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Metroid Twisted Mission

Started by common_user, January 05, 2025, 12:05:28 PM

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This is my first (half)hack.
This is supossed to be a harder, but not overly hard Version of ZM.
The hack was inspired by:
Project ZM by FelixWright (see here: and
Metroid zero mission Harder by Yohann (see here:

Things that are in this hack:
  • All sequence breaks from vanilla zm are still present and some new have been added.
  • There are several new secret paths and some of the existing ones are available earlier or later than in vanilla.
  • Several enemies (and bosses) have more health or deal more damage to samus.
  • Powergrip works everywhere, even on top of pistons and in mother brains room.
  • Gravity suit alone no longer protects from heat and lava. Only gravity and varia suit together protect from lava.
  • Saving, loading, refilling and downloading a map is much faster than in vanilla.
  • Samus will climb on one and two tile high ledges if powergrip is equipped.
  • Speedball, Speedkeep and Sparksteering by captain glitch are in this hack.
  • Spacejumping and bombjumping in liquids without gravity suit is possible.
  • Samus can bomb jump and use ball cannons with power bombs.
  • Samus will not do a bombjump if down is pressed while the (power) bomb explodes.
  • Samus will automatically try to morph if she walks against a wall with a morphtunnel at the bottom (only if morphball equipped).
  • Samus will not stop running when speedbooster is activated and she touches a liquid without gravity suit equipped. She can also recharge a shinespark in liquids without gravity suit.
  • Samus won't get lifted up when starting a shinespark when down is pressed. She will get lifted up a full block instead of a half block when up is pressed while starting a shinespark.
  • Samus can do ballsparks without hi jump, but she won't get lifted up without it. If hi jump is equipped, lifting up can be avoided by pressing down when starting a shinespark.
  • This hack also has 5x3 map by somerando(caauyjdp), better walljump by raygun, item toggle by biospark, fast item grab by CaptGlitch, tractor beam by felixwright and more.
  • R shoots from fusion are also possible in this hack.

Credits to:
  • biospark for mage, his maps and several asm patches.
  • yohann for the decomps and several asm patches.
  • FelixWright aka Cosmic for zmht and several asm patches.
  • somerando(caauyjdp) for several asm patches.
  • CaptGlitch for several asm patches.
  • raygun for several asm patches.
  • Conner for mage Themes.

V1.0: Initial Release
V1.1: Minor changes in chozodia
V1.2: Fixed minor bug in chozodia map obtain animation
V1.3: Fixed some tiling errors in norfair and adjusted health and damage of some enemies
V1.4: Rehide a secret way that i accidentally made to obvious
V1.5: Fixed a misaligned gate in chozodia
V2.0: Fixed Imago larvas respawning due to faulty code
V2.1: Fixed some tiling errors in Kraid and Norfair. Fixed morphing sound not playing when automorph. Adjusted difficulty of Kraid Baristute fight.
V2.2: Fixed a bug that caused an oam error when Samus entered landing pose.
V2.3: Fixed level design error in Norfair that caused enemies clipping in the wall.
V2.4: Fixed some tiling errors and a wrong palette in chozodia.
V2.4.1: Fixed a clipdata error in chozodia that i overlooked in V2.4.
V2.4.2: Fixed another clipdata error in chozodia that i overlooked in V2.4 (and V2.4.1).
V2.5: Fixed a bug in the enable stereo code caused by a code change that i erroneously made.
V2.6: Increased speed op map download.
V3.0: Fixed a bug, that causes Ridley to never turn around or grab Samus due to him being permanently enraged.
V3.1: Removed unknown item blocks in Kraid and Ridley that were already removed in normal mode, but were forgotten in easy/hard mode.
V3.2: Fixed an issue, that made plasma beam not penetrate gorons if wave wasn't active.
V3.3: Final Release (aside from bugfixes). Fixed an level design issue in chozodia, that caused space pirates to do nothing but turn around all the time.



Nice hack! But which version do I play?


Quote from: Jiffy962 on February 02, 2025, 03:59:33 PMNice hack! But which version do I play?
The latest one. It's the only one that is currently available for download.