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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Oh, Ok. I Thought he meant Strawberry cakes. Sorry, I'll do something else.


DarkSamus, I hereby sentence you to 5 posts a day for 1 month. Make them count, and may god have mercy on your soul.



edit: as of this edit, he is at 18 posts for today....
Me? I'm at 4, all of which are related to DS posts.


DarkSamus, You are going to have to sharpen your posting up because right now most of them are just cluttering up the forums, and not contributing enough, look at how some other posts are made, the ones that ACTUALLY ADD TO THE THREAD, because your residence here now depends on it greatly, a lot of people are complaining and its heading towards the lynch with you, so like DMan said.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on July 15, 2010, 01:41:07 PM
DarkSamus, I hereby sentence you to 5 posts a day for 1 month. Make them count, and may god have mercy on your soul.

Make them posts count, or you will be needing that mercy...

Lets just say this is your final warning, you been temp banned for this before, and not too long ago, So the next ban for breaking the rules will be much more...painful...

Just to recap some important rules you should look at
2. No spamming - SPAM stands for "Stupid, pointless, annoying messages;" that includes things like advertising (unless it's your hack in the appropriate topic,) self-promotion, irrelevant posts, and other general clutter posts that add nothing to the subject at all. Multiple warnings on this subject will earn a user disciplinary action. This also applies to the e-mail/private message rule; see above.

3. No pointless bumping - Topic bumping is allowed, as long as one is able to add to the subject matter at hand with a thoughtful and intelligent post (or new content otherwise, since this is a hacking forum.) Violations of this manner will usually result in a warning.

7. Double-posting - Double-posting is when a user posts twice or more in a row (i.e. no other users' posts come in-between.) Generally it's not needed, but is allowed, though, if the topic's creator deems it necessary (i.e. he or she makes a double-post with a large image or video attached.) Double-posting generally isn't considered a true misdemeanor, although repeatedly double-posting without adding any new content whatsoever will result in discipline.

Avoid breaking these rules, at all costs, or someone will be feeding you to the resident Dragon, aka me.

So lets see you sharpening them posts up, avoid breaking them rules, and trying to patch things up, or else.


I'm stuck under  a stand while it's raining pretty hard. Way to go, Florida weather. :(


remade my favorite Starcraft map in SCII, Challenger! :awesome:


Totally badass map, I wish I had someone to play on it with.... :<

Silver Skree



Quote from: Shadox on July 15, 2010, 04:24:45 PM
I'm stuck under  a stand while it's raining pretty hard. Way to go, Florida weather. :(
When I was last there, there was one taxi driver who we used quite regularly for day trips (longer distance, with set prices) from our hotel, and on one day, he picked us up from Hollywood Studios when it was absolutely pissing down.  He dropped his speed to about 10-15, and we slowly rolled back to the hotel.  As we neared the hotel, he turned round to us and said (with an accent) "You know Tower of Terror?"  We said that we did, and he replied with "Well, this is Car of Terror!"  We were giggling about the Car of Terror for days afterward.


Funny thing is, we rode Tower of Terror right before it started storming. :P


Circa 4:30AM EST, areas between Wheaton and Rockville (and possibly more) felt an earthquake. I think it's the first earthquake I've felt in my entire life. It was only Magnitude 1, but the house shook enough that I was like, "Wait a minute..."


I've suffered from a small earthquake once with magnitude 1.5 or 2. They are very rare in my neighborhood. It was strange. Cupboards were trembling and shaking a little, like a big truck was moving over my street. I only knew from a news that it was a quake.

And now I'm sufferring from a terrible heat. There are over +25° for the third week in a row. Not °F, naturally. Today was +37° (in the shadow). I don't even leave my house in a daytime. Only in early morning or in a late evening.

But this problem has a bright side: I spend more time on hacking now.

THE Purple Helmet

Can I assume a majority of you are from the east coast? Here in colorado we dont get earthquakes thankfully. Did anything fall off your walls or is magnitude 1 not a big deal?


JAM, I think, doesn't even live in the US. :grin:

But yeah, I do live on the east coast. Strictly next to the Atlantic Ocean even, as evidenced by my profile location.

Magnitude 1 is probably the least of the least when it comes to earthquakes. That, and I don't think we have anything around here to fall off of walls to begin with, but nothing really moved when it happened anyway, so...


Strange how we continue to use names for things, despite them not being used for years afterward.  Nobody has used the Richter scale for years, yet we still use the term.


If I was not going through page 5 of the off-topic topics to uh, find crap to remove, i would have not noticed it was Big Gay Cell's BDay

Happy BDay you!   :yay:


Whenever he sees this...



So, my brother started hacking SM today after he came across some hacks on my computer and wanted to start his own.  He sure is great at making suit palettes, but his level design is half-hack grade at best.  Hopefully he'll get better over the next few years and actually create a masterpiece hack.


How old is he and when is he gonna start hanging out with us?


He'll be 14 in September.  He's considering coming around once he finishes his first hack.


Got 3 stitches in my left palm today. Hurts like a bitch to type. Talk of the Day.


Injuries to your hands are always frustrating, and are similar to toothache - There's not really any easy way to avoid it. :sad:


Oh god I can't fucking eat anymore with this shit! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!

Not to mention DS had to ruin the day EVEN MORE! >:(


Promise of Redemption (Acoustic)

(not related to DS in any way, but it's an awesome song!  :D!: )


Youtube topic much?

There was a rather large, powerful storm that swept through Montgomery County on the 25th, knocking out the power at about 3 in the afternoon. The power came back on at about 6 the next day in my family's house (where I'm staying right now,) but the power has yet to be restored at my grandma's house. Spent all of yesterday doing things such as getting my hair cut and a new water heater installed in grandma's house (did it in the dark at midnight, even.) So, yeah. Apologies for not being around to ban DarkSamus at the time. >_>