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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: Quietus on November 24, 2010, 10:14:37 AM
My wife says it'll be nice because I can now 'play my emulators and hacks in the same room as her'.  Bless. :wub:
I'm envious of you.



My age effects a guess 'em all,
with results in hexadecimal.
Spoiling the fun is pessimal,
but the answer's really decimal.


Hiroshi Mishima

So basically you're a year older than I am. If our economy hadn't turned to shit and one of us could've landed a job, I'd probably be married by now, I think. But oh well, at least I have the memories...

I hope those that are celebrating Thanksgiving have been having a good day so far. I've had a huge home-made taco lunch, and we're going back for Turkey later this evening. Although if anyone will have room for it, is another matter entirely. I currently feel like 7 tacos and a piece of pumpkin pie was more than I should've had already...

But I'm definitely looking forwards to 4 AM Friday morning.


Silly, Quietus doesn't live in the Americas :<

It was a rather boring turkey day, as 3/4ths of my immediate family gathered around a TV and proceeded to watch most of Season 2 of Robot Chicken.


I spent about 9 hours with my father's side of the family today, man are they a rowdy bunch. It was fun for the first 4-5 hours, but after that.... yeah....
I'm not into alot of the stuff they do, but I do find their company to be entertaining.
I haven't seen most of them in 4-5 years, so that was nice too.
But ugggh, I can't stand them in long increments.

Silver Skree

My family gets along well. About everyone within 3 relations of me showed up at one of my aunts' house and we had a grand ol' Thanksgiving Dinner and hung out for about an hour and a half. I went back to my brother's apartment with him instead of back to my grandmother's house, and I'll be staying here most of Friday as my last long visit with him before I head back downstate to my home proper this Sunday. Having been at my Grandmother's working in the yard for the past... wow, 3? months, I'm really looking forward to going home and spending the holidays there with my parents. All this time away from them makes me miss them a bit.


I dunno about you guys and your turkey but I had a nice big smoked Haddock for my dinner yesterday :D

On a side note I am terribly bored in college trying to perform a miracle...


Yer... I dont even know what thanksgiving is about or anything. I only know of it because of watching the simpsons. I also have a feeling that it's some kind of religious holiday, and im a very not religious person. I dont even like Christmas too much. :P


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on November 26, 2010, 02:13:57 PMim a very not religious person. I dont even like Christmas too much. :P

For all those who celebrate Christmas, only about 10% celebrate it for any religious observance.  For most, myself included, it's celebrated solely as tradition, and has no further meaning beyond that tradition.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on November 26, 2010, 02:13:57 PM
Yer... I dont even know what thanksgiving is about or anything. I only know of it because of watching the simpsons. I also have a feeling that it's some kind of religious holiday, and im a very not religious person. I dont even like Christmas too much. :P
Thanksgiving is really more of a patriotic holiday than a religious one. See Wikipedia.


Quote from: Quietus on November 26, 2010, 03:34:53 PM
Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on November 26, 2010, 02:13:57 PMim a very not religious person. I dont even like Christmas too much. :P

For all those who celebrate Christmas, only about 10% celebrate it for any religious observance.  For most, myself included, it's celebrated solely as tradition, and has no further meaning beyond that tradition.

Ahh okays. Well, TBH I dont really like any kind of holidays. I dont even like my own birthday for some reasons which I've never thought about looking into. Last birthday I tried to completely avoid, but got pulled into going out and having a 'party'.

Hiroshi Mishima

I'm neither terribly patriotic nor overly religious, so for me, the holiday's take on a different meaning.

Thanksgiving is about getting together with my entire family (what few of us there are left) and spending the day together laughing, talking, and eating ourselves sick. While I do spend time with various members in my family regularly, cause it's so small, it isn't often that we all get together as a big group at one of our houses. Nor do we eat turkey right from the oven or pumpkin pie.. really any time but Thanksgiving, or around the season, anyways. Pumpkin pie is nice regardless.

Christmas, like my birthday was never about celebrating something special.. not for me, cause I grew sick of hearing about Jesus and The Lord and all that crap loooong ago. For me it is, again, about spending time with family but it's also about presents and the act of giving/getting them. That may sound a bit cheap, but considering how little we generally have throughout the year, it's nice to do something like this for one another. I rarely get much in the way of "loot" anymore, but it's still fun none-the-less.

Oh, and when I said my entire family is small? Yeah, it's about six people with myself included. Although my uncle has a friend and her kid staying in one part of his house, that's cause it's a big house and they're friends cause she used to rent from him in a different house he owns. And I do have another uncle who is married and has a son, but he can fuck off for all I care. Same goes for my father who is thankfully not a part of my life. So yeah, six people. Grandmother, mother, her younger brother and sister, my aunt's son, and myself.

Silver Skree

Tomorrow morning, I embark on the long four-hour drive to return home. For a very long time.

I can't wait. So happy!  :^_^:

* Silver_Skree has been longing for home for many months now...


Good to hear, Skree.  Nothing like home. :^_^:

Silver Skree

I have returned home, unpacked my things, done laundry, recorded and started uploading the first episodes of my new Pikmin LP, and am already settled in.

Ahhh, home. Nothin' like it.

* Silver_Skree hugs his amazing stereo speakers he left down here for over 5 months

Hiroshi Mishima

For my cousin's upcoming 16th (I think) birthday, we decided to celebrate it today instead of tomorrow cause school and all. We went to this place called BJ's Brewery or something like that. Been there once before, had some really good food. But it was friggin' Sunday Night Football tonight so the placed was packed with people watching the game on any of the 6 TV's they had inside. I had a delicious Fettuccine Alfredo with grilled chicken. :D ...I may try something different though, if we go back someday, cause I think I had that the other time I'd been there.

Because I saved a fair amount of money by buying a friend's old computer (which I can then upgrade), I managed to get an Xbox 360 for 200 bucks. Unfortunately, I have this nasty feeling I can't upgrade the hard drive now as a result. If I'd known, I'd have probably just not gotten one cause I didn't have another 100+ bucks for the larger hard drive model. Kinda pisses me off that they don't tell you this stuff. I thought it was only the Arcade model that had no proper hard drive, and since this one had a 4GB one I thought it was the other kind (cause it didn't say arcade model or whatever on it). Kinda disappointed...

But at least I'm able to play Xbox games without having to hang out at my cousin's all the time.


My last message was quite haphazard. Sorry for such an abrupt goodbye.
Here's the thing..

[spoiler]Things were getting very bleak for me. I was attending 3 meetings at fraser mental health a week, several workshops/group therapy things on coping with schizophrenia/anxiety/alcoholism.

I was also financially fucked, and filling out intake forms for halfway houses/men's shelters, all the while mentally degrading into schizophrenic episodes landing me in the hospital on a frequent basis.

But then something amazing happened. After a year long wait on a list, I finally got the help I needed, a SIL worker (Subsidized Independent Living). So after a month of apartment hunting, I finally found a nice flat.

With this out of the way, I had expenses to worry about, and that's where SIL came in. I'm currently on a 3 month probational period of half rent funding from them however I've got all eyes on me now in regards to prior suicide attempts, alcoholism, and pharmaceutical drug abuse.

Yeah it all sounds pretty bleak but what's happened in the last week has been quite a shock, in a positive way.
Anyways, I'll still be very preoccupied with case workers, group therapy, and regular visits from the Options program. Here's a little video I put together of the new place.

New Flat

Also, be sure to check out the 'Creativity Center' for DBZ Reboot, a project me and my friend have been working on for over a year. More info on the 35 minute 3 part HD episode will be disclosed in that thread.



Damn Dman, good to have you back. I hope your situation will improve quickly.


Good to hear Dman. Hope things continue to pick up for you. :) I can also say it feels awesome to have spent another birthday here.


happy B-Day buddy, hang with us on irc more :<



I bet squishy just has 1GB of pictures of strawberry pies, as he always posts different ones.


Yeah DMan I was quite worried about you! D:

Plus your one of the guys around here I really like to talk to!


It's always easy to criticise and point as to reasons why people find themselves in this situation.  Self-inflicted, blah, blah, blah.  At the end of the day, you've had a crap time, and things are looking up, so good luck with it all. :^_^:

Silver Skree

Employment is all NOM NOM NOM on my time, so I don't think I'll be hacking actively anymore. Sorry guys; the Sigma++ Demo Release may be all there ever will be and you'll never see any release of Tierus (though I never mentioned that and it's older than Sigma++; you're not missing much).

Additionally, my LP episodes will probably become limited to weekend-only deals. the 5 hours of the day I get to myself, I spend on IRC and watching anime. It's been forever since I've sat and watched any good anime consistently, and I find that it makes for amazing relaxation. So yeah.

(I never noticed that before because before I was a bum and relaxed all the time anyway :>_>: )