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[SM] Easter eggs

Started by JAM, April 12, 2010, 10:54:04 PM

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I have an idea to post all unused and redone stuff in Super Metroid in one place and talk about it. Anu theories based on foundations is also good, I think. Some of this sfuff can be used in hacks. And any other stuff can give us more thoughts of what was planned by developers of Super Metroid.

I'll start.

  • There are unused enemy F153. It looks like rolling ball and it wasn't completed. What should it be?
    It looks great when placed between green bubble tiles. Even if no one will use it, F153 can be used as a slot for extra enemy.

  • Room 7B3E1 aka "unused room". Almost everyone knows about it. Can it be escape from Lower Norfair? Although, it uses the same tiles as upper-right screen in the room 7A923.

  • Hyper Beam. There are tilemap for Hyper Beam located from $82:C008 to $82:C011 and space from C012 and C019 is totally unused. Why? I guess, in early versions it used 9 tiles and was in another frame. Something like "oHYPER BEAM" in MISC. frame.
    I guess, it used value 0010 of RAM address $7E:09A2/09A4.
    Think about it. There are used value 0020, but 0010, 0040 and 0080 are unused. Why 0020 is used and 0010 is not? If I'm right, then perhaps it was supposed to be turned on/off when selecting it.

  • And also, I've accidently found unused PLM that works almost the same as PLM D6DA (according to it's code). It lowers the liquid, sets event 01 and do something with floor. I guess, this PLM is planned to work with strange standing statue in Wrecked Ship that holds Energy Tank. What should happens after that? A little levitation of Wrecked Ship that allows you pass further? Or it passageway down to another part of Wrecked Ship (as it was done in Lower Norfair) or just to some item?

P.S. Don't sure about the place where this post should be. If Super Metroid forum is the right forum for this, then please relocate it.


I've never even noticed this 'unused room' When I go back to my other computer I'll look it up. I did have the idea of putting doors in the debug room though and see if I can use it. This may be sorta irrelevant, but your last find made me think of a Water Temple idea I had. Like from Zelda, but using the statues to lower and raise water. I'm sure if done properly you could make some interesting puzzles.


I remember squishy creating [noembed]something to the same effect[/noembed], which could also be used for some great puzzles.


Quote from: FullOfFail on April 13, 2010, 05:51:18 AM
I've never even noticed this 'unused room' When I go back to my other computer I'll look it up.

Actually I did notice that room before. But I just thought it was connected to a raising lava event or something so I never messed with it.


Quote from: FullOfFail on April 13, 2010, 05:51:18 AM
I did have the idea of putting doors in the debug room though and see if I can use it.
Well, I don't want to disappoint you, but... it was already done. Look at the hack Debug Room Access in the hack section. As for debug area, it need some fixes. Map won't work there.

Quote from: FullOfFail on April 13, 2010, 05:51:18 AM
This may be sorta irrelevant, but your last find made me think of a Water Temple idea I had. Like from Zelda, but using the statues to lower and raise water.
Sounds interresting... But it need some tweaks to work in each area and many tweaks to work multiple times in different places.


Ohh, well I'm not really sure if this an Easter Egg, but I've noticed 2 rooms in maridia have unused doors built into the walls. It's only one block, looks like they was going to do a morphball tunnel but never did for some reason. I checked out, the doors seemed to be authentic, never tried using them though.


Quote from: FullOfFail on April 16, 2010, 10:59:18 AM
Ohh, well I'm not really sure if this an Easter Egg, but I've noticed 2 rooms in maridia have unused doors built into the walls. It's only one block, looks like they was going to do a morphball tunnel but never did for some reason. I checked out, the doors seemed to be authentic, never tried using them though.
They are unused but they share properties with another door. Consider it an easter egg if like.


Yeah, I remember this. There are just too many stuff to post all in one time. Rooms 7D340 and 7D1DD. If imagine that there is no transport tube, then this connection seems logical.

