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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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I meant, concussion of the brain caused by head damage, not direct brain damage. It's not fatal and reversable, but takes time.

Thanks for support, I will try to.

Hiroshi Mishima

Not wanting to bring back a dead horse or anything, but hey, it's kinda related to my discussion earlier.

I'm pleased to see he referenced the Virtual Boy, even if it was still in a negative way, at least I wasn't the only one who thought of it.

Also, I hope you get better soon, JAM. Head trauma is never fun, and the lingering headaches and neckaches after recovery are always creeping up when you least expect it.


Those those of you living alone and with a pet:

Does your pet keep you sane?
Does it make your pointless vacuous life meaningful?
Do you feel good when you scoop out the kitty poop or give ice cold water and fresh food?
Do you get this empathic sense of pleasure opening the windows so they can enjoy the fresh air?
Don't mind having your bladder and balls stepped all over while they set up camp on your lap?

Cat's are awesome.
Mine's 16 but looks and acts no more than 10.


My friend's girlfriend actually has a 19-year-old cat.  That's kinda cool considering the age.


Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima on April 27, 2011, 07:44:29 PM
Not wanting to bring back a dead horse or anything, but hey, it's kinda related to my discussion earlier.

I'm pleased to see he referenced the Virtual Boy, even if it was still in a negative way, at least I wasn't the only one who thought of it.
At least it's more a (decidedly main) feature than a forced effect like it was with the Virtual Boy, but eh. We'll see how it is when more launch titles become mainstream.


Does your pet keep you sane? Yes.
Does it make your pointless vacuous life meaningful? More meaningful.
Do you feel good when you scoop out the kitty poop or give ice cold water and fresh food? Sometimes.
Do you get this empathic sense of pleasure opening the windows so they can enjoy the fresh air? Err, sometimes.
Don't mind having your bladder and balls stepped all over while they set up camp on your lap? Not really a problem for me, she's not all too cuddly.


too lazy to join imgur and reddit to post this.
thought of it last night when me and jenn watched some cat commercial.

been playing lots of MK9 on the 360
made me decide to watch the MK movie again.
it wasn't the same back in theaters when i was 10.

yay new fringe tonight.
nay sg:u being canceled, then rejected for a cap up tv movie...

talk of the day.


Nobody minds if I speak my mind I suppose.

So have two hacks sitting around. One specifically on my desktop in which ideas are ready to go but mapping and the actual work I need to put in are keeping me from touching it for over a few months now. SMP on the other hand I've plain out gotten lazy with but have worked around what made me pause progress on it before hand. I wouldn't say it's really laziness in the big picture but just a lack of urges. Either that or hacking was just a stage I went through (but if that's true why am I still here <_<). Maybe I'm just hoping that getting all this off my mind will actually help me get shit done.

On aother note, my brother and his three children are now staying with us and I've been playing a lot more Minecraft (SSP) and the kids seem to enjoy it. Yugioh has turned into a pass time for me as well and I have just over 20 days of my senior year left with Grad Bash next Saturday, prom two weeks after that, and graduation on June 4th. Not to mention the possible vacation up to Daytona in July. Because of all this, days go by sooooo slow. v_v


Just bought myself a cheap used desktop because my laptop was dying. I was hoping it would last until I had enough to buy the desktop I really want, but this will do for now.


Hey person, that is the same date me and brother graduate senior year too!  :whoa:


inb4 Webber1900, Jamiewebb and Person701 are actually friends IRL at the same school and never knew about each other's hacker lives :P


Holiday time!  I'll be back on Saturday.  Play nice while I'm gone. :^_^:

Power Missile

I normally don't speak here, but I just have to say: Osama Bin Laden is dead.

God Bless America.


Quote from: Power Missile
Osama Bin Laden is dead


Am I the only one who don't give a shit?



As long as Al-Qaeda doesn't launch any missiles to Finland.


I personally don't think Osama bin Laden is actually dead. There have been no pictures released, and less than 24 hours after he was shot, they buried him at sea. Osama's wife was also shot in the calf, and instead of bringing back possibly the best person to interrogate for information about Osama, they decide to leave her there. The supposed reason for no pictures being released is because "the damage from the bullet made his face unidentifiable", but if that's true, how did they know it was Osama bin Laden they shot? I think it's all fake, or at least the person they shot wasn't bin Laden and they don't want people to find out they shot an unarmed (yes, he was supposedly unarmed) man because they thought he was somebody else.

Overall, though, I really don't care. Him being alive or dead makes no difference to me.


speaking of which, these pics made me laugh:



Quote from: Project XVIII on May 02, 2011, 06:56:56 PMThere have been no pictures released
Maybe not released, but leaked. Saw one earlier. Took one to the forehead and another in the eye. Burn in hell.


Quote from: Project XVIII on May 02, 2011, 06:56:56 PMOsama's wife was also shot in the calf, and instead of bringing back possibly the best person to interrogate for information about Osama, they decide to leave her there.
Yes, let's start taking in people for interrogation without even having any proof or suspections that they did anything!


So yeah, I have been dumped again, fml.


It was definitely him, they found his passport in the ashes.  :lol:

But seriously, now everyone in the USA is cooled down, just enough before the 10th anniversary.
When they were likely to protest for a reinvestigation and trial..

Now the powers that be have a trump card to wave around.
Basically, fake and gay.

THE Purple Helmet

My neighbor was saying that her cousin is in the military and is on the boat where they put osama's body in the ocean. For what it's worth, it's not like he saw his face but they threw someone in the drink!

Also that sux you got dumped mr. website creator :(  All I know about her is that she dumped you but based on that she sounds like a bitch and you are better off! Unless you really liked her...then just dont ban me


Quote from: The Purple HelmetAll I know about her is that she dumped you but based on that she sounds like a bitch and you are better off!
Nah, you're probably not far off the mark. I've heard enough from my brother on the subject.