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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: Quietus on May 28, 2011, 11:36:57 AM
That seems to conflict with what I was reading.  Is there some more recent basis for the ideas that you presented, because I'd like to read it.
Hmmm...  I could be going off of outdated stuff.  I hadn't heard/seen that research about the sun loosing a significant portion of mass during the inflationary period.  Something else to look further into now.


Crashtour, I put your little blurb about the sun and earth and death and stuff on Board2.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on May 29, 2011, 10:08:50 PM
Quote from: Quietus on May 28, 2011, 11:36:57 AM
That seems to conflict with what I was reading.  Is there some more recent basis for the ideas that you presented, because I'd like to read it.
Hmmm...  I could be going off of outdated stuff.  I hadn't heard/seen that research about the sun loosing a significant portion of mass during the inflationary period.  Something else to look further into now.
You sound like you're as big a sucker for spacey stuff as I am. :^_^:


Yeh, I've always loved learning about the natural sciences.  The only problem I ever seem to run into is when they start talking about high level math (the highest course I completed was trig/pre calc. in highschool).  Differential equations easily lose me in physics.  haha  The concepts and theories I can follow though.  Wouldn't mind taking some college classes to learn the math if I had the resources.


Trying to learn something within any scientific field always makes me think of the babushka dolls.  Just when you think you're beginning to understand something, a whole new subsection opens up, with a whole heap of specialised fields within it.  Sigh, head down, and march onward.


Hey, even if the sun does turn into a red giant, and blow up, sending earth into deep space, couldn't the rock of asteroids and other stuff make a new molten planet, and start a new life cycle? Because any star could become a sun, right?


It's not if, but when.

And the current theory regarding our sun is that it was created from an explosion within a massive cloud of gases, so if it were to be created by space debris, (not asteroids, since they're named 'asteroids' due to them already orbiting a sun) would have to experience some reaction first, to create the gas particles.


I won't be on here for awhile.
There are some things I need to rethink.. :cry:


Good luck with whatever it is you need to do.


Today I was with my Grandpa when he passed.
I can't put these feelings into words.
I guess all I can say is, go see your grandparents often.

R.I.P Opa


It's sad, and he's right, I never did see me grandparents that often. listen to Dman. go see your grandparents. I lost both of mine already, I'm not even 15. That's pretty sad to be honest. My Grandmother died a heart attack/cardiac arrest. About 3 years ago, and just recently, my grandfather died of cancer. In January. I'm going to his burial on the 28th. So yeah. You shouldn't make the same mistake. Even a call would work.


I didn't know you were of slightly Dutch descent, Dman. Sorry for your loss.


I remember that the worst one for me was my grandfather on my mother's side.  We were always close, and I was always his 'favourite' grandchild (even though you're not supposed to have favourites).  He taught me loads of crude jokes, and was always acting the clown.

He was a builder, and was driving home one day when he suddenly had a stroke.  The family all got together and rushed to see him, and it seemed for the most part like it was just something that happened, and he'd be back to normal in a few days.  Time passed, and he carried on.  He wasn't working any more, but seemed to be pretty much normal.  He then had another, bigger, stroke.  This one left him with hemiplegia on his left side.  This meant that he couldn't walk, and he had to have Carers visiting numerous times a day to hoist him from his bed into his chair, to and from the commode for toileting, and back to bed at the end of each day.  I always think this must be harder to accept for active people like him.

Anyway, long story short.  After this stroke, I was a little selfish, and did not see him as much as I could have done, because when I saw him, it wasn't 'my grandad' as I wanted to remember him.  He didn't change much after this, and passed away in hospital a few years later.  My nan gave me his wedding ring, which I have safely tucked away.

If there is a higher power, then RIP.


I was my grandfather's caretaker the months before he passed. I didn't really know him much before that, other than that he was always a touchy-feely kind of guy in the "I poke my grandchildren in the ribs 30% of the time I am around them" sort of way and that he was a massive troll when he felt like it (including to his own wife, pulling pranks like calling the house phone from his cell phone to make her believe someone was calling for her.) The last few months involved him screaming at her and throwing things, most likely due to his insecurity and fear caused by not being able to stay as active as he once was, having trouble getting up and down the stairs, having trouble getting nutrition, especially having trouble with diarrhea. This was all while I was getting through my third semester at Montgomery College, and he passed away in the hospital around the time of my exams. It was also one of the better experiences of my life, doing good to help someone in their final hours.

I think I've made a post earlier in this topic about how pancreatic cancer sucked, but here's my recap since we're on the topic. Make double sure you do good unto people before they slip from your grasp, otherwise you may never get the chance.


So yeah...Thing i was talking about that I had to take care of?
Yep :^_^: taken care of.


I'm glad B.J, Lets just hope you stay for good.  :wink:


I have no plans of leaving...until my hack is done.
Oh yeah..And the stuff I'm working on for you is coming along nicely. :)


Momentarily going back to spacey stuff, there's this video of a solar flare / explosion on the sun:

Just think, those chunks falling back to the sun are as large as the earth! [/spoiler]

And this, just to make you feel totally insignificant to the rest of the universe:

Big Gay Cell

Those are some big goddamn planets...


Just clarify, from Wolf 359 on are all stars (Wolf 359 being a red dwarf star).  As you can see, compared to some other stars our sun is just a tiny yellow dwarf, but it's one of the more common types out there (main sequence stars).

For your consideration, a scatter plot of 22,000 stars:


Quote from: Crashtour99 on June 08, 2011, 03:56:49 PMAnd this, just to make you feel totally insignificant to the rest of the universe:
I see you, and raise you:
Planet Sizes Comparison [HD]



Quote from: Borderjumper67 on June 07, 2011, 06:14:51 PM
I have no plans of leaving...until my hack is done.
Oh yeah..And the stuff I'm working on for you is coming along nicely. :)
Excellent, I really thank you. You're an excellent help. Thanks so much, Mike. :)


So this morning around 6am I cremated my Grandpa (one of the perks of having a girl who's dad runs the local crematorium).
I stood over the box he was in and said in my native tongue:

"Wie geht dir opa, das ist Bryan. Ich liebe dich opa.
Alle guten gaben, alles was wir haben kommt o gott von dir. Dank sei dir dafur. Amen.
Gut geschlafen. Auf wiedersehen.."

Then me and my girls dad pushed him in, and I had the honors of pressing the button.

Now I'm compiling a photo memorial/german folk song installation for the service on saturday.


"As you go grandpa, this is Bryan. I love you grandpa.
All good gifts, all we have comes from God-o dir. Thanks be to thee for it. Amen.
Sleep well. Goodbye .. "(German - English)

That must be heart breaking man. I'd never cremate my family member, never in 2 lives, what you have there is something that, probably none of us have.  That's a nice and beautifully put farewell, by the way. I hope you'll live on to remember and cherish those good times.


I'm making this post to inform those who care that I will, for a while, be inactive with this account.
I'm leaving for user-related and personal reasons. Sorry.

I might be back. Sometime.