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Super Metroid GBA Edition

Started by The Brothers Crafters, December 15, 2020, 04:10:54 AM

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Quote from: ZebesianScientist on November 18, 2021, 06:43:27 PM
There's another problem.
At one point in Maridia, the quicksand physics made it hard for me to use Power Grip on nearby edges, and no matter how much I tried to rewind, RetroArch wouldn't let me go back any further, forcing me to restart and therefore, nuke all my unsaved progress. I need this fixed asap.

you shouldnt need to restart over quicksand

The Brothers Crafters

Quote from: ZebesianScientist on November 18, 2021, 06:43:27 PM
There's another problem.
At one point in Maridia, the quicksand physics made it hard for me to use Power Grip on nearby edges, and no matter how much I tried to rewind, RetroArch wouldn't let me go back any further, forcing me to restart and therefore, nuke all my unsaved progress. I need this fixed asap.
For now that s the quicksand for zm, I didnt find other, so that s it


ah i am bad disregard what i said before

this hack uses a lot of "off the shelf" unmodified asm so jank like this is expected unfortunately.
in places where you want to grip, try walljumping up instead.
as for the rewind thingy, that's an issue of the emulator, not the hack.


Quote from: Cosmic on November 20, 2021, 09:26:02 AM
ah i am bad disregard what i said before

this hack uses a lot of "off the shelf" unmodified asm so jank like this is expected unfortunately.
in places where you want to grip, try walljumping up instead.
as for the rewind thingy, that's an issue of the emulator, not the hack.
I'm not sure if I did, but I did try wall-jumping up, but the quicksand kept clipping me and pulling me back down.

The Brothers Crafters

Quote from: ZebesianScientist on November 22, 2021, 12:59:51 AM
Quote from: Cosmic on November 20, 2021, 09:26:02 AM
ah i am bad disregard what i said before

this hack uses a lot of "off the shelf" unmodified asm so jank like this is expected unfortunately.
in places where you want to grip, try walljumping up instead.
as for the rewind thingy, that's an issue of the emulator, not the hack.
I'm not sure if I did, but I did try wall-jumping up, but the quicksand kept clipping me and pulling me back down.
U can try to do some straigth jump to escape the quicksand


Apart from the fact that nothing I did had worked to help me escape the very amateurly scripted quicksand, I've a few suggestions.
For the scene with the huge Metroid, try copying a regular Metroid, scaling it up until it matches the Metroid in the real game, and then try to make a script where the draining mechanic stops when you have only a single health point left, and cannot execute again until the player regains health (at least up to one square).
The Spazer Beam is outdated. Check the General Patches thread for the newer versions.
To be more akin with the SNES counterpart, the item fanfares should play for every single item, no matter how many times you pick up a Missile/Super Missile/Power Bomb tank.
Also, doing a Shinespark should drain health, and create shockwaves that diffuse accordingly (if you shinespark into a wall on the right, two shockwaves go vertically, vice versa. Diagonal shinesparks spew shockwaves in the same direction you performed a shinespark.)
For the Crocomire boss fight, the according music should play until either Crocomire dies or the player exits the room. If Crocomire is defeated, the boss music won't play again.
For the Chozo Guardian boss where Phantoon should be, try replacing the boss' sprites with that of Phantoon, and change the lightning strikes into blue fireballs. As for the Chozo engravings you have to shoot out of a spot, make sure Phantoon is the according size for his eye to be the mirror the Chozo Guardian holds.
As for the Mother Brain battle, raygun is working on a Hyper Beam recreation for Zero Mission, so stay tuned.
That's all I got. Hope this works for you somehow.


