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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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I skipped today so I'll just worry about w/e my teachers had planned for me tomorrow.


Got a pipe today.  The plan is to give up cigarettes and turn this addiction into a hobby.   :wink:
And I gotta say, smoking a pipe is totally different from any other type of tobacco.


PARTY TODAY! Woot. Yea, we've got ribs, steak, chicken, our neighbor just recently gave us his grill (this morning actually).


Mine and Bloodsonic's father's father (a.k.a. grandfather,) Theodore, passed away today at 2PM EST. I happened to take care of him for the month before he passed away, so I got to hear a lot of his life experiences while I tended to him, monitored his pills and things, and generally helped him about the house as best I could. We don't know the exact cause of death, but we're assuming right now that it's the pancreatic cancer and his overexhausted state of being that did him in.

He was a fighter. He fought it for oh so very long, and then he went. Just like that. We'll miss him dearly.

R.I.P. 1933 - 2009


I'm sorry to hear that. I send you my grievances to you and blood. May he have a nice afterlife.


I'm sorry to hear about this, I have already said my apologies over IRC to both you and Bloodsonic, but I will say them here to, I am truly sorry about this, and my well wishes go out to both you and you're family, I'm sorry.


Sorry to hear about that. Wish you and your family well during this time.
It's great you got some stories and insights before his passing.

hahaha best error page aver! :D

* red_jenpuren gets serious for two seconds...
My sympathies Mario Bros.


So there I was, Christmas shopping, got a present for my nephew, went to get my girlfriends Wii from Gamestop, on the way there a fellow bumped into me said sorry and ran off, so I go to Gamestop they pull a Wii out for me, I go to pay and lo and behold. My money is missing. I went back to the previous store and asked if I left my money on the table, I thought I put it in my pocket, and the cashier told me I put it in my pocket, he saw me do it. So the only explanation is I got pick pocketed. $350+ down the drain.

Anything like that happen to anyone else this year?



I got my DS Lite lifted on a Metro bus in May or March, I think. Dude pulled the stop rope, then grabbed it from me and jumped off the bus. I chased after the fucker, but I lost him eventually. :<_<:

After that, I got to ride around in a cop car while we looked for the suspect. We never found the guy.

Anybody else? :awesome:

Silver Skree

Note to self: Guard my shit extremely well when in urban areas.

In other news, I'm eating a very, very acidic pickle. I bit off too much at once, and after a few seconds of burning, I can't taste anything. :noes:

le fu-


Well, I just learned something: every time someone bumps into you check you pockets.


Not too long ago someone stole a lot of equipment off me, the total cost of value was fucking ridiculous, mostly because one of the objects stolen was my Mobile Broadband dongle, which, uninsured, costs the world to replace  :<_<:

Fortunately I was insured and got a new one, but that didn't cover everything else that was stolen v.v
Including my DS light with a ton of games and stuff.

On a side note just watched 2012, had me on the edge of the seat, I been unable to sleep for 3 days, that fucking woke me up well, reason why I been at such unrest? I had all income suspended by the gov while they didn't follow regulations, it was a fucking bitch to get it back up, but at least its going now.


[spoiler=metconst logs for Green-Kirby to read]
Quote14:14:09    *** Multeblink joined #metconst
14:14:13      +++ ChanServ has given op to Multeblink
14:14:15   GF_Kennon   hmm, jenes are a tiny bit small
14:14:21   red_jenpuren   Blandflakes!
14:14:31   Multeblink   red_excretion!
14:14:34   v_Zalem   I remember Black Friday
14:14:36   Multeblink   :D
14:14:38   v_Zalem   that shit sucked
14:14:53   Multeblink   v_Zalem: black friday is insane
14:14:53   red_jenpuren   Green-Kirby is willing to come back... if you don't piss him off
14:14:54   v_Zalem   20 degree weather with the win blowing
14:15:10   Multeblink   tell him I'll be there to piss him off then
14:15:13   red_jenpuren   told him I'd try to get you to be "nicer"
14:15:14   v_Zalem   standing outside waiting for a store to open
14:15:18   Multeblink   haha.
14:15:28   Multeblink   I'll wish him luck too, then.
14:15:43   red_jenpuren   :/
14:15:53   Black_Falcon   Multeblink :D
14:15:55   Multeblink   paste all this for him, will ya?
14:15:59   Multeblink   hey Black_Falcon :D
14:16:13   red_jenpuren   so your don't even wanna try and be nicer?
14:16:54   Multeblink   I like how I'm the badguy in him leaving
14:17:09   GF_Kennon   that
14:18:00      Multeblink is now playing: Shotgun Frenzy - Doom2 remix
14:18:12   red_jenpuren   its obvious that you were both right/wrong at the same time
14:18:19   Multeblink   okay.
14:18:28   red_jenpuren   if he's willing not to try and piss you off, are you willing to not get pissed off as often?
14:18:34   Multeblink   then what is this "bloods, you need to be nicer" crap?
14:18:39   Multeblink   oh
14:18:46   Multeblink   hmmmmmm
14:18:50   Multeblink   I'd rather not
14:18:55   Multeblink   <_<
14:18:56   red_jenpuren   >:/
14:19:06   GF_Kennon   im suddenly very wide awake
14:19:46   Grime   <Multeblink> I like how I'm the badguy in him leaving
14:19:56   Multeblink   oh frak not you
14:19:59   Multeblink   go away
14:20:01   red_jenpuren   haha
14:20:06   red_jenpuren   GETEMGRIME!
14:20:28   Multeblink   uhh
14:20:29   Multeblink   yeah.
14:20:38   red_jenpuren   :P
14:20:48   Multeblink   he's gonna get me with something along the lines of how I am the badguy because he hacks and/or I suck dicks
14:21:04   Grime   You just did it for me, so, nah.
14:21:08   Multeblink   good :)
14:21:12   Black_Falcon   Yo Grime
14:21:23   Grime   I don't even need to point out how tremendous of a hypocrite you are because everybody already knows.
14:21:28   Grime   Oops. There I went.
14:21:33   red_jenpuren   I don't see what you have against GK though :/
14:21:43      Black_Falcon draws circles in a giant speed boost block room
14:22:06   v_Zalem   need to restart the Pc
14:22:08   red_jenpuren   make a vid BF! :D
14:22:10   v_Zalem   brb shortly
14:22:17      *** v_Zalem left #metconst
14:22:27   Black_Falcon   red_jenspuren: great idea!
14:22:39   red_jenpuren   :D
14:23:01   red_jenpuren   is it because he says whats on his mind?
14:23:10   red_jenpuren   and don't hold back?
14:24:07   Grime   And just as a footnote: You're not the 'badguy' because he hacks. You're simply the bad guy and the sole reason he stopped coming here. Asshole.
14:24:20   red_jenpuren   :o
14:24:30   Multeblink   good
14:24:36   Multeblink   it was worth being the badguy then
14:25:03   Grime   Now draw me a picture, bitch boy.
14:25:07   red_jenpuren   why don't you like him? >:/
14:25:19      *** FullOfFail joined #metconst
14:25:23   red_jenpuren   FOF!
14:25:23   Multeblink   Grime: hahahahaha
14:25:25   GF_Kennon   maybe he does not like being bitched at constantly
14:25:25   Black_Falcon   :/
14:25:32   Multeblink   <GF_Kennon> maybe he does not like being bitched at constantly
14:25:32      *** Nu_Zalem joined #metconst
14:25:33   Multeblink   this
14:25:33   FullOfFail   squishy!
14:25:34   Multeblink   christ
14:25:40   GF_Kennon   i think you would get a bit pissed
14:26:03   Multeblink   call me a hypocrite all you want because you think his rantrantrantrantrantrant was just a "troll"
14:26:07   red_jenpuren   well then... if its because you guys are like magnets... then I guess you'll never get along. :P
14:26:32   GF_Kennon   you know, i seen both there logs
14:26:35   GF_Kennon   their
14:26:44   GF_Kennon   i had them on a paste bin at some point
14:26:48   GF_Kennon   dont think i ever saved them
14:26:49   Grime   I'm not saying his rantrantrant is just trolling. I know how he is probably more than you do.
14:27:18   Multeblink   so I banned him for like 5 minutes one time and then he decided to ragequit forever.
14:27:23   Multeblink   like
14:27:30   Multeblink   after the other time he was fuming on me
14:27:33   Grime   I unbanned him like three times while you two were feuding, kid.
14:27:44   Multeblink   that was after he left
14:27:52   Multeblink   er
14:28:06   Multeblink   when he was on about my horrible modding practices
14:28:20   Grime   Still means 'banned him for like 5 minutes' was a bullshit claim.
14:28:28   Multeblink   then he got unbanned, we fought again, I banned for a short time and he just left
14:28:30   Multeblink   hey grime
14:28:40   Grime   I'm just sticking to the facts, guy.
14:28:50   Multeblink   req. proof
14:28:57   Multeblink   so we both know what to call your "facts"
14:29:28   Grime   brb searching months worth of logs in a vain attempt to prove wrong an op-by-proxy whose balls haven't dropped.
14:29:36   Multeblink   have fun
14:29:42   Multeblink   haha
14:30:02   Multeblink   at least you have a sense of humor when you're getting mad at me :)
14:30:46   Grime   If you think this is me mad, you're sorely mistaken.
14:31:06   Grime   You haven't seen me genuinely angry. Neither has Aile. Nobody from this channel has.
14:31:21   Multeblink   so you just add flames to the end of your sarcastic statements because you just do that to everyone?
14:31:24   Multeblink   I don't think so
14:31:25   red_jenpuren   lets keep it that way ^_^;
14:31:30   Grime   Pretty much, dude.
14:31:42   Grime   Nice deduction.
14:32:05   Silver_Skree   ohshit a serious argiment
14:32:10   Silver_Skree   Zhs2, get a boner again, quick!
14:32:15   Silver_Skree   Wait.
14:32:16   Grime   lol.
14:32:20   Silver_Skree   What?
14:32:21   GF_Kennon   :/
14:32:21      Multeblink gets the slapchop
14:32:25   GF_Kennon   hahaha
14:32:32   Silver_Skree   "You're gonna love my nuts!"
14:32:38   Multeblink   o_O
14:32:40   Silver_Skree   sliec sliec sliec
14:33:31       *** Silver_Skree was kicked by Zhs2 (Crushed by massive penis)
14:33:31      *** Silver_Skree joined #metconst
14:33:31   Grime   And yes. I tend to use sarcasm when I'm dealing with any breed of inept. Sarcasm doesn't automatically denote anger.
14:33:47   GF_Kennon   lol zeke
14:33:47   Multeblink   hm
14:33:53   Multeblink   that's probably true
14:33:59   Multeblink   every time we talk you sound like this.
14:34:03   red_jenpuren   KRAID PENIS PERHAPS? Hmmmm...
14:34:36   Multeblink   but maybe I like calling you angry. it does derail any stupid arguement that was going on. :)
14:34:49   red_jenpuren   <_<
14:34:50      *** Laeresh joined #metconst
14:34:51   Laeresh   Ultimate Game Rage [TITLE: Ultimate Game Rage VIEWS: 48054 FAVES: 752 RATING: 4 RATERS: 221 UPLOADED: GothMikau ]
14:34:55   Laeresh   You'll love it
14:35:09   red_jenpuren   we are busy having an argument atm :P
