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Super Metroid: Rapture

Started by BuggMann, December 03, 2023, 02:35:24 PM

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This is a silly little half-hack (more like a sixteenth hack) that I put way too much effort into.

Zebes has endured the **SPACE RAPTURE**

All of the "righteous" (normal biological enemies) have ascended to SPACE HEAVEN

The "sinners" (main bosses) are left behind, and need to be 'cleansed' in order to save the baby metroid

Due to circumstances involving the **SPACE RAPTURE** certain aspects of Zebes' infrastructure have fallen into disrepair (refill stations no longer function [except a chosen one situation])

You may still encounter a few imposters and thieves

Anyway, this one got away from me a little bit, just have fun and don't take my jokes too seriously, haha

Scripture supporting this new lore:

"When the destroying angel smites the great beasts from the four quarters of the world, then from the bowels will rise the Great Harlot of old. Then will there be a wailing from the depths, for the destroying angel will be given power to bruise the head of the Great Harlot to her utter destruction. Then will the world be cleansed in fire..."

Book of the Chozo 2:14


Screenshots my friend, screenshots. We're much more inclined to play the hack if we see the hack, otherwise we just assume it's terrible and nobody really plays it. At least that's the trend I notice.


As they always say. No pics, no clicks.


That's exactly it lol nobody's gonna play it if they can't see a reason why they should play it.


Quote from: TobiMikami on December 25, 2023, 10:24:16 PM
if they can't see a reason why they should play it.

I definitely see what you're saying here, but what exactly do you want to see? It's the vanilla game without enemies, as described.... So you want screenshots of the vanilla game? Why would that make you want to play it more or less than you already do? Anyway, not trying to fight anybody I guess I just feel like if you don't you know what the game is about from the description then you probably don't want to play it anyway.


It's customary for any hack release to have some screenshots, no matter how "minuscule" or "insignificant" the change. It also is helpful for people who may either have issues understanding a description (such as people who don't speak English as their first language), or people who cannot picture things based off of a description, and would need a screenshot to visualize the difference.

It's also a simple courtesy, expected of anyone who announces a hack in the first place.


Quote from: BuggMann on December 26, 2023, 08:21:51 PM
Quote from: TobiMikami on December 25, 2023, 10:24:16 PM
if they can't see a reason why they should play it.
It's the vanilla game without enemies

That's another issue on its own. You're not the first person to come here and pitch something like this, essentially the vanilla game virtually unchanged level design wise especially and some difficulty stats amped up or maybe a few enemies moved around, but I cannot see why in the world anyone would want to play the vanilla Super Metroid, without enemes...The whole premise of the hack doesn't really  make sense, it lacks purpose. If you cannot see a reason for posting pictures of a hack then maybe it either isn't ready yet, or it doesn't really have a premise for being a hack. A lot of people come here and post a landing site, one or two rooms and call it a "hack" and you can tell it's their first hack on top of it.


Haha alright guys, I'm sorry to have upset you by not posting pictures of a game indistinguishable from the vanilla game. I'm sorry that this concept is too simple (although that's literally the first thing I said in my post). Why would you want to play the vanilla game without enemies? Because you don't get drops and so you have to be strategic. Why would you want to play a hack with no doors? Because it changes the game a little bit. And I don't know.. if you don't want to play it then don't play it I have no problem with that. I threw it together in like 2 days in my free time and just thought people might want to play it. And that's all.

But I would like to mention that this kind of behavior could potentially scare people away from wanting to share their work. A lot of people come in doing a simple hack like you described because they're just dipping their toes in the water and if they're immediately criticized by people like this then they're less likely to want to continue to learn how to do more. Luckily for me this is not my first hack, it was just an idea that I slapped together and put out. If you don't know who I am then that's probably on you.

Anyway I hope you guys can forgive me for such a grievous sin. I'll try not to have silly fun in the future.


