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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Welcome to my world. :^_^:

This is why my hacking never seems to get beyond idea stages, as I get in from work, and just feel that the few hours I have spare are for quality time with my wife, or doing other stuff.  I'd love to complete a project, but never get far enough.


                          Sounds like you guys need some SAUCE.                         


For the first time in the 5+ years I've been living here, I found a random flea.  I've heard that they're like roaches (if you see 1, there's probably a whole lot more that you're not seeing) so I guess it's time to get a few flea traps and see just what I'm dealing with...  Hopefully it's not too bad.

Hiroshi Mishima

Kinda similar to DMan and Silver here, but I've been spreading myself so thin as of late that it's sapping up nearly all my normal time. Most of my free time (which despite not working or having any genuine responsibilities, I seem to find myself lacking in a lot lately) goes to trying to keep my sanity in whatever way is most readily available.

[spoiler=Kinda ranty]
I have Tourette Syndrome as some of you may know, and to put it bluntly the worse my Tourettes become the more my body comes under physical stress and strain. Unfortunately, things like stress, tension, anxiety.. these things fuel the Tourettes and they become worse or more active. It's a vicious cycle and is one of the reasons I try so damned hard to NOT get into conflicts with people; when I start getting agitated and abruptly leave, for instance. It doesn't help that I suffer from frequent mood swings as though I'm on an emotional roller-coaster, nor that I will dip into deep depressions uncomfortably easy, sometimes taking days to pull back out of. I worry about so many things, even when I know I shouldn't.. from the health of my friends to the financial situation of my relatives, and that puts a strain on me too. I'm already coming in with greyish/whitish hairs in my beard and my hair is thinner than ever...

Likewise, my Diabetes wrecked all kinds of havoc on my body before I finally got it under control. Although I've shown vast improvements according to my eye doctor, my vision will never be what it once was and I do still continue to suffer from terrible migraines in/around the eyes from time to time. And it didn't do any favors to my stamina and endurance, as I can barely maintain even simple tasks such as cleaning the house or working in the yard without feeling like I'm gonna pass out.

So what I've done lately.. as financially strapped as I am, I decided that I'd join the local gym which opened up: Fitness 19. I got in via my aunt which got me in at a very low rate so that's great. I go once a day most days of the week and am going to slowly start rebuilding my body as best as I can, but it's touch and go for the most part as I try to find a good routine. I'll also be working in the yard or around the house when I can muster up enough energy to do that, usually before I go to the gym, depends on my aunt's schedule as she's the one who takes me up there.

--I think I actually pushed myself too hard this week cause like 2-3 days in, I woke up in the middle of the night only to throw up a lotta acid/bile (but not food) and my abdominal area was so sore that I could barely move when I lay down, and sitting up took a lotta effort.--

On top of that, whenever my aunt's job starts back up sometime this month or next, she's going to see about getting me in as a part-time employee. That'll be very handy even if it doesn't last long, for it'll finally be something to put as previous work experience. I'm really hoping that things will take a turn for me this coming year, as I have to say that 2010 was a very unhappy year for me thus far.[/spoiler]

Also on the subject of hacks that never get out of the idea stage.. gods, I've had SO many friggin' ideas for new hacks that I'd LOVE to do. But as my hacking skills are unrefined and unfocused, I don't really see any of them going anywhere.. although I will eventually write them all down in case I decide to share them with people. It's hard to translate my thoughts into words others can make sense of, though.. as my posts no doubt evidence. :p

To DMan - I hope things continue to look up for you, cause it sounds like you've been through 7 levels of Hell, already. *fist bump*

To Silver - This is why I never get through stuff like anime or video games or even books, because every time I settle down to do something I end up never having time to finish or yet another thing comes along to distract me long enough that I forget to go back. I actually had my PS2 on with FFXII with it paused like 5 hours today cause I THOUGHT I'd get time to play it, and I never actually did past the first 5 minutes.

EDIT: I've edited this like 3 times now.. I'm so out of it mentally right now that I'm not sure I'm making a whole lotta sense at times, and I hope this is legible.

Hiroshi Mishima

Gods I'm in such a foul mood, right now. I really hope my aunt is going to go to the gym today cause I have some serious anger issues I need to work out, and doing something constructive with weights and machines sounds like it'd be a good stress reliever...

May take another break from the internet in general, too. This time of year always sees me becoming more depressed and hostile than usual because of how unenjoyable and lonely my life is.


pink floyd came to town the other day.



Hiroshi Mishima

#1181 that a Space Pirate that's gone Super Saiyan?

EDIT: Meant to say that my computer problems have increased to include my CD and DVD drives no longer functioning.. and with the person I got the "new" computer from apparently suffering from "huh, what?" it appears that I may not get it until next year, if at all.

Working out at the gym is going all right. I did better with the machines on Friday than I had done earlier that week. Unfortunately, my aunt isn't going daily for the time being, and that means I can't get down there to use the gym as often as I'd like to. I don't think it's doing me much good to spend a week and a half going every day, only to start going every so often. For one, it's thrown off my routine and given my schedule an element of unpredictability. Hard to make plans only to say "oops, sorry, my aunt suddenly wanted to go to the gym, gotta go."


