List of ASM from the construction Main site i tested to work. -EDIT3 Updated

Started by EpicSlayer7, July 14, 2020, 01:47:53 PM

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EDIT3: i updated with links to the construction site and forum for all the .ASM files, and i found a better alternative to morph ball animation with one that has it plus Spinjump restart. plus i beat the game. just bother rereading the second post where "EDIT3" is if you already read it all. honestly i should delete both and make a more "Final" version. i made too many corrections but there is some weird rule about not double posting...

EDIT2: i found what caused the problem! First of all i did not sleep for 36 hours when i did this. i started with 0 knowledge of ASM, i leaned from the on site tutorial, i leaned how to use Xkas and Asar, i got a ton of ASM files (as shown) i tried them added one by one and retying when it failed and this trial and error took a ton of time but the boss Spore Spawn was not a problem i found since i did not do a full play through. then i spend a few hours more editing physics... then next day i woke up sick with headache and was throwing up from the pain (lack of sleep... felt like a heat stroke...) so as soon i got better the next day i posted this impatiently without a FULL test. so i actually even got the list below wrong! "The BOX AI ASM" was in the batch and was the one causing the boss room to fail loading. i think i will Edit this for random mistakes and make a new updated comment under Below.

EDIT: i only was able to go up to "Spore Spawn." Boss (that bouncy man eating plant Boss) before the game gave the typical black screen freeze... sorry, i spent a day patching and
retesting the game but did not do proper full testing. i guess all i can say is the game behave "mostly normal" with that list. i would have to remove one at a time with a save near the boss to see what ASM mod prevents the boss to load THEN continue until i get stuck again. sorry in advance for getting any hopes up.

all i can suggest if you "ABSOLUTELY NEED" that list and are obstinate, make a room bypassing "Spore Spawn." Boss since he is not needed to get to mother brain. (it is not part of the statues.)

i did a bit of Testing on the OG ROM on what ASM can be used along side each other "Right out of the box". here is the list of ASM i tested:

(Note: if i need to go look at the page and give all the proper links and name and authors, i can, will take about 1 hour but just pointing out i will only if asked to since it WILL take about 1 hour. but the description is good enough to look for them on the site. except for widescreen that is a few posts under on the Forum, you can download that one there.)

List of ASM i tried:

BOX Enemy AI - BOX.asm (EDIT2: this was in the working list but was also the one that broke the boss.)
Decompression - Decompression.asm
Dept of Liquid Water Damage - Depth_of_Liquid_Water_Damage.asm
Dual Suit Gfx - Dual Suit Gfx.asm
faster Elevators - elevator_speed.asm
Pseudo heat bit - Flamestar666HeatBit.asm
Fall Damage KejardonFallDamage.ASM
Speed up intro Text - KejardonQuickIntro.asm
MOAR Items - master.asm
Fixed Morph Ball rolling Animation - MorphRoll.asm
Motherbrain no hyper beam fight - motherbrain xperiment.asm
OG Game Physics - Physics_Table_Disassembly.asm
Reserve Tank Bug Fixes - ReserveTank_Bugfixes_by_Nodever2.asm
Samus Palette Optimization - Samus Palette Routine Optimization V2.asm
Energy counter Changes - sickasm.asm
Proper Varia Suit and Gravity Suit Defense add - suitdamage.asm
WideScreen mod - Super Metroid (JU) [!]  (Unheadered).asm
Liquid Surface Reflection - SurfaceReflection.asm
Torizo behavior based on speed - Torizo_Checks_Speed.asm

List that works together: (in order of applied)
Liquid Surface Reflection - SurfaceReflection.asm (Applied with Asar, Rest with Xkas) (EDIT2 you need to flip 2 check box on in SMILE both are unused flags and must be done per Room.)
WideScreen mod - Super Metroid (JU) [!]  (Unheadered).asm
Reserve Tank Bug Fixes - ReserveTank_Bugfixes_by_Nodever2.asm
faster Elevators - elevator_speed.asm
Speed up intro Text - KejardonQuickIntro.asm
Fixed Morph Ball rolling Animation - MorphRoll.asm
Proper Varia Suit and Gravity Suit Defense add - suitdamage.asm
Fall Damage KejardonFallDamage.ASM (tuned damage and speed values, alsi in OG physics table after)
MOAR Items - master.asm
Motherbrain no hyper beam fight - motherbrain xperiment.asm
Torizo behavior based on speed - Torizo_Checks_Speed.asm
OG Game Physics - Physics_Table_Disassembly.asm (with tweaked values to match my Fall Damage settings OG works fine too but do not uncomment the last part, it goes to menu but game freeze on load save.)

while i did some back and forth with the physics table after to tweak, note that ASM do not (i think usually should not) add new ASM values each time you apply, it only does it once and then paste over the values and do not make "extra copies". so the order they are applied count if they change the same thing.

my method of testing was to add one at a time and keep the last backup, each time it failed in game, i deleted and tried a new one, if it worked, i kept it as a backup (called them 1.smc, 2.smc and 3.smc, only kept 3 total) and incremented my way up through the patches.

i tried with a new game each from ceres, one doen on Zebes and one RIGHT before Tourian and tried beating Mother Brain a few times.

while those works "right out of the box" they still need tweaking for actual use in a mod but at least you know that NO CONFLICT if occurring right out of the box. a lot of them probably works well alone and with some others but not with the list i made. for those other ASM, i am no programmer, i can edit a dumb down value but cannot edit ASM Math yet and certainly not ready to tack addresses and repoint them by hand. but some of you probably can. for those that cannot, i can attest that adding this many ASM can make it questionable for adding IPS patches after...

and it is not like you can move ASM and IPS Patches around like they are bound to some slider or just change one number at the beginning to move all of the code like it is some module... that that would be nice if it can! i know C++ a bit and Lua enough to know it would be easy to do that in those languages but ASM feels locked to where it is written.

hope this saves some people time in testing compatible ASM patches before staring a mod!


EDIT3 Better than Morph Ball Animation, took "Spinjump Restart + Morph Roll" since the combination is done for us by "Black Falcon". (he made the Original Animation lock on Morph Ball while Kejardon and Scyzer made Spinjump Restart but both did not work if added... so this combined version helps us ASM illiterate to just put in with ease! also put links to the construction site's files and one on the Forum since it is not on the construction for some reason.)

Note1 - might find a new bug but this one lets Spore Spawn Boss load (that man eater plant that bounces in the room before getting super missiles).

Note2 - also must add i tested, Ceres to Zebes works fine, new games from Ceres works all the way to Zebes. i also Beat Mother Brain, no blocking here, so far i (EDIT3) i beat the whole game start to finish, no bug visually. you need to set rooms unused bits in Editor for Reflection to work, plus "Torizo Checks Speed" needs you to set the torizo's speed value to 0000 in the enemy editor for Bomb Torizo and anything else than 0000 for gold Torizo. he was acting as Bomb Torizo in my play through since i did not change his Value. i expect it from his speed to (guess) probably be 0000 by default... i am simply quoting from the construction page the reason i think he behaved like bomb Torizo. (he was less aggressive and did not  catch super missiles.)

Note3: i also must add that for Surface Reflection you need to enable 2 flags in each rooms but i did not do that in boss rooms in case it breaks them.

Note4: Wide Screen only works in "bsnes HD" (tested in 10.3) with all the wide screen settings set right and also you might need to set the actual "Widescreen:" mode to "none" then "all" and "Sprites:" to "safe" then "unsafe" for the Game to react to the settings... don't know what makes this bug but probably the emulator.

Here is the New List:

01 - Liquid Surface Reflection (FX Surface Reflection Concept) - SurfaceReflection.asm (Applied with Asar, Rest with Xkas) (EDIT2 you need to flip 2 check box on in SMILE both are unused flags and must be done per Room.)

