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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: GF_Kennon
money is an issue
Get a job. ^_^

Also I am currently writing a story that is actually not a piece of... you know what I write. It's something new, and the whole entire thing is an in-joke (but it's not about you guys.)


Dude, you should really do some less-sexual shit. It would be cool.


[22:38] <Zhs2> 1. It is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses.
[22:38] <Zhs2> 2. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
[22:38] <Zhs2> 3. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down.
[22:38] <Zhs2> 4. Royal Navy ships that enter the Port of London must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 5. In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 6. In Lancashire, no person is permitted after being asked to stop by a constable on the seashore to incite a dog to bark.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 7. In England, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 8. In London, Freemen are allowed to take a flock of sheep across London Bridge without being charged a toll; they are also allowed to drive geese down Cheapside.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 9. In the UK, a man who feels compelled to urinate in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel and keeps his right hand on his vehicle.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 10. In Chester, Welshmen are banned from entering the city before sunrise and from staying after sunset.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 11. In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
[22:39] |<-- Grime has left (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[22:39] <Zhs2> 12. In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.
[22:39] <Zhs2> 13. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast is legally the property of the King; the tail, on the other hand, belongs to the Queen - in case she needs the bones for her corset.
[22:39] <Zhs2> There you go



#2 is the best. "it is illegal to die..." wtf? what are they gonna be able to do to you if you die in the parliament houses? EPIC xD


Deny you a decent burial.


I was LOLing the whole time I was reading that.  I doubt that any of it is true, though. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Quote from: Phazar on May 24, 2009, 09:11:43 PM
I doubt that any of it is true, though.

you really should know most of this is UK law (some of it is outdated though)


GF_Kennon is an outlaw >:(
He didn't serve his 2 hours of crossbow training today!


 :lol: They are the best laws ever


The sad thing is, they are all real and still legal today like James said! :lol:


Alrighty, so my boss at Subway recently started playing the card game Magic : The Gathering.  And he's always blah blah blahing about it and asking if I play it.
When I was in high school I played it for about 4-6 months, but I played yu-gi-oh ALOT more. (since I'm better at that game :P)  When I stoped playing Magic, I gave all my cards to my friend that got me into the game.  And that was that, or so I thought.

But yesterday, my boss was blah blah blahing again, and I'm like, "so what kind of deck do you use?" and so I decided pfft why not, and went and bought some cards.

So... the moral of the story?
I like green and blue decks, I need to get more cards before I can make a good saproling/counter deck.


I played Magic for several years, and probably still would if all my cards weren't stolen.

I used to have a mean sliver deck full of untap cards like icy manipulators and rings of gix.
Had a friend that collected only elephant cards. He wore elephant shirts too. And made sounds..
You meet some strange characters playing magic.

The funnest thing about Magic is playing with random people who engage in debates on what the cards do.
You'd think the rules are simple enough, but that's rarely the case. People misinterpret and want to argue.

There was that stupid silly edition with the crazy cards, one of them being the Blacker Lotus.
It does what the infamous Black Lotus does but you have to tear it into 4 pieces after use.
This guy used to scrape the edge so there was the card, and 3 specs on the table.
People would scream and rant but his logic was ineffable. It was indeed in 4 pieces. Asshole.
I ripped his card up when he tried that on me and he kicked me very hard in the shin.
I still have a soft mushy spot there. At the time you could get a Blacker Lotus for 10 cents...


Pfffffft, trading cards. Never could get into the habit of buying cards, myself. I have a huge box of Pokemon cards laying around here somewhere, but I only use it to battle with my brother and sister occasionally. :grin:

Lawl at your boss getting you back into playing again. :lol:


I have lot's of magic card but no one at fucking all to play with.  ;(


I have a killer Yu-Gi-Oh! combo set up in one of my 3 decks: Cat's Ear Tribe (200-100 (iirc), 3 stars, with a special that reduces the attack of anything attacking it to 200) + 2xMalevolent Nuzzler (+700atk) + Black Pendant (+500atk, inflicts 500 damage when destroyed) + Raregold Armor (opponent can only attack monster equipped). Makes my entire side invincible to everything but effects that specifically destroy cards, and if my opponent decides to attack they lose 1900 life points. Very good in combination with Mucus Yolk (0-0, 1 star, with special attack life points directly plus gain 1000 atk with every attack) and something to kill Black Holes and Fissions and such.

Another Yu-Gi-Oh! combo I can use is Blue Eyes (you know the info) followed by Great Maju Garzett (0-0, 6 stars, with special attack is 2x attack of the monster sacrificed for this) the next turn followed by another Great Maju Garzett. 12000atk is fun.


I'm much better at Yu-gi-oh then Magic.  I have many decks built, my favorite being my water deck.
Since I'm SUCH A DAMN NERD, I'm gonna post the cards in my deck! :3
amount in deck ~ name ~ lvl ~ atk ~ def - frak effects, find that yourself lazy shits!
2 ~ Familiar-Possesed - Eria ~ 4 ~ 1850 ~ 1500
2 ~ Cure Mermaid ~ 4 ~ 1500 ~ 800
1 ~ Marshmallon ~ 3 ~ 300 ~ 500
1 ~ Sangan ~ 3 ~ 1000 ~ 600
1 ~ Mobius the Frost Monarch ~ 6 ~ 2400 ~ 1000
3 ~ Sea Sephent Warrior of Darkness ~ 4 ~ 1800 ~ 1500
1 ~ Spirit Reaper ~ 3 ~ 300 ~ 200
2 ~ Penguin Soilder ~ 2 ~ 750 ~ 500
1 ~ Marie the Fallen One ~ 5 ~ 1700 ~ 1200
1 ~ Jowls of Dark Demise ~ 2 ~ 200 ~ 100
2 ~ Terrorking Salmon ~ 5 ~ 2400 ~ 1000
1 ~ Magician of Faith ~ 1 ~ 300 ~ 400
1 ~ Outstanding Dog Marron ~ 1 ~ 100 ~ 100
1 ~ Levia-Dragon - Daedalus ~ 7 ~ 2600 ~ 1500
1 ~ Mask of Darkness ~ 2 ~ 900 ~ 400
1 ~ Yomi Ship ~ 3 ~ 800 ~ 1400
1 ~ Nightmare Penguin ~ 4 ~ 900 ~ 1800
1 ~ Cats Ear Tribe ~ 1 ~ 200 ~ 100
1 ~ Neo Aqua Madoor ~ 6 ~ 1200 ~ 3000

3 ~ Salvage ~ Spell
3 ~ Legendary Ocean ~ Feild Spell
1 ~ Scapegoat ~ Quickplay Spell
1 ~ Book of Moon ~ Quickplay Spell
1 ~ Mystical Space Typhoon ~ Quickplay Spell
1 ~ Wave Motion Cannon ~ Continious Spell
1 ~ Recycle ~ Continious Spell
1 ~ Pot of Avarice ~ Spell
1 ~ Mage Power ~ Equip Spell
1 ~ Heart of Clear Water ~ Equip Spell
1 ~ Swords of Revealing Light ~ Spell

1 ~ Gravity Bond ~ Continious Trap
1 ~ Ordeal of a Traveler ~ Continious Trap
1 ~ Wall of Revealing Light ~ Continious Trap
1 ~ Magical Arm Sheild ~ Trap
1 ~ Magic Cylinder ~ Trap
1 ~ Solemn Wishes ~ Continious Trap
1 ~ Hidden Book of Spell ~ Trap
1 ~ Copulsory Evacuation Device ~ Trap
1 ~ Draining Sheild ~ Trap
1 ~ Tornado Wall ~ Continious Trap

This deck is designed to be defense until I get my power hitters into play.  This deck regains life, recycles cards from the graveyard, and is quite hard to knock out when I get my combos set up!

A few of my favorites:
[spoiler]- Salvage + Penguin Soilders = fun monsters back to my hand.  This PISSES people off to no end, since Pengiun Soilder returns up to two monsters on the feild to the owners hand.  I use this with my many  defense traps to keep my opponent from attacking me, but returning all his high lvled monsters back to his hand. XP

- Magician of Faith + Pot of Avarice = INFINATE DECK BITCHES!  Allthough my opponent can counter this, I have back-ups to return Pot of Avarice back to me.  Book of Hidden Spells, and Recycle are handy for this. :3

- Cats Ear Tribe + Heart of Clear Water = almost indestructable defense.  Heart of Clear Water can only be equiped to monster 1200 or less, but it makes them IMMUNE TO ANY DAMAGE AND EFFECTS THAT ONLY TARGET IT! Of course, things like Lightning Vortex will kill my kitty, but eh...

