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The Metroid Construction Community Fanfic Sequel: Ragetrain [NSFW]

Started by Zhs2, May 05, 2013, 06:41:04 PM

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If you haven't read Ragekit yet, visit here!

Are you all ready? ARE YOU ALL EXCITED? ARE YOU ALL PUMPED TO MAJOR BADESS? I know how much you all loved the last one, and this has been three years in the making (sorry! Writing motivation only just picked up!) So, without further ado...!


A Community Fanfic by Zhs2, Sequel to Ragekit
Beta Readers: James Kennon of the Galactic Federation, Grumpei Yokoi the Black Magic user

Disclaimer: This story is copyright 2009-2013 Zhs2. This story is pure fiction, but I do not reserve any right to any or all characters or likenesses for they do happen to exist in the real world at this time. Do not use my story or parts of it for your own; I ask that you use your own imagination instead and see what happens. Do not post or change my story and subsequently repost without my permission, because then I'll hunt you down and bother you. Don't ask for permission, either, because you most likely won't receive it (see two sentences before.)

Foreword: The long awaited sequel of a critically acclaimed (by about twenty people) tale of one man and his quest for violence upon his own community. Contains quite a lot of references to Doom, so if you know all about it, then you will obtain full enjoyment. Without further ado, the original cast of Ragekit:

- Aile, a.k.a. Luca (Has gone to a better place. Not the afterlife, mind you, just
- Antares, formerly NuZalem (Master of Dimensions, Interstellar Cartographer, Desk Jockey... Should I say anymore?)
- Antidote (EPIC FAIL!!!)
- Black Falcon (Insert text here)
- Bloodsonic (Now with 20% more graphic design job)
- DChronos (Too bad that ROMMap isn't getting too many updates these days :( )
- DMantra (Eris 2012 is quite beautiful, thank you.)
- Flamestar666 (Makes great techno. You should ask him about it sometime.)
- FullOfFail (Minecraft Architect and Megaman Tileset Enthusiast)
- GF_Kennon (A bit more humble and slightly less poor these days. What a great and benevolent overlord!)
- Grime (Pet rats. What could be more badass?)
- hayashi (Slendermen and cambions and neon blue clothing, oh my!)
- HelloBot (Hello, #metconst ! ^.^)
- interdpth (Tradin' dem yoogeeohs)
- jason (Cannon fodder has its uses!)
- Jathys (Attention: SMILE is open source.)
- Parabox (Something about not having confidence with women. It's quite complicated.)
- person701 (Draygon's bitch since 2011.)
- Phazar (Still being friendzoned.)
- PZ-Powa, a.k.a. zozo (Will the genuine zozo please stand up?)
- squishy_ichigo (The strawberry who has mellowed out a bit since travelling to California! Yay!)
- Sadiztyk Fish, a.k.a. Scyzer (Yer.)
- Sepharos (Reporting from hell is a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.)
- Wingard (Okay guy, even if you did threaten hax. God bless ya.)
- zephyrtronium, formerly uNsane (Insert 500 US dollars. Also Air Force cred)

As joined by either outstanding members of Metconst who have previously been left out for some reason or another or otherwise new enough not to have been included in the previous work:

- Acheron (Haven't seen this guy in Aegis.)
- Chyrak (Oh god the missus halp me)
- crashtour99 (Needs a steady supply of molotov milk bottles, methinks.)
- DSO (Say, whatever happened to that community fanfiction of yours anyway?)
- DrevanZero, a.k.a. KentaKurodani (What do you think of this? How about this? And this?)
- Drewseph (OMFG)
- Fizzer (Imagine waking up in a graveyard with shit on your shirt, piss in your hair and jizz on your back.)
- Hatchling (Clone of OMGbot, god bless your soul. May you find love in the great bot beyond.)
- itsblah (Master of idle internetting and most technological jargon. His knowledge is almost scary.)
- JAM (You clever bastard, you.)
- Lunaria, formerly Crys, Green-Kirby (;<D)
- Malpercio (Cool story bro.)
- MathOnNapkins (He's up to some black magic.)
- Mekaari, formerly Valiant, Shadox (Caitrin Alexis Phosphorus)
- MetroidMst (A word to the wise: Bad puns, crazy level design and bubbles does not a man make.)
- Mon732 (There is never enough green.)
- N-Spade (Whimsical fanfiction writer of some renown, whoever she is.)
- ProjectXVIII (A murder this, a knife in that, a torture there, and a dick in the ass.)
- Qactis (Dubsteppin' like no tomorrow.)
- Quietus (Happily shy and helpful, whee whee whee...)
- Quote58, formerly Shadow96 (Stealing the word 'lush' from DMantra, almost like a baoughse. Almost.)
- Silver_Skree (Forward and Touhou, men! Let's dive for victor

Vismund Cygnus

I am not sure what I just read.
I think it may have been the greatest thing ever.


Honestly, I expected some super-mega-bunny hop shit into a charged speed booster, ramming the belly of Draygon and saving everyone who came through the portal. But I guess the role of an intelligent(?) bunny rabbit is pretty cool as well.



Extreme necro bump, but I just read the entire fanfic again for the first time in 5 years. It still kicks ass. Well done.