Listen man you're making this too personal and a bigger problem than it needs to be. It's just proper forum etiquette to post screenshots of your hack even if it's mostly just vanilla.
You say that this hack is SM but the only rooms with enemies are bosses. Show that!

I know I'm breaking the rules minimodding, but:

QuoteHacks Board Specific Misdemeanors:
11. HAVE CONTENT READY. This includes screenshots, or, in the case that they are available, videos of your hack at work. If you don't have content at the ready to post, consider not posting until you do. Topics that disobey this rule are subject to lockage.

Everyone else follows these rules too.


I'll be honest, I wasn't aware it was a rule. And if that was how people approached me, it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, I would have happily obliged.

But instead people came and told me that no one was going to play my hack because I didn't post pictures and then continued with saying that my concept was pointless and why would anyone ever want to play it in the first place. And yeah I'm overreacting and taking it too personally but I don't like bullies and that's what happened here. I will post pictures to follow the rule that I was unaware of I'm happy to do so and I'm glad that you pointed that out to me and I will do so in the future.

The issue isn't that I accidentally broke a rule it's that these people came in and were rude to me for no reason and I don't like that. That's all.


Quote from: BuggMann on January 06, 2024, 11:50:18 PM
I'll be honest, I wasn't aware it was a rule. And if that was how people approached me, it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, I would have happily obliged.

But instead people came and told me that no one was going to play my hack because I didn't post pictures and then continued with saying that my concept was pointless and why would anyone ever want to play it in the first place. And yeah I'm overreacting and taking it too personally but I don't like bullies and that's what happened here. I will post pictures to follow the rule that I was unaware of I'm happy to do so and I'm glad that you pointed that out to me and I will do so in the future.

The issue isn't that I accidentally broke a rule it's that these people came in and were rude to me for no reason and I don't like that. That's all.
Totally understandable. I'd have been defensive too.
I'll PM you if that's ok.


Quote from: BuggMann on January 06, 2024, 11:50:18 PM
I'll be honest, I wasn't aware it was a rule. And if that was how people approached me, it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, I would have happily obliged.

But instead people came and told me that no one was going to play my hack because I didn't post pictures and then continued with saying that my concept was pointless and why would anyone ever want to play it in the first place. And yeah I'm overreacting and taking it too personally but I don't like bullies and that's what happened here. I will post pictures to follow the rule that I was unaware of I'm happy to do so and I'm glad that you pointed that out to me and I will do so in the future.

The issue isn't that I accidentally broke a rule it's that these people came in and were rude to me for no reason and I don't like that. That's all.
Please do forgive them for their behavior. It was definitely uncalled for and they are certainly in the wrong in their attitude,but I would like to clarify that they probably weren't acting in malice. Understand that we've gotten a lot of people over the years who've clogged up the forums with vague or meaningless content and then proceeded to leave without much of another word.

Definitely sorry for any unruly behavior on the part of the community; we just get a little tired of seeing the same cycle repeat itself sometimes, and it makes us a bit jumpy. Thank you for not being a part of said cycle. Our intent is never to put a damper on creativity; only to maintain the sanctity of our space. Sometimes a little too much.


I'm not personally offended by the things that were said. And I will clarify that it was really just the one post. I don't mind the previous comments saying that I should post pictures, because those come across as constructive criticism that posting pictures could help the success of my hack. They even included the term "my friend" and that's fine by me.

I just think that one comment crossed a line and when I first started hacking I received some pretty harsh criticism like that and it almost scared me away from hacking and I just hate to see that kind of behavior because it can be hurtful and harmful for people just getting started. I know I overreacted and I apologize for that. I just don't like bullies and I'm not afraid to stand up to them.

Anyway I'm good if you guys are good. I will find some time to upload some pictures so that I'm in compliance with the rules. And hopefully in the future we can all be a little more civil to each other, myself included.


TobiMikami, stop being a d*ck and let the BuggMann do whatever he wants
Would you be happy if people constantly reminds you nobody cares about what you do? :heheh: