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Super Metroid Impossible Redesigned

Started by pathomSM, January 12, 2019, 01:02:35 PM

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The point of this hack from start to finish, throughout every single room, is to offer the player extreme challenge.  Design was not focused on since this was my first hack.

Many years ago, I watched a player on Youtube by the name of BeholdMyStrength.  He played Super Metroid Impossible.  He struggled countless times, took forever to beat it, but kept going until he finally managed to WIN and I applaud his efforts greatly.  I found it so amazing that it sparked something inside of me.  I thought about making a second Super Metroid Impossible but that was not all.  I wanted it to have what I wanted.  I wanted even more challenge.  A new experience where the player doesn't know where all the items are or where to go next.  And to even add difficult things that weren't present in the original.  So I decided I would try to make it.  I submitted it because I thought people would actually enjoy another challenging hack.  I didn't think there were so many people that would be against it.  I wanted the community to have another Challenge hack.  I am sorry you all hate it so much.  Maybe I should have started with something less ambitious, but idk, I just really wanted to give you guys my vision of Super Metroid Impossible. 


People don't like this hack for the same reason they didn't like the first SM Impossible.


Why did people not like the first SM Impossible?  I just looked at the comments under its ratings and nobody offered Saturn on there criticism.  I looked at that prior to making this hack.  I wish I had known.


Plenty of people liked SMI. However, it came out in a time when better hacks weren't so easy to make.

1. It being your first hack does not give it a pass for being shit. The funny thing is that you critisize z-factors design in your salty review of it, but that was meta's first hack, so I guess you're not allowed to critisize it right?
2. Your hack isn't even extreme challenge. It's just a worse version of SMI. And I liked SMI when it came out.

The hilarious part of all of this (well, aside from how incredibly salty you are) is that FullOfFail made the hack you keep pretending yours is, and he made it years ago. You want extreme challenge with save states required? In megametroidx2 you have 1 health, and no save stations.
You know what the difference with his is?
-it is aesthetically pleasing
-it has tons of variation in it's challenges
-it isn't just trying to copy a hack from a decade ago without making genuine improvements with the newer tools we have to work with.

Also I think you may have a bit too much salt in your eyes because meta was clearly making a joke bout it being short. But ya, it's cool for you to leave 1 star reviews on his hacks because you can't take any sort of criticism.


The salty one is actually you Quote58.  I'm trying to be reasonable in the forum asking for constructive feedback on the past Super Metroid Impossible.  And defending my hack when people put lies in the forum saying it's too short or badly designed.  It's actually well designed.  I play tested it many times and beat it a few times.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  We are all here to improve for the future.  To make better hacks.  Instead of attacking me in a malicious fashion, why don't you offer me constructive feedback. 

You also did not answer my question.  I asked what did people not like about the original SMI?

The Gaspachio

Quote from: pathomSM on March 13, 2019, 09:46:04 PM
The salty one is actually you Quote58.  I'm trying to be reasonable in the forum asking for constructive feedback on the past Super Metroid Impossible.  And defending my hack when people put lies in the forum saying it's too short or badly designed.
"lies". its a matter of opinion there bud.


Quote from: pathomSM on March 13, 2019, 09:46:04 PM
And defending my hack when people put lies in the forum saying it's too short or badly designed.  It's actually well designed.  I play tested it many times and beat it a few times.
Good design is also subjective; it is always a good idea to get outside opinions because people's judgment of their own work will always be biased.


There are many different paths you can go in this hack.  For example, the first PowerBomb is supposed to be collected after a Norfair heat run but I have seen 2 skilled gamers collect other PB's.  This is just one example.  It is not linear.  I think that is good design.  It gives the player more options.


That's like saying Mario Kart 64 isn't linear because some skilled racers are able to jump over half of Rainbow Road...


I am happy people play differently in my hack.  That's the beauty of it.  I knew about the Hero Shot in red tower.  I left it in just in case people wanted to go that way because it is a fairly hard trick for most people.  I wanted skilled players to play this hack.  That is the point.  It's not my intention for people who aren't as good to play it.  Obviously, there are different degrees of skill in players so something that is hard for one person could be easy for another.


I don't mean to derail this thread, but I've just created The Real Super Metroid Impossible hack.
[spoiler=Here's a spoiler of the first room]

It only took me 10 minutes, but there's a lot more effort in this room than in the entire hack this thread is for.


That is not funny.  That is a malicious uncalled for post Scyzer.  You should be ashamed.  You know that is ridiculous.  It took me months to make this hack.


Well, I suppose I could have just left an uncalled for and malicious 1-orb review of your hack instead, right? Because that's okay... right?


You should be better than to leave malicious pictures and comments to a new hacker to try to embarrass me.  That is just mean.  You should be ashamed.

If you want to offer constructive feedback, that is fine.  But malicious or aggressive attacks on my hack or me is not right.  Grow up.


Quote from: pathomSM on March 13, 2019, 10:18:36 PM
If you want to offer constructive feedback, that is fine.
That's what I was doing in the first place!

The Gaspachio

Quote from: pathomSM on March 13, 2019, 10:18:36 PM
But malicious or aggressive attacks on my hack or me is not right.  Grow up.
You did the exact same thing to Metaquarius.


It's all so unreal to me, I genuinely think we're being trolled.


Guys and girls, this is a learning experience.  We all want good hacks.  We all love Super Metroid.  Stop attacking me and my hack.  I haven't played your hacks yet Scyzer but I will play them and see if they are any good and let you know.  Feel free to leave constructive feedback.  But just aggressively attacking me is not helping anyone out.  Also, I have played many many hacks on this site so I have a right to offer my own opinions on them.  And I usually offer at least one sentence about it, not just post low ratings with no feedback.  Feedback is good.  And sometimes positive feedback is all people want to hear.  It makes people make better hacks on their 2nd or 3rd try.


Quote from: pathomSM on March 13, 2019, 09:46:04 PM
The salty one is actually you Quote58.  I'm trying to be reasonable in the forum asking for constructive feedback on the past Super Metroid Impossible.  And defending my hack when people put lies in the forum saying it's too short or badly designed.  It's actually well designed.  I play tested it many times and beat it a few times.

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  We are all here to improve for the future.  To make better hacks.  Instead of attacking me in a malicious fashion, why don't you offer me constructive feedback. 

You also did not answer my question.  I asked what did people not like about the original SMI?

For your next installment, you should be testing more. A lot more. For Nature, I ended up opening the tests to the public so that I was able to get a load of people testing at once to crush bugs. Even then, there were still bugs to crush, and I fear I could've done with some more testing!

pathomSM, I think people are overly critical of Impossible hacks, purely because they've been coming for years. Nobody wants to play an impossible hack because it's just the same game with added "difficulty". That being said, I haven't played this Redesigned version, but going on what others are saying about it, it doesn't seem to be much different. I'll have to take a look another day though.

As for this hack/review/salt/landing site flame war, don't let this thread derail any further. Take your battles to PMs. Keep the discussion here civil.


Seeing as this is your first hack, it's easy to let that be an excuse to avoid all of the criticism you're receiving, but really you should be taking in as much of it as you can. If you don't use your first hack and the mistakes people point out to you as a learning experience, all of your subsequent hacks are going to keep on sucking and making the same mistakes.


Thank you guys: 
1) I plan to beta test my next hack more.  Probably going to open it up to the public before release for the community to test it for bugs.
2) I'm really hoping my next hack Dark World, an exploration based Prime 2-like hack, will be better and hope that people like it more.
3) Finally, sorry for getting flustered at comments.  I can lose my temper when people are mean to me.  I'm just here to give you all cool/different hacks.  *sigh*


You're still making excuses for your actions. Saying that people are just being mean to you and all you're doing is making cool hacks.

It's interesting how after I took the time to play your hack and write a genuine review of it, both of my hacks get petty, resentment filled 1 star reviews from you.

But ya, it's totally our fault for being 'mean' to you.
I'm not buying your bullshit excuse pretending to be an apology, because I guarantee the next time you release a hack and people critisize it, this will happen all over again.

Trying growing up and taking criticism.


@Quote58: This is a forum for respectful people who want to discuss Super Metroid Impossible Redesigned.  Not for public profanity and aggressive behavior.  Keep the complaints to PMs please.  Thank you!


If this thread continues on the path it is going I will lock it. I will say your blantent "revenge reviews" as I'll call them show just how childish you are acting in this situation.

EDIT: Didn't realize it was already locked. Lol