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Metroid - Revenge

Started by The Brothers Crafters, January 23, 2022, 02:52:04 PM

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The Brothers Crafters

Hello! I'm making a new Zero Mission hack. It's called Metroid - Revenge, and it will be a sequel to Dread. I won't spoil the plot until the hack is finished. Down below you'll find the download of the demo, it stops at Varia Suit (keep in mind that a lot of the musics, enemies and bg3s are place olders, that's also the reason why you won't find any anemies in some rooms). Tell me what you think! I really hope you enjoy!


it's here! LET'S GO!
demo 5 is public. Woo


Four months later, I'm still looking forward to it!

The Brothers Crafters

Finally have a second demo for you guys! Since I don't want to spoil too much, this is probably going to be the last demo I share until the full release of the hack, but we'll see. It goes Until Hi-jump following the intended item progression, but there are a few sequence breaks you can do, though the big ones will come with the Speed Booster wich is not in the game yet.
Keep in mind that from a point in the game you won't find enemies anymore, that's because I've decided that I'll add enemies when I'll be done with the rooms.
There are two thing you should avoid doing or you'll softlock: trying to reach Crateria via the first room in Brinstar, and using the morph launcher in Ridley.
The maximum amount of items obtainable should be 7 full energy-tanks and 102 missiles (34 packs).
If you played the older version, you should start over because some stuff has been changed.


this patch isnotintendedforthis ROM 
GBA Edition can be synthesized


Quote from: scm440 on June 13, 2022, 01:08:46 AM
this patch isnotintendedforthis ROM 
GBA Edition can be synthesized
you need a clean mzm rom. not patch the old version.


just a fyi people, this is not abandoned ;)
it's cooking!