- Legendary Ocean + Tornado Wall + Levia-Dragon - Daedalus = SUPER DEATH!  Tornado Wall will keep me from taking Damage as long as Umi on the feild (legendary Ocean counts as Umi :D) Then I can summon Daedalus with only one sacrifice and kill everything on the feild, leaving me an pot shot on my opponent.  Mage Power on Daedalus helps alot in this combo![/spoiler]

From this point on, it will be referred to as the FLOOD DECK!  I don't care if you use this set-up, but be a nice kiddy and thank the good man squishy for making such a kickass deck for youz! :3


I liked the Star Wars card game by Decipher, but never even got any of those other types of card games besides the ones played with your typical four suits...

I may have a job soon.

Big Gay Cell

Quote from: Crys on May 26, 2009, 03:20:01 PM
I have lot's of magic card but no one at fraking all to play with.  ;(

If we lived closer, I would play.  I still have all of my cards, and a bunch of killer decks.  Woo.  All hail the Merfolk deck!  XD  Hey, don't laugh.  I won two tournaments with it. 

Man, I miss Magic...


Played basketball for a few hours with friends yesterday. I did alright considering the last time I played was nearly a year ago, but my head got banged up from errant flying basketballs and zealous defenders bumping me in the head.

Now I have major head pain to go along with a sore body.


Okay, guys. Get ready for "that one omg whut post in the Talk topic you all didn't care about."

My new computer died. Apparently, it was on its knees for the past few days due to overheating from a rather large amount of dust, destroying the heat sink compound above the brotherboard (stupid stupid stupid! >_<) I'm not sure exactly what it was that did it in (it still turns on but refuses to boot,) but I know I can't use it to do anything. I'm currently contacting the vendor I purchased it from because I've got a year warranty left (w00t!), but from now on it's gonna be the old laptop I used before my newest computer (if I can NOT get caught by my dad) or Blood's.

I'd like to end this post with a most appropriate


Quote from: DSO on May 30, 2009, 02:43:51 PM
Played basketball for a few hours with friends yesterday. I did alright considering the last time I played was nearly a year ago, but my head got banged up from errant flying basketballs and zealous defenders bumping me in the head.

Now I have major head pain to go along with a sore body.
I remember a few years ago, I was playing basketball, and I had braces on my teeth.
The ball flew into my mouth and pushed the inside of my top lip into my braces and I had little dints inside my lip for a few weeks.
It didn't hurt much, but it was bleeding heaps.


I just returned from my first drive on the real roads.  It was pretty exciting, knowing that I was not just driving in a parking lot anymore.  I still have a few months before I get my license, though.


Well, I hope your not going to be like 90% of the people on the road who don't use their turn signals correctly.  It pisses me off to no end!  Just the other day, some jerk off had his turn signal on, so I ASSUMED he was turning, so I start to pull out, and he doesn't turn, and almost hits me.

Turn signals aren't so YOU know whereyour going, its for OTHER PEOPLE to know, so they can drive accordingly.  It makes driving harder/more dangerous when people do this kind of shit.


anywho, I temp changed my signature!
[spoiler=BEFORE]People say the weirdest things in IRC...
< Bloodsonic> icky_chicago: no cop killing spree for a tank is the most fun I've ever had in evar in a video game <3
< Zozo124> What did you tray to say by using Even word?

* uNsane knows that this plan is risky but feels confident that iffy will one day drink him, at which point he will reform and cause iffy to explode[/spoiler]
[spoiler=AFTER]People say the weirdest things in IRC...
[11:31:44 PM]  <@Jathys> I had never noticed this before, but:
[11:31:45 PM]  <@Jathys> 7D = Sad Metroid :(
[11:31:48 PM]  <@Jathys> ^--- LOL
[11:32:44 PM]  <@KP9000> that makes no sense
[11:33:41 PM]  < squishy_ichigo> or... does it?

Draconis Kenjishiya

My sister's learning to drive. She's 17, and my intelligent mother decided not to teach her how to drive in my father's sedan but in her gigantic Americanized SUV, this 2006 Honda, and poor Katy can't really grasp the concept of a car as big as the lane. She's either partly over the double yellow or practically in the right side of parked cars, and while my mother is going into cardiac arrest, I'm just sitting in the backseat giggling because for once, I KNOW HOW IT FEELS. haha


I'm 18 and I doubt I ever will drive, my father is a Truck driver so he's quite a hard worked person, he dives the artics, and is often late home.

Guess its the bike for me  :icon_razz: