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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Really don't know what to tell you Squishy, but assuming she's a willing participant, you could probably get all her info and apply for a bunch of jobs online, though. It seems like a long-shot, but you'd be surprised how many are listed, and alot of decent one's too. I was able to get some manufacturing/factory, shipping, fork-lift, etc, jobs that way. Although that may seem like predominately male jobs, they weren't, I worked with alot of females aswell. Guarantee your area has some, but you'd just never know prior to looking online. Usually you can't even enter those buildings without already working there. Just throwing that out there for consideration, helped me.

Vismund Cygnus

I remembered that the Age of Empires II HD Edition allowed for up to 500 population per player.
naturally, I took that as a challenge.
This is what 500 Villagers looks like: plus a few extra AI units for luck
Next goal: Find a friend dumb enough to agree to help me, and see what 1,000 looks like.


All those villagers massed in there are just asking for big onager shots.


So it's official, due to my step-mother's recent job loss, my father's desire to move to Pennsylvania is finally happening.  Packing now, leaving Sunday night.

Didn't even get a full month back at Subway, and it was going really well too, *sigh*.

Ah well. 

In other news, I've recently been playing through Dark Souls since it was the free 'games with gold' this month on my brothers xbox 360. Damn fun game. Currently on a second playthrough with a different playstyle, and plan on doing a SL1 run (that's soul level one, ie. no leveling) hopefully. Maybe even get the sequel if money stops being so tight.

Between playing that and going to work, I've not been on irc much recently, heh.


Good luck Squishy. Hopefully they'll have a healthy working economy up there so you can hit the ground running. These kinds of transitions are never easy, but it may be for the best in the end. There's just no way of knowing for sure yet until you experience it. You may end up with a occupation good enough to make investments on your own home, and start a family (I know you have no interest in doing that, but you may meet a companion that changes your perspective as you become more financially independent).

On the subject of Dark Souls, I've only tried part 2 briefly for the PC, and it was a pretty bad user-experience. The controls all had 360 symbols. They didn't even try to make it fluent at all, just took the one size fits all approach. If the game is already challenging as-is, I don't want to battle the controls aswell. I just don't understand why they'd do that, they'll spend all this time developing the game, yet are too negligent to change a few symbols and minor configurations. Just doesn't make sense to me. Skyrim had a similar but different problem, the menu was just not really that compatible with PC. Half of the time it was a pain just trying to hover over something in it. It was obvious that it was made with a controller in mind, because a keyboard is a lot more versatile than that design they gave it.


Long time coming, however through a full physical some of my theories have been affirmed, others dis-confirmed.
Through a decade of alcoholism and pain killer abuse, I've only worsened what was already there: heart arrhythmia and high blood pressure.
My psychiatrists for the past 15 years have simply attributed my heart palpitations to anxiety,
until they discovered over years of cardiograms that they were wrong.

I now face imminent heart failure in the next 15-20 years if I don't stop drinking, chain smoking and pill popping.
Bear in mind these are the only things in life I truly attribute to the core value and meaning of my existence.
So I'm chewing that nicotine gum, and gradually lowering my alcohol intake from 4 litres a night to 2.
I've stopped the pain killers altogether.

Things just won't be the same here on out, I'm pretty much known (not only to myself but others) as the stoned drunk DMantra.
I guess I'll have to reassess my stance on life, as hearing this medical news has faltered my plan to just fade out to my own devices.

Funny isn't it, we continue our unhealthy choices, whether it be food, pills, booze, dope, smokes, christ even pop and unhealthy eating..
to finally get that proper kick in the arse saying change your ways or die before 40-48.

Just felt like.. well not venting, but rather sharing my physical condition instead of my mental condition.
It's an uphill battle but hearing that death is imminent in your near 30s is a bit of a wake up call.
I think I can do this. Yes, I've been saying that for 6-8 years in the community spanning 3 forums.

Why does it take several doctors to truly make you stop, why does it take a heart attack to make you re-evaluate your sentient worth.
Saying this is a rapid change isn't even putting it mildly.
I'm still conflicted with carrying on this self destruction to oblivion or cleaning up to face oblivion maybe.. another 20 years.

So as it stands, burn bright for half as long, or burn low and life a long garbage life. You know, that whole candle metaphor.

Edit: I'll never change.


