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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: Zhs2 on July 06, 2009, 06:32:55 PM
Eww, what a crappy compression on screenie, Phazar. >_<
Yes, I know.  I probably should have saved it as a .png instead of a .jpg.


Boodala. I'm sick notsick today, and I'll probably be the same tomorrow. As of current, I have vomited twice today, I have a headache, I ache all over, and I feel unnaturally cold; but other than that, I feel fine!
* Zhs2 puts some socks on


I hope you feel better, Zhs2, because you have a forum to run!

* Phazar np: Eels - Understanding Salesmen

Anyway, Monday night I happened to meet up with an old girlfriend of mine from eighth grade around 9:30 or something.  We talked about everything from the good old days to the Internet to our vacations to the great new music albums of 2009.  After a while we're like "HOLY CRAP, IT'S 10:30!", so I walked her home before I returned to my house.  My brother has been teasing me about it ever since.

* Phazar np: Wilco - Via Chicago

Yes, now I've started to do NPs as well.  Oh wait--song just changed.

* Phazar np: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends


Fruits Basket LOL

Uploaded for the SOLE purpose of showing Green Kirby a silly refrence at the end of that vid.
But the enitre vid is hilarious.

If you haven't seen Fruits Basket yet, and you liked the vid, I'd suggest watching it. ;)
Its my favorite anime AVER! And I've seen many an anime.


I'm sad. I have no PS2 memory card, and I wanted to play FFX, so I did. I had over 120 hours of continuous play time, most Al Bhed primers, four fully-powered Celestial Weapons, several Blitzball leagues completed, Rikku and Tidus at around 80 evasion, Yuna at 168-ish evasion, two people with Auto Life, around 900,000 gil, all but three Area Creations unlocked, four Species Creations unlocked, three Original Creations unlocked, had grinded on Pteryx for several continuous hours since he's the easiest monster arena enemy that drops stat-improving spheres (evasion, which explains my rather unbalanced stats), had the game completed up to the point of the last Seymour battle, went to the Omega Ruins to catch some Floating Deaths so I could unlock One-Eye, and got[spoiler=red text for zeke-kun!]FUCKED OVER BY A FUCKING GREAT MALBORO.

[/spoiler]Spoiler'd, pointlessly large and red and explicit and overall angry rant summed up: always have at least one [First Strike] weapon in the Omega Ruins.



I was going to make a Great Malboro version of that pic, but there are exactly -0+0j good pictures of Great Malboro on the internet. Not even any rule 34, as far as I can tell. :|

Edit: I was going to play FFVII, since I know I actually have a PS1 memory card, but then I realized that I don't know where it is, either. "Fun" in every sense of its antonyms.


I needed a good laugh, thanks guys.

Well, I don't feel as bad today as I did yesterday, but I'm still scared to eat anything and everything in my small intestines has been running through my body like water through a faucet. :icon_sad:

I got off of two days of work for this?!? Sheesh!


[21:53]   =-=   YOU (GF_Kennon) have been booted from #metconst by Zhs2 (Next cyborg'd name gets a ban)
[21:53]   <GF_Kennon>   :(((((((((((
[21:55]   <hayashi>   Z.H.S.2: Zucchini-Holding Samurai 2
[21:56]   <GF_Kennon>   [21:53] =-= YOU (GF_Kennon) have been booted from #metconst by Zhs2 (Next cyborg'd name gets a ban)
[21:56]   <GF_Kennon>    (Next cyborg'd name gets a ban)
[21:56]   <Zhs2>   oh shi--
[21:56]   <GF_Kennon>   that means you
[21:56]   =-=   Mode #metconst +b *!* by GF_Kennon
[21:56]   =-=   Zhs2 was booted from #metconst by YOU (Zhs2)



YAY!  MetConst has now reached 50 members!  Shall we celebrate this event?

In other news, I just saw Transformers 2 last night, and I must say that it is one of the best movies I have seen in a while.  Also, we are supposed to see Over the Rhine play in a concert tonight, but it's raining a bit right now.  I hope it doesn't get cancelled.

Also, I am severely disappointed in you all for your lack of replies.  I had to edit this frickin' post to add more talk that was unrelated to the post's original subject.


sorry phazar :(
I am unsick.
I want to see Transformers! ;n;
IDFK pointless post is pointless. I'm kinda too lazy to type a full sentence.


