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Mentlegen's One Week Hacking Contest!

Started by Jiffy, July 13, 2020, 07:01:11 AM

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Due to the lack of contests this year (we're working on something more interesting this time around), Mentlegen has decided he wants to run a contest. Here it is!

---=== THE ONE WEEK CONTEST ===---
              7/13/2020 - 7/20/2020

The rules are simple: start from scratch, make a hack in one week's time. All games and fangames are allowed.


  • Must include a small amount of edited CRE/tileset and or music (CRE refers to doors and common tiles) - If you have no skills with either, use the main site and grab what's been made earlier.
  • The player must collect at least 6 unique items - This can be minor items like missiles, etanks, etc. or major items like morph ball, charge beam, etc.
  • Must be beatable - Gotta include this every time, you know.
  • Must be fun to play - Above all these, it must be enjoyable for all!

This contest will not be explicitly "judged". Mentlegen will personally provide detailed feedback on each hack, outlining what was done well, and what could be improved. However, medals will be awarded in some form.

Submissions start NOW (Monday 7am EST) and end in a week's time (Monday 12am EST).

This message will self destruct in five seconds.



There's just slightly over 12 hours left to submit anything you're working on! Get to it!

(Oh, and give me about three of those to post my thing. Remember, this isn't my contest, so I can join it!)


sapphy presents:
Metroid Mission II
A small 20 minute hack in the style of the original Metroid II: Return of Samus.
The bosses you encounter have been buffed a good bit, so try not to die.

Thanks to NathanTech for ripping the tileset directly from M2, and Jiffy, Conner, and FrenchLightningJohn for testing.

Only one actual bug that I know of: [spoiler]Imago Cocoon's music only triggers once you walk to the right of him. If you only stay to the left of him he has no music.
Also I could not change endings.[/spoiler]

Have fun! Max% is 100% and low% is 25%.
also, there are a few trolls in this. :grin: don't fall for 'em! Hope you enjoy.

Edit: v1.1 uploaded (after contest deadline). Thanks to caauyjdp for finding a spriteset error and raygun for fixing previously mentioned bug.
Probably final edit: v1.2 uploaded. Fixed some BG2 and BG1 tiles that looked bad. Thanks to M3D for the final troll idea.



She fulfilled Adam's deed, picking up the milk carton lying in the fridge. However, after gunning down the Omega Metroid, she looked around, finding no exit before the subzero temperatures knocked her out cold (pun somewhat intended).
When she woke up, she found herself in her regular power suit, in a different area of the station. While she was all there in one piece, there was one problem--the milk wasn't! And Samus knew better than to fail Adam's orders at 3 AM.
This contest hack continues the tale of Samus's venture to get Adam a glass of milk, this time as a hack of a game few have ever attempted making hacks for. Will Samus get through okay and recover the milk once again? Find out in...
Goes To The Fridge To Get A Glass Of Milk
Quick notes:
-Not optimized for EJRTQ, don't use it for your first playthrough please :>
-Hatches aren't quite the same as they are in vanilla

kkzero (aka me)-Making the hack itself.
Liam Najor-Making ROSE, the editor used for the level design.
P.JBoy-Providing the Metroid II disassembly, which I am eternally grateful for.


Prepare to have your brains blown in...


Go Samus. Defeat Karid-X, and then exit the station.

Should only take you 20-30 minutes to complete your first time though.

Known Issues (may be fixed later):
- For some reason Karid-X wasn't spawning if you had missiles, so there are 7 energy tanks in the game.
- The game doesn't pause when you kill Karid-X, even though the fanfare plays.
- You might lose your missiles if you die after beating Karid-X (realistically speaking, this is only a risk in glitchless low%).
- Sometimes the mellas don't visually disappear after being killed (don't worry, their hitbox is gone).

- RT-55J - Concept, level design, graphics, ASM
- snowbro, dirty mcdingus - the Metroid 1 disassembly
- snarfblam - Editroid, ASM
- nobody - testing

Special thanks to mindflower, who gave me me a copy of his project when he needed some help a while back, from which I copied a couple ASM tweaks that I think snarfblam did.

100% is 14 items
Low% is Morph Ball + 1 item




Ridley has opened the portal to Heck and Samus needs to kill him and escape from the planet, like any other generic hack.
Rip and tear, until it is done.

