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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Today was my last day of high school and it feels good to be free! :D I think to relax I'll play Minecraft for the rest of the night.


Which part are you referring to?


The part about Windextor. Really Quietus? The part about the Atheist, probably the whole damn thing, exluding the interludes.


All things considered, that was pretty dumb aside from the part about Windextor. He mad.


Well, it's Dane Cook, it's not like you should expect him to be funny...


Hey, Dane Cook is better than Ricky Gervais. Dun, be dissin' Dane.


Quote from: DarkSamus on May 25, 2011, 06:22:41 PM
Hey, Dane Cook is better than Ricky Gervais. Dun, be dissin' Dane.

Quickly, everyone post about Dane Cook not being funny.


Quote from: DarkSamus on May 25, 2011, 05:51:12 PMThe part about Windextor. Really Quietus? The part about the Atheist, probably the whole damn thing, exluding the interludes.
What I meant was: When you replied with "'nuff said", I presumed there was some point you were making about something he said.  If not, then it matters not.  If so, please explain.


Times like these I really miss Bill Hicks..
At least we still got Doug Stanhope.


Fucking Bill Hicks is dead. Shouldn't've been. Still wanted to see that fucker live. And he would come to change his stance on the future, with the booming popularity of the internet (he originally thought it would be one big mall).


Bumping the recent theme.

I saw the end of the world once... in my dream. It was the worst nightmare ever. I realised that this is the end. The last moments of my life. Period. I was thinking of all good and bad things I've done and of things I'll never do again. You know, all this stuff you're thinking about right before death.

After I woked up I decided to stop doing things that aren't useful or things that will not make me happy. And I stopped dreaming about "happy future" when everything in my life will be fine and started to make changes now.

Just imagine. You're working hard for a months almost without vacation to get  money and buy the stuff you'd like to. After you have enough money, you're buying the stuff, take it in your hands and... BOOM! End of the world.

So, what if make apocalypse insurance?
Ask yourself, if the end will be in the next week what you'd do? Is everything in your life is fine, or you'd like to do something else in the last week ever? Then ask yourself, but about the 2 mounts of time. Then again for about 2 years and start doing all things you've planned for a 2 years. I mean, listen up any apocalypse sect leader and do the opposite (fun and enjoy), but avoid drugs, extreme behavior and so.

If you done all things you've planned and after 2 years:
A. Apocapylse comes. Well, at least your 2 years was cool.
B. The life continues. You have more time to enjoy the life.


I know one thing, I hope the world never ends, and I wish that  we could all stay the same age forever from now on. Mainly because, theres this girl I like named Cathrine, she's really sweet in person, I'm thinking about asking her out soon, But JAM just made me realize.

What if the world does end extremely soon? I'd never get enough courage to ask her out, meaning I'd never get the person I liked, to like me. Lying there, dead. I'd think to myself, I should've done it sooner. Thanks JAM, you're a life saver....(I hope that didn't jinx it)


If the end of the world were to happen, I would have no regrets. I would not wish I had done something or wish I had done it sooner. Why? Because when i'm dead, I won't be able to think "I should've done this" or "Man, I wish I had done this sooner". I won't be able to regret not doing something. I'll be dead.


You should kill yourself. You wouldn't have any regret. You'd be dead. :colonrightv:


Exactly the reason I don't believe suicide is wrong.


Depends on what we define as the end of the world.

If we're talking about humans no longer existing, then I think it'd be pretty cool, as nature would take back over.  Within a few millennia buildings would have been destroyed by plants, and animals would have settled the food chain down.  I'd like to be here to watch and see who becomes king in the urban environment.  Dogs?

If we're talking about the actual end of the Earth, then I'd be interested in seeing what would happen to the Moon, since it'd no longer be orbiting anything.

Of course, since I'll be dead either way, the 'like to see' is pure fancy. :^_^:


The end of life as we know it would likely result in dangerous solar flares or meteorites, like the mass extinctions they caused in the past.
The end of the planet (if it can last long enough) would be when the sun dies and our solar system is no more. Nothing lasts forever.
However my concept of forever and death are conflicted by this.

Given the amount of epiphanies I've had on shrooms, it was to my understanding that I'd return to Earth.
A big ball of fungi, trees and grass. I'd be a non-sentient energy form. Not some big beautiful tree (though that would be nice).
Knowing me, I'd probably come back as a mushroom just waiting to give someone an ego death.

When the planet goes, I suppose we'd all just wander off in different directions (as chunks of meteors),
until we landed on an uninhabited planet, and what little bacteria we managed to last the trip would fall into the ocean.

After millions of years of Evolution, to the point where something similar to this is taking place,
JAMantra18 and Quietuzhs2 would be talking about death and the planet. I enjoy entertaining these notions.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on May 27, 2011, 11:39:33 AMThe end of the planet (if it can last long enough) would be when the sun dies and our solar system is no more.
From what I understand thus far, unless something untoward happens to the planet, billions of years from now it will either be consumed by the sun or flung out to space.  Either of these would mean the end of life on Earth, but not necessarily the planet itself, which would survive the latter.  The sun is constantly expanding, but as it does so it loses mass.  As the sun's mass is altered, its gravitational pull on the planets changes, which would distort our orbit, causing us to have extremes of both heat and cold.  This would wipe humans out, because humans can't adapt, and, as always, its survival of the fittest.


* Crashtour99 is tempted to write a post about the projected life cycle of our star...

Eh, why not...

[spoiler]While the sun does lose mass, this is due to the emission of photons as light and other types of radiation (which have almost no mass) which has almost no effect on it's size.  Yes the earth's orbit will change, but it will be a gradual widening and still be well within the "Goldilocks zone" by the time the sun becomes a red giant.
So, the sun's mass won't really change, and neither will earth's orbit.  That means that as the sun consumes all the hydrogen it uses to fuel it's fusion reaction it will have to switch to a different fuel.  When it begins consuming helium as it's main fuel this will throw off the delicate balance of the fusion reaction trying to blow it apart, and gravity trying to crush it.  When it finds it's new balance it will have grown in size without gaining mass meaning it's density will be lower.  This process will continue as it switches to new fuels to sustain it's reaction.  By the time it gets to iron the sun's atmosphere will have engulfed all of the rocky inner planets, earth included.
Iron inside a star is a sign of it's eminent death.  Because it takes more energy to fuse iron than is released by the reaction, the reaction abruptly ends as the remaining fuel elements are converted into iron.  Thus gravity wins the epic struggle, the star's core is crushed, and it's atmosphere is sloughed off in a super nova explosion.
While a planet like earth MIGHT survive it's extended stay inside the sun's atmosphere (it's more likely it would evaporate), it would be turned into a huge ball of molten rock and wiped clean of any life.  The super nova would then either move it to a further orbit, or fling it out into space entirely.  Either way, the death of the sun is the death of the solar system and all life within it.

THE Purple Helmet

Since we're on the subject of life/death cycles: if reincarnation is reality, WHEN do you suppose we would reenter existence? The moment we die? I like the idea behind the movie hitchhikers guide to the galaxy in that earth is just a giant learning experience. But what if we could be reincarnated to different times, past, present and future, as well as different lifeforms? Even if the end of the world came, that wouldnt be the end of life! And how exciting to be living in such a time if the end of the world does come? I know that's a little out there but the idea opens up alot of possibilities!

Speaking of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, have you ever watched that movie before, Dman? The end credits have a little short that touches on the possibility that there really are JAMantras and Quietuzhs's and I wondered if you were inspired by that at all.


Quote from: THE Purple Helmet on May 28, 2011, 01:31:45 AM
if reincarnation is reality, WHEN do you suppose we would reenter existence?
Depends on which version of reincarnation you go by.  In Hindu and Buddhist philosophy (the origin of the term) you are constantly being reincarnated.  Even right now.  It's just like the old saying "You can never step into the same river twice".  It's really just another way of describing how things change over time, with the old giving rise to the new.  The "you" that you are now is not the same as the "you" that you were 10 minutes ago.
I suspect that the western perspective of it got changed to fit more with the Abrahamic religions, much the same as happened to karma (traditionally karma is another description for causality (cause and effect, action and reaction), and has nothing to do some kind of cosmic justice system rewarding good and punishing bad as most westerners believe).

Edit:  But if we're talking about the western version, I'm rather partial to this short story.  :)


Quote from: Crashtour99 on May 27, 2011, 11:08:32 PM
* Crashtour99 is tempted to write a post about the projected life cycle of our star...

Eh, why not...
That seems to conflict with what I was reading.  Is there some more recent basis for the ideas that you presented, because I'd like to read it.


Don't forget Andromeda is supposed to merge with us around the same time our sun is supposed to go.


Happy birthday, Sepharos.