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I have a new Metroid hack

Started by davidkingster, December 20, 2020, 02:18:17 AM

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I've developed some significant engine modifications and produced a unique map to make use of these changes. The game map data has been optimized for space, so MetEdit isn't able to interpret what is provided, and I increased Samus's maximum horizontal velocity, though I may need to slow her a little (have had a few, somewhat minor, door scrolling issues related to this change).

The game plays mostly well, however, allowing Samus to stack the Wave and Ice beams after either Kraid or Ridley is defeated, and adding Space Jump capability after Kraid's defeat and Spring Ball capability after Ridley's, with the two combining to allow midair spring ball jumps, though Samus cannot use Screw Attack while morphed, so this effect mostly helps with navigation. Unfortunately, entering Tourian causes the game to enter some kind of infinite loop that I haven't been able to analyze, though I think it's somehow related to my trying to put an elevator in map column 0, so to make this hack at least capable of completion, I've replaced the elevator to Tourian with a game end elevator.

Other features of my hack include making weapon strength more variable, adding enemy specific damage tables, changes to debug that keeps energy and missile supply at their present maximums, starting each game session with full energy, and completely remapping the game, but with several map elements like those from the original game, which I would change completely in transitioning the game to its own entity. This is mostly a showcase of what my game idea is intended to resemble. Any advice I can get about where I might need improvement is welcome, however, especially where the minor physics changes I added are involved, which are just modified numeric values related to velocity and thus are easy to revert back to the original values, as they only affect Samus.

I should also note that it is possible, I think possible only in Debug, to reach Ridley first, which makes escape from his chambers impossible, thus forcing a password reset. There may also be a few other bugs I haven't discovered yet that may affect game play, including some missing items in the master list used for password creation. There is an energy tank that I haven't been able to find in game play, and haven't had time to locate in the room it has been placed within. This isn't a perfect hack.

One last thing about this hack, any password that's valid for the original game is also valid in this, but the item/door map used for decoding passwords has been completely changed, so most original game passwords will have different effects.


Forum thread link is broken, download field has 2 downloads and one of those is broken, the other one isn't a direct download but takes you to your dropbox which redirects to Make it a direct download by clicking share -> copy link and then change the url from dl=0 to dl=1.
Screenshots do not show, try uploading them to imgur and using a direct link to the image


I've fixed the download and forum links, but the page keeps crashing when I attempt to update the image links. These are now loading one of the two images, but doing so twice. The other image is the title screen, which is not as heavily modified, and can be accessed here:

I'll try to edit again from a different browser later.


Don't know if this helps, but I attempted to repair the image links from a different browser and I get an error that says is having problems with the update page. Is it possible this error could be related to an issue with a DNS server designed to block adult content? I know this site isn't 'adult content' and isn't designed to be mistaken as one, but errors do occur.


Update. The links are now correct. Am thinking of updating the ips within the next few days to fix an energy tank that doesn't show.


Submission looks perfect, but use these for screenshots:
The main site doesn't resize screenshots anymore like it used to, and I'm not sure why.
We're also not quite sure what's happening with MetConst updates so bear with us :colonrightv:
And thanks! More NEStroid hacks are always good.



Thanks. I found that I was able to update from another location, so I'll try at a third location I'm often at, as the second location is not one I prefer doing this type of business at, it being my employer's store. I've just updated the ips with one that should draw the aforementioned energy tank, though I haven't had time to test since the change.


Update complete. Thanks for your help Sapphron.


I hope someone notices this. I reposted my hack because I felt that a version with a slower maximum running velocity was in order, but this has spent most of a week in review, though it appears to be functioning well, since I used the same logic to post the new, optional ips the same way as the first. Can someone please take a look at this?


Seems decent at the onset. Unfortunately I'm soft-locked in [spoiler]the area just after the Long Beam. I used all 5 missiles to get to the Long Beam room and then dropped down into the next room that has another missile door. I've farmed the Zoomers and Reos for over 10 minutes with 0 missile drops.[/spoiler]



That sounds like a problem with the original game code which limited the number of energy and missile drops after a door transition, which code I did not attempt to change. My recommendation is to quit the game, which will show a password, restart, and hope you have better luck. You will start with full energy and all of the doors and items are properly coded in the ROM, so you should have no trouble recovering your prior position with what you need to continue having no need to redo what you've already done.


I've finally gotten around to playing this (3 years late, I'm sorry), but this is actually better than I expected. I'm enjoying the much faster Samus of the "slow" version, and have been having a swell time mapping things out.

Unfortunately, I'm here to report that (at least in the "slow" version) beam stacking does not work. I just collected Wave Beam and it got rid of Ice Beam for me.

Just thought I'd let you, or anyone playing this, know.


Finished in 3:05 with 7 E-Tanks and 245 missiles. Not a bad hack! I enjoyed the new abilities from the bosses, and the speedier speed in general. Sad to see Tourian was never finished.

I rescind me previous complaint regarding the Wave+Ice not working. I'm not sure what the deal is, but every copy of the beams I got after the initial Ice then Wave gave me proper Wave+Ice. I'm not sure if I needed multiple copies of Ice, or if there was some case you hadn't considered, but as long as it's not possible to lock yourself out of the combined beams it's fine by me.


Just in case anybody else is curious, I have made a map of this hack. It's based on the map that I made for myself as I played the game. I hope it's as accurate as I think it is.

One caveat with the map is that I only found 19 missile tanks instead of 21. I have an idea of where they might be, but I suspect that they did not spawn due to a technical snafu (the author's comments seem to support this).