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Metroid Fusion: Special Edition (Now with hard mode!)

Started by Lostglaceon, August 06, 2021, 12:27:34 AM

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Metroid Fusion: Special Edition (Now with hard mode!)
Link to the MetConst hack page:
Link to the RHDN page:

v5.0 is currently being worked on!

Current release version is v4.2.
To check if you have the newest patch, look at the version number on the title screen as shown below:

Celebrating a very special 35th anniversary to the Metroid franchise!

This is a hack using "Sequence Breaking Fusion" as its base that focuses on giving a facelift to the visuals, alongside many gameplay tweaks and room changes to make (what I'm hoping to be) the best Metroid Fusion experience currently available!

I'm overall proud of how this project turned out over the past few weeks. While I was originally going to keep it private for me and my friends, I decided to turn it into a proper patch since a few people suggested it! It's since gotten plenty of big updates to bring it closer to what I've always wanted Fusion to be. From visual overhauls to brand new sequence-breaks, this hack should have plenty to enjoy, and I hope you all love this passion project of mine as much as I do!

-Much of the game recolored to give it a less overly-saturated (but still colorful) look.
-Better map screen and HUD graphics.
-More compact font (with text tweaks to center better with the width of said font).
-Bomb-jumping and single-wall wall-jumping reimplemented.
-Many new sequence breaks added (early Power Bombs are the most important step).
-Faster door transitions and elevators.
-Optional (and slightly customized) hard mode.
-Many small level design tweaks.
-Some old/unused content restored.
-You can stand on most of the computers (yes, really).








[spoiler]v1.0 - Initial Release
-First public release of the hack.

v2.0 - Graphical Overhaul
-Proper custom title screen.
-UI got a facelift in several areas.
-Map color palette changed to be a bit more inline with ZM for consistency while still remaining unique.
-Door softlocking fix WAS implemented, but the build I released was actually missing it.

v2.1 - Minor Patch #1
-Fix for the door transitions softlocking has been included this time.
-Changed the color of the minimap grid to match the map screen's grid.
-Added version numbering on the title screen.

v3.0 - Area 5/6 Update + Various Graphical Tweaks
-Area 5's blindingly vibrant icy areas have been toned down to a more realistic palette, while still remaining colorful.
-Area 6's lit-up caverns were changed to actually look dark, rather than being neon hell.
-The colors of Area 3's purple stone and metal was desaturated and adjusted slightly.
-All the broken doors had their color palettes changed to actually look like they should, rather than being overly faded for no good reason.
-Interactable floor panels (buttons?) in each room have been made consistent, rather than half being green while others are silvery.
-The silvery unused data room computer has been reimplemented, along with the beta ship cockpit BG.
-A certain set of unused rooms was readded to the Main Deck, each having a nice little bonus to collect.

v3.1 - Minor Patch #2
-Very minor level design changes.
-The "disco blocks" in Sectors 3 and 6 have been fixed.
-You can stand on ~80% of the computers in the game.
-SA-X can be damaged at any point with the charge beam for fun (good luck killing it, though).

v3.2 - Minor Patch #3
-Critical bug that prevents players from finishing the game fixed.
-More level design changes, some allowing secrets to be obtained earlier than usual.
-Updated design for the Missile/Power Bomb tanks.

v4.0 - New Sequence Breaks + Polishing Up
-Getting Space Jump early is now possible as long as you have Hi-Jump and have killed Nettori.
-Super Missiles obtainable without Speed Booster or Lv. 2 access.
-Wave Beam and Screw Attack can be obtained without ever even unlocking Lv. 3 doors (VERY challenging).
-Much easier to get 0%, as the difficult-to-avoid missile tank in Sector 3 has been moved to an optional spot in Sector 5.
-Many graphical changes (such as a nice location marker instead of a flashing white square).
-Some annoying small tiling errors were removed/changed.
-Credits and intro text edited to better fit the romhack.

v4.1 - Minor Patch #4
-Finally gave Sector 1's grassy caves a proper recolor.
-Dark areas are much darker, as they should be.
-Various other graphical and level design changes.
-MFSE now has an optional hard mode patch, which includes some extra changes.

v4.2 - Minor Patch #5
-More brand new map graphics.
-A few small shortcuts added.
-Fixed the missing changes in Zazabi's hard mode arena.

v5.0 - "More Open" Sectors and Early Speed Booster
-WIP c:[/spoiler]

Lostglaceon (Me! :D) - Most of the graphical and level editing work, reimplementing some cut content, and putting this hack together.
Wildfire - Helped me test it so many times that I lost count, and gave me many fantastic ideas and suggestions!
Raygun and Cpt. Glitch - A few (very awesome) .asm patches.
Jumzhu - Sped-up room transitions.
Cosmic - The original font and map tiles that I used before tweaking them a bit.
Kazuto - The hack this was built on!


Really neat and simple so far, I had a crash trying to enter level 1 door room once, didn't happen again, the bomb timer is very obtuse for bomb jumping (afaik kazuto didnt change it in his hack iirc?)
Maybe fix this tiling error?

I'd like to see more work done on this, the work on the red borders looks neat.

edit: cause of crash seems to be holding left while entering a door transition which goes right or vice-versa, would have test if this comes from jumzhu's patch or your hack.

edit 2, return of edit: tried jumzhu's patch from the resources page, can't seem to crash in it, weird.

super edit:
door seems to be missing here, probably vanilla assuming you cant reach the door warp in this room state.

edit prime:
can't seem to open this flashing door while the others below (or above in the message) seem to be openable


Looks like I've got some work cut out for me! It'll be a bit tough since there's not enough documentation compared to MZM, but hopefully I can fix most of those issues.

Only one I'm so unsure of is the door crash, I had it once or twice when I got hit by an enemy during a room transition. I'll be gone for a few days, so I sadly won't be able to test fixes just yet.


I saw this hack posted at, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the differences.
If it's not much too ask, could you possibly add pics to compare the changes between Special and vanilla Fusion?
That would help out with visualizing the perks and features of the hack more clearly.


Thread's finally updated! I tried to address many of the issues and suggestions people had (thanks to many people in the community for helping me out!), but also focused on adding my own personal flair to the hack, and I think it turned out pretty well. Especially the UI changes!

Hope everyone enjoys playing Metroid Fusion: Special Edition v2.0!

...and feel free to put your suggestions here! I have a few ideas down for what could be added or changed next, but I'd love to see more.

EDIT: Also, someone actually made a video on v1 of the hack less than a day after it had released! You can find it here:


Now i wish/hope this hack could be used for MFOR as the base of the Rando runs, that would be cool.


Turns out that at some point, I reverted to a build that DIDN'T have the fix for softlocking when entering doors. It's now been readded along with a few more changes that I wanted to add! I also reduced the attachments to one .zip that has the current and older versions in it, and the older versions got updated title screens so you can see which version you're playing.

One last thing; this thread also got a design change, with the changelog section being added (which I'll try to keep updated with all the changes/new features).

I hope you all enjoy MFSE v2.1 (for real this time)!


Hey, I just dled the special edition.  Some questions.  I know it allows sequence breaking (it says so in the description), but does that mean that it'll screw with the story and all?  For example, you would unlock some items before you're allowed in the game?  Because if so, then some of the scripts won't make any sense.  I much prefer that you're able to get MORE of the already unlocked items (ex: using bomb jump to get more missiles in places where you need space jump), rather than unlocking a completely new items before the story allows to do so.


The sequence breaking in this hack is provided by kazuto's sequence breaking fusion hack so the event system works with items obtained out of order, it sounds a little more janky on paper than it actually is, doing stuff out of order either skips the event (like getting wide before the emergency part skips the emergency altogether) or just acknowledges the item later(ie: you can get plasma just after zazabi, but it doesn't break the story at all)


Thanks for making Fusion less linear. :) I have just a single suggestion: could you make it compatible with the Japanese release? It has the hard mode.


Quote from: Seta on August 11, 2021, 10:08:30 AM
Thanks for making Fusion less linear. :) I have just a single suggestion: could you make it compatible with the Japanese release? It has the hard mode.

no editor supports japanese fusion yet. we know it has a hard mode. it's not that easy. between different regions, everything in ROM is rearranged.


It seems that you can delete items from a playthrough based on what events you trigger through sequence breaking.
For example, I managed to delete the Plasma Beam from being attainable by complete accident.
In Sector 2 (TRO) it is possible to reach Nettori's room from the wrong entrance, making the room immediately take on its post-Nettori appearance. This also changes the rest of TRO to its post-Nettori appearance (where all the vines and such are gone), so even if you go in the correct way afterwards it's too late. Sequence breaking even a little bit of TRO seems to change it to its overgrowth appearance immediately, though whether that cheats you out of other items or not I'm not entirely sure.

Given that this hack uses a specific sequence breaking hack as a base for itself, I'm not sure if this is something that should be brought up with you or with the person who made said base.


Could you "replace" some items?  For example, in the places where you can obtain early Power Bomb (ex: sector 2), you instead replace it with Missiles, and then put Power Bomb in the places where you got those missiles from -- that way, you can "sequence break" in obtaining extra items, but not break the story sequence.  You may also need to add some special "blockages" (ex: security doors, power bomb blocks, etc).  Basically, make it so that you can't story-sequence-break, but still obtain many many items (mostly missiles, energy tanks, and power bomb).

This may require some thinking though (and lots of testings).


I've been loving this hack so far, and I can definitely see the potential it has as base for other hacks. I've only noticed one wrong thing so far.


Quote from: SphericalCube on August 12, 2021, 04:22:08 PM
I've been loving this hack so far, and I can definitely see the potential it has as base for other hacks. I've only noticed one wrong thing so far.

Currently working on another huge update that I plan to put out either later today or tomorrow. Fixing BOX's messed up colors is part of what's planned!


Got v3.0 done in time for me to upload it tonight!

This is the biggest update yet, and changes quite a lot visually AND adds a small bit of content using previously-unused rooms! This might be the last major update for a little while if I can't figure out how to implement what I want to change next or think of something else to add.


Patch v3.1's been dropped here since there was a few issues I wanted to fix (plus, I wanted to make it so you could stand on the computers).

EDIT: Another awesome video! They finished SM: Redux, then started playing MF: Special Edition (v2.1)!


do you have any plans on applying the changes in map made by sammy erin on the sequence break patch?
he did on this post,5381.0.html


Hi! I'm the one who streamed the game in the video earlier.

I just wanted to say I got to the end of your hack, and enjoyed it quite a lot!

However, I ran into a softlock at the end that prevents completing the game.  I made a video about it which I will link in a different reply as per the forum rules.

The nature of the lock is as follows:

Quotever 3.1, fresh start

Found this while I was wrapping up the game.  Level 4 doors are all unlocked, except this one at the end won't open even though the waypoint is behind it.

The only sequence I broke (by accident) is grabbing some early power bombs in TRO sector.  This appears to have skipped:  Getting the power bombs in NOC, and freeing the critters in the habitation section.  Everything else played out correctly.

I don't know if this is an issue with the Special Edition hack or the base Sequence Breaker hack.

Additionally: access to all other sectors is locked by the "script" doors (the ones that pop up when you are forced to talk to Adam in a nav room, or kill all enemies in a room).

I wasn't sure where to post about this, so if there's a better place to take this then let me know!


Steel Sparkle

The above posted bug happens regardless if you sequence break or not, the game CANNOT be completed sadly unless you use the debug code.
Other than that bug, this is a nice improvement to the original fusion.

Another bug
[spoiler]There is another bug where the elevator that goes to the sectors hub will not go to the top and will always stop where the power would normally turn off making you take that path every time you go up the elevator.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on August 17, 2021, 10:27:40 AM
The above posted bug happens regardless if you sequence break or not, the game CANNOT be completed sadly unless you use the debug code.
Other than that bug, this is a nice improvement to the original fusion.

Another bug
[spoiler]There is another bug where the elevator that goes to the sectors hub will not go to the top and will always stop where the power would normally turn off making you take that path every time you go up the elevator.[/spoiler]

Sorry, I have a silly question but... what is this debug code ? I just started a game in 3.1 version and I'm a little "sad" that the game isn't completable.


Don't worry, I saw the problems! I think I somehow messed up one of the event triggers towards the end of the game. I can try and do a small fix in the mean time (which I'll attach to this post if done). Once I get home and have access to my main PC, I'll try and make a proper numbered patch with a few needed fixes.

EDIT: The fixed patch (which I suppose is technically v3.1.1) is at the bottom of this post, now.


Hello again!

Just wanted to check in and confirm that the fix patch appears to fix the issue with the door and the elevator going up into the "power off" state.

I applied the patch to a clean file, coped my save ram data to use with it, and it worked like a charm.

Thanks, Lostglaceon!
