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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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It's 4AM, I'm comfy in bed, and cannot sleep. =_=


I got my nasty cast off!

Joints hurt like hell. Got a brace for the arm. fun times.


Just got home from my first day at school. I'm at the ninth grade now.
Well, it was a rather easy day (we mostly just sat there doing nothing, except writing a little), but that goddamned Swedish teacher gave us two pages of homework. First day at school, and the first subject to be given homework of was Swedish. And it's not one of my favorite subjects either.

Jag är arg just nu.


Take it from one who has been there.  Enjoy every day of school.  The minute you're out in the big, bad world, you'll wish you could go back. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on August 16, 2011, 07:58:42 AM
Take it from one who has been there.  Enjoy every day of school.  The minute you're out in the big, bad world, you'll wish you could go back. :^_^:
true that

Zero One

Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 16, 2011, 08:13:36 AM
Quote from: Quietus on August 16, 2011, 07:58:42 AM
Take it from one who has been there.  Enjoy every day of school.  The minute you're out in the big, bad world, you'll wish you could go back. :^_^:
true that

Heh, I'm glad I've finally left school. Granted, I haven't left education and I'm sure I won't do until I'm nearing 30, but primary and secondary school were hellish. I'd never go back there.


That's still classed as school to me.  I simply meant once you're done with learning, and you're out, having to work to pay your mortgage and bills.  Then you'll see.  If I knew then what I know now...

...those schoolgirls would be sooo fooked. :twisted:


Since i plan buying an android phone sometime today i figured i would try the sdks emulator and that is what led to me posting using the emulator (which is kinda slow[understandebly]) so meh!!!


Hey, I'm about to go get a Droid Charge! :hfive:




My neighborhood had a zombie apocalypse black out about 5 minutes ago. It was kinda awesome.


Bumping TotD? :D!:

Fun story (with provided emoticons to express my mood).
I'm arachnophobic. So last night around 2:15am, I'm laying in my bed watching some anime and somehow, in the low light level, see a spider crawling across my bed slowly working it's way to my hand :noes:. Me, having said phobia, I jump out of bed and try to fling the thing out of my bed. I jump out of the bed and go to grab a thin cardboard card. It crawls out of my bed, onto my floor, and behind my bed in between the wall :>_>:. Mind you my bed doesn't have a bed stand, so I pull it off of the wall, and now the spider decides to crawl up my bed and between my mattresses. Eventually, I flick my sheets back to get a better view and it jumps off my sheets, onto the floor. Time to kill it. I go and grab my flip flop, try and slam it down, but it jumps away behind my bed... again. :FURY: I chase it out and now it runs into a little green crate (that I was going to throw out, but for some reason is still in my room). So I tip the crate around, it comes out, goes to run inside my closet (which would be the worst place for me to have to find it), decides not to, then runs out into the open in the hallway, then to the living room, where I smash the shit outta it with my flip flop. This took 45 minutes. =_=

On a side note, I've decided to undertake a small 'challenge,' if you want to call it that. I'm challenging myself to release a hack by the end of September. Nothing huge, more like a minihack.




Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 09, 2011, 04:45:18 PM
so i'm digging around looking for death animation, and bam this pops up in my face on a test.


what doom 

has any body ever seen this?[/spoiler]

Certain bytes can do it, inserting the cartridge slightly wrong can also do it. It also deletes save data!




I feel you are misusing the word epic there.




No, see, it wasn't epic. At all.
A facepalm moment? Sure, I won't argue with that. But not epic. No sir.

I feel the word is overused these days, and has lost some of it's meaning. A shame, I must say.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on September 02, 2011, 04:01:35 PM
No, see, it wasn't epic. At all.
A facepalm moment? Sure, I won't argue with that. But not epic. No sir.

I feel the word is overused these days, and has lost some of it's meaning. A shame, I must say.





Some time ago I bought a gel ink pen. I was curious and read description. I liked one part. Maybe you'll like it too.
Not recommended to store in temperatures below 0C.

[spoiler]If you understood the last part as "temperatures below $0C" which means "temperatures below 12" you may proudly call yourself The Programmer. Because there wasn't a degree sign and space like this: 0° C[/spoiler]


After a rather long hiatus I'm finally back. Again. Getting back into my hacking mood, looking forward to playing some more hacks. I'm actually rather surprised nothing new has been released in the months I was away. Anyway, there is a small chance that Fear might get finished with this round. (A very small chance, like %2) But that is way better than it was last time.

In other news I've been practicing my guitar, writing absurd things, staring at my lava lamp (Is there a better mind control agent around?), drinking lots of coffee, and generally being my normal self. But I've missed the community. I think it is time for me to kick some hack around, watch more of Person701's LPs, and be of help to anyone that can use my rather limited skills.


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 12, 2011, 12:09:44 AMwatch more of Person701's LPs
Glad you enjoy 'em. I can say the same for yours (ShyGuyExpress, right?).


Yes, ShyGuyExpress would be my account. And thanks for the compliment.


got in a street race with a v8 lowrider dodge truck. it was F@#!ing awesome. i had him from 0-80 then he gained lead and was pulling away at 120. the out of nowere my speedometer took a shit, dropped and locked at 80. good race though, that truck was fast.