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Yu-Gi-Oh! (who plays?)

Started by Malpercio, March 31, 2010, 07:07:11 PM

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have you heard of/play/like/collect/obsess on/hate Yu-Gi-Oh?

Heard of it.
Play it.
Like it.
Collect it.
Obsess on it.
Hate it


i was reading the talk of the day, and i was wondering how many others play, besides me, skree, and person.

post your deck if you play, maybe we could get some kind of web site to play online.

My deck's a cobbling together of older series cards, due in part to my ditching the series during the GX period. doesn't mean it isnt trashy. good power combos, hoping to add a Blue Eyes White Dragon sooner or later.
[spoiler=My Deck]
Dark Magician (fuck yeah)
Launcher Spider
Banisher of the Light
Tyranno Infinity
Dark Driceratops
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Luster Dragon #2
Gearfried the Iron Knight
Montage Dragon
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
Arcana Force VII - The Chariot
Getsu Fuhma
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Beaver Warrior
Celtic Guardian
Giant Soldier of Stone
Man-Eater Bug
Firestorm Prominence
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave
Ancient Gear
Guardian of the Throne Room
Hyper Hammerhead
Sonic Bird
Arcana Force 0 - The Fool
Ultimate Tyranno

Ritual Monsters + Ritual Spell Card
Cu Chulainn the Awakened + Emblem of the Awakening
Paladin of White Dragon + White Dragon Ritual

Molten Destruction
Sebek's Blessing
Lightning Vortex
Remove Trap
Pot of Greed x4
De-spell x2
Rain of Mercy
The Reliable Guardian
Fairy of the Spring
Lightning Blade
Mystic Plasma Zone
Axe of Despair
Diffusion Wave-Motion
Rod of the Mind's Eye
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Monster Reborn
Swords of Revealing Light
Swords of Concealing Light
Tail Swipe
Cup of Ace
Magical Mallet
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Ancient Gear Drill

Just Desserts
Gift of The Mystical Elf
Magic Jammer
Seismic Shockwave
Negate Attack
Survival Instinct
Raigeki Break
Dust Tornado
Malfunction x2
Reversal of Fate
Solomon's Lawbook

Silver Skree

Quote from: metruler1990 on March 31, 2010, 07:07:11 PMskree
You're mistaken. I've not been interested in trading card games for over 8 years.


Wow MetRuler, thick deck you got there. First I'd like to point out you can't have more than three copies of a card; you have four Pot of Greeds. Second, if you want a good functional deck, it's gonna need a theme. As of now, I'm still assembling a deck since one of my friends recently dragged me into the competitive side of it.

However, here are some of the stronger cards to my deck that I've pretty much decided on:
(Reg. Monsters)
-Chaos Sorcerer
-Skilled Dark Magician > Dark Magician > Eradicator Warlock (combo)
-Endymion, the Master Magician
-Mythical Beast Cerberus
(Synchro Monsters)
-Tempest Magician
-Arcanite Magicain

Basically the idea is to build the field with a s*** load of spell counters, then destroy them all for 500 LP apiece. Two worst enemies though are Giant Trunade and Spell Exhaust... those cards will rape my deck. ;~;



Outdated, haven't revamped that deck since they had Magician of Faith legal again (that was over 2 years ago iirc, and then she went back to forbidden again soon after)

I love playing this game, I think I'm pretty good with at it.  I've built lots of different kinds of decks, but that on is my favorite.

metruler1990: that deck is rather odd. It doesn't seem to have much of a theme... just a bunch of random cards put together.  Not bashing it or nothing, don't take it the wrong way.


My friend forced a deck of Yu-gi-oh cards on me forever ago and I can't remember where they are now. They're probably hiding in my room...


I like playing the game, but NO ONE I know still plays it, and wouldn't know how to find peoples, so I don't... I still have my deck though =P

Monsters x27
Thousand-Eyes Idol
Thousand-Eyes Restrict (Woooooo)
Red-Eyes B. Chick
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Element Dragon
The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave
Luster Dragon [x2]
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy Of The Beginning (Another Woooooo!)
Masked Dragon [x3]
Armed Dragon LV3 [x2]
Armed Dragon LV5
Armed Dragon LV7 (Ultimate Rare! Frak yer!!!)
Ryu Kokki [x2]
Despair From The Dark [x2]
Double Coston
A Man With Wdjat
Man-Eater Bug
Pyramid Turtle [x2]
Vampire Lady

Spells x16
Pot Of Greed
Creature Swap [x2]
Stamping Destruction
Reload [x2]
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Graveyard In The Fourth Dimension
Dark Hole
Mystical Space Typhoon [x2]
Mausoleum Of The Emperor
Nobleman Of Crossout
Giant Trunade
Call Of The Mummy

Traps x9
Dragon's Rage
Curse Of Anubis
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
The Dragon's Bead
Dust Tornado
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Trap Hole
Fairy Box

I do realise that since Metamorphosis is illegal, I wouldn't be able to use Thousand-Eyes Restrict, and thus there's no point to having Thousand-Eyes Idol either. Also I'm pretty sure the 2 Envoy cards (Chaos Emperor Dragon + Black Luster Soldier) are illegal... cause they're too frikken good.
That's ok though, cause basically my whole deck system works around getting out Armed Dragon LV7, which can clear out opponent's monsters, then attack directly =D
Now if only I had a LV10...


Ugh, dragon decks using Armed Drangons... <.<; Well, there is worse
[spoiler=Freakin'...]Use Dragon's Edge Mirror to bring out five headed dragon in one turn only to be shortly followed by future fusion and bring out another...[/spoiler]
Meh. Through research last night I believe I'll be running a lock down spellcaster deck. As for those curious to see what cards as forbidden or not, linkified.

Big Gay Cell

Yeah, I used to play.  But I sold everything except parts of my main deck.  I mostly play Magic the Gathering if I play any TCG, though.


I have three decks, but since I've made them I've never been able to play with them. I have one particular combo that I enjoy very much, however...

Cat's Ear Tribe: 200 attack, 300 defense; special: anything attacking it has its attack reduced to 200 for the damage step.
Attach Raregold Armor: opponent can only attack it.
Attach anything that boosts attack: now invincible.
Mucus Yolk: 0 attack, 0 defense; special: attack life points directly and gain 1000 attack each time you attack.

A five turn win if things go well. It can only be stopped by something that specifically destroys monsters or equips. :portal:

Also I typed this at 5 AM after not sleeping! :awesome:

Hiroshi Mishima

While I've never actually attempted to play Yu-Gi-Oh!, I have some of the cards I swiped from my cousin I happened to have liked some of them. Similar to why I own a few Pokemon and Digimon cards. However, I did play Magic the Gathering back in Elementary school, and possibly my first year of Junior High, I don't remember anymore. Was only so-so at it cause I wasn't a super serious player, but I enjoyed it. Used to have a lot of the cards, too, but then it became something I just had because they were nice to look at. I don't think I still have them anymore, may have sold them.

But I have played some of the YGO games out there on various consoles. Usually not very fun, but occasionally I enjoyed myself before the CPU started making broken decks. I did, however, watch the show a lot when it was on. I watched every episode from the beginning up until the Kaiba Tournement where Mai lost the Shadow Game on the .. what was it an airship or plane? Anyways, by then the show started getting too hard to follow/keep up with and I didn't see the movie. I also found the later shows to all be attempts to remix the original show or rip off other shows that had done similar stuff at the time. Card-game based shows seemed to explode in popularity for a while there. >_>


Quote from: Silver Skree on March 31, 2010, 09:14:18 PM
Quote from: metruler1990 on March 31, 2010, 07:07:11 PMskree
You're mistaken. I've not been interested in trading card games for over 8 years.
sorry, meant inter.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on April 04, 2010, 11:53:55 PM
and I didn't see the movie.
This sums it up quite nicely while still keeping it entertaining.   :heheh:
Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Movie (Complete)