Quote from: ZebesianScientist on November 25, 2021, 02:25:56 PM
Apart from the fact that nothing I did had worked to help me escape the very amateurly scripted quicksand, I've a few suggestions.
For the scene with the huge Metroid, try copying a regular Metroid, scaling it up until it matches the Metroid in the real game, and then try to make a script where the draining mechanic stops when you have only a single health point left, and cannot execute again until the player regains health (at least up to one square).
The Spazer Beam is outdated. Check the General Patches thread for the newer versions.
To be more akin with the SNES counterpart, the item fanfares should play for every single item, no matter how many times you pick up a Missile/Super Missile/Power Bomb tank.
Also, doing a Shinespark should drain health, and create shockwaves that diffuse accordingly (if you shinespark into a wall on the right, two shockwaves go vertically, vice versa. Diagonal shinesparks spew shockwaves in the same direction you performed a shinespark.)
For the Crocomire boss fight, the according music should play until either Crocomire dies or the player exits the room. If Crocomire is defeated, the boss music won't play again.
For the Chozo Guardian boss where Phantoon should be, try replacing the boss' sprites with that of Phantoon, and change the lightning strikes into blue fireballs. As for the Chozo engravings you have to shoot out of a spot, make sure Phantoon is the according size for his eye to be the mirror the Chozo Guardian holds.
As for the Mother Brain battle, raygun is working on a Hyper Beam recreation for Zero Mission, so stay tuned.
That's all I got. Hope this works for you somehow.

A lot of what you're asking for would be pretty difficult to pull off, even at even an intermediate skill-level, and a lot of it is also a bit unnecessary.

While some of the ideas given make sense, others are outside of the scope of the hack or would kinda defeat the point of making a Zero Mission hack. If you want to play Super Metroid, just play Super Metroid. From what I understand, this hack was created to mimic Super Metroid's map design in Zero Mission's engine, not to be a 1:1 recreation of the SNES game.

Updating Spazer, re-spriting Chozo-Ghost, and fixing Crocomire's music are what I think are okay ideas (Though, the Chozo-Ghost resprite may be difficult without OAM shenanigans, which I don't think TBC is up for).

Making the item fanfare play for every item, and making shine-spark reduce HP are what I think defeat the point of making a ZM hack. These are two aspects of ZM that people often enjoy and prefer over Super. Changing these would, I feel, be at the expense of ZM's unique identity that people hack the game for.

The supersized metroid encounter and the shine-spark echoes are a bit much to ask. The creator, from what I've seen, isn't that experienced in GBA programming, so creating new code would be exceedingly difficult and require a lot of extra time and effort that might be a bit much to ask if they aren't already committed. Asking someone else to do it is likely off the table, as well, since most of us don't want to bother the more experienced programmers with complex, unnecessary jobs. You're welcome to do it if you would like, however.

This is just my two cents, at least. I'm not TBC, and I don't wish to put words in their mouth, but this is how I'd imagine they feel from context.



Quote from: ZebesianScientist on November 25, 2021, 02:25:56 PM
Apart from the fact that nothing I did had worked to help me escape the very amateurly scripted quicksand, I've a few suggestions.
For the scene with the huge Metroid, try copying a regular Metroid, scaling it up until it matches the Metroid in the real game, and then try to make a script where the draining mechanic stops when you have only a single health point left, and cannot execute again until the player regains health (at least up to one square).
The Spazer Beam is outdated. Check the General Patches thread for the newer versions.
To be more akin with the SNES counterpart, the item fanfares should play for every single item, no matter how many times you pick up a Missile/Super Missile/Power Bomb tank.
Also, doing a Shinespark should drain health, and create shockwaves that diffuse accordingly (if you shinespark into a wall on the right, two shockwaves go vertically, vice versa. Diagonal shinesparks spew shockwaves in the same direction you performed a shinespark.)
For the Crocomire boss fight, the according music should play until either Crocomire dies or the player exits the room. If Crocomire is defeated, the boss music won't play again.
For the Chozo Guardian boss where Phantoon should be, try replacing the boss' sprites with that of Phantoon, and change the lightning strikes into blue fireballs. As for the Chozo engravings you have to shoot out of a spot, make sure Phantoon is the according size for his eye to be the mirror the Chozo Guardian holds.
As for the Mother Brain battle, raygun is working on a Hyper Beam recreation for Zero Mission, so stay tuned.
That's all I got. Hope this works for you somehow.

I agree with everything EXCEPT the shinespark draining health. Thats something that didn't age well in vanilla Super.

Id still maintain that the biggest thing missing in this game besides the giant metroid and the full Mother Brain battle has to be the Super Metroid soundtrack. If I could somehow patch in GBA styled Super Metroid music in this myself, I totally would.


Since it's Super Metroid but "Zero Mission Flavour", I disagree with changing OST or trying to do certain "impossible" things (humble opinion). Instead, I'd attempt to take advantage of Zero Mission stuff to give some situations of the game more variety or consistency (but it is a lot of work). For example:

- Better music at landing moment (fanfare and ambient music, like Project ZM).
- Recycling some Zero Mission situations or gimmicks for variety, i.e. when you obtain bombs in Zero Mission, there are little bugs hidden and you have to destroy them to activate the door. That event could be recycled and used in the Brinstar Map room (bomb recently obtained and makes sense).
- Brinstar flying enemy spawn tubes need to be redesigned.
- Harder Norfair: placing pirates where Vanilla have dragons, eliminating grip in all Norfair (for consistency), possibility of falling into the lava in Speed buster corridor, etc.
- Alternative way to reach grapple (maybe hidden speed ball machine, and placing a grapple at the top of that big room that reaches you to see the hidden missile, but not to obtain it).
- Alternative way to navigate certain big Maridia room without need of shinespark or walljump (Shinespark needed to reach super missile, but it shouldn't bee needed to advance in the game).
- Much Harder Ridley: making all lava gravity hurting (including Mua subboss'), recycling some Zero mission gimmicks and placing more enemy variety in general (pirates specially).
- Little more room for Phantoon room (left side).
- Music variety in Maridia and Wrecked Ship (mothership), if possible.
- Making some rooms sense, i.e. Shaktool room makes sense in vanilla to reach spring ball, but no sense in GBA edition only to reach a missle (possible zone redesign). Kame room could have some enemies instead.
- Possible Plasma Beam room redesign (placing the block in the previous room -with some bomb blocks that allow you to reach plasma-, trying to make memory room for plasma pirates in some way, etc).
- Slow down Samus speed while jump.
- Adjusting/reverting some spare enemies added in the process to a more Vanilla placing.
- Taking back the cutscenes (choosing the best moment for each one).
- Since Giant Metroid situation is not the same of Vanilla anymore, I'd make the giant sidehoppers beatable in Tourian (I think there was a white door event related to beating giant sidehoppers in ZM, this is a good moment to place it).

Well, I only wanted to put some examples in which this fantastic and ejoyable (for my taste) hack still can be improved whithout programming skills, taking advantage of what Zero Mission has to offer (in my humble opinion). Obviously it'll never be perfect (Crocomire, giant metroid, animal friends situations), but improving variety and consistency is possible and it'd make this hack a more solid experience. But I'm aware that it's a lot of work, only to make a few people happy.

People who want a more Super Metroid experience can always play Super Metroid (and many of that wonderful hacks) again ;D

P.S: Again, it's only the humble opinion of a Metroid fan who has surprised himself having a lot of fun doing run after run of this hack. Navigating the so well designed SM map layout with Zero Mission fluency is really, really fun for me, hence thanks The Brother Crafters for the unimaginably hard work put in it.

The Brothers Crafters

new version, it changes the music with the ones from RTZ. Cedit: Alexman25 for the musics and AntArmy (An_Army_of_Ants) for apply them


There is a BUG that difficult mode 101% cannot be completed and super missiles are not enough

The Brothers Crafters

Quote from: scm440 on June 12, 2022, 07:44:53 PM
There is a BUG that difficult mode 101% cannot be completed and super missiles are not enough
just cecked and you re wrong, maybe you missed some supers. And it can be completed, i just finished it at 101% in hard mode


OK,I'll do it again. There's a new version :grin:


Quote from: The Brothers Crafters on June 12, 2022, 01:30:24 PM
new version, it changes the music with the ones from RTZ. Cedit: Alexman25 for the musics and AntArmy (An_Army_of_Ants) for apply them

FINALLY!!! God I love you so much for posting this. You can't have Super Metroid without the Super Metroid soundtrack.