02 - WideScreen mod (Super Metroid - Widescreen Patch v0.2.1 asm),5168.0.html - Super Metroid (JU) [!]  (Unheadered).asm

03 - MOAR Items (MOAR ITEMS) - master.asm

04 - Reserve Tank Bug Fixes (Reserve Tank Bugfixes) - ReserveTank_Bugfixes_by_Nodever2.asm

05 - faster Elevators (Elevator speed change) - elevator_speed.asm

06 - Speed up intro Text (Quick intro text) - KejardonQuickIntro.asm

07 - Spinjump Restart + Morph Roll - BlackFalconSKSpinjumpMorphRoll.ASM (was "Fixed Morph Ball rolling Animation - MorphRoll.asm")

08 - Proper Varia Suit and Gravity Suit Defense add (Rewritten damage division) - suitdamage.asm

09 - Motherbrain no hyper beam fight (Mother Brain Experiment) - motherbrain xperiment.asm

10 - Torizo behavior based on speed (Torizo Checks Speed) - Torizo_Checks_Speed.asm

11 - Fall Damage (Falling damage) - KejardonFallDamage.ASM (tuned damage and speed values, also in OG physics table after)

12 - OG Game Physics (Physics Table Disassembly) - Physics_Table_Disassembly.asm (with tweaked values to match my Fall Damage settings OG works fine too but do not uncomment the last part, it goes to menu but game freeze on load save.)

Reason i apply physics last was to i can fine tune them many times. also if you want to speed up applying, make a txt, rename ".txt" to ".bat" and put the part under:

xkas 1.asm 1.smc

and not this here, i left space between to you can select.

have the .bat file in the same folder as Xkas.exe and copy your rom there as well.

rename the rom to "1.smc" and have all your ASM Files in a Folder, make a sub Folder, call it "Applied".

then each one you add the number of the "order" they are in here so "MorphRoll.asm" is the 7th so it becomes "7MorphRoll.asm".

what you will do is take them one by one, copy a copy in the Xkas folder, rename to "1.asm", run the ".bat" file, move the applied file (example move "7MorphRoll.asm" to the "Applied" folder) to the "Applied" folder, then Delete "1.asm" and continue adding the next one...

so basically you keep adding 1.asm but you just replace the new patch and rename to "1.asm" and moving the real one in "Applied" folder help keeping track of what you just added. and moving only after applying makes you know if it worked. you can also move failed ones to a "failed" folder. (easier to click and rename to 1 than Editing the ".bat" file with the name of the patch.)

making copies of working rom after applying 3 or so patch is not a bad idea too. this will also become a good trick of you want to Edit physics. all you do is Edit the copy of "Physics_Table_Disassembly.asm" that you renamed as "1.asm" and keep saving as "1.asm". you only need to Edit, Save and use the ".bat" file in a loop each change you make. also to test the game save states are nice but can lead you to miss bugs like i did. load from a "save". make sure you can jump high enough in air, water and acid/lava to not make unfair and unintended death traps. (unless it is the intention.)

as you can tell by the length of those posts my head ain't screwed on right and English is not my first language so... i tend to over explain or explain stuff all wrong... and since i can't tell i can only hope i got this one right! good luck! (just read my signature, it is a true story.)


Quote from: EpicSlayer7 on July 15, 2020, 03:45:29 PM
Note4: Wide Screen only works in "bsnes HD" (tested in 10.3) with all the wide screen settings set right and also you might need to set the actual "Widescreen:" mode to "none" then "all" and "Sprites:" to "safe" then "unsafe" for the Game to react to the settings... don't know what makes this bug but probably the emulator.

There is a reason why I recomend to everyone the use of bsnes-hd beta 10.2, in the version that you used to test the Widescreen patch, it seems like certain Widescreen-related settings simply do not seem to take correct effect on launch and have to be toggled to take effect.

Do you have an ips patch with all the ASM patches aplied?


no i do not have an ISP of it tho i can make one, i simply don't understand much about permissions and stuff... (thus why when i mod other games and make original stuff, i put it under the  "unlicense" license that lets anyone do what ever changes or use of the mod as they wish. (i like making things like old school games where people created for fun and shared, thus why i think DLCs are sacrilegious lol)


If you put all ASM and IPS files into an "ASM" folder in a SMART project, SMART will tell you which patches collide and at what addresses.