[spoiler=Images]    [/spoiler]

I was going to do enemy graphics changes, but I ran out of time. This is why you manage your time better, guys.

e; Fixed a softlock and made a small change. This should be the final.


Super Weektroid

You challenge me to make a hack in a week, this is what you get.

Thanks sapphronxd for testing.


Here we go! Prepare for...

Twisted Dimensions

Info before playing:
!!!There is a Crash in the Deorem Fight (One-eyed-worm) which you can prevent by emidiatly leaving the room to the right after killing it!!!
There is no custom music!
Area 6 got corrupted so I had to cut it shorter than planned.
The beginning can be really hard for beginners but it gets quite easy after the first area.

Have fun
(patch on MZM_U)


Metroid II: Wyde Faster

A 1000% official threequel to Y-Faster 2. A short fangame based on Metroid II with an emphasis on wideness.

Arrow Keys to move
Z to Jump
X to shoot
Space to Start/Pause

Download Link:



Mega Metroid World - Fangame

A mashup of Mega Man, Metroid, and Mario.
Ran out of time at the end, so didn't get to test a lot or fix the music to loop properly... :cry:


Still, it was a blast and a real challenge!
Hope you enjoy!

7/22 EDIT:

I went back and made some adjustments that I didn't get a chance to make before the deadline. If you'd like a more polished version of the game, check out this thread:


SM Rampage

Plays kind of like rampage.

Thanks to Jam for FF events+tubes and Smiley for bombable spikes.

No savezones and untested so use states. 20ish rooms. Should be beatable.

[modified and removed the busted copy, the one linked below works. I'll take a DQ on it rather than leave the busted one up]


Yeah so if there's a save preloaded on the game just delete it before you start

Nah, there's some other stuff busted. I'll take the DQ on the original submit but I cleaned most of it up and this is as far as it's going:


Holy smokes! 10 entries? That's bananananacrackers!


Quote from: Moehr on July 20, 2020, 12:07:18 AM
Yeah so if there's a save preloaded on the game just delete it before you start

Nah, there's some other stuff busted. I'll take the DQ on the original submit but I cleaned most of it up and this is as far as it's going:

No DQ required - 1.1 was submitted before 7:00 MST




Suku - One Hour Entry

This is an example of a type of hack that we don't see too often. This hack is an auto-player.

  • The >>> Tiles in yellow are a nice touch that I enjoyed.
  • Skipping right into the game play was unexpected and new

    [-] No real gameplay
    [-] Couldn't jump nor shoot

    Overall, it was entertaining for around five minutes, which is the purpose of these hacks - to occupy some time and entertain, and maybe tell a story too.

    Saphron - Metroid Mission II

    A unique Zero Mission hack with a Metroid 2 artstyle. Interesting combination that I don't think has been tried before.

    The presentation was great. Custom tile set gfx fit nicely into ZM, with the textures standing out and providing a nice contrast between the colorful enemies and the monochrome environment.

  • High/mid/low percent available - the hack is beatable with minimal items, but encourages the player to explore to find more in order to level the difficulty curve. This is a welcome aspect in all hacks.
  • Above average room design - the player may choose to use skills to sequence break or follow the intended route. A small hack that allows sequence breaking through level design.
  • Item placement is well paced

    Metroid Mission II is a hack worthy of your time. While it doesn't bring anything too new to the table, the blend of M2 gfx and the ZM engine makes this hack stand out among other ZM mini hacks. Give this one a play
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jiffy - Doomtroid

    This hack uses many metal and harder looking motifs to express a more mature and cold atmosphere. The usage of a new metal tileset and a hellish looking landscape gives this hack a memorable tone and motif.

  • Solid room layout, each room has their own personality
  • Item progression leads the player along with a minor story - you cannot enter hell until basic items are acquired.
  • Space Jump rework is implemented to compliment the level design very well

    [+/-] This hack makes heavy use of the space pirate ship ambiance track. While not a problem, it can get stale

    This hack is a solid piece of entertainment from Jiffy. Definitely worth a playthrough.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ConCon - Freeze Flame II

    My goodness this hack is something. A very VERY ambitious piece of work from ConCon. For being made in one week, this hack is a longer one, but doesn't overstay it's welcome. Freeze Flame II uses a "two worlds" motif that is executed well in order to express the main area in two color themes with variations in level design. This hack also features several miniature areas that pay homage to other hacks in the GBAtroid hacking community. While I'm personally not a fan of some tilesets being used in ZM, the sheer variance is impressive.

  • Beefy length that doesn't feel forced - backtracking is present but is either optional or not too far.
  • Wide variety of tilesets to create many environments
  • Gimmick that encourages exploration instead of acting as a filler

    [+/-] While the amount of tilesets used is impressive, some are delegated to single rooms or pairs of rooms, which can make them harder to notice or remember. This isn't bad, but can be improved.

  • I appreciate the attention that ConCon showed to the bugs present before release - opting to fix them quickly. This shows dedication.

    Overall an impressive hack made in a week. replay value is high as late-game abilities allow for extra item collection. A worthy entry in this sub-series of hacks by ConCon.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M3D - Super Widetroid
    A "Fangame" by M3D. Not too much to see here, but It sure did make me laugh.

  • Very nice music

    [-] No gameplay

    Talking about the actual composition of "wide samus" It's a pretty accurate rendition of Song for Denise, with extra wide monochrome samus of course.

    ------RT-55J - Samus Vs Karid X

    A NEStroid hack that has a lot going for it. I really enjoyed the use of color and the unique tileset.

    I am also proud to say I was able to beat the hack without hi-jump!

  • Very colorful for a NEStroid hack. This hack was inviting to look at and used more than one color theme per room. Up to three separate themes were used in a single room and it didn't feel overbearing. The new graphics were also a great visual choice. The fusion doors also amazed me, as they are well sprited and clearly convey depth.
  • While short, this hack has replay value for those who wish to collect all of the items. They aren't too hard to find, but are placed well and in a clever way to encourage thinking outside the box - especially bomb placement.

    I really enjoyed Samus Vs Karid X. Play this hack if you are looking for a short but visually appealing NEStroid experience. Nice job RT-55J.

    ------Cosmic - Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk

    A light hearted Metroid II experience. The premise was amusing, and the end goal was ultimately achieved too, as the hack ends after samus collects a milk carton (which is drawn rather well I might add)

    [+/-] Pretty short. i completed this hack in less than ten minutes.
  • level design wasn't confusing, and made clear where the player should aim to travel next.
    [-] Not much replay-ability, as this hack is rather linear.

    A novel little Metroid II hack. I'd much enjoy if this were expanded upon or became it's own spoof series of hacks.

    ------Moehr- Super Rampage

    Wow. Talk about a unique hack. Super Rampage is unlike any hack i've ever played before. Samus really feels like a tank in this short hack, where the objective is to crush buildings with various abilities you collect. I seriously recommend this hack to anyone who feels as if they have seen all of what SM has to offer. Truly a unique experience.

  • Lots of buildings to destroy
    [+/-] Heavier physics makes samus feel more powerful and lumbering, but also hinders mobility.
  • decent challenge for its theme, many enemies block your way but they can be overcome with firepower.

    Overall this hack really surprised me with an entirely new way to place Super. Nice job Moehr.

    VacantShadeGames - Super Metroid World

    Holy moly, this game totally blew me out of the water. The premise of robot masters/wily allying with Ridley is something I've always wanted to see. This game has A LOT to offer, and it took me the longest to complete - around 2 hours. While it was a bit difficult, I got the hang of the physics and layout.

  • An actual story. although it may be a bit predictable, there were ruby spears style puns in the dialog that made it feellike an episode of MEGAMAN
  • MMX style power up capsules that can be found with intuition through clever level design.
  • Powerup system paired with the mmx style upgrades makes for a well rounded character progression
  • Four robot master stages along with an intro stage with hints of mmx
  • You can sequence break! I played Spark man - Heat man - Freeze man - Gravity man
  • So many references to both the MM series and the Metroid series too. My personal favorite is Ridley as the wily dragon from MM2
    [-] The only two downsides I can see in this game are as follows: the levels are long and can contain the occasional softlock, but you can easily escape a level via the ESC key. A few quality of life fixes, but again it is V1.0 so i'm not too upset.

    Please do yourself a favor and play this game. It fits right in with the flash games of old that I grew up playing on (1o year old me would think this is the best crossover ever)

    Probably the most content in any entry here. Very well done VSG!


