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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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"What is ASM?" is a huge question, and is not something to even consider if you're just starting out.  It's essentially a means to rewrite the game to do something that it originally couldn't do, or to change something that it already does.  It's learning a programming language.

You don't need much to get started.  For the GBA games, you'll want Double Helix, though you should be aware that knowledge and support are minimal for it, so it may be more difficult to get started.

For Super Metroid, you'll need SMILE.  Knowledge is pretty comprehensive, and there are tonnes of great tutorials, documents, and videos to help you on the Main Site.  Specifically, I'd recommend starting with person701's Beginner's Guide.

Happy hacking. :^_^:


It still amuses me how that horribly written guide actually helps people.

Might I also note, once you've gotten familiar with SMILE, feel free to ask any of the more complicated questions (after searching the forums first!) over on the Engine Works board or to come by the IRC where you may or may not get a faster answer. Happy hacking! :bounce:


Sooooooo, for those not in the know....

As some of you may know already, due to extraneous circumstances, I left my home and family almost two weeks ago. I spent a night at dessy's, then spent a few nights in my car, then skree was kind enough to let me crash at his place.  I intended on not returning back to my family....


So, I'm back now, and I'm starting work again at good ol' Subway next week.

It was a good year off.  Oh well.

Guess I'll start posting on the forums again now.


At least things sound like they worked out, even if it may not be the way you'd originally envisioned.

As for Subway, I'll take my usual: A foot-long, with pepperoni, all the cheeses, and tonnes of barbecue sauce.  Mmm... :nod:


I'll get a footlong chicken teriyaki on honeyoat.
no lettuce, 2 rows of tomatoes, lots of onions, some green peppers, banana peppers.. umm..
lots of jalapeno, and tonnes of black olives. just like, put a handful of it on there.
a bit of honey mustard, and a bit of sweet onion. oh and lots of pepper, no salt.



One of my favs is flatbread roastbeef with cheddar cheese, with a row of tomatoes, and few lines of chipotle southwest sauce, toasted.  That's one I've been eating for years.


Hell yeah I want it toasted, oh and I want that monterey chedder, not that white shit.

Zero One

So ages ago, I handed in the cathedral I made in UDK for marking. Got the marks back recently. 90%, which is 45% for the entire module, which is an immediate pass!

I also got a brand new computer! 240GB SSD, nVidia GTX 780 graphics, 16GB DDR3 RAM, soon to be 32GB, Intel Core i7 4770k. Took the build time of my cathedral from 30 minutes down to 4! Boots to the desktop in seconds and things launch before I can even take my finger off the mouse button!

Came just in time too. My previous computer developed a fault in 1 bit of RAM. Because random bluescreens are fun!


Sounds like a nice system.  I waaay overdue for a new machine, but, as usual, it's pennies, pennies, pennies. :neutral:


Quote from: Zero One on May 17, 2014, 08:48:19 AM
Came just in time too. My previous computer developed a fault in 1 bit of RAM. Because random bluescreens are fun!
Yeah, Marina have the same problem too recently. Random BSOD all the time. That's a bad news. Good news that the problem was in RAM I planned to remove anyway to replace it with bigger 1Gb RAM to get max possible RAM ever.

Quote from: Quietus on May 17, 2014, 05:37:36 PM
Sounds like a nice system.  I waaay overdue for a new machine, but, as usual, it's penis, penis, penis. :neutral:
Fix'd =)


That's a fair few penises, JAM.  Should I be getting worried? :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 20, 2014, 05:43:52 AM
That's a fair few penises, JAM.  Should I be getting worried? :^_^:
Don't worry, I'm not dick addicted. =) It's just pronounsed similary. =)


So, prom was yesterday. It was okay.

Vismund Cygnus

This morning I went for a walk.
It was really foggy and looked pretty, so I took some pictures that don't do it justice.
[spoiler=Big pictures]


I love thick fog, but I always have this silly vision of the creepy music from the film starting to play, and me running back indoors. :^_^:


I love thick fog too. But I'm not afraid of it. =)
It not's creepy it's like... don't know. Some kind of mystery. Spirit world? And I love to walk outside when there is a fog. One time it was so thick so I can't see anything beyond 10 meters. Like walking inside the cloud.

Also, the air filled with fog is pretty fresh. Like to breath such air. =)

And again, it's cool to be here. This place became my second home. Why? Home is the place to where you want to return again and again. I'm not too offen coming here last time. Also, I can DO something OR SAY what I can or can't do (if talking about the same day). Like I can waste my 99 energy units for this OR that.

So, guys, if I promised something and haven't done it, remind me later please. I'm not ignoring anyone. So much ideas... So much things to do. Disassembling, working on hacks, patches, SMILE and in some days I need just to play. =) Just want to say it.


If you're taking requests, it seems that you completing your Plasma / Spazer patch is still in some demand. :^_^:

As for the fog being scary, [noembed]this[/noembed] may clear things up a bit. :whoa:


Quote from: Quietus on June 06, 2014, 05:55:01 PM
If you're taking requests, it seems that you completing your Plasma / Spazer patch is still in some demand. :^_^:
After several tries (read: several dozens) in last 4 years, I finally found the needed code for vulnerabilities. So, I started working on it. =)

Yeah, indeed.


Some of you might've already seen this, but I just ran across it and it made me giggle.



Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 04, 2014, 02:54:31 AM
This morning I went for a walk.
It was really foggy and looked pretty, so I took some pictures that don't do it justice.
[spoiler=Big pictures]

That's no ordinary fog... That's bad rendering distance.

Speaking of which: The reason Silent Hill relies so heavily on fog is because with the first game, they wanted graphics far superior to what the console was normally capable of. As such, they used the thick fog to disguise a significantly reduced draw distance, allowing for higher polygon counts than the console could achieve under normal circumstances.

Similarly, zombies in horror games have solid white eyes because it is much easier on the graphics processor than drawing a bunch of fully-textured, fully-animated eyes on anything besides main characters.


Interesting fact there about Silent Hill. [spoiler][/spoiler]


Quote from: FullOfFail on June 12, 2014, 07:12:18 PM
Some of you might've already seen this, but I just ran across it and it made me giggle.


I saw this on Engadget this morning. It goes to show how ridiculous print media has become. They are sloppy when it comes to tech and science issues, mainly because they do not understand the underlying interest and don't have the background. Why? Because people who do understand it wouldn't come within 100 feet of print media because of the bad name they have given themselves. They will go to the online media (like Engadget, or one of 100 other reputable tech places online).

The New York Times has been especially bad in science issues recently. They have had at least three retractions in the last couple years on misrepresenting science related topics. You'd think they would hire a scientist with an interest in journalism, or at least a scientist who can serve as a consultant. But no, they are slowly destroying their reputation and are looking like two bit hacks.

Wow, I guess I've been pissed about print media a bit more than I thought...

Long live the internet?


Quote from: Szandor on June 13, 2014, 03:21:40 AM
Wow, I guess I've been pissed about print media a bit more than I thought...

Long live the internet?
This put a smile on my face for some reason and made my night a bit better. Internet points to you sir. :lol:


Quote from: person701 on June 13, 2014, 03:31:27 AM
This put a smile on my face for some reason and made my night a bit better. Internet points to you sir. :lol:

Hehe  :grin:. Glad I could be of help.


So apparently my step mother lost her job yesterday, leaving me as the only job holding member of our little household.  yay!