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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Might as well. It can't hurt to let people who don't go to IRC know about my current state in my life.

So, in the event you can't read my profile, for whatever reason, I am a male to female transgender. Meaning, my mentality is of a female state. (Female brain, male body.) I've lived knowing this from a relatively young age. Well, sort-of. I only understood that transgender was an actual condition a year ago, more or less. I had known I was what transgender was, though. I was determined that I was a girl when I was a little kid. I tried painting my nails once, bugged my parents about my gender, tried as hard as I could to *feminize* myself. Of course, things don't always work out that way. I was ridiculed for it for a while, so I just tried to hide it the best I could.

Well, hiding it has been extremely negative to me. I lost control of myself. My grades are suffering now, my social life is a big blob of stupid shit.

Well, fuck that. A week ago, I set a date - July 31, my birthday - to talk to my parents about it. The next day, somebody talked me into coming out during Spring Break. And then two days ago, I decided to come out on Monday. So, Monday is either the day where my life turns to shit, or I can start my pre-transition into being a woman. One of the two!

So, I'm just posting this so people can get a general idea on what I've been up to recently, and if I suddenly disappear because of unforeseen circumstances. I hope everything goes well on Monday.

Just wanted to get all that out. (Also +1 posts yesssssssssssssss)


Your parents can't bear it and then explode vehemently into a shower of guts and blood. Then you're left to take care of ClosetHenry and survive all of the horrors and mishaps in Missouri on a great adventure to become your true self...



Quote from: Zhs2 on March 17, 2012, 10:12:33 PM
Your parents can't bear it and then explode vehemently into a shower of guts and blood. Then you're left to take care of ClosetHenry and survive all of the horrors and mishaps in Missouri on a great adventure to become your true self...


You're terrible. However, I laughed pretty hard at this, so I guess it evens it out.


The only thing I can really suggest is: Once you've come out, it'll probably be hell for a while as far as bullying / insulting people, but they'll get bored soon enough.  The worst thing you can do is react to their taunts, as it's just fuel on the fire.

Regardless, good luck for Monday.


Quote from: Quietusgood luck for Monday.
Took the words right out of my mouth.


Valiant: I've seen you slowly come out more and more to us here at metconst, I feel you have gained a bit of confidence on the matter and I hope everything goes well with your folks.

Also, you can always talk to me, I hope you know that. :3


Quote from: Valiant Breeze on March 17, 2012, 10:05:28 PM
So, Monday is either the day where my life turns to shit, or I can start my pre-transition into being a woman. One of the two!
Bro: No one gives a shit unless you let them get to you. then you let them win.
Be yourself, and life will be great. You get to feel gud.


Unless your parents are extreme religious fundamentalists, they should come around. I got lucky with my parents, even if I were gay, bi, transgender or anything inbetween, they really wouldn't even care. They're just Liberals, I guess.


Thanks guys. Tomorrow, when I log on, I'll update either this post or make a new one about how it went.

Like I said, they're liberals, they're accepting, I'm sure they'll be positive towards it. Sure, I'm expected the "Are you sure?" bit, but I can work with that.

Like I said, thanks guys, for the support. Love you all...!


has anybody ever use the supercard dstwo to play SM hacks. i just heard about this kit that has a built in SNES emulator and it sounds too good to be true.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on March 20, 2012, 10:57:50 AM
has anybody ever use the supercard dstwo to play SM hacks. i just heard about this kit that has a built in SNES emulator and it sounds too good to be true.
first time i've ever heard of it.
would be real nice to have a DS now.   :sad:


@Val Good luck, and I hope everything goes well. I know that in IRC we have our differences, but I only hope the best for what you are trying to do. I understand that it can be hard, as one of my best friends came out of the closet recently, but i'm sure everything will turn out ok.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key
has anybody ever use the supercard dstwo to play SM hacks. i just heard about this kit that has a built in SNES emulator and it sounds too good to be true.
I heard that it was good at playing GBA games; not sure about SNES. That's okay though because I have a PSP for all of the above :)


Well, this was a disappointment. ‹/Spy›
Okay, so I tried telling my parents with the idea that they'd be cool with it. Guess not. They had no idea that 'transgender' was an actual thing, and tried telling me that I'm just 'in a phase,' along with a bunch of other junk. They then proceeded to believe that the internet/my computer was influencing me to think like this, so they took that away for an undefined amount of time.
Sounds not good, right? Well, it definitely could be far worse; I could be out on the street. And hey, it's not going to change whether I'm transgender or not. Just a rather large setback.
By the way, it fucking sucks.