Freeze Flame 2 is the most ambitious crossover in the history of videogames. Just sayin


Lot of good stuff has come out of this contest. Imagine having to review 10 entries :colonrightv:
Next verse, same as the first. Played in submission order. Bullet points for praise/critisism.
/ is an observation (make of it as you please)

[spoiler=Sapphy - Metroid Mission 2]Items - 100%

tl;dr Good hack. Suffers a bit from unhinted (not unmapped) hidden items, and the DRM fight, but certainly an improvement from your last hack, sapphy.

/ The choice of tileset used is... strange for a GBAtroid hack, but sapphy made it work. But the level design can sometimes make hinting to items a little hard.
/ 1 or 2 rooms I found myself struggling with the platforming. This was more to do with the room's design, and not having power grip.
- Not sure what to feel about speed booster blocks being present, despite the lack of speed booster.
/ As someone whose played M2, Seeing water tiles tells me water, not acid (sapphy is aware of this. the lava tile wasn't in the tileset.)
- DRM's fight, on paper, isn't fun. Without good platforming, acid damage becomes a given for this fight. Suggestions here are either to change the liquid to water, or to make the outer edges longer.
+ 100% shown correctly.
? Was I the only one who made easy work out of 100%?

[spoiler=kkzero - Samus Goes to the Fridge... Part 2]Items - 100%?

tl;dr Fairly solid, and short hack less focused on challenge. Replayability milage may vary.

Honestly, there's not really a lot for me to say about this hack. Collect some items, get the Kill Beam, Kill Arachnus, Slap Adam for being a picky bitch, profit. iirc progress on M2 hacking is still a ways way to go, but this is progress.

/ There's a single corner on the right hand side of the world where you can clip a spike block (simply adding a solid block so you don't corner clip the spike would fix it.)

[spoiler=RT-55J - Samus vs. Karid-X]Items - 6 E-Tanks, Morph, Bombs, Long+Wave Beam, Varia, Hi-Jump.
tl;dr Pretty looking hack for NEStroid. Only major issue is the excess of E-Tanks for the boss fight.

+ The tileset used is actually pretty good for a NEStroid hack.
+ Transitions that don't require doors.
+ Got a kick out of the bomb pickup being resprited to a PB.
- There's an awful lot of E-Tanks for what we're preparing for (I've been told RT's aware of the issue.)
- Wave beam causes the blue bugs to visually stay in place, once killed. Not sure if just a visual bug, or if the drop also gets eaten. Don't remember if I saw a drop from any, after wave.
/ SuperiorX won't be happy with the death of Karid-X. X-Fusion Cancelled.

[spoiler=Jiffy - Doomtroid]Items - 100% (written as 25%, in game)
tl;dr Well put together hack, for a first attempt at a GBAtroid hack. DooM theme's only in level design, and not really anything else, which makes me sad :<

/ For being inspired by DooM, only the level design screams it. I feel the items could also have been given the DooM treatment, even if just in flavour text.
+ Room design.
- There's an awful lot of pathways to choose from. Branching should've probably been cut back a bit (or at the very least, add a gadora at the boss's door. I bring this up, because Jiffy yelled at me for skipping so much content, even though I was going for hundo.)
/ Space--Double jump can be reactivated by re-spinning. iirc this is also an issue with any double jump asm for SM. So I leave this as a non-issue.
- Varia causes some graphical glitchyness with space pirates in the same room.
- The zip line leading to hecc is only 1-way, without taking damage.
+ The heat wave effect across hecc.
/ The map reads hecc as a heated area, but doesn't do heat damage without varia. Probably because 1 effect can be used in a room at any given time; in this case the heat wave.
- Samus appears infront of the lava, not behind it (although this looks like the lava's also drawn on layer 2.)
- Ridley's a joke.
- 100% not displayed correctly.

[spoiler=Dewhi - Super Weektroid]Items - 100%

tl;dr Solid hack. A number of issues, but still pretty, and fun to play.

+ Got a chuckle out of how 'half-assed' the title screen was edited.
+ IGT and % in the HUD is always nice.
- BT's room isn't fun to look at, nor was it well hinted where BT was.
+ Jungle like area was pretty looking.
+ Supers sharing missile ammo.
- Getting a means to end the game [Speed Booster] some 50% into the game, sort of devaluing the other half of the hack.
/ What I kept calling 'The Dark Room' was... interesting. Small areas were bright enough to know where you're going (one platforming section was a bit iffy on this) and the fade-in/fade-out effect on the fog, when entering the area, was clever.
- However. I don't know what to make of the gimped movement (almost underwater) and getting locked into an area that deals slow constant damage on my first visit.
/ Seeing a dormant Phantoon was pretty neat, but felt like a missed opportunity, after getting wave, to see it disappear, never to be seen again.
/ Thermal Visor was a neat idea, making navigating the dark section easier, and highlighting hidden enemies. Although this also felt like a gimmick item, due to how little it was used, or how unnecessary it felt. Plus, the palette used caused some issues with the HUD; namely it was hard to tell which item was selected. Strangely this was not as bad in the normal area, as the flex glow could faintly highlight which item's equipped, but the dark area made it impossible to tell which item was selected.
- You can crash the game by diagonal shinesparking up the escape shaft (dewhi knows about this.)

[spoiler=Connor - FreezeFlame 2]Items - 100%

tl;dr Almost solid hack, considering 1 section [Scrolls 6] had to be cut short. Only big issues were a bottomless pit in StarGazer, a potential crash in RTZ with DRM, and how confusing FreezeFlame can be, now that the map reads both areas at once.

- 'Restrat FreezeFlame' doesn't fit it's window.
+ Difficulty: Yes, No. kek.
- Reverted energy drops makes navigating FreezeFlame a little awkward.
- Having both Freeze and Flame use the same map is a little confusing at times.
/ I sometimes found myself forgetting which teleporter lead where. Connor is aware, and has already addressed this for an update.
/ Spooky was alright. Nothing good or bad to report. Varia was nice. Apparently missed charge.
/ Subzero/Deep Freeze, next. Sadly, much like doomtroid, Ridley is still a joke, but not as bad as doomtroid. There's something cathartic about spamming beam shots into a boss.
- The indicator that the ice had melted in subzero wasn't as prominent as it was in it's hack (in FF2, a few icicles were removed, but the area pretty much remained the same; frozen.)
- SR387 next. Area felt really short. Almost thought this was the area that got cut short.
/ Scrolls 6. I was told this was the area that was cut short. I refuse to believe that. There's still a good chunk of area to explore, even if all the key items were crammed into one area.
- Power bomb room triggers the "Iron Ted's watching you" cutscene.
- Return to Zebes next. Connor told me that DRM could crash the game, as the bubble that holds charge could cause a crash, if charge was already collected. Luckily, I didn't find charge in Spooky.
- "I don't know how to remove this. Help"
- Stargazer. It's possible to get out of bounds via a bottomless pit in the room leading to Mother Brain.
- There was an awful lot of backtracking to some of the areas for items. (Emphasis on 'some'. Spooky, SR387, and maybe RTZ were all 'Clean out. Drop and forget.')
+ Correct % display.
/ You know, akaik, this is the biggest hack to be made for this contest. Even with Scrolls 6 being cut short, this is quite a feat, imo.

[spoiler=M3D - Wyde Faster 2]tl;dr DQ'd for not meeting... well... any of the criteria. The SNES mix was p/good though.

[spoiler=Squishy - onehourcontestentry.ips]tl;dr DQ'd for not meeting the 6 unique item count. There's only 5.

[spoiler=VacantShade - Mega Metroid World]Items - 71%

tl;dr Solid fangame. Good ideas/gimmicks, but suffers from some old NES-esque BS. Boss fights were not fun to do, buster only.

- Game doesn't go a good job telling you how to morph ball.
- It's possible to miss the E-Tank in this stage, and, unless I'm wrong, you can't return to the intro stage, making hundo impossible.

Heat Man:
/ The heat mechanic is neat. While certain areas are staggered quite nicely, other heat runs feel too stretched out (almost requiring to take a hit from heat damage.)

Frost Man:
/ It's an ice stage. Not really much to be said.
+ Sliding blocks were neat (for trash clearing.)

