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MetConst excercise!

Started by interdpth, April 17, 2010, 04:19:03 PM

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Who's doing it?
What's your diet and regime.

I just quit soda, lost two waist sizes, I drink like one a day though.

I'm eating less and less Junk food.

I just started biking again.
Did two miles today and it becomes easier to do.
What do you all do?


Heh, my mother and brother are exercising, going to the gym and watching what they eat... I'm not doing any of that though, I'm just fine being 200 and 6' tall.  :grin:


I do one sit-up every morning, to get out of bed.  Outside of that, nothing.  I need to soon, though.  It's not so much the weight, but being this unfit really sucks.

Hiroshi Mishima

As Quietus said, it isn't so much the weight as being out of shape and unfit that is motivating me to try to exercise more often. I don't get very much in, however, as I really have no idea where to begin. I can't really do sit-ups/push-ups very easily. I can maybe do 10-20 sit-ups in one go now, but it still leaves me feeling not very well by the time I'm finished. Push-ups are a whole different story, last time I tried to do some my feet slipped out from underneath me and almost broke off a toenail. >_<;

Also the weather/heat outside makes it very uncomfortable/unenjoyable to even step foot outside for any length of time, let alone to be out there doing exercise and/or yardwork.


When I was younger I used to be really unfit. Then I had a few years of being very fit, but now I'm unfit again.. I've always been freakishly thin though.
When I was fit, I played basketball 3 times a week, and tennis 2 times a week. I also used to do 10 pushups a day.
I still play tennis 2 days a week, but I'm alot more lazy now.


Quote from: devonodev on April 17, 2010, 09:53:44 PM
When I was younger I used to be really unfit. Then I had a few years of being very fit, but now I'm unfit again..

Yer I'm the same. While I was at school I had to walk 2kms (about 1.4 miles I think) every morning to catch the bus, but now that it's over, I barely leave my room, so I'm really unfit.


Well I've just always been perfectly fit without exercise :p

I'd probably try and build some muscle if I were able to build any weight


I cut my fast food intake from every day to every other day and lost maybe 6 pounds. I wasn't even overweight to begin with. I'm just trying to avoid having a heart attack when I'm 50. Next step will be to stop eating the garbage altogether. I'll miss you Wendy's. :cry:


One sit up to get out of bed and walk 1/2 mile due to school hours. I've always been pretty thin as well. Also trying to eat better to avoid the hereditary heart attack at age ~50. I will be doing weights and stuff during the summer however so hopefully I can get some upper body strength. Also it probably didn't help last night my friends and I went out to eat at Sonny's BAR-B-Q and got the all you can eat with ribs and pork... but it was oh-so-good.
* person701 drools

Hiroshi Mishima

This is purely conjecture on my part, but I actually don't believe the theories that eating fast food occasionally is in any way bad for you. In fact, it's been proven that fast food uses better quality food products than school cafeterias do, so if you're a teenager it's definitely healthier to eat out than eat at school.

Likewise, if all you're fixing yourself at home is microwave dinners/lunches and easy mac and such, then you're getting a crap load of sodium, and that isn't nearly as healthy as.. say.. a bacon double cheeseburger. I started looking at the nutritional facts on the back of the stuff I was fixing myself at home and then I looked at the information on food available at fast food places.. and often, they had better food overall.

The only way to "truly" go cold turkey on fast food and eat healthy would be to make extravagant meals from scratch, and a lot of us (or at least just me) aren't nearly so handy in the kitchen that we could make the supposedly healthy meals. Beyond all that, however, is the fact that I personally have a lot of trouble eating vegetables. No way around it, most of them make me gag or get sick when I manage to eat them. I've been trying though...


Well good thing I'm damn handy in the kitchen. :P


pfft.... exercise

maybe in a few years


Quote from: interdpth on April 19, 2010, 06:27:10 PM
Well good thing I'm damn handy in the kitchen. :P
You're a female? '_'


When I was 15 I was 280lbs
I had this streak of motivated and dropped to 180 in less than a year.
From 16-now I've been fluctuating between 190-230.
Atm I'm very unhealthy, smoke drink pills junkfood don't give a shit.
Maybe I will when that transient streak of motivation hits again.
Fuck self image and fuck standards.
There's more important things to worry about.

Hiroshi Mishima

Reminds me of how I was around 250 as a teenager. Then my metabolism finally showed its face and I dropped to 175.. and my hair got a little bit thinner, to boot. That was probably around the time I first started developing Diabetes Type 2, actually, but no one knows because I wasn't diagnosed with it until 2006. So either no one was looking for it, or it was still in sleeper phase, or who knows.


My diet/work out is going well.
I started the thing wearing a size 38 pants.

I can now fit into a 34. I started 3 weeks ago, I'm so happy.


no diet, but i bike to and from school every day. that's about 2 total miles


Working full time is my exercise.  Not that I need it, being 110 lbs (if even that.... I'm a skinny little shit)

I eat what I want, when I want.  I expect to be able to do this for at least 5 more years before I need to worry about anything.


I'm eating correctly, rarely (like one time per 2 months) junk food... my diet is perfect and I train my body like 5 times a week.

Bodybuilding helps to stay slim, athletism too ! ;)

Protips :

Monday : 5x20 push ups; 5x5 dips ; 5x20 crunchs

Wednesday : 5x5 tractions; 5x12 curls

Thursday : 5x12 squats

Week End : Athletism/10 feets dance dance revolution songs [FTW]

With this, you'll feel really better in your body \o/



I don't exercise much, but I am always at home outdoors.  I take a walk through the neighborhood every so often.  I ride my bike a lot as well, and enjoy it, as I often find it a way to reconnect with a piece of my past that was lost many years ago.  Every so often I camp as well(this summer I may be entering BSA's Order of the Arrow).  But besides that, my life is usually "unhealthy".  I drink a lot of soda.  And most of my free time is spent in front of a computer screen or TV screen, or another portable game monitor, although that is a piece of me I've been losing lately as I spend most of my hours playing my bass guitar, as the outbreak of local bands in this area has sucked me into the music scene.  Oh yes, and those half-baked cookies in the high school cafeteria--unhealthy but addictive.  Some consider them a drug.


I wanted to pick up bass sometime, but the only guy who could teach me (from my school) went to teach on another one. Anestethica is an awesome song I've always wanted to play.

Hiroshi Mishima

I enjoyed walking a couple blocks (or roughly 2-3 miles) give or take from where I live down to the post office and back the other day. I almost cashed in and took the bus home cause I was really tired/hungry, but I ended up walking home. Took me about 45 minutes each way so I ended up getting back about 2 hours later (cause I stopped and got a sandwich at Carl's Jr). Fun times.. I should do it more often..

Except, you know, doing that stuff means NOT doing stuff I actually wanna do. Like video games, books, and friends.