Well, the rain cleared up, and that was an awesome concert.  OtR had a symphony playing beside them tonight, which enhanced their already-great music.

* Phazar np: Over the Rhine - I Radio Heaven

They didn't play this at the concert, but it is still a great song of theirs that happened to pop up while I had my iPod on shuffle mode.

Big Gay Cell

Woo, Brock Lesnar just beat the living Hell ouf of Frank Mir!  What a fight!


I feel better today. Cheese still makes my head hurt, but I am living. :)

Also, this picture seriously made my day:


Quote from: Bloodsonic on July 11, 2009, 08:09:47 PMI am uNsick.

I'd just like to say that my dad is awesome. His computer kinda crapped out (it was only 8 years old... ish), and as a replacement he got an XPS. Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66 GHz 4-CPU processor, 4 GB RAM of some type (probably DDR2), 1 GB VRAM, and something like 250 GB of overall kickass. I have never been around a computer that nice before, so the first thing I did with it was run M$ Flight Simulator 2004 on pretty much all maximum settings, which it handled with no problems. Then I got a couple games and played with them over the weekend, then got home and started playing PoR because I brought my Wii home and didn't want to spoil the memories of such a great computer with this hunk of shitgiggles.

Big Gay Cell

Happy Birthday to Grime!  :D


i am MELTING!  :O_o:


[00:17] <GF_Kennon> holy hell
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> 90C????
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> how the frak
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> wat the hell
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> noooooo
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> 91C
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> dont go up
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> down damn it
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> DOWN
[00:17] <GF_Kennon> FUUUUUU
[00:18] <GF_Kennon> 92C
[00:18] <GF_Kennon> waaaaaaaah
[00:18] <GF_Kennon> im becoming unstable
[00:18] <GF_Kennon> 93C
[00:18] <GF_Kennon> how the hell can something run that high
[00:19] <GF_Kennon> 94
[00:19] <GF_Kennon> i swear its going to explode
[00:19] * GF_Kennon thinks he should record this
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> but that could make it even more unstable/hot
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> 95C
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> panic panic panic panic
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> AAAAAAAAHHHHH
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> frak this is insane
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> NOOOOO
[00:20] <GF_Kennon> 96C
[00:21] * GF_Kennon records
[00:21] <GF_Kennon> 97C
[00:22] <GF_Kennon> do i smell melting plastic
[00:27] <GF_Kennon> frak this
[00:27] <GF_Kennon> what the frak is going on


I LOLed while I read that.  It just seems like something out of a comedy.  But realistically, that would suck.  I hope the laptop cools down soon, or it might overheat like my dad's did!


I noticed it was your GPU that was running hottest; if you turn off all hardware accelerations, you might be able to reduce the problem.


Is GF_Kennon a drunk or not?


Nope.  Not usually, but no one knows....

But what does that have to do with anything?



I hate to break it to you, but you'll all be without me for a week.  I'm off to Yellowstone and the Tetons on a family vacation.  I'm going to have some fun hiking.


I'm in sort of a paradox over my working hours at Subway.

I like opening the store, its easy as hell, and I'm better than everyone else at my store at doing it.  I can get everything done early, and then stand around until lunchtime.  Opening requires I prep all the food for lunchtime, and get the store up and running.  But I have to wake up at 5:00 am.  Also, If I open, I can usually go home early, something I can't do if I close.

I like staying up late, so closing is my other choice.  I'm better than everyone else at my store at closing to. (go figure, those lazy shits)  I actually have to try at my job when I close, and usually get pissed at my co-workers for being lazy shits.  Closing requires I clean everything for the next day.  I usually can get out of there at 11:00pm to 11:15pm and we close at 11:pm ;).

Any shift in between I hate.
sidenote: I plan on reserecting the dream/nightmare topic soon, once I get a cool dream! :D
Its been over a month since anyones posted in it! Damn you people and your lack of SUPA AWESOME DREAM SEQUENCES!


Quote from: squishy_ichigosidenote: I plan on reserecting the dream/nightmare topic soon, once I get a cool dream! :D
Its been over a month since anyones posted in it! Damn you people and your lack of SUPA AWESOME DREAM SEQUENCES!
Heh. I've been having dreams, but I keep forgetting to write them down. I think I even had one recently that related to the chapter story hayashi and I are working on.

Also, I really, really need to find a mod for the "month bump" feature on here...


I had oral surgery today.