14:35:12   red_jenpuren   watch it later
14:35:14   Multeblink   I mean
14:35:17   Multeblink   green-kirby
14:35:19   Multeblink   really?
14:35:26   Multeblink   I have better ways to use my time
14:35:42   Grime   Admitting to derailing an argument doesn't exactly boost your credentials at arguing.
14:35:45   Grime   That's not a good thing.
14:36:26      *** darthbobby joined #metconst
14:36:28   Grime   BRB.
14:37:04   Laeresh   What is the argument about ?
14:37:24   red_jenpuren   started as... "hey Blood, be nice to GK"
14:37:30   Multeblink   no
14:37:32   Multeblink   more like
14:37:45   Multeblink   "Hey blood be nice ti GK so he can come back to this channel"
14:37:48   Multeblink   to*
14:37:50      *** Zhs2 is now known as Kraid
14:37:50   Silver_Skree   >REFORMAT METCONST:/
14:37:53   red_jenpuren   YAY
14:37:54      Kraid eats red_jenpuren
14:37:58   red_jenpuren   :D
14:38:01   Laeresh   1, who is GK, 2 where is blood >.>?
14:38:03      red_jenpuren is eaten
14:38:10   Grime   That's pretty much the same as 'be nice to GK', isn't it?
14:38:11   Multeblink   2. hi
14:38:13   Grime   Okay, BRB for real.
14:38:27   Laeresh   1. ?
14:38:32   Multeblink   1. some fag
14:38:35   Laeresh   xP
14:38:40   red_jenpuren   :/
14:39:03   Laeresh   This sounds like a pointless discussion over who's dick is the smallest ^^
14:39:04      *** Silver_Skree quit (Quit: BABBADABABBADABABBADABABBADA)
14:39:08   red_jenpuren   GK is Crys on the forum
14:39:14   red_jenpuren   if you've seen him
14:39:35   red_jenpuren   he's a pretty blunt guy
14:39:36   Laeresh   And his name on this chat ?
14:39:47   Multeblink   lunamon
14:39:51   red_jenpuren   in irc, he goes by Green-Kirby, Lunamon, or Crys
14:40:13   Laeresh   non of them are here, so who to discuss with
14:40:42   red_jenpuren   he probably disconnected... that happens to him alot :P
14:40:53      *** Silver_Skree joined #metconst
14:41:08   red_jenpuren   He used to frquent here all the time
14:41:27   Multeblink   'till I kicked him for being butthurt lololol
14:41:29   red_jenpuren   then him and Bloodsonic got in a fight about Bloodsonic's op status
14:41:30   Laeresh   Now he fleed for the might of blood :D
14:41:31   Silver_Skree   who, now?
14:42:14   red_jenpuren   I tolerate Bloodsonics op status because he's my friend
14:42:17   red_jenpuren   :P
14:42:33      red_jenpuren huggles Multeblink
14:42:33   Laeresh   I have no choice so i tolerate it..
14:42:38   Multeblink   oh hhaha.
14:42:43   Laeresh   What..
14:42:43   Multeblink   you agree with him?
14:42:45   Laeresh   I don't get any ?
14:42:52      Multeblink hugs Laeresh
14:42:55   Laeresh   Good boy ^^
14:43:19   Silver_Skree   I tolerate Bloods' op status because WHAT THE frak AM I GOING TO DO also FAGGOTS
14:43:31   GF_Kennon   >:<
14:43:36   red_jenpuren   hai JK!
14:43:42   red_jenpuren   join in on our comverstation! :D
14:43:44   GF_Kennon   ohhai der
14:43:57   GF_Kennon   im just trying to stop my body shitting out on me
14:44:05   red_jenpuren   did you ever get some sleep?
14:44:08   Multeblink   o_O
14:44:11   GF_Kennon   no
14:44:12   Laeresh   We are discussing bloods ondoubted rulership..
14:44:21   Grime   I tolerate Bloodsonic's op because I don't have the heart to have it taken away from him. It's pretty much all he has to validate himself here.
14:44:33   Multeblink   haha
14:44:40   Multeblink   I like how you say it as if you could
14:44:40   Grime   And if he left, he'd never finish his great hacks that are in the works.
14:44:40   Silver_Skree   GF_Kennon: I told you not to take all those laxatives at once!
14:44:50   Grime   So I'm tolerating it for the sake of the hacking community!
