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Top Hacks 2015

Started by Miranda Gemini, November 16, 2021, 08:29:30 PM

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Miranda Gemini

Hey all, thanks again for the massive turnout for nominations. But now it's time to begin the main event, starting with...
Top Hacks 2015!
2015 was a year with some big releases, and there's no surprise which two hacks in particular dominate the finals; but now it's time to pick the best of the best!
Thanks to @thedopefish we're now ready to show off what's going to make doing this in the future an impossible thing to fall behind on. By following the link here, you can now cast your votes for categories directly through Metroid Construction! No more Google Forms, or polls for each category, or me trying to tally up votes based on forum posts; it's all done for me!
Voting is going to remain open for two weeks, at which point we'll move on to 2016.
That link again:
Good luck to our contestants, and get voting Metconst!

Miranda Gemini

Like I said, we're starting off strong with 2015. Hyper Metroid and Axeil Edition obviously dominate the category finals - and for good reason! Even 6 years later both hold up as two of the best hacks made. Not to discount the others in the running, of course.
Going through my thoughts:
[spoiler=Best Aesthetics]This was actually the most difficult category for me to decide on, between Axeil, Hyper, and SLG. The first is an incredible example of how far the original game's tilesets and graphics can be pushed, and really stays true to the feeling of Super Metroid while putting its own unique spin on things. Hyper meanwhile makes subtle tweaks and enhancements, combined with gorgeous palettes to really elevate the game. Finally, SLG goes completely left-field but nails that sort of overgrown space station aesthetic; it's one of the most unique-looking hacks out there. Ultimately though, I went with Hyper Metroid, as I love how it built something so familiar yet foreign.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Most Creative Gameplay]Again, a tough category! I don't think any of these hacks had a particularly "creative" element to them, but what each did was refine and tweak aspects of the game to really deliver their own take on the Metroidvania formula and showcase what makes Super Metroid great. I was very close to selecting Containment Chamber, as it presents a very interesting showcase of Super Metroid's mechanics and how they can be used, but ultimately, to me Redesign: Axeil Edition best emphasises my favourite aspect of the Metroidvania genre: exploring a world and uncovering its secrets. Axeil Edition is a monolithic hack and there's a ton to unravel. It tweaks Super Metroid's formula just enough to entice the player to explore its world.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Quick Play]Easiest pick of the categories for me, So Little Garden is accidentally one of the most fun minihacks anyone has ever made. Props to MetroidMst for making a fun, light-hearted romp that actually presents a great little example of what can be accomplished through hacking, and is a really good entry point for beginners to both hacks and hacking.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Challenge]To me, Redesign: Axeil Edition presents what I like in a "challenging" hack: the altered mechanics can throw off even veterans of Super Metroid, and it's not afraid to punish you for the mistakes you make. There are many ways to approach its challenges, and Axeil Edition will happily punish those who are unprepared for it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Exploration]I picked Hyper Metroid here. One of its biggest strengths is how open it is from the very beginning, arguably to a fault. Not forcing the player down any particular path, Hyper lets the player uncover it how they want to. It leads to wildly varied approaches for individual players and playthroughs, and even though it's not always positive, you can't deny that Hyper Metroid was a hack built to be explored.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Overall]So, this came down to Hyper Metroid, and Redesign: Axeil Edition. Two absolute titans of Super Metroid ROMhacking, either one could win in almost any year. Of course, fate would see both release in 2015, so we can only pick one.
Redesign: Axeil Edition is an absolute monolith of a hack. The original Redesign represents the first foray into playing hacks for many of us, myself included. Axeil expands upon the original and, in my opinion, improves it in virtually every way. And yet...
It might surprise you, but despite being one of the most vocal critics of Hyper Metroid, it is still my pick for the best overall. it is impossible to deny that Hyper Metroid is a brilliantly constructed, incredibly polished, and beautifully made hack. Its biggest weakness in my eyes is its open-endedness, yet ironically that is one of its greatest strengths. Though it led to my initially strong dislike for the hack, it has proven over time that it is well deserving of being called not only 2015's best hack, but maybe one of the greatest of all time.[/spoiler]
So there we are. Some incredibly difficult choices were made, but overall I'm happy with my picks. Curious to see everyone else's!


lmao at Hyper being nominated for "best quick play"

Miranda Gemini

Quote from: RT-55J on November 16, 2021, 10:31:52 PM
lmao at Hyper being nominated for "best quick play"
Hey now, it had a fairly dedicated group speedrunning it for a few years after its release, so I can't say I'm all that surprised seeing it on there. Plus uhhhh nomination was done by the community, so it's everyone else's fault!  :lol:


speedrun routing != quickplay hack tho :E

[spoiler=Best Aesthetics]Hyper Metroid. It had a solid and consistent art direction & beautiful level design. If someone told me this was Super Metroid 2, I would fall for it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Most Creative Gameplay]SLG hands down most creative here. Love the custom enemies and abilities.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Quick Play]SLG again, hands down a lot of short and sweet fun.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Challenge]I like containment chamber the most here. Solving puzzles to progress while learning advanced SM mechanics perfectly fits the bill of challenge hacks.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Exploration]Hyper Metroid is huge with much to see and do. Definitely one of my favorite hacks and worthy of Best Exploration 2015.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Overall]Hyper Metroid is easily HOTY for me. It hits so many buttons just right.[/quote]


Best aesthetics:
[spoiler]They all have good visuals, Lost World having the more unique exploration aesthetics and So little Garden (SLG) is also unique and lush. But Hyper, while not being really unique, edges everyone in term of simply "Does the overall screen looks good", in Hyper every colors pop, the black n white contrast is respected and everything is easily readable.[/spoiler]

Most creative gameplay:
[spoiler]SLG had alot of new asm going and many cool ideas, at the time and even today, it still is one of the most creative gameplay wise when throwing it in the big sea of hacks. I mean its the one who has started room names :)[/spoiler]

Best quick play:
[spoiler]Again with SLG for this one, Hyper would be best speed run, but for the best Quick Play its SLG. Its quick and compacted with one interesting idea to the other, just like a good indie game, its like the reverse of a diluted juice.[/spoiler]

Best challenge:
[spoiler]Oh wow! Forgot we have the asm masterpiece here that is Axeil. This must be one of the most well made challenge hack, it wins here.
Alot of work went into it considering its a rework ontop of the OG Redesign.
I must admit I never got really far, since those physics arent my thing, but I can see how big of a monument Axeil is, in both size and challenge for the player.[/spoiler]

Best exploration:
[spoiler]As with the morphball of this trophy, this goes to Hyper, you cant go wrong with Hyper, it feels like a second super metroid with a more modern feel. It being really open in exploration encourage multiple plays.[/spoiler]

Best overall:
[spoiler]Hyper is top3 hack in the grand total and will stay there for a long time, so it is ofc the best here. The Project Base gameplay being free-ed in a quality new map is a duo creation weve seen multiple time now, but Hyper stays the peak. Gives both one of the best speed game even outside of hack territory and a really good feeling of play. Your skills becoming swag n style is the best recompense you can give to a player becoming better at the game.[/spoiler]

Miranda Gemini

In the interest of making this easier for me to remember, voting for 2015 will close on Sunday, November 28th at 11:59pm EST. Get your votes in before then!

Miranda Gemini

Voting has closed! Thanks everyone for your votes. You can view the results here, but to summarise... the winners below!
[spoiler=Best Aesthetics]Hyper Metroid by RealRed, for taking vanilla Super Metroid's design to the next level![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Most Creative Gameplay]Amazingly, we had a three way tie!
Containment Chamber by Lioran, with its unique exploration of Super Metroid's niche mechanics to create a brilliant puzzle game.
So Little Garden by MetroidMst, for its overload of custom goodies.
Redesign: Axeil Edition by Drewseph, for unique puzzles, and an entire hidden gameplay mode.
[spoiler=Best Quick Play]So Little Garden by MetroidMst: "Short and sweet fun", to quote Cosmic.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Challenge]Redesign: Axeil Edition by Drewseph, with its gargantuan scale, unique puzzles, and unforgiving difficulty.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Exploration]Hyper Metroid by RealRed, using immersive level design and open-endedness to create a world that begs the player to unravel its mysteries.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Best Overall]Hyper Metroid, by RealRed, proves to be the titan among titans. It's widely lauded as one of Super Metroid's best hacks, and it's no surprise to see it take the top prize here.[/spoiler]
Congratulations to all of our winners! 2015's voting may be over, but Top Hacks 2016 is ready for your input! (I'll make a forum post about it soon, I promise.)