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Started by Digital_Mantra, September 16, 2019, 02:56:55 AM

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I'm excited because I'll be able to play this great game soon, thank you Digital_Mantra.


Very cool, DMan, looking forward to it. One quick thing I spotted was in the intro, where "non-disclosure" was spelled wrong.


And the grammar police would also say "Did they forget I was here..." should probably be "Did they forget I was here?" or "here...?" (question)

Looks really good and I am very pumped to play this.  Enjoyed Eris many times and have been longing for another DMan hack.


That typo haunts me now. Also, green intro text doesn't have - ' ?


You could replace the '!' character graphic with the '?' maybe? Your intro text does not appear to have any exclamations.




where can i make a preorder kappa


I've got it preordered from FuncoLand


Was gonna get Yoshi's Island but I'm def gonna snag a copy of Vitality instead!


LOL, nice job! Can't wait for the 17th! 25 years too late, LOL!



Come on girl, it's an easy choice between Chuck Rock and Vitality!!


Haven't been more excited for a SM hack in YEARS.


Rh Yhis is  n thius is just not a RoM hack THis  is art i really like you r desgin and taste.


Really looking forward to this, probably more than any game this year. I just finished Eris and despite the difficulty being fairly high at times it was terrific and one of the best hacks ever IMO. That game was beautiful and this trailer looks like this one is going to be much the same.       


One of my favorites. The atmosphere is very good. The difficulty of the game is suitable for most players. The ending is really unexpected. It's like watching a movie. This is a masterpiece.


I played it and holy shit its so fucking good.
Like oh my god its amazing. Stuff he managed to do with save points.
And amount of non linearity in this game. Just holy shit my god.

[spoiler]Just a question. I managed to murder Ridley and go down an elevator to tourian thingy and fought crocomire, but without gravity suit. Where to get it. I also saw a speed booster blocks in right part of the norfair thingy,there where you get ice beam. How do you go througt them? The usage of ship is a bit unfair as it doesnt save game. After the end it is quite obvious why it doesnt but i still got suprised by a fact that i had to go and get morph ball and rockets again. Is it possible to get power bombs early so the rocks wont crash onto a ship? [/spoiler]


is it possible to share the missle container hack by itself? Id like to mod vanilla to only have 3 missles per upgrade


There's no need for a hack for that, as it can be done through SMILE RF.

Open your ROM in SMILE RF.
Right-click on any PLM (item, door, scroll, etc.)
Scroll down through the PLM selector box until you reach the missile expansion.
Change the value beneath 'Expansion PLM' from 5 to whatever you want it to be, and click 'Save PLM Instructions)

You may wish to repeat the above steps for the hidden and Chozo orb variants.


is it possible to patch the map room lighting effects into vanilla?

James Horn

I just finished this game (I say "game" and not "hack" because this really felt like so much more!)  After playing, I created this account on here specifically to write a review for it.  I was told I could not write a review unless I had posted in the forums, so here I am.

I am a huge fan of Eris and I was super excited to try V I T A L I T Y.  I must say I am far from disappointed; I was completely blown away!  I was constantly stopping and admiring the art and fantastic level design.  Every area feels so lavish and alive, just absolutely gorgeous.  The story was superb, I wish I was a streamer because there were so many moments I found myself screaming with excitement!  The ending was so well done!  (Don't want to give away spoilers, but the way you tied it to the YOU-KNOW-WHAT franchise was so brilliant!  My love for Super Metroid has been resurrected!  Lol, it was never dead, but you know what I mean.)

I like how non-linear the world is, although it did end up to bite me in the ass a couple times.  I'm pretty sure there's a door you can only access once after beating a boss?  I kept trying to get back to that area but could not.  I also got to Ridley super early with barely any upgrades and energy tanks, so I must say a good chunk of my playthrough was just trying to kill Ridley over and over, it was very painful lol.

I love the "Rated R" aspect as well.  The first time I died I was so happy lol.  It felt great to play Super Metroid as it was originally intended and the gore factor really made it feel the way it always should have been too.

Definitely felt the AM2R inspiration and a lot of GBA feeling moments also, which was awesome!  The custom sprite work and music were also fantastic.  So insanely impressed with this!  I will definitely be playing it again soon!  Thank you so much for your dedicated work and continued contributions to the Metroid Community!

I sort of ended up writing this post as a review in itself, so I'll probably end up copying and pasting most of it for my actual review xD