I fucking hate christmas.
Family comes out and throws my hermetic lazy sloth schedule out of balance.
Fucking stupid christmas music in the overcrowded consumer whore malls.
People calling everyday wanting to sort a date out to do something.

What do you feel about this time of year?


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on December 20, 2010, 05:13:48 PM
What do you feel about this time of year?

Considering today is my 30th b-day (gives Squishy a "where's mah cake" smack  :omnom:)
and that tomorrow is not only solstice, but a full moon, AND a lunar eclipse...  Christmas?  meh...

Edit: I should also add that I hate the mindless consumerism that this time of year generates.


Happy b-day Crash! :D

As for this time of the year, I'm usually more active because of the cool weather but that may be because this is when my state actually drops below 70 degrees.


Happy B-Day Crash! :awesome:

On an unrelated note, I'm tired of bringing up Stemage and no one knowing what I'm talking about. :U Its not only Metroid Metal guys, he has his own stuffs too.
SOOOOO I'm gonna drop this link here and maybe someone will listen to it. (though I doubt it because everyone hates me ;_;)

I've been a fan of his stuff for aegis. Been listening to this about as long as I've been listening to Metroid Metal.  Its just harmonious to the spirit, ya dig?
He has other stuffs as well that's not on that album, but its harder to find.


Thanks for the b-day wishes (and the cake! :D) guys.

As for Stemage, I knew they had other music, but I could never seem to find it, just the metroid metal stuff.  Nice find Squishy.


Also, the solstice eclipse (which supposedly only happens every 372 years) is going on right now.

Watch it live!


As for Dman's question: I'm a miserable, unhappy person all year round, so Christmas is just a truckload of fuel for my pessimistic fire.


Quietus sounds as if he needs some quality time with his girl. :(


That's the only time I'm happy - from the minute we're together, it's laughing and joking.  It's just the rest of the time.  I don't even know why I'm always so down...  Just as annoying is the fact that I know I'm like it, and still can't seem to shake it. :mad:


I thank you Squee for reminding me about their other music. I only have some much off that album and now it's time to go grab more.

Edit: Forgot to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DC! :D!: :flap: :awesome:


Quote from: person701 on December 21, 2010, 11:14:04 PM
Edit: Forgot to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DC! :D!: :flap: :awesome:

It's DC's birthday?  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DC!   :huzzah:


Yesterday was Festivus, so Happy Late Festivus everybody!  And may all of MetConst have a Merry Christmas Eve!


Merry Christmas to people.

So far, I have received $140 and two lottery tickets. If I continue at this rate, I will get around $13440 and 192 lottery tickets.

Hiroshi Mishima

I can totally understand why a lot of people might not like Christmas, but for me, it has nothing to do with celebrating the birth of someone who wasn't actually born on that day.. nor is it really about the commercialism, but sometimes I can enjoy a laugh on that part.

For me, it's about spending time with family and having a good meal together while we reminisce about the past year, and years past. Reflecting on what's happened over the years to us, to friends, and to family, as well as wondering what the next year will bring. Getting gifts is just a nice bonus, and I say this because the actual "amount" of gifts is anywhere from a few homemade cards to a big haul so I can't exactly look forwards to it on the account of its inconsistencies. :p

Although this 360 is essentially a Christmas present from my mother, it's also money I'd been saving up for a new computer but I made a deal with a family friend to get a computer for $60 instead of several hundred as I'd originally planned I thought it'd be perfect to spend some of the saved money from this on something else I'd been wanting. Really, I should've known better than to allow myself an optimistic moment, because it's been several months and I've still not gotten the computer and may not see it until sometime next year. At the rate my current computer is breaking down, I may not have one at all before too long.

But hey, I try not to think about it too much. I'm already balding and have gray/white hair coming in, so I really do need to stop fretting so much. Pity it's so hard not to.

So yeah, happy holidays everyone, whether you give a shit or not, because someone has to say it and while other people are bah-humbugging cause of whatever, I'm thankful the year has come and gone without me having to go to the hospital for a change. A broken heart I can live with... but broken teeth, kidney stones, cataracts and other major medical issues, I can do without!

EDIT: Sorry, this wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, I just know I saw a few people mentioning commercialism and not caring much about Christmas.

However, on the subject of Metroid Metal and Stemage. I know the guy can do some damn good music besides his MM stuff, but that was all I was really interested in for the most part. Kind of like how I stopped following The Minibosses when they started doing less and less video-game music. I kinda stopped paying attention to Stemage when I felt the quality of the Metroid Metal tracks was going down and he started switching from game to game, unlike what he'd done with Metroid 1. Still love the Metroid 2 Tunnel track, the Metroid Prime 2 Torvus Bog track, and a couple of the Metroid 3 ones, though.


Christmas is shitty, I celebrate Yule! :D!:


Happy Holidays from your local BM developer, Waker.

Family, friends, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, students, teachers, dicks, trolls, and pedos alike come together today. And it is a proud day for all religions. For Christmas is a time of year that promotes peace, love, and happiness throughout every household. Wars have stopped mid-day for such events, and it is a wonder that time itself doesn't stop or heed way for the very thing it marks.

To all those reading, have a very merry Christmas, with or without presents or people around you.

To those not, well, see my statement above and consider it just the same.

Anyway, back to developing for Blue Minerva. Ciao, kiddies.