Quote from: person701 on April 16, 2010, 03:00:40 PM
They are unused but they share properties with another door.
Well, it's partly true. You still can go from room 7D1DD to 7D340 from SMILE, but there are no way back.

Another easter eggs from me.

  • There was an acid chasing you in the room 792FD during escape sequence. In FX1 of this state of room there are non-zero Surfance New, Surfance Start and Surfance Speed values, but liquid type and delay is zero. If set delay to non-zero value (example: 01) and liquid type to Acid, you'll see what was planned.
  • There are strange surfance values in some rooms. For example, room 793D5 have Surfance Start value as 0000 and Surfance End value as 04F0. Room 792FD is 5 screens tall. So, 04F0 have some sence. But what should happened there? Another room is 79938 (far left elevator in Crateria and rooms before it). Surfance End is 07E0 and there are a lot of checks set in Palette FX frame
  • Long Beam was in game. When recreating this one, I drew new tiles of "•LONG" for menu and only after that noticed that they are already there, but unused. Surprising for me, but if remember that Super Metroid was a Metroid 1 remake from very beginning it's not strange at all. I guess, it is subroutine that removes off-screen beams. It works just perfect with on-screen beams.
  • Tourian was in another place. I will give a link to picture from manual a little bit later. Entrance to it located in the same place where Charge Beam is. Even text in manual confirms that (if I remember correctly): "old Tourial was located right below the surfance. New tourian built in more secure area". But in game both of them located at the same depth.
    More facts. Look how the rooms stored in ROM. All Crateria rooms, most of Brinstar rooms, then suddenly 2 rooms from Crateria (statue room and foggy room before it) and then remaining rooms of Brinstar. Foggy room is actually uses Brinstar tiles. And last room in Crateria have Room Index 1F. These 2 rooms have indexes 30 and 31. And there are no rooms with these indexes in Brinstar (although, there are 2F and 32).
  • I'm not sure with this, but there are can be Missile blocks in early version. BTS 0C, 0D and 0E (shootable) are free, but if you place them in game and scan them by X-Ray, you'll see Super Missile block. And 16*16 tile BF in CRE tileset looks a bit little different that just unused tile.


The power bomb room to the upper left of the landing site has the same FX2 pointer as the landing site, which is used for graphics updates for the scrolling sky. Thus, I believe the room originally had a sky background and had no acid, but was later changed to the cave background when they decided to add acid to the room.


Time to bump. Really. I've found a very interesting code accidently. It starts at $154914. If I understood it correctly, after pressing of certain keys (A+B+X+Y) it gives you these items:

100 Energy
300 Reserve Energy
700 Missiles (!?)
20 Super Missiles
20 Power Bombs

All 5 beams
All items except Screw Attack and unknown item with value 0010 (currently unused, perhaps, Hyper Beam)

I have no idea, how to activate this code. I suppose, it's one of Debug Mode features. One more step to knowing what was in beta.


If you find anything worthwhile, post it on wiki.


Quote from: JAM on November 24, 2010, 09:16:02 PM
Time to bump. Really. I've found a very interesting code accidently. It starts at $154914. If I understood it correctly, after pressing of certain keys (A+B+X+Y) it gives you these items:

100 Energy
300 Reserve Energy
700 Missiles (!?)
20 Super Missiles
20 Power Bombs

All 5 beams
All items except Screw Attack and unknown item with value 0010 (currently unused, perhaps, Hyper Beam)

I have no idea, how to activate this code. I suppose, it's one of Debug Mode features. One more step to knowing what was in beta.

It's part of Silver Torizo's setup AI. This code will only run once when the enemy is first set up, and only if the Torizo is not in Crateria. It is never run in Vanilla SM (as he's never not in Crateria), but should be perfectly functional if it were placed in another area.

Of course, since the code is only run once, those buttons would need to be held during the first frame of that room being set up.

It is possible that Gold Torizo has a similar code somewhere, but I can't be bothered going through his AI.

The code will run if Silver Torizo is placed in Norfair. There is a JSR in there that changes Torizo's color and type to that of Gold Torizo (hence why they both act like GT in Norfair and ST in Crateria), then that other code is run.
But what are the chances that someone would be holding exactly A B X Y on the frame that the enemy is first run? So it's no surprise that it's never been discovered before.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on November 25, 2010, 03:50:16 AM
It's part of Silver Torizo's setup AI. This code will only run once when the enemy is first set up, and only if the Torizo is not in Crateria. It is never run in Vanilla SM (as he's never not in Crateria), but should be perfectly functional if it were placed in another area.

Of course, since the code is only run once, those buttons would need to be held during the first frame of that room being set up.

It is possible that Gold Torizo has a similar code somewhere, but I can't be bothered going through his AI.

The code will run if Silver Torizo is placed in Norfair. There is a JSR in there that changes Torizo's color and type to that of Gold Torizo (hence why they both act like GT in Norfair and ST in Crateria), then that other code is run.
But what are the chances that someone would be holding exactly A B X Y on the frame that the enemy is first run? So it's no surprise that it's never been discovered before.
Wow, thanks for finding it. I have just checked it on Golden Torizo in vanilla ROM. It works! I've used Zsnes Key Combo feature to hold A, B, X and Y for 10 seconds and pressed certain button right after entering Golden Torizo room. Every time the game crashes! But this is because this code gives you all 5 beams while you're holding charge. Same story if place Silver Torizo to the Norfair.

But there is a way to avoid crashing. Open the door to Golden Torizo room, roll into a ball, lay a bomb roll right a bit, just after entering Golen Torizo room, hold down 4 buttons. Enter the room and enjoy =) Just don't forget to deselect Plasma or Spazer.

And I was wrong. The game gives you 700 Energy and 100 Missiles.

Then I tried to calculate percenage in beta.
If max Missiles = 100, max Super Missiles = 20, max Power Bombs = 20, max Energy = 700, max Reserve Energy = 300, Total Items are 11 and Total Beams are 5.

I've got this formula:
100a + 20b + 20c + 700d + 300e + 11 + 5 = 100

My suggestion is
a = 50
b = 10
c = 10
d = 100
e = 50
I've got 99%. Maybe, last percent is used to count Hyper Beam?
Or there should be 799 Energy and 400 Reserve Energy to get 100%.
Or there was another item that gives you 100th percent (not Screw Attack). Any ideas?


I found a second SNES program entry point right after the first one when the game turns on. Changing the header to run this one instead will run everything else like normal, except there is no sound, and the game ends at an infinite BRA FE after the first set of demos and when you try to start a new game.

My guess is it might have something to do with beta testing stuff, but it probably ends because the interrupt jumps need changed as well, or they purposely made it end to test the final code, but never removed the old entry point.


Quote from: JAM on April 12, 2010, 10:54:04 PMAnd also, I've accidently found unused PLM that works almost the same as PLM D6DA (according to it's code). It lowers the liquid, sets event 01 and do something with floor. I guess, this PLM is planned to work with strange standing statue in Wrecked Ship that holds Energy Tank. What should happens after that? A little levitation of Wrecked Ship that allows you pass further? Or it passageway down to another part of Wrecked Ship (as it was done in Lower Norfair) or just to some item?
I'm sure a lot of research has been done on what I'm about to say but it's worth a shot...
Could this possibly be what makes the standing golden chozo statue (Enemy F0FF) in Norfair work? I realize that it is a PLM and that hitting "Offscreen PLMs to screen" doesn't display any other PLMs. It's just got me wondering though cause the bolded is exactly what said statue does...

begrimed Should gather more info/images and submit them to this page, just 'cause.


Quote from: Crys on November 24, 2010, 09:20:09 PM
If you find anything worthwhile, post it on wiki.
Quote from: Grime on January 06, 2011, 06:28:58 PM Should gather more info/images and submit them to this page, just 'cause.