Quote from: FV2112 on June 20, 2022, 11:30:31 AM
Quote from: The Brothers Crafters on June 12, 2022, 01:30:24 PM
new version, it changes the music with the ones from RTZ. Cedit: Alexman25 for the musics and AntArmy (An_Army_of_Ants) for apply them

FINALLY!!! God I love you so much for posting this. You can't have Super Metroid without the Super Metroid soundtrack.
Yeah. Whoever did those tracks did a fantastic job, too.


I feel like this hack really needs only three things to make it perfect, more enemies ripped from Fusion in Maridia, reskinned bosses, and a way to have a "second stage" of the mother brain battle.


Quote from: alexman25 on June 20, 2022, 05:18:42 PM
Quote from: FV2112 on June 20, 2022, 11:30:31 AM
Quote from: The Brothers Crafters on June 12, 2022, 01:30:24 PM
new version, it changes the music with the ones from RTZ. Cedit: Alexman25 for the musics and AntArmy (An_Army_of_Ants) for apply them

FINALLY!!! God I love you so much for posting this. You can't have Super Metroid without the Super Metroid soundtrack.
Yeah. Whoever did those song ports did a fantastic job, too.

Thanks! I did those. However I wouldn't have been able to do so if it wasn't by the help I got in the MAGConst Discord Server


Quote from: FV2112 on June 21, 2022, 04:52:47 PM
I feel like this hack really needs only three things to make it perfect, more enemies ripped from Fusion in Maridia, reskinned bosses, and a way to have a "second stage" of the mother brain battle.
I've heard that a Phantoon boss will be added...
I do agree that it'd be cool if Zebes Fusion enemies were added  :nod:


Quote from: AntArmy on June 21, 2022, 07:57:51 PM
Quote from: FV2112 on June 21, 2022, 04:52:47 PM
I feel like this hack really needs only three things to make it perfect, more enemies ripped from Fusion in Maridia, reskinned bosses, and a way to have a "second stage" of the mother brain battle.
I've heard that a Phantoon boss will be added...
I do agree that it'd be cool if Zebes Fusion enemies were added  :nod:
yes as you can see on their youtube channel it's possible we'll see. 2nd phase mb is kinda hard without asm and it'd be looot of work

The Brothers Crafters

So, in the last 2 months, I ve been working on an "improved" version of the hack, wich is no longer a port, but a remake. I improved a lot of things, and i dont want to spoil anything so, feel free to play (the hack will be posted on main site once some people will test it and reported eventual glitches) (and I also did italian translation cz, yes)
Updated cz i fixed a softlock and modified gfx of wave beam


Revamp is definitley an improvement from GBA edition. I love the Fusion-esque slower yet still snappy physics, I think the overall world design makes this feel like what an actual GBA remake of Super Metroid would be like as opposed to just putting the SM map into Zero Mission. The addition of Serris from Fusion to replace Botwoon and reskinning the Ruins Test to Phantoon was a pretty nice touch even though Phantoon's textures are still very flickery.

However the few flaws I've noticed is that the soundtrack sometimes doesn't loop right and you have to enter and then exit a room in order to get the music to play. Also, some of the bosses need to have their health increased so that they pose an actual challenge. I'm able to basically one-shot Ridley with the plasma beam. Also, I think the item fanfare should be Super's and not ZM's

But other than that, I think this is way better than GBA Edition and I love to see where this goes!


Complete the game for the first time with a 95% yield rate. There are a few props that were not found all at once, the Edition is a complete copy, and the Revamp is optimized, and it is very good to have its own ideas.
The only bad thing is that since it's not a re-engraving, why do the four items in the two quicksands have to go through the same route twice to get them?


Quote from: scm440 on August 03, 2022, 09:37:40 PM
Complete the game for the first time with a 95% yield rate. There are a few props that were not found all at once, the Edition is a complete copy, and the Revamp is optimized, and it is very good to have its own ideas.
The only bad thing is that since it's not a re-engraving, why do the four items in the two quicksands have to go through the same route twice to get them?

One of the things I did like about Revamp is the fact that you get the Super missles AFTER ice beam, which honestly sounds like something Nintendo would do in an official Super remake. I've always felt you got super missles WAY too early in Super.


I would honestly love to see someone try and reskin the omega metroid from fusion into Mother Brain's second form, the SA-X into the baby metroid, and convert fusion's ice beam into the hyper beam