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Achelous DX

Started by Exister, August 19, 2024, 01:35:29 AM

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I've been working on a tweaked version of Achelous for a bit now, and here it is! There were some aspirations I had of making a custom music track, but I really want to get a cleaner version of this out asap so here you are. If you're playing blind, please do not read the change log. It contains spoilers.
Change log:

  • Rebalnced enemies! Common enemies now deal 20 damage instead of 50. However e tanks give 50 energy instead of 100 to balance this! You still start with 99 health and enemies all drop 20 health energies all the time.
  • Rebalnced bosses. Kraid is buffed to actually be a threat and require you to dodge. Ridley's damage has been halved in accordance with the e tank nerf, but his acid and tail are as lethal as ever.
  • There is now a save station next to ridley.
  • Dragon's floor indicators were made more obvious.
  • There are now fleshy connecters between platforms in the rooms before the large room on the leftside to try and teach the player that they connect from platform to platform. Suggestion from Onnyks, thanks!
  • There are now stars in space! In indoor rooms they scale 1:1 since layer 2 is the back wall but I still like their addition. Suggestion from Mst, thanks!
  • Hi-Jump room now has its secret more obvious. Instead of leading into a gray door, there is now instead a gate in the room, so you can see the one way and conciously go through it.
  • The large leftside room has a hanging platform in the lower left that allows you to go up the flesh pit via walljumps. In addition the arena against the... thing has been reworked to be more natrual and both not allow for incentivize cheese. a couple of extra platforms were added bewteen large platforms, making it possible to go from any door to any door as long as you have high jump.
  • There is now a charge beam check before kraid and the varia room has a map station to help with 100% roundup and finding Ridley. The map bug has been fixed.
  • The speed puzzle in the buttom center of the map has been reworked to not require a stupid conveyer in the middle of a room.
  • There's cure little signs to indicate the health refill room and space room(s)! :grin:
  • All rippers are able to be crouched under now. The rippers in the two centeral shafts have been made easier to deal with in the tough spots.
  • The gerudas in that one little hall with the spikes have been removed.
  • That random dragon in the upper central shaft has been removed (why did I put him there in the first place?)
  • ALL BACKGROUNDS HAVE BEEN MADE DARKER. While I liked the way it looked before I can also clearly see that for anyone who didn't make the walls and floors it's hard to tell them apart from the background.
  • Various small collision and tiling errors corrected.
Enjoy! I hope this fixes the issues people had with the origional hack.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]


Fun little mini-hack.  Haven't beaten Ridley yet.  Mostly easy up until Ridley.  Have only tried a couple times and can change his color, just need to get better at dodging.


Posting here to say I've played the hack and this should (hopefully) enable me to post a review on the site.