Earth Like Physics Mod (light mod) -EDIT fix the need of wall jumping (sorry)

Started by EpicSlayer7, July 20, 2020, 10:31:35 PM

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EDIT: i added an extra corrected version... i am kind of a wall jump nut so i don't even notice when i do them... hence i tested Ceres and did a few not noticing... same with Brinstar where i found out by luck. now if it was 99% close, now it is 99.99% close as you are 1 pixel short to get the hidden energy tank at the top of the "Blue Area" you go after getting first missiles. (just like how Vanilla teases you by being i pixel short and your cannon goes in the tank but don't pick it up!)

NOTE: this is just a Physic change... i am risking posting it with no screenshots for 2 facts, 1 i can't show moving physics with a picture and 2 i have no idea how to upload the picture to the site and show it in the post as displayed... and the first point makes the second one rather insignificant. (a PNG does not move.)

Made from modifying "Physics_Table_Disassembly.asm" by "Crashtour99". on the Other hand i am "Epicslayer7".

"in short": adjusted physics that let the game play vanilla but has closer to earth gravity
and faster fall speed and less restrictive water physics.

In Super Metroid you are an estimated 1.65 to 1.8 Meters tall (Basic Human and how ever the suit adds...) and 3 blocks are 2 meters tall.

from that calculation you fall 7.5 meters in one second from a stand still. (dropped from mid air or walking off a ledge).

in real life you would fall 4.9 meters in one second. do not be fooled by "9.8 m/s" that is acceleration because you start at 0 m/s in reality.

meaning you only start moving (minimally) 9.8 m/s after one "full second" of falling. and after that you fall faster.

while gravity looks floaty, the reason is scaling... you are looking at a FULL human sized object falling off a house...

but what your mind is comparing it to is something the size of an orange dropped from about 30 CM or 0.3 meter in your screen.

and in such i did a lot of tweaking that makes it behave like real life BUT keep the game playable like "Vanilla". (so you can turn mid air and such and jumping can reach platforms.)

i also tweaked under liquid physics to make them more sane but not cheating... probably not perfect but still...

unless i could impart a general drag, i cannot make it make sense. i edited terminal velocity to make sense but that makes
underwater falling the only unrealistic part. i just don't know if i should post the modded ASM file since it is just a edited copy. EDIT: i mean this is a IPS that only mods the physics of the normal unheadred ROM.