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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: Malpercio on January 16, 2012, 02:35:14 AM
I should hack
I feel ya. :\ I stay around for the community most of the time now. Things to do and practice, new hobbies arise, always seem to find something new to do. Also need to get some shit straight that's going on around me, though mainly it's on me and whether or not my lack of motivation will beat me yet again. Need to figure stuff out...

Off too bed for me now. :^_^:


Quote from: Shadow96 on January 16, 2012, 11:04:50 PM
I'm a huge nintendo fan, and have always looked down on sony. Now however, I actually really want to get the ps vita when it comes out. I love nintendo for the quality of their games (see: Metroid, zelda, etc.), but damn, wipeout 2048 looks amazing.

I only mildly regret purchasing a brand new Piano Black PSP 3000 and giving money to Sony. It's the best cheap portable emulator out there these days. For all of the power they put into some of these handhelds you'd think they'd sell better than they do, but they don't because Nintendo usually has much better line-ups compared to other companies!


I can't rag on Sony too much, they make good products. I don't like some of their bushiness-practices (IE: suing people), but generally speaking, you get what you paid for when buying from them.

Black Soldier

Quote from: FullOfFail on January 17, 2012, 05:24:28 AM
I don't like some of their bushiness-practices (IE: suing people)....
That isn't just a business practice; a lot of people in America do that. :p

Zero One

I'm a big fan of Sony. Clearly, not as much as Nintendo, but I still love the stuff they come out with. I'll probably skip on the Vita, but whatever the next console incarnation is, I'll most likely get it.

Of course, I don't see the PS3 going out of date any time soon.


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 17, 2012, 04:58:31 AM
I only mildly regret purchasing a brand new Piano Black PSP 3000 and giving money to Sony. It's the best cheap portable emulator out there these days. For all of the power they put into some of these handhelds you'd think they'd sell better than they do, but they don't because Nintendo usually has much better line-ups compared to other companies!
I did get a psp 3000, but at the end of its life when it was moderatly cheap. Honestly, as much as I dislike giving sony money, it's a really good product. I now prefer to use my psp for hacks and old games, than my computer. and there's a lot of fun stuff to do with a hacked psp. But the games just aren't as good quality as nintendo.


wipE'out" is amazing by itself. Man, I wish that shit was on PC, especially the later ones.


So I just tried out some OoT hacking stuff. Downloaded Utility Of Time, opened a rom. Found myself in the Forest Temple.



This looks insanely difficult....


I find that most 3D editors are like that when you start.  It really needs some good tutorials to get people started, but they can't be written if somebody can't use it.  Catch 22, unless we wait for the creator to write one.

Edit: I hope you guys don't have anything stored with MegaUpload.


Quote from: Quietus on January 19, 2012, 07:28:40 AM
Edit: I hope you guys don't have anything stored with MegaUpload.
Ah, crap... I don't have anything of my stuff there, but 90% of planned downloads were for this site (and it's not music or movies or such stuff). It was one of the best sites for uploading stuff.


As long as they don't take Dropbox down, I don't really care about how many sites they're going to shut down.
Piracy will exist as long as internet exists anyway.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 21, 2012, 05:36:03 AM
do people steal air? no, because it's everywhere

The hell they don't. God damn motherfuckers always stealing my air.

Too bad squishy deleted his post like a bitch, so now mine doesn't make sense. :(


I've decided to start over. delete all my old hacking attempts and start over.
Before I start trying to make new gfx and trying new ideas for hacks, I thought I'd show the best of my custom tilesets.
Also, the final beam from fusion
And the wide beam
And yes, they're probably all in .bmp, sorry. I didn't feel like taking the time for pictures like these.

Zero One

Hey, those tilesets look pretty good. I also love the Wave Beam rip. Can't wait to see what you come out with  :razz:


Hack Slow, Play Fast.
What awesome banner text.

Pat yourself on the shoulder whoever made that.
If you sit on your hand long enough, it can feel like a pat from a different person.


I believe that one is from the Grand Prix hacks, by Daltone. :^_^:


Any fans of the upcoming Prometheus Movie? I wish they didn't show this so soon, the wait is killing me!

Prometheus - Official Trailer [TRUE HD]

I'll really really excited for this, because ever since I was a kid the space jockey in Alien totally blew me away and got me heavy into H.R Giger.
It's interesting to see Ridley Scott got back to his sci-fi roots after 30 years.
I like how the trailer uses the same movie title come together like Alien, as well as that scream in the original Alien trailer.

They say it's a prequel to 1979's Alien but very loosely, it just exists in the same universe. Just seeing the Giger Derelict and the Jockey chair in the trailer..  :holyf:

I live to see this.

Anyone who doesn't remember the elusive space jockey scene from alien:

Alien SPACE JOCKEY scene


In space, no one can hear you scream. Really looking forward to this too.


I have a theory about it.
[spoiler]The space jockey is sorta like the Chozo. They created the xenomorphs (face huggers-chest bursters=aliens) much like the Chozo did creating the metroids. This sorta thing would make me shit bricks if that were the case, as I'm obsessed with the Chozo and ancient origins. I think the space jockey race were terraformers, creating worlds (including ours). I dunno, just random theories..[/spoiler]


I am heavily interested in Prometheus. I can't believe it exists, actually.
I hope the technology seen in the movie matches that of the original Alien. Otherwise, I'll be slightly disappointed. Attention to details like that will make or break the movie for me.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 31, 2012, 02:04:34 AM
I have a theory about it.
[spoiler]The space jockey is sorta like the Chozo. They created the xenomorphs (face huggers-chest bursters=aliens) much like the Chozo did creating the metroids. This sorta thing would make me shit bricks if that were the case, as I'm obsessed with the Chozo and ancient origins. I think the space jockey race were terraformers, creating worlds (including ours). I dunno, just random theories..[/spoiler]

I'm not sure. Evidence points to your theory (they cultivated egg sacks in the chamber below the space jockey), but where would the Queen be in all of this? Plus I can't find any practical use for creating the Xenomorphs either. It's fun speculating.

Sorry for the double post.


Quote from: advancedpillow on January 31, 2012, 01:52:04 PM
Plus I can't find any practical use for creating the Xenomorphs either. It's fun speculating.

What if the metroid fusion of Aliens just hasn't come out yet? Maybe they were made to fight some even worse creature like the metroid were for the X?


Quote from: advancedpillow on January 31, 2012, 01:52:04 PM
but where would the Queen be in all of this?

Actually the queen was never intended with both the original Alien novelists vision, nor was it work that Giger did or Scott foresaw in the franchise. Aliens was James Cameron.
While the canon is basically: alien, aliens, alien 3 and alien resurrection, only alien and prometheus share the same director and original vision. I still loved aliens though.

Get away from her, you bitch!


Hmm.. those odd stones all around the massive face.. I just noticed something..

Giger's 'Face Hugger Ritutal' ^look at what the person is leaning against. Hmm

Giger's 'Herioglyph' ^notice the ancient astronaut (space jockey). You can see the stages of the alien here.
Unless the queen is one of Giger's infamous leg/arm creatures, maybe the question is what came first, the alien or the egg.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 31, 2012, 01:59:05 PM

Actually the queen was never intended with both the original Alien novelists vision, nor was it work that Giger did or Scott foresaw in the franchise.

You have a point. I just assumed that it would reference the canon of the entire series. If it only encompasses the original Alien and not the entire run, I will like Prometheus a lot more.