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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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I had a dream last night that was fun as well, but I'll leave that for the appropriate topic if I feel like posting it.

Speaking of dreams, I didn't get any sleep at all yesterday - ended up staying awake until 5 in the afternoon, woke up again at 5 this morn. I wonder what I'll do today...

Quote from: Hiroshi Mishima (pulled from Sig/Avatar discussion so as to not derail)
I changed my signature to a quote from Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. Really good book, and the line jumped out at me as being exceedingly amusing. It's the sort of thing I'd expect would happen if the gods actually cared enough to give someone a response.
Most of his books are exceedingly humorous and are definitely worth a good read. I personally enjoyed the likes of Mort, Hogfather, Guards! Guards!, Witches Abroad, Small Gods, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, The Wee Free Men, Monstrous Regiment, and Going Postal, among others. I definitely recommend you read what you can from his collection, although I am warned some may travel over people's heads (the two that come immediately to mind are Maskerade, which is extensively about opera, and Soul Music, which may elude some whom are not at least intimately familiar with music theory.)

Silver Skree

So, first, a wee bit of background info. My (9-year-elder) brother, after leaving home and heading upstate for Ye Olde College Life several years ago, came back down here when he was through with classes, and we've been living here together with my parents for a few years now.

Well, I'm mostly done with school now and he's wanting to head back upstate to do some more classes and it's looking like he may have a good job offer there. He's also wanting to get his own place to live, such as an apartment, and we've talked about it and decided that it'd be fine if I joined him as long as I hunted for and got a job up there and helped pay rent, which of course I'm counting on doing. I have some loose ends and other business to wrap up here first, though, so he may wind up heading up there and getting everything set for himself while I take care of things here first and join him later.

So, long story short, if all goes well for us, my brother may be moving, and I might be moving in with him sometime in the next few months. Huzzah! :heheh:

Hiroshi Mishima

Actually, Zeke, I own every one of his books except for Making Money, cause I checked it out from the library to read it before it came out on Paperback and kept forgetting to buy my own copy.. and the book he made last year cause I never heard about it coming out. I hear he's got one coming out this year, too, so I need to seriously consider dipping into my money just a tiny bit so I can buy one or two books.

I've been reading his books since... hmmm.. whenever Faust Eric came out, I can't remember when.


Looking at the online list, I noticed that every moderator is online, but James and Zhs2 are nowhere to be seen!  Funny the when things work out that way, eh?

Anyway, I have returned from my ordeal this weekend where I was inducted into BSA's Order of the Arrow, during which I did not speak(very little when I did) for several hours, and spent nearly eight hours in labor.  Quite an experience for someone like me who lives most of his life on a computer or a guitar.

Hiroshi Mishima

I dunno, I see them around a fair bit.

Went to the bookstore yesterday to see if they had the latest Discworld book Unseen Acidemicals in, but alas it seems to be going through "the change" to paperback. So I went online earlier today and placed an order to get a copy of the hardcover (more durable) version sent to me. I am happy. When I get a little more cash, I'll place a pre-order for I Shall Wear Midnight which is his next book that'll come out sometime next month. I'm saving up for a computer, but a little here and there for a book, which'll last a long time, is more than justified, I feel.

I am getting to the point where I dislike how poorly my paperbacks age, so I am going to start going out of my way to purchase the hardcovers when I am able. I think that paperbacks just aren't being made as durable as they used to be.


So, I have my first day of school tomorrow.


Quote from: Phazar on August 24, 2010, 09:57:46 PM
So, I have my first day of school tomorrow.
Monday for me. Why can't the rest of the country be logical and start school at the beginning of the week?


Quote from: Zhs2 on August 25, 2010, 02:31:05 AM
Quote from: Phazar on August 24, 2010, 09:57:46 PM
So, I have my first day of school tomorrow.
Monday for me. Why can't the rest of the country be logical and start school at the beginning of the week?
School starts for me on the day after Labor Day. :huzzah:

Hiroshi Mishima

...What the hell is the point of having school start on the last couple days of the week? That makes no sense at all. I'm pretty sure my school always started on a monday when I was a kid...

EDIT: Forgot to mention I went to see "Cats & Dogs" at the theatre this afternoon. My mother, aunt and cousin went to see Piranha 3D, but that's not my idea of "entertainment" so I sought something more.. what's the word.. intelligent. It was actually quite good, possibly better than the original, but it's been so many years since I'd seen the first one.. The CGI was a little, uhm.. obvious in places, so much so in regards to one specific character that I'm wondering if some of it was intentional. But the overall movie was very good, and I loved the references to James Bond and other films.


Happy birthday uzqap!  Where's the cake?


omg happy birf-day uzqap!

On a side note, I could get a bigger amp from a friend if I repair it (which I will).


Quote from: person701 on August 29, 2010, 10:46:00 AM
On a side note, I could get a bigger amp from a friend if I repair it (which I will).
On that topic, I still need to either get my amp repaired or get a better one.  I'm thinking this might be a good time to get a wireless amp system like everyone uses these days.


Right now I'm playing Metroid Prime 2. 44% of items for now. And you know what I thought... Items are almost the same as in Metroid Prime. Beams are the same. Graphics is new, but Dark Beam is acting like Ice Beam and Light beam is acting like Plasma Beam. Many enemies are having new graphics but the same behavior. Some music is matching (Torvus Bog theme and Tallon Overworld theme) etc.

So far, it looks like Prime 2 is an official full hack of Prime 1...


Uh, JAM? Light beam is a reskin of wave, not plasma. 


Light Beam is a re-draw of Plasma from the first Prime, not wave.

On another note, I haven't looked much into any wireless amp set-up. I was under the impression that the sound quality wouldn't be as good unless you spent a lot of money on some nice components.


Actually,  Light Beam is a redraw of Wave Beam from Prime 1, but with Plasma's effects.  Annihilator, likewise, is a redraw of Plasma with Wave properties.


Power beam is still Power beam...


Well, nabbed (now) my amp. Also got a dist. pedal outta it to! :D Now just to fix the thing... and buy another cable to hook the pedal up to it...

Hiroshi Mishima

I'll be honest.. when I first started playing through Metroid Prime 2.. I got that feeling that came with playing Majora's Mask. It's a new game, but it feels like I'm playing an expansion of the original game with changes in graphics but everything else is basically the same.


Apparently my microwave decided to die in a most spectacular way, with electrical sparks, fiery balls of charged plasma, and the most horrifying buzzing sound I'd ever heard an electrical appliance make.

And all just because I wanted to warm up a cookie...   :sad:


Quote from: Phazar on August 30, 2010, 03:14:31 PM
Actually,  Light Beam is a redraw of Wave Beam from Prime 1, but with Plasma's effects.  Annihilator, likewise, is a redraw of Plasma with Wave properties.
Really? Well, I'm playind a Wii version. They may change graphics in it. When I'm shooting with Light Beam, the long white laser with rainbow flashes comes out. Charged shot consists of 10-15 spreading fireballs. Sorry, I don't have a screenshot. And I haven't found Annihilator for now.

Hiroshi Mishima

They probably made a few rather unnecessary creative changes because they thought they'd be able to get away with it and no one would notice. I've noticed some developers are kinda stupid that way. Like when they went and removed all the little things that allowed sequence breaking in Prime 1 after they re-released it.

Hiroshi Mishima

So I've been hooked on Minecraft lately.. talk about addicting... I also discovered what was underneath the bedrock.. ahaha, hello bottomless void.


So I've been trying to write my own music...Not going as I planned.It's something I do on top of Hack super metroid. I Think I have to much on my plate. :mad: