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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Heh, nice.
And yeah, wouldn't surprise me any.  There were a lot of classics that got crunched in that whole "cash 4 clunkers" thing.  Not to mention the whole anthropogenic global warming thing and the green movement.  Like a small subculture of vehicle enthusiasts would have any significant impact on those kinds of things.  What's interesting is that a properly tuned high horsepower engine actually produces less pollutants than an average vehicle even though it consumes more fuel, simply because it's being more efficient in producing power.


broke arm today;
humerus. straight break.
hurts like hell.

broke in martial arts. pin behind back. friend spent rest of class upset.



Fuuuck, wow. is it in cast? the main thing to help a broke arm, is rest. lay on your couch and put your arm on the top of the couch, and rest. it maybe hurt, but it works.

also, I've given a damn via IRC, so update topic, plz?

Silver Skree

Someone let me know when everyone and their dog stops using MLP avatars and signatures. Until then, I'm gonna split. Later, metconst.


Quote from: Silver Skree on July 27, 2011, 01:56:08 AM
Someone let me know when everyone and their dog stops using MLP avatars and signatures. Until then, I'm gonna split. Later, metconst.
looks like you wont be back till the next generation of humans then.


While I'm not gonna bitch about it, as it's the mods' place to deal with it, it does get pretty annoying when they're posted everywhere.  We have topics for it already, and the Talk of the Day is probably OK too, but spamming crap everywhere doesn't help anything.  Sometimes it also seems like they're used to troll, which is supposed to be against the rules. :neutral:


You might as well just succumb to the ponies' awesomeness Quietus...

Resistance is futile!


I already like them.  It's just that I don't feel the need to spam the forum, which is kinda the point made above, and kinda 'gainst the rules too. :razz:


Nah, spam was stuff like the idiotic use of !s and "rainbow dicks" on IRC.  If the pony thing was getting spammy I'd probably be getting kinda pissed by now.  I haven't seen that many pony image posts outside of the community board yet.  It does have the potential, and I'm hoping it won't swing that direction though.


I haven't seen any ponies except for in the Community Forum. If you do catch ones anywhere else, just lemme know via a PM, and I'll deal with it.

That being said, they really don't need to be anywhere other then the specified topic. :U


So, I mentioned a long time ago that I was recommended to have my wisdom teeth taken out.  Well, that procedure is finally happening.  Tomorrow.  Wish me luck!


Hope everything goes well. I haven't had teeth pulled out but from what people've told me, once you're numbed (or laughing) you won't feel a thing. I wouldn't know though.

As for me, got an adapter that lets me use my Classic Controller as a gamepad. Then come to find out that my computer won't recognize it. :mad: Also got this comfy lap board for my laptop and caved into My Little Pony.

Edit: I also need some help with dropbox. When I post images online, they won't display unless I'm logged into dropbox.


It'll probably already be done by the time you read this, but expect to get milkshakes or other similar liquid nourishment for the next several hours. Also, the medicine will be very bitter - they'll pull it out after a day to ensure the spots in your mouth will heal back up, but it'll taste bad for about as long.

Quote from: person701Edit: I also need some help with dropbox. When I post images online, they won't display unless I'm logged into dropbox.
You need to use the Public folder. As for obtaining a link to the image, this article should help.


The only issue I had when my wisdom teeth were removed was that I bled for a week afterward. No pain, bitter taste, or anything. :huzzah:


Procedure didn't hurt at all, but now my entire mouth area feels numb and I can barely speak.  Thank you, internet, for solving the latter.


Quote from: Phazar on July 28, 2011, 01:24:21 PMPwoshedure did nurt tall, bunnah my tire maff fills numb an can bewly spik.  Fank ou, unchernet, faw sovin the lattah.
Stay in character, Phazar! :heheh:


Saddy is in America?


All this talk of the national debt got ya down?  Here's your solution, and it's simpler than you think.


What Bill says makes sense, even though I don't follow the economy as much as others, but I still know what's what. However, I also usually have good hunches about people and this guy seems like he's fabricating the truth in places. Just my personal hunch. Though other points that he brings up are completely true.


Lucky me.
So, I get home last night, after having a good day, come in my room, and find my computer borked, and a note saying "idk what happened, sucks to be you." (more or less)

HDD failure.
Luckily, I was able to boot long enough to get everything of importance off of it. (ie. Pantheon Remix, and my hack notes. Everything else is easily replaced.) Gotta love it when you neglect to backup your shit (despite mocking others who don't) and get a nice little scare.

SOOOOOO, I'll be around a little less until I get my computer back up and running.  I'll keep you informed.


Quote from: person701 on July 29, 2011, 11:17:02 PM
What Bill says makes sense, even though I don't follow the economy as much as others, but I still know what's what. However, I also usually have good hunches about people and this guy seems like he's fabricating the truth in places. Just my personal hunch. Though other points that he brings up are completely true.
I looked into some of his previous works and before he did The Money Masters he did a book and film about NWO and the Illuminati (looks like pre 1990).  Luckily it looks like he left that stuff behind and sticks to more factual stuff now, though you can still see some influences here and there.  I think it might be because Illuminati stories are so intriguing that folks have a hard time of letting them go as just stories.  Though I doubt you'd find anyone that thinks it's impossible for people of power and wealth to get together and come up with plans for keeping/expanding that wealth and power.  The whole "conspiracy theory" line can get very blurry.

@ Squishy:  Lucky you got important stuff of the HDD.   :^_^:  Also lucky that HDD failure is a relatively easy and cheep fix.
Which reminds me...
* Crashtour99 runs off to back up hack stuffs on this 8 gig thumb drive I have laying around...


This is a great reminder for me to back up my stuff. Yet if I wanted to do such a task, I'd need an external hard drive which I'm currently lacking.

On a side note, I've recently been thinking about re-typing my guide. Thinking about putting it in HTML with videos and what not. Obviously, it'd be it's own website and I wouldn't be looking to host it here. Thoughts?


Not so much with the videos, unless it's something very specific.  Picture would suffice for the most part, and would take up less space anyway.  As for the task itself, I think it's a good idea.  The hardest part for any hacker is getting started, as evinced by the numbers we see posting basic rooms and getting flamed, so the more clear and concise you can get, the better.  Go for it! :^_^:


Hi guys! :awesome:

I'm 15! It's so awesome. /)^3^(\


You're not even in the double hexdigits yet? I thought you were older. Oh well. Congratulations. I'm far too lazy to bake for you a cake, but if you can break my hundred I'll order a pizza. :flap: