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Project Base 0.7.3 release

Started by begrimed, August 31, 2009, 06:03:10 AM

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one problem i have with this is how easy it is to get into areas that are more difficult to get out of

Example 1 (Minor) - You can go through a bomb tunnel in Blue Brinstar to get into Jungle Brinstar, but you cannot exit the area without same-walljumping. Walljumping itself is kind of a hidden technique and should never be required. Infinite Bomb Jumps should also never be required. The easiest way to remedy this issue would be to force the players to have acquired super missiles, or high jump to exit the tunnel into Jungle Brinstar, since all of the doors are Super Missile doors for some reason, and High Jump would make it easy to get back into the pipe you came out of. Even Ice Beam would theoretically help get back into the pipe, instead of expecting new players to know of that technique.

Example 2 (Major) - I had to quit an entire save file because I've been looking for an upgrade I need and cant find. Super Metroid lets you sequence break, but if you're not doing that, it shouldnt be an arduous task to find an upgrade you need to get into other areas. Metroid games usually tend to be fairly linear in the sense that you dont need to play the game for hours to figure out where you need to go, or spend hours looking for a single upgrade.

Please stop forcing same wall jumps and instant bomb jumps or high jump to exit areas that you don't need those to enter.


After playing some more hacks recently other ideas have come to mind for suggestions to add to project base...since it's a focus on quality of life improvements here's some things I ran into thinking this would be better to have the following.

- ability to change weapon selection while moving through shaft tunnels and elevators where Samus looses control of movement
- ability to change weapon selection while in the menu
- mockball with single down press if done as Samus is landing from a jump and presses down and forward direction into the ground
-- add a few frames above ground to make soft morphball a little easier
-- can be done from a spin jump or falling forward static jump position both without having to already be looking down.
-- holding jump is not needed to enter soft morph
-- holding L or R or shoot when landing would prevent entering into a soft morph
- spring ball also gives speedball like in subversion running speed or possibly running speed in morph ball when holding dash.
-- speedball + speed boosters allows for speed booster in ball form
-- I think this is already a feature, but suggesting it requires both spring ball (speedball) and speed booster

This one is probably out of the question, but I thought it would a neat idea to implement more specifics on beam combining and beam abilities
- ability combine all beams and including hyper
-- beam combining would only be enabled with a beam combo upgrade like in redesign
-- plasma only upgrade would be the same as in Ascent, a single long line beam
-- spazor just adds 3 beams, so it's 3 bullets at once following any of the other beam sprites,
  --- without plasma it's just 3 small circle shots of the regular non-upgraded beam
  --- 3x damage of what ever the other beam upgrades are
  --- spazor + plasma would be 3 long lines like spazor is normally
  --- spazor + wave is 3 wave beam balls
-- ice beam does not increase damage
  --- only freezes at the point the enemy takes e enough damage to be killed
  --- shot after freeze destroys enemy as usual
-- wave adds just wave so wave only would be a single bullet of wave,
   --- wave + plasma would be a single long line beam waving
   --- wave + spazor would be a triple shot of wave bullets but only as 3 small bullets of the non-upgraded beam
   --- wave + plasma + spazor would give the beam upgrade of the long line beam and 3 beams waving,
-- charge beam increase rapid fire rate by 1.5 or + %50 by tapping shoot button rapidly
-- hyper could be an upgrade
  --- hyper as upgrade would be like subversion needing charge charge beam to be enabled
  --- hyper doesn't require charging, hyper is an auto shot charged beam
  --- hyper would follow other beam patterns
   ---- without plasma would only be a small circle bullet
   ---- with spazor would be a triple shot
  --- having charge + hyper and holding shot while in spin jump would give instant sudo screw attack
  --- hyper beam increase rapid fire rate by 1.5 or + %50 (hyper + charge = double fire rate by tapping shoot button rapidly)
  --- holding fire button with hyper shows dully charged state
  --- holding fire button with hyper only after mother brain hyper allows for auto rapid hyper shots

Beam Damage Multiplier
Beam = 20
Spazor = (beam) * 1.5
Ice + adds no beam damage
Wave = +30
Plasma = (beam + 70) * 2
Hyper = ((beam + 300) * 1.5) + 10
Charge = (beam) * 3

                                                                  [Shot]               [Charged Shot]
Beam                                                           = 20                   60
Beam + Spazor                                            = 30                    90
Beam + Ice                                                  = 20                   60
Beam + Wave                                              = 50                    150
Beam + Plasma                                            = 180                  540

Beam + Spazor + Ice                                    = 30                   90
Beam + Wave + Ice                                      = 50                   150
Beam + Wave + Spazor                                = 75                    225
Beam + Wave + Spazor + Ice                        = 75                   225
Beam + Plasma + Ice                                   = 180                  540
Beam + Wave + Plasma                                = 240                  720
Beam + Wave + Plasme + Ice                       = 240                  720
Beam + Wave + Plasma + Spazor + Ice        = 360                   1000

Beam + Hyper                                            = 490
Beam + Spazor + Hyper                              = 505
Beam + Ice + Hyper                                   = 490
Beam + Wave + Hyper                                = 535
Beam + Plasma + Hyper                             = 730

Beam + Spazor + Ice + Hyper                     = 505
Beam + Wave + Ice + Hyper                       = 535
Beam + Wave + Spazor + Hyper                 = 573
Beam + Wave + Spazor + Ice + Hyper         = 573
Beam + Plasma + Ice + Hyper                    = 730
Beam + Wave + Plasma + Hyper                 = 820
Beam + Wave + Plasme + Ice + Hyper        = 820

Beam + Wave + Plasma + Spazor + Ice + Hyper = 1000

Beam colors
-- possible keep beam colors their original color with Ice & Spazor
  --- Ice, Just add blue ice trails for Ice like in Subversion
  --- spazor doesn't change color, just makes three bullets
  --- It gets old to only see ice color all the time after enabling ice

Beam                              = Yellow
Beam + Wave                  = Magenta
Beam + Plasma               = Teal Green
Beam + Wave + Plasma   = Deep Royal Purple or Bright Orange

Any Beam + Spazor         = Original Beam Color
Any Beam + Ice              = Original Beam Color + Ice Crystal Trails
Any Beam + Hyper          = Original Beam Sprites (Rainbow Flash  Color)
