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[SM] upgraded Template hack with Tileset Arrangements

Started by Aran;Jaeger, October 29, 2018, 01:16:24 AM

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Here's a new, improved Textures Template:

IPS patch:
mdb file:
level_entries file:

Note that in order to open this Template with textures (with SMILE 2.5), one should make a copy of the folder called ''smile'', then go into that copy folder and from there into the folder called ''files'', to find a ''mdb.txt'' file and ''level_entries.txt'' file, which should both be taken out and substituted with the corresponding 2 files linked above.

What was done, and how:
First, I took the old Template hack that was finished a while ago (information on it here:,18.msg62800.html#msg62800 ), and fixed some things in it:
° Every room now has twice as much space available and associated to it (4048 bytes) than before.
° The level_entries and mdb text files were fixed (since the first and last room other than the Test room didn't properly show up their corresponding byte space limits, but they do now).
° From all rooms (except the Test room), the garbage tiles that initially showed up were turned into air, and every room now has a (working) Layer 2 Background added to it.
° In the FX1, the Surface Start and Surface New values have been put to the normal default value FFFF instead of 0000 for when there's no liquid used, and the A/B parts have been fixed by turning them to ''02 - normal -- USED'' instead of ''00 - bad x-ray scope''.
° But mainly, I added the following (in a process that took about 10 hours of work per day, for about 1 full month): In SMILE 2.5, I opened up my hack Template and went through almost every single tile from the tileboard at the bottom left of the editor, for every tileset from 1 to 29, to fill rooms with arrangements of tiles into either walls or floors/ceilings, or squared shapes mostly. Hereby, the arrangements mean that I took some tile that has some preferably unique look and I place it somewhere in an empty room, then I'd flip a copy of that tile vertically and attach it right under the initial tile, then I'd take both tiles and flip them together sideways and attach copies of that to their side. Then I'd take that 2 by 2 tiles square and copy it either sideways or vertically to get a floor or wall shape. Then I check if I like what I see to keep it or continue by either shifting 1 part of the 2 tiles thick floor/wall 1 tile ahead to possibly get a wave form, and then I also swap the sides, where 1 line is then attached to the other side of the other tile line, and so forth. And that is about how I went through these tilesets to create interesting building stones for the environments. At the end, I put the obtained structures properly ordered within the rooms. For different palette versions of tilesets (such as Red Crateria instead of normal Crateria), I didn't arrange the structures again separately, but mostly took over the already arranged structures from the other palette version of the tileset. So effectively, as building principle I was trying to make as much use as possible of various symmetries and patterns for arranging tiles either alone or in combination with other tiles for simultaneous flips of a line of tiles (which likely works better for short rows or coloumns of tiles that originally are meant to be together), but there is still a lot more possible in this direction. Generally though, the more symmetries some tile already has, the less interesting it usually is for this process, which on the  other hand-side means asymmetric tiles (preferably not too dark and with clear visible edges) usually are good candidates to get nice results. However, I did not make pattern structures out of extremely dark or close to invisible tiles (such as some Ceres background screen tiles and steam-/fog-like grey-ish Norfair tiles).
° I also applied various flips to the tiles for the Map Editor to make arrangements of these.

How the Template rooms with tilesets are organized (counting rooms from the top of the list):
* Room 1: Kraid's Lair (8)
* Room 2: (outside) Crateria (1)
* Room 3: Red (outside) Crateria (2)
* Room 4: (inside) Crateria (3)
* Room 5: (active) Wrecked Ship (5)
* Room 6: (inactive) Wrecked Ship (6)
* Room 7: (pink/green/blue) Brinstar (7)
* Room 8: (black) Brinstar (9)
* Room 9: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 10: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 11: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 12: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 13: (normal) Tourian (14)
* Room 14: (turquois) Tourian (15)
* Room 15: (normal) Ceres (16)
* Room 16: (grey) Ceres (17)
* Room 17: (dark blue) Ceres (18)
* Room 18: (dark blue) Ceres (18)
* Room 19: (dark blue) Ceres (18)
* Room 20: (bright green) Ceres (21)
* Room 21: Golden Statues room (24)
* Room 22: Kraid's room (27)
* Room 23: Crocomire's room (28)
* Room 24: Draygon's room (29)
* Room 25: (pink/green/blue) Brinstar (7)
* Room 26: (pink/green/blue) Brinstar (7)
* Room 27: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 28: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 29: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 30: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 31: (upper) Norfair (11)
* Room 32: (normal) Tourian (14)
* Room 33: (normal) Ceres (16)
* Room 34: Kraid's room (27)
* Room 35: Kraid's room (27)
* Room 36: Draygon's room (29)
* Room 37: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 38: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 39: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 40: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 41: (bright) Maridia (12)
* Room 42: (bright green) Ceres (21)
* Room 43: (bright green) Ceres (21)
* Room 44: (bright blue) Ceres (20)
* Room 45: (bright blue) Ceres (20)
* Room 46: (bright blue) Ceres (20)
* Room 47: (grey) Ceres (17)
* Room 48: Common Room Elements (CRE)
* Room 49: Common Room Elements (CRE)
* Room 50: Common Room Elements (CRE)
* Room 51: (dark blue) Ceres (18)
* Room 52: (dark green) Ceres (19)
* Room 53: (dark green) Ceres (19)
* Room 54: (dark green) Ceres (19)
* Room 55: (dark green) Ceres (19)
* Room 56: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 57: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 58: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 59: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 60: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 61: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 62: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 63: (dark) Maridia (13)
* Room 64: (lower) Norfair (10)
* Room 65: (upper) Norfair (11)
* Room 66: (brown inside) Crateria (4)
- - -

Map Editor tile arrangements (which can be found by going to ''Tools'' and then ''Map Editor''):
* Room 1 (but also any other room other than room 2 or the Test room): First part of arrangements

* (only) Room 2 (since that one is set to be a Brinstar room): Second (and last) part of arrangements

Sidenote: In the Map Editor, by changing the bottom left value that is displayed (in the range from 0 to 7), one can change the colour in which those map tiles are displayed. More information on the Map Editor is in this video:

Here's some examples for the map tiles when they are shown with a colour change:

- - -

Purpose/intention of this project:
One goal of this is to create/have a better starting point to make it easier to get into hacking with an initial prepared template hack from where anyone can start making new hacks out of this instead of starting with the original game, but the use of this template hack isn't restricted to that and contents from the template hack can instead also be taken over to other hacks. Other than this, I plan on using this as basis for making my own hacks but also want this to be available for everyone, and I wanted to generalize some parts of Digital Mantra's stylistic design approach (from Eris), and I wanted to find out if and then show that there's still a big potential in the original tilesets for creative looks of rooms. I hope this can also motivate people to get into SM hacking or to continue doing so by making use of this Template with the various ''textures'' that it provides.

Noteworthy information:
There is in total 6 Ceres tilesets, of which only 2 are used. Those 2 only differ in the way in which the colours are distributed to the tiles, and the same holds for the remaining 4 Ceres tilesets, namely that structurally there's only 2 unused types but for each exist 2 different colour distributions to make 4 of them in total. The messy Ceres tiles due to some (green) foreground setting cannot be seen in quickmet (in SNES9X) apparently, but will appear normally in actual gameplay, so there's no need to worry about them not showing up.
The variations 22, 23, 25, and 26 of the Golden Four statues room tileset are not directly covered, but in the room with the tileset 24 (which is one of them), one can simply change the tileset value to one of the others to see what the patterns look there.

Things that can be done with this:
° One can change the palettes of some of the original tilesets (to immediately see the changes that happen to the already arranged structures in the corresponding rooms) by using the Palette Editor (at the top left) within the window for the Graphics Editor (under Tools) (MetroidMST's Graphics Editor tutorial video: ).
° One can exchange some of the original tilesets with new custom ones (of which one can find various of them among the resources, or one can extract them from hacks that used custom tilesets (*), to insert them into the Template hack and see at least a bunch of structures that use the new tiles (but most of those will likely be messed up, but at least one can get quick feedback on what might be possible with a custom tileset's arrangements).
° One can enter in SMILE 2.5 (or SMILE RF possibly) any of the rooms from the Template hack, then move around some of the structures or tiles that one wants to use in a different ROM (possibly a Work In Progress hack), then right-mouse-click and hold and drag a rectangle over the chosen tiles (up to the size of a 16 by 16 tiles space), and then go to the ''File'' button at the top left corner and choose ''Open New ROM'', to choose and open another ROM that also has that original tileset that the tiles are from, and then one opens any room there and can left-mouse-click to paste the tiles that one wants to use into that room.
° If one uses a static background, then one can drive this even further to obtain fascinating results by putting some wall or floor structure at some spot into the background (the hotkey to toggle between background and foreground to edit background tiles without affecting normal foreground tiles is the function key F1), and then take another structure (consisting of tiles that should have at least some transparent/black parts left in the 16 by 16 pixels space of the tile) and putting it on the same spot as overlay on the background to get a mixed look consisting of both structures.
° If someone finds that some tile structures listed there don't quite fit but are close to working properly as wanted, there'd always be the option to use external programs to fix the tiles by drawing some pixels part of the tiles differently in order to make the structures fit.
° (...?)

(*) Links to custom tilesets that are provided by Metroid Construction:
20 custom tilesets:

misc tilesets:

Mission Rescue's Wadaria tileset:

Maridian reef tileset (like from Sunshine Oddity):

Castlevania abandoned mines tileset:

Arrival ice cavern tileset:

Arrival sloped Brinstar tileset:

dark Frigate tileset:

Wrecked Ship tileset:

fusion tilesets:

techno tileset:

Vol Paragom tileset:

Anchient Chozo Norfair tileset:

Erodia game tileset:

zero mission tileset:

jungle chozo ruins tileset:

graveyard tileset:

rustwork tileset:

fake Aegis tileset:

SZM Tourian tileset:

Chozodia tileset:

some spaceship tileset:

And here's some suggestions for hacks that use custom tilesets that one can look into to find candidates for new useful tilesets:
* Eris
* Ice Metal
* Phazon
* Project Base
* Super Zero Mission
* Final STand
* Hydellius
* Lost World
* Advent
* Dark World
* Super Mega-Metroid X-2
* Grand Prix
* Grand Prix 2
* Sil
* Sigma++
* Temporus
* Event Horizon
* Retaliation
* Inertia
* Wet Winter
* Hallow Eve
* Rulers of Ruin
* Ice Returns
* Sunshine Oddity
* So Little Collab
* Rainbow City
* Volta
* Mission Rescue
* Funkland
* Blockland
* Hell
* Save Room Darkness Returns
* Exia
* Hangtime
* Hauntroid
* Hyper Metroid
* So Little Garden
* Nature
* Contention
* Arrival
* So Little Items

Here's a list of tilesets that only differ in palette (such that one can just toggle the tileset that's used in a room to the tileset version with the palette that one wants), together with many screenshots that show most of the content of those 66 rooms:
° (outside) Crateria (1) / Red (outside) Crateria (2)

° (inside) Crateria (3) / (brown inside) Crateria (4)

° (active) Wrecked Ship (5) / (inactive) Wrecked Ship (6)

° (pink/green/blue) Brinstar (7)

° Kraid's Lair (8) / (black) Brinstar (9)

° (lower) Norfair (10) / (upper) Norfair (11)

° (bright) Maridia (12) / (dark) Maridia (13)

° (normal) Tourian (14) / (turquois) Tourian (15)

° (normal) Ceres (16) / (grey) Ceres (17)

° (dark blue) Ceres (18) / (dark green) Ceres (19)

° (bright blue) Ceres (20) / (bright green) Ceres (21)

° (normal) Golden Statues room (22) /  (brown) Golden Statues room (23) / (blue) Golden Statues room (24) / (green) Golden Statues room (25) / (red) Golden Statues room (26)

° Kraid's room (27)

° Crocomire's room (28)

° Draygon's room (29)

° And last but not least, the CRE (Common Room Elements)


So effectively, there's ''only'' 15 different tilesets if one neglects palette changes, and for each type there's about 2 palette versions for them, as shown above.

The approach of overlapping such pattern tile structures is something that I have already tackled for 2 tilesets and I'll probably go through the others aswell to expand this even further. Here's some example screenshots of what can be obtained in this overlapping manner:

Most of these screenshots are older by now and they aren't covering nearly all rooms, so take a look in the Template for a lot more of these.

Happy Hacking!


It turns out that the above Template doesn't allow for the use of Layer 3 (for water/lava/acid/... effects), apparently. But this has been fixed with a new slightly changed Template (which however doesn't contain the tile arrangements that appear in the earlier version above). IPS patch:

(The mdb and level_entries files stay the same.)

Edit: And here's a quick explanation on how to copy room content (in the form of tiles) over from e.g. the Template hack to another hack, for the case that the 2 hacks don't share the same mdb file and level_entries file. In order to do this, one can use SMILE RF by opening its folder, going into the folder ''Files'', from there into ''Custom'', and in this folder one adds a new folder that has exactly the name of the hack for which SMILE RF should use the mdb and level_entries files that correspond to this hack. Then one opens this added folder and in there adds yet another folder and calls it ''Data''. Now put the hack's mdb and level_entries files into this ''Data'' folder, and that allows SMILE RF to automatically adapt/switch over to using these, when this hack is opened, which enables copying room contents over to this hack.


