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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Everyone gets depressed in their own unique ways. After all, bad things happen to the best of people. It's all a matter of how you deal with it that makes you who you are. Sorry, just had to steal a page from Crashtour's cliché book on the truth.





you know what I'm talk'n 'bout?



Power has been out for over a day, and it looks like another one at least before it comes back on. Hooray for huge winter storms! It is getting quite chilly in this house, spending most of my time wrapped up in a blanket, looking over my new Joe Satriani book trying to play songs on the guitar I'll never be able to play but want to... And then basically practicing more on my guitar. Too bad I took my acoustic in to get worked on last week, seeing how I can't plug either of my electric guitars in. Maybe I'll sound really good after all this practice? Who knows. I just want power back right now.

New themes learned on guitar this week:
Hammer Bros from Mario Bros 3. (Simple, but at the same time quite fun to play)
Norfair from Metroid. (My favorite Metroid theme. Thinking of trying to hack it into Fear.)


Pittsburgh lost.  :sad:



Remember that whole VHS family crap?
I did another music video.

Don't ask why I used this song for it.
I've just been listening to it for a week straight and it's resonated with me.

The Beautiful Schizophrenic - Alba

(I'm about 6 in it, and I'm wearing the blue pants at the beginning, grabbing my crotch)
All children did that..    ..right?

Jordan appears @ 28 seconds in. The lost life I dedicated Eris to during production.


Isn't life fascinating? The way it develops into a set of routines?
That prison of the mind which shuns the prospect of adventure.
That timeless drift in the core of your early existence.
With enough ketchup sauce, one not need worry of such spherical postage stamps.
Outre? Depends on perspective.

The brown carpet just came to mind.
But no matter, for matter is part of the mind.
All I can say is that I stood on one at some point.
And that's awesome, because I can remember it.
Memory. Remembering a memory.
High definition brain synapses make the brain worth having.

The only times we often tend to remember are times of great risk, person depending of coarse.
It's how the mind works. Joy and happiness don't even register because its free flowing life. Free flowing time.
Something traumatic or stressful or risky imprints 100x more, it subroutines on a series of triggered synapses.
This is common for nearly every human on earth.

What we choose to remember? We only remember a time of discomfort or embarrassment at the fundamental level.

tldr; Remember that time you farted out loud in class by accident?

A fallacy in that is that we are all inherently selfish. Sure we do selfless things, but our self aware personification
selectively only focuses on the self.
No one is going to remember you farted in science class!
They were too busy thinking about themselves.

edit: I just had this realization that after you stop hacking in a hacking community, all you have left is posts like the one above.


Giving blood tomorrow.  Looks like someone out there will have some new MetConst hacker blood in them without knowing it.  Hope I don't pass out--or worse.


edit: Phazar, it's pretty easy. The most you'll likely feel could best be described as someones very first cigarette, walking is suddenly an odd experience.

Now that all the tapes are converted, I used VHS glitch and set some glitch music to it.

Alva Noto - Autoshape Xerrox


She's a metropolitan girl
In a fancy raven dress on
She's alright when everything's wrong

She is dancing in the streets all night
She is merging with the city lights
She can cheat you or can be your guide
She's a spirit of the night

She's a spirit of the night
She kneels me down
She kneels me down
I wear a plastic crown

She's a metropolitan girl
Maybe someone that I could have known
Maybe lives or maybe plays a role

She's a phantom flying like a kite
She's got twilight walking by her side
She's the one who always on my mind
She's a spirit of the night

She's a spirit of the night
She kneels me down
She kneels me down
I wear a plastic crown


Warning Forever - I suck.

Warning Forever is the mix of the dream of a bullet hell fan, a classic shmup fan and a boss rush fan.
Your limit: time. Once it runs out, it's over. Luckily, you can gain some.
You see, you fight bosses all the time. Destroying parts of them does not only gain you points, but also time. 30 seconds per part.
Dying decreases the time you have by 20 seconds each time you die.
This is, however, no set rush of bosses.
They observe you, your tactics, where you damage them most and what they can kill you with the most. They send more, harder, better, faster and stronger bosses with more parts and weapons.
Moving parts? Semi-seeking missiles? Lasers? Flak cannons? Vulcan cannons? All check, and more in Warning Forever.

Oh, and it's free. Get it here:


Woah!  That game takes me back.  I remember playing it years and years ago.  Thanks for reminding me about it.  It's still on my 'poota somewhere, so I'll go and have a go.


But... There's only one enemy in WF. It's not a series of bosses, it's the same boss with upgrades.



Well, I guess the core never really explodes then, but having played the Darius, Gradius and R-Type series, I assumed you were fighting a hivemind.


So I think I'm starting to feel the stress of senior year. I've got approximately 12 weeks before I graduate and I've hardly applied for any scholarships. On top of this, I'd like to attend college but have no idea where I'd like to go. Adding to this, my second semester of this final year is my second hardest high school semester ever with Drafting 3, English 4, and Trigonometry being the tough classes. I find myself doing other things instead of the important stuff like browsing web sites and dilly-daddling around with various programs to pass time. Long story short, I'm horrible at prioritizing stuff unless it's super important to me... And to add to mood, I should be finishing an English project right now... <_<


I was so bored by trigonometry at school, and can honestly say that it's one of the few things from my maths classes that I've NEVER used.  Loads of the other things that I thought I'd never need, I did end up actually using, but not that.


I was playing Prime again very recently, and something came to mind. I bet that the Chozo has had run-ins with the Space Pirates before the time of The Hunter, so in a fun countermeasure they included with Samus' gear a part of her scanning equipment that instantly cracks Space Pirate encryptions and private key files so that they get their ass kicked twice as hard. They were like, "Take that, suckers. You're getting your ass kicked by a wemon. We're going to sit in our private corner of the universe and meditate now kthxbye."

Just a thought.


Quote from: Zhs2 on February 15, 2011, 01:58:16 AMI bet that the Chozo has had run-ins with the Space Pirates before the time of The Hunter
Reading the manga, this is true. The Chozo had encounters with the Pirates before Old Bird took Samus to Zebes to be raised.


Quote from: Quietus on February 14, 2011, 07:51:38 AM
I was so bored by trigonometry at school, and can honestly say that it's one of the few things from my maths classes that I've NEVER used.  Loads of the other things that I thought I'd never need, I did end up actually using, but not that.

Trust me, trig comes in handy.  (Like in calculus, for example, and you can't live life without that.  I tried, and failed horribly.)  You never know when you need to find the height of a flagpole.


Trig can be useful in programming, depending upon what you are programming.


was playing sotn on my ps for a week with the lady and my friends like,
"wtf i dont understand you, why dont you play a cv game you havent played yet".
so i said fine and got ooe. this game is fucking hard. i love it.

atm im between drac's castle and trying out the special areas/villager quests.
lush game.

i should really vacuum this carpet.
sometimes i use my hands and collect all the human/cat hair and stuff into little bundles.
its fun and great for your fingers.
healthy fingers.

teflon tampon.


Happy birthday, MetConst!
A bit late, but why not?

Also, happy Birthday, Crys!


What, I did not get any strawberry cake, what is this!?!?  :sadface: