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Super Metroid Hidden by TN

Started by Jiffy, May 02, 2019, 10:44:46 AM

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Super Metroid Hidden

This was a hack found on the Japanese Super Metroid wiki:
Hidden is a full hack posted on 21st Jan, 2018, by the same guy who created Falling, TN.

Translated text reads:

Quote from: TNI will post a hack after a long time.

This time, basically, it is only change of the terrain and item arrangement that can be done with Smile, and there is no change of behavior or program.
If it is about killing time.

You don't need to use a technique such as clearing a wall.
I think round dashes are required for 100% items.

The resistance and endurance of some enemies and bosses have changed, but
As I did for my first film, I stopped doing it.
After all it will be just work ...

I'm careful not to be addicted, but if there are any, I would like to correct it if I can post it in a comment.

Version FINAL 2019-05-12 is attached. (Some changes were made by Sapphron.)

Known issue: Save stations in other profiles apparently do not work. This means that if you save in a save station in Save Slot A, then load Save Slot B, you will load up the save station from Save Slot A. Hopefully this will be fixed at some point.


Discussion for this hack can be placed in this thread.


I have the morph ball and 20 missiles but every other possible path seems blocked.   Feels like I should have bombs but can't find a way to access the area where I think they'd be.


Try poking the ceiling near the end of the long purple corridor, which is to the right, at the top of the 'main shaft'.


Yeah I found them shortly after posting.  Maybe why the hack is called "Hidden."  That was tricky and unexpected.


I fixed up this hack quite a bit because I felt it deserved a proper release with no permastucks and fixed graphical errors. The map is also fixed.


Are there any required heat runs in this?   I've found Norfair and don't have Varia.  Seem to need grapple, supers or PBs to go anywhere else.   But I haven't looked THAT hard yet.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on May 13, 2019, 10:25:19 PM
Are there any required heat runs in this?   I've found Norfair and don't have Varia.  Seem to need grapple, supers or PBs to go anywhere else.   But I haven't looked THAT hard yet.

Elevator into Norfair, top left room, speedblockz in the middle.
There's another elevator left of that room...


Already found that elevator.   You can get to that one earlier.   Beat Croc, got his goodie, trying to figure out what's next. 


I've got reasonably far in this hack (3 beams, morphball, bombs, missiles + supers, high jump, speedboost) but now find I need to perform a charge mockball to progress to a new area.  This is a bit of a bummer that an advanced technique got thrown in here.


edit: wait, if you have supers and three beams, I'm guessing it's charge wave and spazer, meaning phantoon is dead?
But only place I recalled needing speedboost mockball was on top of the landing site, and you seem to have avoided doing that? And even if not, you have super so you can take shortcut past that...
Please tell where exactly do you need to mockball?


At the landing site.  Yes, I defeated Phantoon.  I'm thinking there's something I need in the area beyond those speedboost blocks like power bombs or grapple beam?


That speed morph tunnel leads to an optional item.
[spoiler=Spoilers on where to progress.]You need to explore wrecked ship.[spoiler=more spoilers]You need to find bowling chozo. Iirc you can get x-ray by now, it might help with finding it, although you can use room/map clues.[spoiler=more more spoilers]Your next progression item is varia.[spoiler=more more more spoilers]And pb after varia.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]


Quote from: caauyjdp on June 07, 2019, 12:23:56 AM
That speed morph tunnel leads to an optional item.
[spoiler=Spoilers on where to progress.]You need to explore wrecked ship.[spoiler=more spoilers]You need to find bowling chozo. Iirc you can get x-ray by now, it might help with finding it, although you can use room/map clues.[spoiler=more more spoilers]Your next progression item is varia.[spoiler=more more more spoilers]And pb after varia.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

Thanks. Done all that.  Now I'm struggling to get to Dragon.  Any hints?


Hard to tell without seeing your map since it's a big area. Also, you could just lookup a playthrough? For example: by sapphronxd


Quote from: caauyjdp on June 10, 2019, 05:29:20 AM
Hard to tell without seeing your map since it's a big area. Also, you could just lookup a playthrough? For example: by sapphronxd

Thanks for the link.  I finished it!  The hack threw me when hidden parts weren't revealed by the X-ray scope.  That was a bit frustrating  :mad: But everything was good in the end  :yay:  I'd give this hack a solid 7/10.


I'm stuck. In order to proceed I need either supers, grapple, varia, or power bombs. Just beat croc and got the speed boosters. Can't get into the wrecked ship.. don't have supers, can't explore Norfair, don't have varia. Any hints?


I started playing this a few days ago. It is fun and I was just running around finding things and progressing. I have everything except screw attack, Plasma, and Space Jump. I am in a loop running around where Draygon shows on the map but no way can I find a way to get to him. Can anyone give me a hint? Thank you.

Edit: I found the way to Draygon. Well hidden.


Quote from: jet on September 12, 2019, 05:36:28 PM
I'm stuck. In order to proceed I need either supers, grapple, varia, or power bombs. Just beat croc and got the speed boosters. Can get into the wrecked ship.. don't have supers, can't explore Norfair, don't have varia. Any hints?

[spoiler]The wrecked ship will help you. Search around.[/spoiler]


I can't get into it. I don't have super missles


Not too bad of a hack, beat it in 10 hours and 43 minutes and 93% items.


I tried this again (quarantine boredom) and got stuck in the same spot as before and the same as Jet.  I just got speed booster.  But I can't get to Kraid's lair (no grapple), can't explore newly accessible parts of Norfair (no varia), and can't go any of the numerous places that require either PBs or supers.  I feel like speed boost should open the way to one of these items.  Anyone recall what I'm missing?


here a full game play of super metroid hidden if anyone interested actually 99% items :D