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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Vismund Cygnus

Like I said, poorly written. I'd add the option, only there's been far too many responses by now to warrant adding it.
EDIT: Never mind, I added the option, feel free to go back and change your response if you feel the need.



I really need to get back to Game Maker. I have too many games to finish.


I'm curious: Assuming that they are related to posts, do the Missile images under usernames change beyond Super Missiles?


People have tried to give me Power Bombs for years, but I wanted Bloodsonic-styled ones. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?


Quote from: Zhs2 on May 23, 2013, 05:40:58 PM
People have tried to give me Power Bombs for years, but I wanted Bloodsonic-styled ones. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?
Make a bet, win it, and make him make them. And the rest as well. (I would love a few Grapple Beams under me!)

OTHERWISE, become uber Zeke and beat them out of him and make him finish that other hack he was working on.


Been waiting 8 years for a new Boards of Canada album  :bounce:
June 11th!
Edit: Well.. more like 12 years cause The Campfire Headphase was a bit rubbish.

Boards of Canada - Reach for the Dead (from Tomorrow's Harvest)


I don't really want to talk about it, but I feel like I should mention it anyways.

I quit my job a few days ago.  Kinda just walked out.  Didn't say anything to anyone there, and have been ignoring the phone calls. 
Haven't outright told my parents either, though I've left subtle hints, and I think my father knows.

I have no intention of getting a new one.

So the way I see it one of a few things will happen:

1) I'll be guilt tripped, and reluctantly get a new job.
2) My father will, after almost six years, get a job.
3) Neither of us will get a job, and the bills will pile up and we'll be forced out of our home.
4) After eight years of helping to pay bills, my parents kick me out, and I'm on the streets.

We'll see how it goes I guess.


It sounds like you're not interested in getting a new job, so I presume there are reasons for that too.  Perhaps there's something you can do about those reasons?

Either way, sounds like a bit of a jam.  Keep smiling, and I wish you well. :^_^:


I too wish you all the best with your situation Squishy.

So for anyone who has me as a contact on skype, or would like to, I've abandoned my old account.
My new account (which I will hopefully use unlike the other one) is Quote58


Don't worry, you can move in with me! ;)


Damn. It's so hard to choose between Chrono Trigger, Zelda and Super Mario RPG :neutral:


Seems a little rigged to me, like a certain crowd has been behind its creation.  I know that Earthbound has a cult following,but there are much better RPGs on the system.  It was tough for me to call, since I wouldn't really have called some of them RPGs, but for me it was between Lufia 2 and Secret of Mana, with me ultimately going with Secret of Mana.  I've played through it so many times, and each time it's great.


I voted SoM too, was my first snes rpg. I'm surprised it doesn't have a higher %


Quote from: Zhs2 on May 23, 2013, 05:40:58 PM
People have tried to give me Power Bombs for years, but I wanted Bloodsonic-styled ones. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?
Finally you did it!!! One last moment. Could you please remove the grey BG from PB icon? I mean, make BG transparent


Hehe, I just noticed the change. :^_^:

Is there actually a chart anywhere with the grades on it?  I had a brief flick through the Help section, but it's mostly about SMF itself, rather than anything specific to MetConst.


Technically not, since any sort of "grades" WOULD have to be defined (see: written) by the staff. I'll give you a hint, though: one for every 100 posts, up to five maximum of each, and you move from missiles to supers to PBs. Somebody suggested energy tanks next (and you and I would most certainly have them :razz:) but perhaps we need to hire a suitable artist who wouldn't mind having their art used as forum icons...

Also, JAM, what do you mean? I wouldn't have used the icons if they didn't have transparency.


The power bomb images are PNGs while the missile icons are GIFs. IE6 has no native PNG support and I think IE7 does not support alpha channels in PNGs, and will look like it has a gray background. If you happen to be using one of the javascript packages that "adds" support to IE6 for PNGs, it also doesn't support alpha channels and will make PNGs look like they have a gray background.

In either case, it sounds like a client side issue. IE shouldn't be used for a bunch of reasons and even if someone is stuck on an early XP based system there are much better browser choices (which do support PNGs with alpha channels). Maybe its a buggy mobile browser, except since I've moved to android from iOS a couple years back I haven't run into that.

EDIT: Energy tanks sounds like a good option. Maybe after e-tanks you could use those super little metroid sprites I've seen in hacks (are they from the animation of the baby metroid?). I could see that being a cool "goal" for very active members/contributors.


Only the missile icon is gif. I'd happily switch over to png if I took the effort to convert it. :razz:

EDIT: It has been.


Having had a brief ponder about it, I think that a few items from the game could be used without too much trouble.  Hi-Jump, Speed Booster, and Screw Attack for a start.


Or maybe it could just be an icon by staff/admins names. like staff would have screw attack, cause they can destroy stuff, and admin would have space jump because they can go/reach anywhere lol


And newbies get an X-ray scope, so they can read stuff, and see what the hell they're supposed to do. :^_^:


Everything should be bubbles.


I heard some people were getting stuck on bomb torizo and things like that, but i never thought i'd see this [spoiler][/spoiler]

I mean, really?  :pwuh:


Either they are trying to be funny (and failing badly) or they're dumber than Microsoft when they came up with the ideas for Xbox One.