To be honest, I think we all do it to one degree or another.  With me, it's the poor diet, and I'm always paranoid about diabetes and everything else.  The doctors keep saying that I'm fine, and fit as a fiddle, but it doesn't stop the worrying.

I suspect that much of your success with it will be the ability to find new, or different, outlets, since just stopping all of those things will no doubt just leave you feeling miserable.  Have you considered things like getting involved in a sport or something?  Perhaps focusing on your music, and a possible change of direction with it?

Whatever it is you decide, good luck with it. :^_^:


Haha, you wuss. If I heard I was going to either drop dead or change my habits, I'd say "fuck no". Why? Probably because I'm doing what I like and life isn't the same if I'm not enjoying it with my all. I will not give a fuck if I drop dead when I'm 40. Then again, I'm not on any serious drugs aside from food (pizza) and water and exercise in the form of a manual labor job, so it probably won't come soon enough! All I know is that if it does, then I went out happy. :)


I didn't take DMan for the type to change his lifestyle for anything, even impending death.... guess I was wrong.

That being said, good luck with your life changes Dman, I'm sure its gonna be a lot of work.


PA so far isn't too bad, though the job that my father was supposed to be getting with his brother isn't busy enough for him to work apparently? :U

We've just been sitting around his brothers house for the last few days.


The Last Days are among us. Make right with whom you must, and pray.


Sobriety is rather underrated in my book.




Sorry for the double post but...


Black Falcon

Thank you very much, Quote!

Had an awesome time with friends at my place, killed a bottle of Captain Morgan, one and a half boxes of beer and dozens of those tiny bottles of liqueur.
I really was surprised I didn't have any trouble getting out of bed today feeling good actually, lol.
Had the party on saturday already so that we could stay up all night until dawn.

Damn, haven't had this much fun in a long time. Just perfect!  :^_^:


Sounds like you had a fair time. Happy birthday bud!


i'm too lazy to come into town so i haven't posted any thing in a while.

here is my progress.

at first i was just useing the GFX C, i couldnt help myself and whent full custom. after Alt. M is done i'll post the graphic sheet (its about the size of the GFX C)


You'd probably be better off creating its own topic, but nonetheless, news is news, and news is always welcome. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

I believe this is the seperate topic for the hack, though it would appear Red Monkey forgot to update this one.
Cool to see you're not dead, and that your hack is coming along nicely.
I would post some work here but y'know, I haven't touched SMILE in a couple of weeks nearly. Too busy for that stuff.
* Vismund launches SMILE while he has the chance.


Hmm, it reads like this is one part of that anyway. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

"I'm drunnk1 hehahohee111!!!one"
on a slightly still not serious note, drunk Team Fortress 2 with friends is great, and you should all try it. Oh, the joys of being 18 and Australian. I probably won't even remember posting this tomorrow.  :heheh:


Don't worry.  We'll be sure to remind you.  What you need to worry about is producing a room while drunk that's better than anything else you've produced, and then feeling forced to get drunk to ever build a room again. :yay:


on that note, i suggest a drunk community race. I've tried speedrunning drunk and it's just appauling :lol:


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 11, 2014, 11:12:02 AM
"I'm drunnk1 hehahohee111!!!one"
on a slightly still not serious note, drunk Team Fortress 2 with friends is great, and you should all try it. Oh, the joys of being 18 and Australian. I probably won't even remember posting this tomorrow.  :heheh:
Last time when I played drunk with friend was a deathmatch of Quake 2 in a game club. I feel old now. And we were drinking spirit mixed with a Pepsi.

The joys of being young and Russian =)

Nice to see you after such break. =)

And... better late than never.
Happy birthday, Black Falcon!

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on July 11, 2014, 01:32:04 PM
Don't worry.  We'll be sure to remind you.  What you need to worry about is producing a room while drunk that's better than anything else you've produced, and then feeling forced to get drunk to ever build a room again. :yay:

I loaded up my laptop this moring and saw that I had starting making a room with the strangest and possibly coolest palette I've ever made.
As for the room, it was only half done, I have no idea what I was doing, but it may just be the best thing I have ever made.
Looks like your prophecy came true. Alcoholism here I come!


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 12, 2014, 04:29:00 AM
Alcoholism here I come!

Yes child, yes.. come.
Have some fosters.