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Metroid Twisted Mission

Started by common_user, January 05, 2025, 12:05:28 PM

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This is my first (half)hack.
This is supossed to be a harder, but not overly hard Version of ZM.
The hack was inspired by:
Project ZM by FelixWright (see here: and
Metroid zero mission Harder by Yohann (see here:

Things that are in this hack:
  • All sequence breaks from vanilla zm are still present and some new have been added.
  • There are several new secret paths and some of the existing ones are available earlier or later than in vanilla.
  • Several enemies (and bosses) have more health or deal more damage to samus.
  • Powergrip works everywhere, even on top of pistons and in mother brains room.
  • Gravity suit alone no longer protects from heat and lava. Only gravity and varia suit together protect from lava.
  • Saving, loading and refilling are much faster than in vanilla zm.
  • Samus will climb on one and two tile high ledges if powergrip is equipped.
  • Speedball, Speedkeep and Sparksteering by captain glitch are in this hack.
  • Spacejumping and bombjumping in liquids without gravity suit is possible.
  • Samus can bomb jump and use ball cannons with power bombs.
  • Samus will not do a bombjump if down is pressed while the (power) bomb explodes.
  • Samus will automatically try to morph if she walks against a wall with a morphtunnel at the bottom (only if morphball equipped).
  • Samus will not stop running when speedbooster is activated and she touches a liquid without gravity suit equipped. She can also recharge a shinespark in liquids without gravity suit.
  • Samus won't get lifted up when starting a shinespark when down is pressed. She will get lifted up a full block instead of a half block when up is pressed while starting a shinespark.
  • Samus can do ballsparks without hi jump, but she won't get lifted up without it. If hi jump is equipped, lifting up can be avoided by pressing down when starting a shinespark.
  • This hack also has 5x3 map by somerando(caauyjdp), better walljump by raygun, item toggle by biospark, fast item grab by CaptGlitch, tractor beam by felixwright and more.
  • R shoots from fusion are also possible in this hack.

Credits to:
  • biospark for mage, his maps and several asm patches.
  • yohann for the decomps and several asm patches.
  • FelixWright aka Cosmic for zmht and several asm patches.
  • somerando(caauyjdp) for several asm patches.
  • CaptGlitch for several asm patches.
  • raygun for several asm patches.

V1.0: Initial Release
V1.1: Minor changes in chozodia
V1.2: Fixed minor bug in chozodia map obtain animation
V1.3: Fixed some tiling errors in norfair and adjusted health and damage of some enemies
V1.4: Rehide a secret way that i accidentally made to obvious
V1.5: Fixed a misaligned gate in chozodia
V2.0: Fixed Imago larvas respawning due to faulty code
V2.1: Fixed some tiling errors in Kraid and Norfair. Fixed morphing sound not playing when automorph. Adjusted difficulty of Kraid Baristute fight.
V2.2: Final Release (aside from bugfixes). Fixed a bug that caused an oam error when Samus entered landing pose.