14:45:01   Laeresh   And after those hacks are released ^^ ?
14:45:20      GF_Kennon points his SAR at someone
14:45:28   Grime   Multeblink: Hate to break it to you, but I'm a much more valuable personality here than you are. If it came down to a choice between me and you, I'd have a unanimous vote.
14:45:49   Multeblink   valuable personality: haha
14:45:53   Grime   And my penis is also bigger than yours.
14:45:55   Grime   HUGE penis.
14:45:55   GF_Kennon   unfortunatly i want to test that
14:45:56   Multeblink   valuable person: yes probably
14:46:00   GF_Kennon   :<
14:46:08   Laeresh   Grime, not true ^^, i'd vote for him...
14:46:20   Grime   You're just saying that because my wang size startles you.
14:46:30   Laeresh   Not really..
14:46:35      GF_Kennon pulls out the SlapChop
14:46:38   Multeblink   get zeke i-
14:46:40   Multeblink   xD
14:46:41   Laeresh   Only to see your face at night, that's what i fear
14:46:44   Laeresh   :D
14:46:53   Grime   That sounds kinda hot.
14:47:01   Silver_Skree   I'd vote for Grime in any case. Eh's a pretty cool guy
14:47:02   Grime   I think.
14:47:05   Laeresh   From your point of view..
14:47:10   Silver_Skree   whereas bloods it just a lolfag
14:47:18   red_jenpuren   :/
14:47:25   Multeblink   D:
14:47:37   red_jenpuren   Bloods alittle more than just a lolfag
14:47:40   GF_Kennon   i find it best if people give solid reasons
14:47:45   red_jenpuren   he's also a drawfag! ;D
14:47:47      red_jenpuren is shot
14:47:53   Laeresh   His name is blood... Grime doesn't even has the dignity to call himself grim... that's disturbing..
14:47:55      GF_Kennon reloads
14:48:03   Kraid   14:28 <Grime> And my penis is also bigger than yours.
14:48:03   Kraid   14:28 <Grime> HUGE penis.
14:48:09   Laeresh   wtf...
14:48:11   GF_Kennon   oh crapo
14:48:12   Kraid   Penises: They are valid in arguments
14:48:23   red_jenpuren   hey
14:48:24   Multeblink   Kraid: however:
14:48:26   GF_Kennon   Kraid is going to squash Grime with his penis
14:48:28   Multeblink   this is irc
14:48:28   Silver_Skree   well, I appreciate his humor (sometimes), but Grime is genuinely more fun to be around
14:48:31   red_jenpuren   that needs to go in the random thing on the forum
14:48:35   red_jenpuren   random sayings
14:48:46   Multeblink   anyone can say their dick is big
14:48:47   Kraid   The internets: That's what this is
14:48:48   Multeblink   ie.
14:48:52   Laeresh   Kraid, take your penis and challange him >.>, but keep it private would you..
14:48:54   Multeblink   my dick is big
14:49:06   Kraid <---
14:49:08   Multeblink   if you wanna prove anything, it's down to PIX OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN
14:49:27   red_jenpuren   lets not and say we didn't
14:49:34   Kraid   If you guys do take pics, I'll gladly fap to them
14:49:37   Multeblink   ...
14:49:39   Silver_Skree   .
14:49:41   red_jenpuren   . . .
14:49:41   Multeblink   ,_,
14:50:01   GF_Kennon   ... ... ...
14:50:01      Laeresh finds it enough pervnish for today
14:50:14   Multeblink   PERVNISH
14:50:28      Multeblink googles before looking like a dipshit
14:50:31   Multeblink   oh
14:50:32   Multeblink   nvm
14:50:33   red_jenpuren   all I wanted was GK back...
14:50:39   red_jenpuren   not an op fight :/
14:50:41   Laeresh   He's back is he not ?
14:50:57      Kraid wonders if Grime would take away Zhs2's ops too because it pretty much is the only thing that validates his presence as well
14:51:00   red_jenpuren   he will not come back until Bloodsonic says he'll be nicer
14:51:04   GF_Kennon   no GK is staying away, if he wants to come back, then he can come back
14:51:05   Laeresh   red_jenpuren you started the flame war We Didn't Start the Flame War
14:51:26   Multeblink   Kraid: haha
14:51:30   GF_Kennon   but if he comes back, he's got to learn not to bitch (well, a little less)
14:51:36   Multeblink   true :<
14:51:40   red_jenpuren   I said that
14:51:52   red_jenpuren   red_jenpuren if he's willing not to try and piss you off, are you willing to not get pissed off as often?
14:52:14   GF_Kennon   i dont think if GK pisses bloods off, then nothing will happen
14:52:17   red_jenpuren   and the response: lolIgotbetterstufftodowithMYtime
14:52:19   Multeblink   I want projectXVIII back
14:52:32   GF_Kennon   wait
14:52:35   GF_Kennon   did i say that wrong
14:52:39   Laeresh   i don't consider wacking of as better stuff to do
14:52:48   Multeblink   xD
14:52:49   GF_Kennon   god im glad im going to sleep in an hour...maybe
14:52:55   Laeresh   You hope..
14:52:57   Laeresh   You wish..
14:52:59   GF_Kennon   <Multeblink> I want projectXVIII back
14:53:03   Laeresh   For if you do not..
14:53:08   Multeblink   red_jenpuren:
14:53:10   Grime   Kraid: Zhs2 paid for MetConst's hosting I believe, and has a much more level head on his shoulders. Multeblink had no credentials before becoming an op here, and is only so because he shares genes with Zhs2.
14:53:10   Laeresh   This (chat) room, will forever be your tomb..
14:53:14   Laeresh   and my legacy, will become yours
14:53:19   GF_Kennon   so, is it worth my time to track this bitch down
14:53:26   darthbobby   Silver_Skree is a faggot
14:53:28   darthbobby   That is all
14:53:29   Laeresh   Yeh..
14:53:30   Laeresh   what else ?
14:53:34   Multeblink   darthbobby, he's your master
14:53:39   Multeblink   you might wanna SHUT UP
14:53:48   Multeblink   anyway
14:53:50   darthbobby   Bloodsonic sucks dick also
14:53:50   Laeresh   GF_Kennon, find this son of a bitch and hunt him down !!!
14:53:56   FullOfFail   YAY PISSING CONTEST
14:54:12   Laeresh   you guys are kind of gay you know..
14:54:20   Multeblink   Grime: I like how even though you were told otherwise by GF_Kennon you still hold that arguement
14:54:22   red_jenpuren   isn't everyone?
14:54:24   GF_Kennon   Grime, he paid to start this place off because i was broke at the time, and the pressure was to get this place on a real host asap
14:54:39   GF_Kennon   i pay now, and for the rest of its life i will pay
14:54:57   red_jenpuren   so...
14:55:00   Multeblink   he made zeke an op before paying. he held up the forum
14:55:01   Kraid   I see, Grime
14:55:03      Laeresh hugs GF_Kennon for his charity ^^
14:55:05   red_jenpuren   what did you beep me for Blood
14:55:21   Kraid   Money is important. Very important.
14:55:22   red_jenpuren   you keep gettig distracted :P
14:55:39   Multeblink   red_jenpuren: basically he's just stating what was already true
14:55:43   Connor   darthbobby is awesome
14:56:06   Connor   darthbobby
14:56:11   Laeresh   <red_jenpuren> isn't everyone?
14:56:13   Laeresh   Nope not me ^^
14:56:15   Connor   darthbobby
14:56:16   darthbobby   FFFFFFFFF
14:56:21   Multeblink   hey darthbobby
14:56:23   darthbobby   hi
14:56:25   Connor   darthbobby sup
14:56:29   red_jenpuren   so your not happy? :O
14:56:31   Multeblink   how are you today, darthbobby?
14:56:35   Connor   wat the darthbobby
14:56:35   red_jenpuren   HAPPY DO IT NAOW!
14:56:41   darthbobby   nm, just having loads of gay sex with blood, you?
14:56:45   Laeresh   ...
14:56:45   Multeblink   red_jenpuren: IM NEVER HAPPY
14:56:47   Multeblink   :D
14:56:52   red_jenpuren   I know
14:56:53   red_jenpuren   :/
14:56:53   Laeresh   Gay sex is disgusting >.>
14:57:07   red_jenpuren   2buzyTROLing!

After that we talked about other stuff...
Like penis'.... <_<

Lessons learned from this:
1)-"Penises: They are valid in arguments" <--- ZHS2 SAYS THIS TOTALLY NEEDS A CAPTION AMIRITE
2)-GK will probably never return to our irc channel. :/

also, I'm gonna throw a big rage fit if this gets deleted, moved. >:/
* red_jenpuren looks at the people that do that kind of stuff and shakes his head

[spoiler=GF_Kennon thinks he's funny]
ok.. that was funny JK :P
don't do it again :/

[attachment deleted by admin]


Any variation of your mom is also valid in an argument


So... I have this coworker whom I'm friends with that is half german (like me) and he's always making Nazi jokes, refrences, etc. He's a pretty snazzy guy.  So he told me about the SS insignia the other day... and MAN are those things fucking badass! (my favorite would have to be variations of the wolfsangel aka "wolf hook")

[spoiler=just incase you don't wanna see Nazi insignia... for whatever reason]
All in order by rank.

Shirt design, of the Das Reich insignia. WOLFSANGEL! :D


The other day... we had this inside joke about the National Socialist American Workers Party! XD
I was "in charge" of propaganda! :D

* red_jenpuren made this post mostly to explain his recent "National Socialist" posts that he's been making.
Its a joke kiddies... I'm not really a nazi supporter. :P


Congrats. We still don't get it.


Today at the doctors, I had to fill out a form and it said occupation I wrote "Your mom" in pen without thinking.
The nurse and doctor laughed.
It was great


Quote00:23:45   DChronos   oh yay... it's my birthday...
00:23:54   Metruler1990   happy birthday then
00:24:04   Zhs2   It's your birthday?!?! O_O
00:24:22   Zhs2   DChronos: srs?
00:24:39   DChronos   yes
00:24:44   Zhs2   :OO
00:24:53   Zhs2   Well then, Happy Birthday to you
00:25:13   FullOfFail   happy bday
00:25:34   FullOfFail   bet you had a nice childhood around christmas time huh
00:26:23   Zhs2   haha
00:26:32   v_Zalem   Happy Birthday DChronos
00:26:50   Zhs2   "Well, we already got him his birthday presents. What does he need Christmas presents for?"
00:28:25      *** Metruler1990 quit (Quit: sleepy time for the Metruler)
00:28:52   FullOfFail   If I was your parents I'd lie to you about your birthday and keep you in a closet with a monkey so you'd never find out
00:29:35   FullOfFail   an evil monkey*


As always... I helped myself. :P


happy b-day DC =D enjoy it once you wake up tomorrow.
* person701 can hardly see keyboard and what he types...


Talk of the Day:

Seeing as I don't celebrate christmas with either sides of my family anymore, I had an early christmas with my gf last night. We did presents under the faux fire dvd, the works..

I got a bunch of dvds and she got a bunch of dvds. That pretty sums it up.

Merry Saturnalia


Happy birthday today DC, and happy birthday to myself yesterday.  lol   :heheh:

And a merry winter solstice to everyone.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on December 21, 2009, 08:00:14 AM
and happy birthday to myself yesterday.  lol   :heheh:
Happy belated B-day. =D



Kennon is being emo over IRC about his christmas hack! >:O