Quote from: person701 on January 06, 2011, 06:23:18 PM
I'm sure a lot of research has been done on what I'm about to say but it's worth a shot...
Could this possibly be what makes the standing golden chozo statue (Enemy F0FF) in Norfair work? I realize that it is a PLM and that hitting "Offscreen PLMs to screen" doesn't display any other PLMs. It's just got me wondering though cause the bolded is exactly what said statue does...

Just because a PLM does not appear doesn't mean it's not used in the room. Most likely the PLM is created by the statue, and is then deleted afterwards.
Easier this way, as having the PLM already in the room might lower the lava and set the event as soon as you enter the room.


Quote from: -DC- on January 02, 2011, 05:04:20 PM
I found a second SNES program entry point right after the first one when the game turns on. Changing the header to run this one instead will run everything else like normal, except there is no sound, and the game ends at an infinite BRA FE after the first set of demos and when you try to start a new game.
80 FE (BRA $FE) is the biggest LOL I've seen in Super Metroid. It presents in my sintature when I realized how to make an infinite cycle using 2 bytes. I didn't knew it actaully presents in Super Metroid code.

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on January 07, 2011, 05:57:39 AM
Quote from: person701 on January 06, 2011, 06:23:18 PM
I'm sure a lot of research has been done on what I'm about to say but it's worth a shot...
Could this possibly be what makes the standing golden chozo statue (Enemy F0FF) in Norfair work? I realize that it is a PLM and that hitting "Offscreen PLMs to screen" doesn't display any other PLMs. It's just got me wondering though cause the bolded is exactly what said statue does...

Just because a PLM does not appear doesn't mean it's not used in the room. Most likely the PLM is created by the statue, and is then deleted afterwards.
Easier this way, as having the PLM already in the room might lower the lava and set the event as soon as you enter the room.
It's a bit complex. Norfair statue is setting PLM that transorming into BTS of crumble type with value 73, which is transforming to another PLM (under certain conditions) that grabs Samus and lowering the liquid. Don't remember correctly, how it works. I should check my notes about that.

Quote from: Crys on January 06, 2011, 08:09:23 PM
Quote from: Crys on November 24, 2010, 09:20:09 PM
If you find anything worthwhile, post it on wiki.
Quote from: Grime on January 06, 2011, 06:28:58 PM Should gather more info/images and submit them to this page, just 'cause.

So, this is a site for unused stuff found in games? Sure, I can post my foundations here and there, but why no haven't posted about beta Metroid logo, "PROJECT SAMUS FEATURED IN" text, "©1993 Nintendo, Ver. 2.00" text, unused tiles of long beam in the menu etc. etc. etc.?

I know, this was found by TAS'ers, but not so many people are knowing about that. I've just noticed it by myself today.

All of you know that rolling into ball with charged beam will release bomb spread attack. But if hold down (not just pressing it), then you can charge spread attack. The more you're holding down, the higher and longer bombs will fly. But there is a time limit. When reaching it, all bombs will be ejected with high speed like grenades.

I hope, this trick will be used in hacks.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on January 07, 2011, 05:57:39 AM
Just because a PLM does not appear doesn't mean it's not used in the room. Most likely the PLM is created by the statue, and is then deleted afterwards.
This kinda what I thought. I knew nothing would appear on screen but I figured there had to be something else going on. Provided this is what it does.
Quote from: JAM on January 07, 2011, 08:16:22 AM
It's a bit complex. Norfair statue is setting PLM that transorming into BTS of crumble type with value 73, which is transforming to another PLM (under certain conditions) that grabs Samus and lowering the liquid. Don't remember correctly, how it works. I should check my notes about that.
Questions here. Curious with plenty of questions, but this isn't a question topic. ;)


Quote from: Nintendo


Bump. Another provement of Long Beam existence in early version.

You can select 5 beams in BEAM frame, but there is a code that will draw 6 beams in BEAM frame if Hyper Beam is not collected and clear 6 lines if Hyper Beam is collected.

Besides of that, there is a strange gap between SUPPLY and BEAM frames that Long Beam can perfectly fit if place items in Zero Mission order (Long, Charge, Ice...). That gap is strange beacuse there aren't any gaps at the right side.