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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Big Gay Cell

No, but take a camera next time.  That'd make for a good post!  Creepy places are awesome.


Ya know what? The only thing I could think about while reading that was Luigi's Mansion...


actually squishy, it has an extremely similar feel to Luigi's mansion :D

Unfortunately, since my post, the house has fallen victim to an arsen attack, and pictures of its full creepy glory can't be taken. I can get pictures of it's new, much brighter state, but I'll try my best to pull together some old ones from somewhere so you can see what it was like :)

According to the news article, it's been victim to arsenists before, but from what I've seen, they can't have done much damage. The place was actually on the market for £895,000 (~$1.5 million) , even though it needed restoring. I'm going to miss it :(


You could see if you could find some old pictures of that house on a Google Image Search.  Also, yes, I do like exploring places like those, but I can't thik of anything I've explored as cool as that house you described.


Well, I've tried Google image but now I'm searching more locally.

Here are some I've got from my friend of the burnt out version:

Quite a good angle of the outside, notice the mostly missing roof. The thing on the right is also part of the building, and the main house is a near perfect square from above.

A view from inside the house, now outside, of a room that would have been previously quite dark and creepy, not to mention good condition.

One of the two main staircases, now impossible to use as it has mostly collapsed. If you can see, it went round in like a square spiral. When it was unburned and had a roof, this room was epic, and had a really strong classic haunted house feel.

These mainly just show the damage that the assholes did, since its near impossible to imaging what the inside looked like before from these.

Big Gay Cell

Pretty cool.  There's an old elementary school here that's similar to that.  I used to explore it a lot when I was a little kid, seeing as my friend owned the house next door.  Also, we have an old drive-in movie theater down the street from my house that used to be full of neat little trinkets and treasures back before it got torn down to make way for a gas station.  >_>   We used to find all sorts of cool crap in those places.  Good memories...

I remember years and years back I was staying at Grime's place up in the boonies, and we found a car that was buried in the ground next to a creek.  Never managed to dig it out enough to see if there was a body or anything in it.  Just seemed sort of weird to find an old car with nothing but the roof exposed poking out of the ground.  And right next to a creek, mind you.  Lol.


Zhs2 says:  read this, it's funny

<DChronos> The thought of running around in doom, killing pc processes
<DChronos> Oh, damn
<DChronos> can you imagine net play?
<DChronos> 4 people linked, their own pc processes running around
<DChronos> you gotta kill their processes and crash their pc to win


It's quite awesome, quite. Makes me wish I had a Linux OS and some VMWare on hand. :o

On the other hand, my SFW parody of an IRC network is due to show up in the arts board sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, my beta readers can all be around for tonight to do the final lookover and make sure it's all cool. Peace out, and wish me motivation!

This is not 4chan, Bloodsonic.


im drunk and i love cider very much so apple or pear, my friends?


I prefer pear, and stop posting while drunk. Think of the children looking at the board!
* Crys points at bloodsonic and runs.


Ah shiz, sorry about that :/


Yeah you bastard, you need to make a new topic and make MULTIPLE drunk posts, just so we can laugh at you!

Green-kirby: I didn't make _any_ of the rules, it's just my job to enforce them. God damn, taking care of the forum only loses you respect, doesn't it?
I could care less about fizzer's post: I could read it.

I choose apple or pear.


Hey, wait a second...where'd that new user color come from?  Squishy's name is now a lighter blue than the rest of us single-board moderators.


It's maaaaaagic... or is it?

Okay, so I wanted to make Community mods (yes, mods) stand out a bit more from the Hacks Boards mods. Don't hate me ;_;


I don't want Aile to censor my hentai thread. Will Aile censor my hentai thread? Please don't censor my hentai thread, Aile! If you do, I will sadface.

I'm probably too lazy to make a hentai thread.


Ahahahahaha. I'd probably be the one doing the censoring, you know! >:D

So, one of my gig RAM sticks is dead. Sucks. I have 1.5GB onboard atm.

Also, my dad is going up to the campgrounds ~Wednesday morning-ish. Can anyone say "all-night Doomfests?" Maybe.


Just post the hentai thread so I can laugh then delete it/or lock it
did I read... all night doomfest..?


Quote from: Bloodsonic on June 29, 2009, 02:30:52 PM
Just post the hentai thread so I can laugh then delete it/or move it to a staff-only board
Fix'd.  I really don't think the administration would be happy with just a single lock in that case.


well actually, I think censoring it would be done no matter what. Along with that, we might just lock it and leave it as-is in the arts board just so other users can LOL at whatever we changed the images to  :grin:


Quote from: Bloodsonic on June 29, 2009, 02:43:10 PM
Along with that, we might just lock it and leave it as-is in the arts board just so other users can LOL at whatever we changed the images to  :grin:
Replace with hats M2K2-style lolololol.  Actually, that whole hatting thing was pretty stupid, and we don't need anything like that here.


Quote from: Phazar on June 29, 2009, 02:46:24 PM
Quote from: Bloodsonic on June 29, 2009, 02:43:10 PM
Along with that, we might just lock it and leave it as-is in the arts board just so other users can LOL at whatever we changed the images to  :grin:
Replace with hats M2K2-style lolololol.  Actually, that whole hatting thing was pretty stupid, and we don't need anything like that here.
I thought it was hilarious, but then again, I never managed to get a post hatted. The advantages of low activity, eh?


I'll be sure to find something better than hats :)


Quote from: Bloodsonic
I'll be sure to find something better than hats :)
Different porn.
* Zhs2 is mowed down by a chaingun


Quote from: Zhs2 on June 29, 2009, 02:20:06 PM
all-night Doomfests?

i was fragged inside after reading that.  :icon_sad:


* Bloodsonic mows down the chaingun mowed down body from zhs2 with his chainun
oh no... GF isn't going to be able to be here, is he..? D:! (<- we need an emotocon for that smiley, zeke. and fix the (!) one too!)

sudden idea. we need a <!> "smiley".
then I can spam the shit out of it before locking a topic! :D!