.
So go give peace to the world. Which is anywhere but on the internet, and especially anywhere but here.

And quit whatever it is you're doing/did that managed to get my attention on IRC. Again.


Quote from: Grime on July 02, 2010, 12:23:52 PM
QuoteI'm trying everything to give peace to the world now, so please also try to talk at me with peace.
So go give peace to the world. Which is anywhere but on the internet, and especially anywhere but here.

And quit whatever it is you're doing/did that managed to get my attention on IRC. Again.

you want to say i'm lying? ore do you realy think, i expect, you'll help me? i jsut mean, i'll be nice to everybody on MetConst, if he is kind to me. nothing else.


His point is that giving peace to the internet and intrawebs is not the same as giving peace to the world.  The world is a much different place, and Internet =/= World in a position such as this.


Lying? Don't know where you got that from my post.

Help you? Maybe. Work on your level designing chops before you start getting any ideas. Learn to read and understand the "Docs" on the main site, and ask informed questions. What are a bunch of ideas going to do if you can't make polished rooms for these ideas to come to life in? That aspect isn't gonna come to you by itself. It takes time. In case none of it absorbed before, it's gonna be hard to find someone who thinks it would be worth giving their time to a hack that's terrible to look at.

@Phazar: Yeah, what you said.


Some people don't like you. This is a fact, because you apparently have a startling inability to listen sometimes and you've managed to rattle a few heads in the most oblique manner possible on a Metroid hacking forum, i.e. copying off of Redesign. You don't think you're going to get a good amount of dislike in the community in general?

Quote from: gunnargumpertFrak, i can't hold it anymore. Just because of this small Redesign 2 attempt? What the bloody hell? I say it 1'000 Times: "I'm never stealing things of other hacks"

And now stop telling me this again.
Lol, nobody brought this up in the slightest until you did.

Quote from: gunnargumpertTo the webpage: Why di you remove the link? It's definitely my mission, to delete it, i was going to, but you already did it. If you are doing such a thing, could you please tell me? I was wasting many minutes, to find the entry "Webpages" - When i found it, it already has gone.
To be "fair", as you preach so, I actually did. In Private Message.

Quote from: gunnargumpertI want to say it fair: I'm trying to help many guys - what's the reaction: "Don't do it again, ore you'll fear the consequences."
you don't even see, what you are doing. There 2 kinds of crimes: "Violence" and "Bullying"
Please. We have rules for a reason, and breaking them is going to earn you a response like this, no? In the end, your attempted manner of "helping people" is going to get you banned outright if it doesn't follow the rules.

Quote from: gunnargumpertyou want to say i'm lying? ore do you realy think, i expect, you'll help me? i jsut mean, i'll be nice to everybody on MetConst, if he is kind to me. nothing else.
Protip: The haters are trying to make you angry. The fact that you angerpost after people lay the truth out on the table does nothing to help your case in the slightest. Don't react; better yet, if you feel like typing something that will probably get you in trouble, go take a rest from Metconst until you have a clear enough head to respond. I advise you to do so after reading this post, and follow this piece of advice where it seems necessary to do so in the future.

I expect better behaved posting after this, for this is your last chance; next time my staff has to clean up something like this, it will be your name listed in a ban. Are we clear?


Quote from: Grime on July 02, 2010, 04:44:45 PM
Lying? Don't know where you got that from my post.

Help you? Maybe. Work on your level designing chops before you start getting any ideas. Learn to read and understand the "Docs" on the main site, and ask informed questions. What are a bunch of ideas going to do if you can't make polished rooms for these ideas to come to life in? That aspect isn't gonna come to you by itself. It takes time. In case none of it absorbed before, it's gonna be hard to find someone who thinks it would be worth giving their time to a hack that's terrible to look at.

@Phazar: Yeah, what you said.

i just missunderstood your post, sorry. I thought, you think i just spoke "hot air"

with a C- in english, and only form 8, it's not always easy, to understand english posts. That might be the only reason, that i don't understand ASM. But also let's forget of this.

yeah, understood.

@ Zhs2: let's just forget about the post, let's restart "my Computer".

Quote from: Zhs2
I expect better behaved posting after this, for this is your last chance; next time my staff has to clean up something like this, it will be your name listed in a ban. Are we clear?

Totaly clear. You won't have to ban me. I promise - otherwhise, you guys can set an A-Bomb over Germany.