Hopefully and likely they'll soon enough see that it's not a phase, and that you're not that different, and thus not 'an abomination' of any sort. That you're still the same, lovable Shadox. Maybe it's an idea to talk to a (school) counselor, perhaps they can mediate between you and the parental units.


Well, now that the cat is out of the bag, they have no choice but to accept it. They can try grounding you, or whatever, but it's not like you can change someone's sexuality. I'm sure they know this too, they're just in a state of disbelief.


Contrary to what you might expect, I do not find this to be happy news. Whether they're right or not, I hope you can understand their perspective as you would like them to understand yours (agreement is not requisite for understanding). Something like that can be quite a shock to some people. Patience and discretion can only help.


My little brother has been up to some crazy stuff, He took a bunch of booze from my mom then proceeded to break into some guys house and steal their keys and truck. So then driving the stolen truck drunk he crashes it gets held by police for a day. Once he was released he then decided to rob a store at knife point.
I'm so proud, lol.

I've decided to make a change in my life and im going to move to Vancouver for a job opportunity and try to get a old friend back.

I wish you luck Shadox, I can't give any advice but be yourself.


It's always worrying when things like that happen so close within the family.  I've had a few incidents with my brothers in the past, and it's never good.

Good luck with your move. :^_^:


I have a special request. As most of you know I'm trying to throw together a video for the 2011 Top Hacks winners and all that. All the footage/narration and other fun boring stuff I will do myself. What I'm hoping to get is a sort of "title screen" for the video. Just something that has "Metroid Construction" and "Top Hacks 2011" or something similar in it. I could throw something together in paint, but I want something a bit more professional than that.

If you are interested, please PM me with your "title screen" creation. If I get more than one I will not complain, I will probably use more than one, maybe to break things up between the clips of the hack that won a particular award. If this can be done by the 17th or sooner, I should be able to get the video done before the month ends. (My work ends on the 17th and I have nothing lined up after this job so...)


Why bother hunting the eggs, when you can do this instead?


'Cause if he's got the Easter Bunny, then Santa Claus is next, and you have an expensive law suit on your hands. :heheh:


So on April 1st, i got a serious virus called SMART HDD. It pretends to be a real HDD program that comes with your HDD and says that your files are corrupt. Like my dumb self, i did not look up a tutorial on how to get rid of it. I thought i could do it myself. It was a fast virus, and did a lot of things i did not expect. 1st, it warned me that my files were faulty and that i needed to buy its software to "eradicate" the problems. I searched for the file and was about to do a Microsoft security essentials check, but then i realized that the virus deleted essentials, and hid every file on the hard drive. It then continued to move files around. I finally found the Virus's location in Program data (which it hid). I renamed it and restarted me computer so it would not auto start again, but that was too late also. The virus already moved drivers in windows around and made it blue screen. The computer would not even boot into bios now. I had to clear my CMOS. After this, I installed Ubuntu onto the hard drive to try and save all of my personal files. That was the only successful thing i accomplished. After reinstalling windows, i went back in to only find that the virus made itself a partition. It hid itself in a partition that i had no rights to. Not even the main admin account could open it up. I had to install yet ANOTHER linux OS called Gparted Live. It fixed the issue. In the end, i got a new DVD rom drive for the OS's because i did not have a working DVD rom drive. Also my dad bought me a new wireless mouse.

In the end, it turned out great, new stuff and now i can duel boot on 3 os's :D


I turn 19 on saturday.


Happy birthday for Saturday.  You'll be approximately 60% of my age. :O_o: