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Metroid Editors/Help Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 26, 2009, 08:39:33 PM

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There are currently TWO Metroid Editors as of late floating around on the internet. Editroid is the more complete editor as of late, although the other editor, MetEdit, does exist. :icon_razz:

Feel free to post here if you have any questions about Metroid 1 editing in general; I myself may be able to answer them with my cursory knowledge of hex editing with NES game.


Update (4/17/2011)

This is the closest thing I have to offer as an Editroid manual. ATM it only covers doors, but I'll probably add more down the road.



Although bumping a sticky is debatable still

Quote from: MetConst Rules3. No pointless bumping - Topic bumping is allowed, as long as one is able to add to the subject matter at hand with a thoughtful and intelligent post (or new content otherwise, since this is a hacking forum.) Violations of this manner will usually result in a warning.

Another violation damn it.


Sup guys.
I just downloaded editroid to see what I could do.
Now I need some help- how do I edit structures? The structure editor seems to be just a clusterfuck of tiles in three different places. I don't know how to switch structures or... well... do anything.



How do I move items from screen to screen? And uhh, what manual?


The map is made of screens. (They are re-used. A lot.) Screens are made of structures. Structures are made of combos. Combos are made of tiles. Each tile has its own graphics and physics.

A combo is just four tiles combined. In the window, the combo area doubles as an editor and selector. Click on a combo to select it and draw it on the structure. To edit a combo, select a tile and then hold shift and draw on the combos.

You can expand a structure if there is free memory. Memory is freed up by removing combos from other structures (right-click a structure and click delete and the combo you clicked goes away). Because of the way the game works, all combos within a structure's row must be contiguous, and there can not be rows without rows between them, so there are limitations on where you can add or delete combos from structures.

The structure that is selected in the main window is the one that will show up in the editor.

Quote from: person701 on November 18, 2009, 05:01:30 PM
How do I move items from screen to screen? And uhh, what manual?
There isn't really a manual for 2.0 yet. Cause it's not done.

Also, do you mean items as in power-ups? If so, you can select "Show Items" in the menu, and they will appear on the map. Then you have to drag them around on the map to move them to a different screen.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Will you post what you DO have for the 2.0 manual ? I mean this program is NICE, can it now do everything metedit can do and more?

If not, what can metedit do that it can't?


i've always seen editroid as easier to use, more straight-forward, and just generally better.


There is no help available for version 2.0 yet because It's not finished. If you download version 1.2 and look at the help there, most of it applies to 2.0.

As far as what it can and can't do, it can do everything Metedit can, except Metedit can generate and decipher passwords. (This is not the same as generating password data, which tells the game which bits of the password mean what. Editroid can do this.)

Also, I'm about ready to put an updated version of Editroid 2.0, with the following changes:

Known issues:

  • Bug: Applying an IPS patch to current rom is STILL FUCKING BUGGY
  • Bug: Default selection is often not shown (ex: when changing room index)

  • bug: items are shown on map after saving
  • bug: When editing structure, if a screen is selected from different level without selecting a struct, the struct editor will continue to show the same structure until you try to edit it, then switch to a different structure
  • bug: If no struct is selected, the struct editor doesn't reflect changes
  • bug: Click-detection not working right on edited structs
  • bug: struct editor changing palette when an enemy is modified (but not selected)
  • bug: struct editor does not show correct palette after deleting an item, if the newly selected item has different palette
  • BUG: Typing number of invalid enemy causes it to disappear and become unselectable.

  • Icon that identifies when the selected screen has associated password data (click to bring up password data)

More on that later.


yay! i cant wait! also, at the Editroid page, i noticed Zelda Tech. is that one of your projects too? or is it someone else's hosted on the same server?


Yes, Zelda Tech (and the companion dungeon editor, Dungeon Master) is also a project of mine, but it doesn't really get any updates anymore. I was thinking about applying some of the new features from Editroid 2.0 (multi-screen editing, undo) to the Zelda editors, but that's a lot of work and would be far down the road, if ever.


It's ok to admit you love Metroid more snarfblam.


Okay, for anyone interested in editing NEStroid, I've put together a couple of (awful, awful) video how-tos demonstrating useful techniques for customizing the graphics in Metroid.

Watch them here.


A new build of Editroid 2.0 (still alpha) with aforementioned fixes and then some is available at:


Hi i dont know if its still ok to post in this thread but
when i use Editroid 2.0 and i make a room were you can go up and down the bottom and top of the room are treated as lava and you cant progress


Is the room from which you enter horizontal? It should be. All room connections must be horizontal to vertical or vice-versa. The exception is when you use the horizontal-horizontal doors (type 4 instead of 3). Without assembly hacking it is impossible to have a vertical room connected directly to a vertical room.


i wish i could upload a video to show you the bugs that i need fixing but i dont know how to record one


If you have a vertical room that refuses to scroll and the top/bottom acts like lava then it is because the game is treating it like a horizontal room. Is the room from which you entered vertical or horizontal?


I come in from the side and when i try to go Verticle it treats both sides as lava and when i go in the horizontle door the next room is the same and if i go in a room where you go only go left or right and i jump you can see the rooms above and below


You think maybe instead of a video you could post a patch (or PM it to snarfblam if you don't want it made public?)


it would help if i knew how to make a patch


LIPS is the IPS patch creator of choice for most of the people here. Click "Create IPS patch" and follow the simple instructions.


I always use LIPS but i never noticed the create patch button (dam my eyes :lol:)

EDIT: here is the link to the patch

EDIT: i found one more bug When you get a Missile Expansion and then later you die and go back to where you got it is back (in short Missile expansions respawn)

EDIT: (third time lol) its Brinstar that holds 80% of the bugs the other 20% is just the room bug and the expansion bug in all the other places (as far as i know) oh and im so sorry but to get this to open in editroid you need to have the hack called Metroid omega (i will fix this hopefully by tomorrow)