Here's a large list of screenshots that try to demonstrate or visualize various custom tilesets (with info on which tileset and from what hack it is) that exist already in public hacks, as overview to maybe not have to make own further tilesets but to recycle old ones:

Tileset 1

Tileset 7

Tileset 10


Final Stand:
Tileset 7

Tileset 8

Tileset 10


Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 8

Tileset CRE


Hyper Metroid:
Tileset 22

Tileset 25


Ice Metal:
Tileset 5

Tileset 6

Tileset 7

Tileset 11

Tileset 14

Tileset 28


Super Zero Mission:
Tileset 1

Tileset 3

Tileset 4

Tileset 5

Tileset 7

Tileset 8

Tileset 9

Tileset 10

Tileset 10

Tileset 11

Tileset 15

Tileset 17


Dark World:
Tileset 13

Tileset 13

Tileset 14

Tileset 14

Tileset 14


Tileset 1


Grand Prix:
Tileset 1


Grand Prix 2:
Tileset 1

Tileset 8


Tileset 1


Lost World:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 3

Tileset 4

Tileset 7

Tileset 13

Tileset 13


Tileset 1


Wet Winter:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2


Tileset 1

Tileset 2


Rainbow City:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 10

Tileset 11


So Little Collab:
Tileset 3

Tileset 12


Ice Returns:
Tileset 1


Tileset 1


Save Room Darkness Returns:
Tileset 2


Tileset 1


Tileset 1

Tileset 13


Tileset 2

Tileset 7


Tileset 10


Hallow Eve:
Tileset 1


Rulers of Ruin:
Tileset 29


Tileset 6

Tileset 27


Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 4

Tileset 6


Tileset 1

Tileset 2


Angry Fire Chozo:
Tileset 1


Tileset 11


Super Mega-Metroid X-2:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 3

Tileset 4

Tileset 5

Tileset 7

Tileset 8

Tileset 9

Tileset 10

Tileset 12

Tileset 13

Tileset 14

Tileset 22

Tileset 23

Tileset 24

Tileset 25

Tileset 26


Tileset 1

Tileset 7

Tileset 12


Event Horizon:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 3

Tileset 4

Tileset 5


Tileset 1

Tileset 7

Tileset 12

Tileset 13

Tileset 29


Sunshine Oddity:
Tileset 1

Tileset 12


Mission Rescue:
Tileset 8

Tileset 9


Tileset 0

Tileset 1

Tileset 2

Tileset 3

Tileset 4

Tileset 5

Tileset 6

Tileset 7

Tileset 8

Tileset 9

Tileset 10

Tileset 11

Tileset 12

Tileset 13

Tileset 14

Tileset 15

Tileset 16

Tileset 17

Tileset 19

Tileset 22

Tileset 23

Tileset 24

Tileset 25

Tileset 26

Tileset 29


Project Base:
Tileset 10

Tileset 26


So Little Garden:
Tileset 1


So Little Items:
Tileset 1

Tileset 2


Angry So Little Dread:
Tileset 13


So Little Time:
Tileset 7

Tileset 10

Tileset 11


Edit: And here is a zip with an ordered list of folders with GFX, TTB, and TPL files for each tileset (so that it these could be used together with the tool SMART, in order to be able to use all these tilesets for a hack using SMILE RF, rather than being limited to 28 different tilesets:

- - - - -

Here's a big list of existing, common, known aswell as rather unknown things to watch out for, regarding bugs, stucks and crashes (to be avoided; marked with their rough importance/probability of occuring via brackets):

° rolling into a tunnel with diagonal slope pushing Samus into ground or ceiling at a dead end
° having doors lead OoB/offscreen, or door-shell PLMs set to be respawning when they shouldn't
° being stuck suitless in a pit in water or within sand
° saving at savestation with (pause abuse and) 00 hp or low hp with forced (heat/enemy/environmental damage outside or not enough ammo to get back out)
° getting stuck within a respawning speed/supermissile/shot/bomb/grapple/...-block
° pushing or pulling Samus into a wall with grapple
° getting stuck between a slope block above Samus pushing her down and a ground-slope beneath pushing Samus up
° not having enough ammo nor any drop sources to get back (e.g. when a room's blocks respawn when it is re-entered)
° entering a spark-crash animation (without holding any button) while a yapping maw is active and just moved back to its idling spot
° having too many blocks (about 20 to 30) in a room set to be respawning and breaking too many of them simultaneous (to make other such blocks not work anymore temporarily)
° crumble-block respawning above Samus in a dead-end spot/chamber
° map breaking or (partially) resetting/forgetting pink areas when transitions between submaps aren't set up properly
° room tiles/tile-coloumns being mis-placed on screen when a transition is entered before screen caught up in direction of the door [, or when slope-elevators push Samus very fast, or when Ridley grabs Samus and flies up quickly]
° having left-over unused door-tiles/items/enemies/PLMs hanging around a room somewhere, possibly preventing a room from working/loading
° killing an eye door at same time as it spawns a projectile and staying in the room close to it for another roughly 9 seconds
° being carried by a yapping maw into a wall (or killing it before moving through a wall)
° having items set to be respawning when they shouldn't
° having solid-looking and as such intended blocks for walls/surfaces, but them actually being air-tiles to fall into/through/to OoB; or vice versa: transparent air that is a solid tile

(° entering a transition shortly before big metroid finishes hp drain (to be indefinitely put into forced crouch pose in the next room))
(° spawning inside a wall via suit animation)
(° killing Draygon with a horizontal spark from ground height and then be put into an immobile standing pose)
(° R-Tank triggering at the last frame of pausing before menu appears)
(° background music and sound effects stopping (e.g. after collecting an item or BT's shell PLM breaking in heat or other ways  of changing music) and then touching a transition)
(° triggering elevator transition blocks in elevator-shaft directly for an infinite elevator loop up and down)
(° Spazer+Plasma beam combination shenanigans (including SBAs))
(° all 32 projectile sprite slots being occupied with existing currently active sprites while entering a transition)
(° getting stuck in 2 tile high tunnel without morphball)
(° breaking glass tube at the same frame as entering a transition)
(° door transition waiting for fanfare (from previously collected item) finishing up)
(° doors leading to OoB, touching/shooting/powerbombing/interacting with a crash block, savestations spawning samus in wrong rooms or locations in walls)
(° glitchy bomb-grapple-hanging and transition trigger to spawn in walls)
(° r-tank triggering during elevator ride for loose elevator ride into OoB)
(° crouchjump-ceiling clip into OoB or open spot in ceiling to be stuck)
(° CF in a tunnel and getting into a ceiling and be stuck)
(° releasing grapple-hanging close above a flat/thin ground, extending samus vertically and falling through the ground)
(° draygon carrying samus and releasing her in a wall)
(° CF ending right when big metroid finishes the hp drain)
(° being positioned on a platform-type enemy that moves down and carries samus with it into/through ground or walls)
(° having a kihunter lose its wings high up in a room so it accelerates heavily, speeds up and falls through floor possibly OoB, or similarly with a WS robot that falls for a screen height or so)
(° bombing/bombspreading a reflec)
(° entering a door transition in the last pausing frame before menu appears, if playing on ZSNES)
(° grappling onto a grapple block behind crocomire while croc is stunned (from e.g. plasma beam) to not push samus away temporarily)
(° getting big metroid stuck inside ceiling or MB during stand-up-glitch, or firing a beam-shot via stand-up-glitch right before hyper is obtained, or getting hit by a bomb at the right time shortly before rainbow beam starts)
(° interacting with/pb-ing/shooting/touching a copy block part of a loop of copy blocks that circularly copy each other)
(° door shells using more than 1 door-shot block instead of copy-blocks and 1 shot block; mis-aligned spawning position of closing door shells in next entered room)
(° getting stuck in ground if CF happens at right time before rainbowbeam)
(° having certain PLMs positioned over each other (and interacting with them) )
(° accidentially drawing black-coloured tiles (in foreground, so samus disappears behind them) as air tiles onto open spaces in a room, instead of those tiles being the similar transparent tiles with similar appearance in SMILE)
(° blocking crocomire's path back to the right towards (acid) pool with solid tiles that crocomire cannot move through, causing a softlock/death; or blocking the area/ground beneath GT so when he falls, he never activates/stands up to be killable)
(° messing up some door transition data, so a door just crashes halfway through with blackscreen)
(° g-mode x-ray-shenanigans)
(° x-ray-climbing into walls)
(° a closing door spawning over samus when a new room is entered)
(° samus' spawn place being set within transition blocks that lead from a new room back to the old room and looping back and forth infinitely)
(° freeing samus e.g. with r-tank from bowling torizo hand or acid statue hand and entering transition when they'd teleport samus back into the hand)
(° grappling onto crocomire's legs)
(° bypassing screen scroll PLMs, keeping the screen from following samus, to move around blindly offscreen)
(° having the 2 parts, gate-pole and gate-head, set up in the wrong order of their PLM index, making it buggy/impossible to open/trigger the gate)
(° title intro demos entering doors to one can play in demos)
(° transition block/door reachable from the other side, placing samus 1 screen in the wrong direction in next room)

[° touching an invalid elev-transition block (for a room that doesnt have an elevator) and entering a new room (without pause-unpausing after last contact)]
[° samus being incapable of shooting anymore in case all 5 of her shot projectiles stay on screen or get caught and stop somehow]
[° samus being incapable of laying further powerbombs/bombs as long as 5 previous powerbomb's secondary, tiny, undamaging projectile-boxes keep existing in a room (possible by laying each new pb at 1st frame possible after previous pb]
[° powerbombs if layed OoB (really exactly only there?) exploding 5 times in total, each time after 65536 frames passed after previous explosion]
[° respawn bugs being invisible until they start moving, or when frozen, or being invisible every 2nd frame when they move]
[° obscure forced tech/mechanics/glitches required for progression]
[° permanent slowdown from draygon's goo by overlaying draygon/draygon's mouth with a pb hitbox, moving in front of his mouth to have a goo attach to samus (initialize slowdown) and die the same frame (cannot turn the slowdown off anymore); or by entering a transition while big metroid drains samus hp]
[° getting stuck in stationary downaim/down-facing midair pose inbetween 2 solidifying/solid blocks with 1 air block inbetween, or by aligning to a frozen/solid enemy that is barely by a pixel or 2 pixels deep entirely inside a wall]
[° r-tank triggering during 60th directional input at draygon, or 60th input during draygon carry happening during his slapping animation (to not be able to escape anymore until draygon is finished]
[° r-tank triggering during suit animation from collecting a suit]
[° too many projectiles/explosions spawning while an enemy/boss dies, so that some drops are prevented from spawning]
[° a secondary super missile immediately upon firing it (right after an initial super missile) despawning due to previous super missile still existing]
[° during quickmet: having a PLM positioned in the top left corner of the room]
[° bomb-grapple-hanging state with messed up graphics, triggerable in various ways]
[° triggering (with tools) a softlock where samus hovers in air mimicing being carried by draygon, by triggering a moonfall turnaround animation frame perfectly when knockback-frames end]
[° with Metroids (like in SM Melancholia), it can happen/occur that hitting them unfrozen with a super while turning around/holding away at the right time crashes the game]
[° heat damage effect occuring at the same time as a dash-press check for echoes occurs when running with speedbooster, to prevent or cancel blue echoes and loop samus echoes around the screen]
[° r-tanks triggering while samus is grapple-hanging, causing the screen to move away from samus until refill finishes]
[° shinespark echoes getting stuck on screen when they hit ninja-pirates the wrong way when they are invulnerable, or at draygon when samus sparked into a wall near turrets]
[° exiting a tunnel for which morph-lock and unlock tiles are used while bypassing unlock tiles, being caged in morphball]
[° doing a CF in a room that uses "28 - glowing visor dark room -- USED" or "2A - darker glowing visor dark room -- USED" for the A or B part for the room's FX1, causing sound to be off until the room is left (but doesnt preventing samus from leaving as opposed to audio breaking by other means usually)]
[° having a destructible block together with 1 or some copy-blocks that copy from this block or other copy-blocks, but when samus interacts with 1 or more of these copy-blocks trying to break it/them, without interacting with the original block, it can happen that the copy-blocks dont do anything, dont react/break]
[° running with speedbooster (or boostball and rapidly turning around) fast over thin 1/2-block tile high ground (consisting of green slope-tiles), and clipping through the ground that way (or by turning around while running fast)]
[° samus being placed 1 tile to the left while saving in a savestation if placed on left most possible textbox-triggering pixel and moving left while triggering it]
[° sparking into a wall / spark-crash-animation happening at the same time as a suit being collected due to its animation]
[° triggering a CF during suit animation from a suit item]
[° walking in x-mode into a solid object]


It's being a long time :^_^:
Because the concept of the template material on this topic is a very good idea, I posted Japanese machine translation on the Japanese page.

  • The translated page is here.
I think that there is almost no mistake because the long sentence translation accuracy of machine translation has improved than before.

I have not fully resurrected from illness yet, but I am doing activities little by little. We appreciate your continued support.