Quote from: person701 on March 31, 2010, 09:33:27 PM
Wow Metruler, thick deck you got there. First I'd like to point out you can't have more than three copies of a card; you have four Pot of Greeds. Second, if you want a good functional deck, it's gonna need a theme.
Quote from: squishy_ichigo on March 31, 2010, 10:55:12 PM
metruler1990: that deck is rather odd. It doesn't seem to have much of a theme... just a bunch of random cards put together.  Not bashing it or nothing, don't take it the wrong way.

it doesnt have much of a theme. yet. my deck was built from a  bunch of randomized collections of old cards, not any specific starter/structure deck or booster pack. also,  i like the deck thick. moar cards may make it harder to get the cards i need, but allows more room for combos. current theme is close to Dino/Dragon tho.

after looking up the limits, im only allowed 1 Mystical Space Typhoon. :P


I lurvvvvv cyber dragonz

2x Cyber Dragon
3x Cyer Dragon Zwei
1x Chaos Sorceror
1x Spirit Reaper
2x Heavy Mech Support
1x Honest
1x Sangan
3x Armored Cybern
1x Yellow Gadget
1x Red Gadget
1x Green Gadget
1x FalchionB
1x Spell Striker
1x Cyber Valley

Cyber Twin Dragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Limiter Removal
Brain Control
Card Trader
Pot of Avarice
smashing Ground
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Swords of Reavealing Light
Overload Fusion
Smashing Ground

magics is missing future fusion and power bond

Bottomless Traphole
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Judgment
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Dust Tornado
Threatening Roar
Time Machiine[/spoiler]


*.* Topic bump. =P

Finally got a solid deck I like:

2x Endymion, the Master Magician
3x Magician's Valkyria
2x Frequency Magician
2x Defender, the Magical Knight
1x Chaos Sorcerer
2x Magical Marionette
2x Mythical Beast, Cerberus
2x Magical Exemplar
2x Summoner Monk
2x Honest

2x Magical Citadel of Endymion
3x Spell Power Grasp
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Bran Control
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm

3x Spell Reclamation
3x Pitch-Black Power Stone
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Magic Jammer
2x Dark Bride[/spoiler]

40 cards exact. Think I may call it 'Spell of Twilight' due to being a mix of lights and darks in addition with the Honests and Chaos Sorcerer.


lol @ topic bump

might as well post another of my decks (I haven't played in awhile.... these were constructed ages ago...)

[spoiler]'Roid Deck

1x Drillroid
1x Submarineroid
2x Steamroid
3x Rescueroid
2x Ambulanceroid
1x Expressroid
3x Patroid
3x Gyroid

1x Cyber-Tech Alligator
1x Mask of Darkness
2x The Creator
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallon

2x Shadow Spell
1x Karma Cut
3x Sakurestu Armor
1x Ordeal of a Traveler
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Threatening Roar
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Supercharge

2x Ekibyo Drakmord
1x D.D. Borderlind
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Heart of Clear Water

Not the best of decks, but I certainly have fun with it!  With only a few magic cards, I make pretty good use of D.D. Borderline, and with cards like Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, and Heart of Clear Water, I don't have to worry about loosing life points as much. :D

This is a deck I break out just to fuck with my opponent.  If I win, great, but its so much more fun to see the anger in their eyes then it is to win. xD


i updated my RL deck a bit, mostly taking out forbiddens/limiteds and cards that just didnt fit.

also, anyone here heard of Yugioh Virtual Duelist(now Desktop)? <-- go here.
it's a program that lets you construct your ideal deck out of all the cards released. it also checks and prevents accidentally adding forbidden/too many limited cards to your deck. The best part tho, is that you can play against other people, using that deck you just built. It's a really good way to keep playing the game if NO ONE you know likes to play.

get on there and i can show you the Dragon and, for lack of a better term, Anti-dragon decks i have


hellzyeah! Thanks for that metruler! I just found something to do today! :D


Oh boyz!! My weekend just keeps getting filled! =D


also, if you look there, they have their own irc network they use for tourneys, duels, etc. if i'm right. the main channel there, #yvd , is where all the duels can be found, normally. coincidentally, also a good place to chat.

[spoiler="my new deck"]
Judge Man x2
X-Head Cannon x2
Y-Dragon Head
Familiar Knight
Enraged Battle-Ox
Kaiser Glider
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2
Ancient Lamp x2
Different Dimension Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Summoned Skull
Paladin of White Dragon (White Dragon Ritual)
Luster Dragon #2
Sonic Bird
Man-Eater Bug
Dark Magician
Montage Dragon
Gaia The Fierce Knight
Ancient Elf
Worm Drake
Celtic Guardian
Curse of Dragon

Raigeki Break
Dust Tornado
Magic Jammer
Just Desserts
Negate Attack
Reinforcements x2
Gift of the Mystical Elf

Cost Down
Ring of Defense
Magic Reflector x2
Magical Mallet
Final Destiny
Axe of Despair
Dragonic Attack
Stamping Destruction
Diffusion Wave-Motion
Swords of Revealing Light
Heavy Storm
Premature Burial
The Reliable Guardian
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Remove Trap
Sebek's Blessing
Mystical Space Typhoon
Half way between Spellcasters and Dragons as a theme, but my money's limited, and there's not many cards to pick from at the local Wal-Mart, which is where i get my cards

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Crashtour99 on April 07, 2010, 01:53:17 PM
This sums it up quite nicely while still keeping it entertaining.   :heheh:
You know, I'd totally forgotten about YGO Abridged until my cousin showed me the Leather Pants video, and I started watching it and OMG was it freaking hilarious. Kinda.. not sure how I feel about some of the jokes made at Mai's & Serenity's expenses, but overall it's a lot of fun and I laughed waaay too much last night watching season 1.


Hiroshi: May I remind you humor is mostly to find the line of where something is no longer polite, and boldly cross it? It's humour, don't take it seriously. Just laugh.

Hiroshi Mishima

No, I just meant that while 98% of it is perfect, win, and awesome.. there's those 2% of jokes that I found to be out of place or just plain not funny. So far there's only been 2 episodes from Season 2 that I haven't liked, the rest before and after have been pretty much pure gold so far.


[spoiler=Gravekeeper's Deck]1|YSD|Smashing Ground
1|MRD|Mirror Force
1|SDJ|Dark Hole
1|PGD|Book of Moon
1|PGD|Enemy Controller
2|SD4|Mystical Space Typhoon
2|WC0|Dimensional Prison
1|CP0|Magician's Circle
1|YSD|Magic Cylinder
2|CP0|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|SD4|Torrential Tribute
2|PGD|Royal Tribute
3|PGD|Gravekeeper's Assailant
2|ABPF|Gravekeeper's Visionary
3|ABPF|Gravekeeper's Descendant
3|PGD|Gravekeeper's Spy
3|STBL|Gravekeeper's Recruiter
3|ABPF|Gravekeeper's Stele
1|PGD|Gravekeeper's Guard
1|PGD|Gravekeeper's Chief
2|FOTB|Gravekeeper's Commandant[/spoiler]


Currently running a macros deck.

It's such a good troll deck.

2x Caius
3x D.D. Survivor
2x D.D. Assailant
2x D.D. Warrior Lady
2x D.D. Scout Plane
2x Vortex Trooper
3x Cyber Valley
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Morphing Jar

3x D Fissure
1x Dark Hole
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Mind Control
1x Book of Moon
2x MST
2x Smashing Ground
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Giant Trunade

1x Solemn Judgment
1x Bottomless Traphole
3x D. Prison
1x Mirror Force
2x Macro Cosmos