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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Silver Skree on June 06, 2010, 05:52:37 AM
I'm sure if you tried to understand the reason for this video's existance for long enough, you'd eventually find it funny.

You are Evil, Silver Skree.. now we learn who the Cosmic Destroyer's "right-hand man" really is! All you've done is tried to disguise the fact, but it is undeniable. The veil has been pushed aside by Mankind, and we know the true face of Evil...

True Form of Cosmic Evil


I've finally started playing Metroid Prime again.  I have rediscovered just how great of a game it is, especially when it comes to sequence breaking things for fun.  And maybe experimenting with the Infinite Speed glitch for fun and giggles before you crash the game.  Good times.


I'm sick. I have filled the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket with phlegm which is just getting worse. I haven't been like this in like 3 years. On the bright side I got home early from work and was able to hack another room I didn't like. But I still would've prefered working all day and doing the room over a longer period of time.


Holy whackers. Well here's what your gonna do ok.
You're gonna stop kissing so many cute girls dummy!

THEN you won't have the mono with the gross spit all the time.
Why didn't you think of that you turkey.

For Your Health!


cool story bro

Its a good 30 mins long, but hot damn!

Its the story of young Timmy, and his journey to be the best gamer in the world!


You know Phazar, I've never tried the ISglitch.

On a side note, just had shishkabobs (spell right?) with steak, chicken, pork, rice, and corn. Om nom.


Good birthday today.  Got Super Mario Galaxy 2, so I'll probably be playing that tomorrow.  Goodbye, purple name.


Happy Birthday Phazar! :awesome:


MM has passed his sickness onto me, biological warfare is declared, and sick people make sick hacks.

But they also do more sleeping than hacking.

Hiroshi Mishima

Belated Happy Birthday, Phazar! Also, that cake looks scrumptious! D: ..why can I imagine the "post N64" Princess Toadstool making a cake like that? Damn it now I'm hungry and I already ate! *shakes fist*

In other news, no new work on hacking... but some new work on comicing if anyone here actually gives a damn that I do a sprite comic. (lol) Haven't been able to find the right inspiration to work on SMILE (I wish I had Silver's drive). I've been trying to get out of the habit of spending all day long on the computer too, so this could have something to do with it.

Played and beat Half-Life 1 for the first time ever (I know...) the other day, and almost finished with Opposing Force. Been pretty fun so far. I like the atmosphere and the controls are decent if a little weird with the whole WASD keys for movement THEN having to push Space (which only works if I hit it in the center) and LeftCTRL for ducking. Leads to some argh-pain moments sometimes. Yay for Quick Save/Load, though. More games need that.


I'm horrible at working on posts with lots of content. Takes me about five hours just to get one done. Goddamn. (lol, shameless plug format.)

Also, I'm attempting to work on my stories again, as well as play excessive amounts of Melee. Weh.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on June 14, 2010, 06:26:08 PMWASD keys for movement THEN having to push Space (which only works if I hit it in the center) and LeftCTRL for ducking. Leads to some argh-pain moments sometimes.
You'll probably find it much easier to map Duck to 'C'.

Also, once you're done with the official expansions, there are plenty of single-player modifications that are available, some of which are excellent.  I can thoroughly recommend Case Closed, Azure Sheep, and definitely Poke646.  There are others, but I'm at work, and I forget...


Quote from: person701 on June 12, 2010, 09:48:38 PM
On a side note, just had shishkabobs (spell right?) with steak, chicken, pork, rice, and corn. Om nom.


Awesome weekend. Lots of jogging on the trails and Autechre dropped their latest album 'Move of Ten'.
I find alot of it rubbish but some tracks blow my brains out.



Attended a party of a close friend today. She threw an awesome party. Bad part is that it was a going away as she's moving back to Canada. =[


Turns out that Big Butter Jesus statue was struck by lightning.  Can anyone say "divine retribution"?  LMAO


Messed around with GarageBand on my grandpa's computer yesterday.  After remaking a few of my own songs using the digital synths, I started churning out a few Metroid remixes.  I should probably post them if I can remember how to convert to MP3s....


Quote from: Zhs2 on June 14, 2010, 11:34:36 PMas well as play excessive amounts of Melee.
I didn't see this until I saw the top of the topic.
Zhs: <3


There has been 11 new hacking topics this month, most of which were in the last week or so...

some of them are ok, but alot of them are: "lol i downloaded smile" topics....

I feel like its m2k2 all over again. :<

also... this topic hasn't been getting enough love! June 14 was the last post before this one.... wtf?


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on June 28, 2010, 09:23:54 PM
There has been 11 new hacking topics this month, most of which were in the last week or so...
some of them are ok, but alot of them are: "lol i downloaded smile" topics....
I feel like its m2k2 all over again. :<

I hope it's not because of the link I posted over on the AM2R forum.  I just meant to invite Kasel over if he needed an assist on his hack.  Didn't expect a flood.   :O_o:


There's an AM2R forum? ...They have SM hacking noobs? ...They actually found their way here? Dear god, man, what have you done to us all?

In other news, I have been working as hard as I can on a single story you may be seeing within a few days. It'll be brand spankin' new universe stuff you've never even heard of. I can guarantee it.


Double post. I decided to give Windows 7 a try, but after 4 hours of accomplishing absolutely nothing that I wanted to do with it I gave the fuck up and burned 64-bit XP to a disc. I like operating systems that don't ask you to tell your admin to set permissions better for you, as well as not fail at the simplest things like updating Briefcases and opening documents in Notepad++. I am very displeased, Microsoft.


Lol my first post in this topic. :grin:

I started learning C++, and this far, I've only managed to do the "Hello world!" thingy. Well, it was only 15 minutes ago when I started, so duh...

Also, I hope that AM2R gets finished this year. I've been waiting too long! :FURY:


Yes, I've been waiting for AM2R ever since it was first announced.  Hasn't it been almost 3 years already?  I'd like to finally see that thing get done.

In other news, I will go back to Crashtour's post about the Big butter Jesus statue.  Ironically, it wasn't that far from where I live.  Last I heard, there are still debates back and forth about whether they should rebuild it or not.


it's official. i'm now more hooked on Cave Story than i'm pretty sure i've ever been on Metroid. i just cant effing get enough.

perfect game is perfect

now go play.