Gravity Man:
/ Stage is alright.
- Gravity man is the slowest fight I've ever done in this contest. Beam does no damage, bombs do no damage, with no easy way to hit the boss. Hell even if bombs did 2 damage, for how up close you have to get to use them.
- Space jump feels really iffy to control.

Spark Man:
- Got one instance where a scroll transition lead me straight into spikes... well made game :/
^ This was in the room to the left of the capsule; it's pit.
/ Gravity bombs as the weakness weapon was interesting. Given that the boss likes to jump around.

Final Stage:
- The amount of health Ridley has is unnecessary. Once you reach the end of the stage, he's a complete joke of a bullet sponge, who can't hit you for shit.

- The game suffers a bit from unmarked/unhinted room transitions. This is namely a problem with any transition that could be mistook for a pit.
- Boss I-Frames drag out every fight way longer than it needs to. Mostly Ridley.
- Death sets you back to the beginning of the stage. No checkpoints, no enemy drops (the only drops being from ? blocks.) This game does not forgive.
- It'd have been nice if enemies dropped energy, or sub weapon energy.
- I don't think the window for special weapons accounts for the number of weapon tanks aquired (I'd see all the sub weapons go past the window boundaries.)

[spoiler=Moehr - SM Rampage]Items - 51%

tl;dr Fairly solid. Good idea, but I don't understand the ammo/health degeneration, at all. A door in the escape isn't sealed, meaning you can re-run the rampage.

+ Some interesting use of tiles.
+ Door bubbles were neat.
- Degenerating ammo... what... don't feel like I'm on a rampage when all my ammo's constantly leaking out of my pocket--and PBs don't. wat.
- Switching weapons was a little finicky.
- Degenerating health. Ok. At least the health/ammo drops are massive. But imagine doing the kago/metroid fight with 99 energy, and the metroid's drain rate's unchanged.
^ Let's also not forget that death sets you back to the start of the game.
- Once you beat the big bad and get ready to leave, you can re-run the rampage. I don't think that was intended?
- Item % not shown correctly?


[spoiler=SO WHO WINRER]tbh, it's hard to pick a winner. Lot of good stuff has been brought to the table. But if I had to pick 3 I liked, in no order:
- Doomtroid
- Weektroid
- FreezeFlame 2[/spoiler]

This was good contest. Do more of these, jiffy.


So far only played through dewhi's hack Weektroid, might edit/post updates on the other hacks if I find the time.

It has some fun little ideas, like the constant damage rooms that are completely optional but not impossible to miss.

Btw...HE SAW ME, will he haunt me for picking up Wave afterwards? :( I didn't even intend to check, it was an accident! I swear. :metroid:


Quote from: LexyChan on July 22, 2020, 06:02:58 PM
So far only played through dewhi's hack Weektroid, might edit/post updates on the other hacks if I find the time.

It has some fun little ideas, like the constant damage rooms that are completely optional but not impossible to miss.

Btw...HE SAW ME, will he haunt me for picking up Wave afterwards? :( I didn't even intend to check, it was an accident! I swear. :metroid:

Sounds like you cheated a gate and found a secret.


An old man rambles on about being wide.

[spoiler=One Hour Contest Entry]Yep. I want to mention that this hack had more effort put into than 98% of halfhacks out there. Get on this level and widen the halfhacks to fullhacks.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rampage]Once again, a Moehr hack makes no sense at all, but at least it was made a bunch more than his other hacks. This was actually pretty fun, and in 20 rooms did way more than any halfhack. (Two hacks in and I'm sensing a theme.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Super Weektroid]Would've been superior with 2.5. That being said however, the best moment comes from this hack, and people can miss it. Maybe not the best overall entry, but fun.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mega Metroid World]I beat it where is Planets[/spoiler]
[spoiler=DOOMtroid]I have never played DOOM and even I know nothing in this hack was DOOM related. It's even GBAtroid so you have no excuse Jiffy. Literal noob baby editor and you didn't even rename things. The Queen would be ashamed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Samus Goes to the Fridge 2]I think it's time for us to investigate if kkzero has a thing with cows.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=FreezeFlame 2 - Twisted Dimensions]I got the name as I was typing it out. I think our little German boi got some wideness in him after all.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Samus Vs. Karid-X]NEStroid is bestroid and this was clearly the best entry. Not even joking. Didn't have a Weektroid moment though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Wyde Faster][/spoiler]