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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Yeah... I gave everyone else some cake already... so... this is all that left. :o

Also, nice new icons Bloods! :D



Sup, New Phenderana Drifts v----

Things are insane over here in Britain, this shits been going on for 3 weeks now and its now pretty much a bit of a "aahhh fuck we are screwed" moment, i have to say i didn't go out without full protection, including a facemask, today i had to jog out across the buildings, cause it was a short journey, i didn't bother to put my mask on, oh god i couldn't breathe outside, the air is so frigid and cold, and i got a two hour journey to make in an hour and a half back home along the main roads which are fully ice/snowed over with cars skidding everywhere, i swear im going to end up in hospital today..or worse. <- also this, eep.


While I don't envy the amounts of snow, just be glad you don't have the cold snap we have here.  Currently it's 2F (about -17C for you English folk) with a wind chill of about -10F (or -23C).  We're under a Wind Chill Warning cause tonight the low is supposed to dip down to about -13F (-25C) with wind chills as low as -30F (-34.5C).

Waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too fucking cold...   *shivers*  Can't go outside for more than a few minutes without risk of hypothermia or frostbite.  LOL  The 4 inches of snow we got is too cold to stick to anything so it just keeps blowing around in the 20 mph winds.

Stay safe out there.


We got two inches of snow outside today... gonna be a pain to walk through while I head off to Montgomery College to see a counselor today about what to do next with my college life. Not that cold out, though, thankfully.


we got over our arctic snap last week. this week, it rain-snowed. which froze. and iced all over. there's an area behind the post office in town that has turned into a skating rink.

Quote from: GF_KennonThings are insane over here in Britain, this shits been going on for 3 weeks now and its now pretty much a bit of a "aahhh frak we are screwed" moment, i have to say i didn't go out without full protection, including a facemask, today i had to jog out across the buildings, cause it was a short journey, i didn't bother to put my mask on, oh god i couldn't breathe outside, the air is so frigid and cold, and i got a two hour journey to make in an hour and a half back home along the main roads which are fully ice/snowed over with cars skidding everywhere, i swear im going to end up in hospital today..or worse.
... apparently, i have no reason to complain.


well my grandparents came to stay with us 2 nights yesterday, but left the same night because of the warning that giant shitstorms are flying over from 4chan  the storm that hit GF is going to hit entire Europe. For three weeks. I'm rooting for ice free. Either that or, according to Piet Paulusma (our weatherguy) we will all die. Oh and entire Holland is going mad again over the fact that we just might have an Elfstedentocht (Eleven city skating trip, something that we haven't had in years. It's a big part of our culture) because of the big warning. It has to freeze for long periods of time if we want one, a snowstorm isn't going to help. At all.


Quit complaining. >:(   
Well, I've been stuck in a heat wave the last few days.  Which, I guess is better then being buried in snow.. still not much fun though.

Also, out of all the smileys, this one creeps me out the most: :heheh:


Well, I'm in Florida and we were suppose to have snow flurry last night which didn't happen in my area. However, just north of us there was like... 1/8th an inch of snow. xD But, tonight we've got some rain on the way and temperatures are suppose to dip down to the 20s.

I WANNA SEE SNOW. I haven't seen it in like 13 years. ;~;




[spoiler]You are my hero. :awesome:

It works if you replace "kitten" with "pussy."[/spoiler]



here ya go Inter... doomguy getting a boner for a mega vixen


In a classroom where the only device is my mobile phone, damn i'm glad its touch screen with a full ASCII keyboard :) on a side note my laptop is lying at home in peices after a little acident, should be ok, also the forum is very mobile kind, its got a mobile interface which is very nice and efficent, hope to be back soon.


Bored in class again, currently in communications and technology and i have just ran out of water :( anyway i saw the mobile forum does not have an edit feature, also i was not able to navigate the main site due to how our navigation works, anyway i will be going home in an hour.


Good to know you can at least still reach us. Today I'm really tired. =\ I got a good nights sleep but I'm feel like I wanna fall out. Woke up from a nap in Physics and my friend said I looked as if I just got done hotboxing a small bathroom.

Please note that I'm not a druggy. I swear it. :>_>:


So my lecturer decided to cut the power to every work station while i had just finished my work, all because a few people were playing games. FML


Quote from: GF_Kennon
So my lecturer decided to cut the power to every work station while i had just finished my work, all because a few people were playing games. FML
Whaaaaaaaat so you lost everything? Goddamn. Also, I just noticed the cellphone icon for your posts. Sweet!

In other news, I stayed up until 5 writing last night. It was totally worth it to get the chapter I needed to finish over with :^_^:


My friend gave me a Victoria's Secret magazine for a late Christmas present... swimsuit edition. =D Win anyone? Also got myself a really nice and rather expensive camera. Double win?


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 18, 2010, 12:39:36 PM
Quote from: GF_Kennon
So my lecturer decided to cut the power to every work station while i had just finished my work, all because a few people were playing games. FML
Whaaaaaaaat so you lost everything? Goddamn. Also, I just noticed the cellphone icon for your posts. Sweet!

i definatly lost the will to work the rest of the day, also my mobile phone

Silver Skree

I now have the most senseless signature around.

Do I win anything?  :shocking:


Utter depression.

(No, this is not a hit at Silver Skree. It could, however, very well be interpreted as such.)


Loving the grass skee, where's the tree we discussed? I still haven't seen anybody pull off a legitimate tree. Or a tree house..hmmm...

Silver Skree

Quote from: FullOfFail on January 19, 2010, 03:06:09 AM
Loving the grass skee, where's the tree we discussed? I still haven't seen anybody pull off a legitimate tree. Or a tree house..hmmm...
I was never going for "tree." I changed it.

If you want to try to make a tree, go for it. DMan had some good ones in Eris; not HUGE ones, though.


Duuuuude I like your new sig silver, it's super cool [spoiler]story bro[/spoiler]


Those are some awsome GFX you got there Skree.

I'm not talkin about the grass either. Those letters are kick ass.